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      Development EconomicsAmartya SenEntitlement ApproachHeriot-Watt University Research Park
What does it mean by the word “our”/”my-ness”/“my-dentity” or possedness(svatva) in the context of four Ls: Language, Labour, Land and Love ? The author of this paper has dealt with only two Ls: Language and Labour taking his cues from... more
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      Welfare EconomicsPolitical EconomyPhilosophy Of LanguageSelf and Identity
Prima pagina della traduzione dell'articolo ''Regole di proprietà, di responsabilità e inalienabilità: un'istantanea della Cattedrale'' (1972).
Il contributo è stato pubblicato sul fascicolo n.3 del 2020 della Rivista di Diritto Civile
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      Economical Analysis of LawLaw and EconomicsPrivate lawMethodology of law (research)
Review of Mark D. Friedman's defence of Nozick's 'Anarchy, State, and Utopia.'
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      KantAutonomous AgentesHuman RightsWelfare State
This paper has a threefold objective. First, it provides a comprehensive review of different approaches to analysing food security. Second, it highlights the added value provided by the capability approach and the human development... more
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      Human DevelopmentCapability ApproachAgriculture and Food StudiesFood Security
This short communication argues that Arrow’s Social Choice Theory, popularly known as the Arrow Impossibility Theorem (AIT), is a misnomer. For, rational social choices are perfectly possible within Arrow’s own conceptual framework. Using... more
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      Health EconomicsSocial Choice TheoryEntitlement Approach
The article dismisses most of the objections previously forwarded in this journal by Khandakar Qudrat-I Elahi against Amartya Sen's framework for famine analysis: the entitlement approach. Instead, the article argues that even 30 years... more
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      Entitlement ApproachTheories of Famine
This paper examines access to health care by poorer residents in Chennai, India. It reveals constraining and enabling conditions for impoverished users seeking treatment. We explore patterns of health-seeking behaviour through the... more
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      Access to health servicesUrban PovertyUrban HealthIndia
En el 2000, el Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora inició una propuesta novedosa a fin de dar contenido más sólido a las acciones de cooperación internacional de nuestro país. Entre otras acciones, el Instituto Mora... more
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      Community DevelopmentFood Security and InsecurityAgricultural EconomicsRural Development
Disasterassessmentisquitecomplicatedconsideringthenatureofthedisasterandmethodological ambiguitygeneratedduetodifferentguidelinesofdifferentinstitutions.Thisstudyanalyzedvarious... more
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      Disaster ManagementEntitlement ApproachEcosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction
through which access is negotiated ) to better understand implications and outcomes for water quality, affordability, health, and equity concerns . If we take these broader studies seriously regarding the diverse pathways and modalities... more
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      WaterWater resourcesAccess To WaterGhana
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      GovernanceUgandaWomenEntitlement Approach
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      WaterWater resourcesAccess To WaterGhana
The various crises of 20 th century are still alarming the present era. Developing working models or action plans to combat these crises is the need of the time. In this context the existing philosophies, theories and the approaches can... more
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      Development StudiesAdult EducationMillenium Development GoalsAmartya Sen
There is no question that transparency is an essential element of effective philanthropy. Foundation-grantee relationships are enhanced by mutual transparency and impeded by opaque practice. However, there are questions about the... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBehavioral SciencesNonprofit StudiesLeadership
Im Schweizer Kanton Glarus herrschte nicht erst im 'Hungerjahr' 1816/17 große Not, sondern bereits in den beiden Jahrzehnten davor, seit 1798. Ein wesentlicher Grund war die Massenarbeitslosigkeit der Baumwoll-Handspinner, die neu durch... more
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      Swiss HistoryUnemploymentFamine StudiesEntitlement Approach
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      Entitlement ApproachTheories of Famine
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      WaterWater resourcesAccess To WaterGhana