Recent papers in Enchantment
Concept of soul-construction by concept of "soul-neighbors", a potential help for enchantment.
Poker’s explosion in popularity over recent years has generated a potential demand for academic study into the game. This paper will describe and explain case studies of two poker players. Larry plays recreationally, looking to... more
This interview with Charles Taylor explores a central concern throughout his work, namely, his concern to “reenchant” self and world through a careful examination of value as emanating from the world rather than from ourselves. It focuses... more
This paper begins by drawing on accounts of enchantment as wonder by three authors (Alain-Fournier, Aldous Huxley and J.R.R. Tolkien) to explore its basic characteristics and dynamics. It then draws a contrast with the disenchantment... more
This article sheds light on public performances as important yet neglected sites for social entrepreneurship's discursive expansion as a fashionable model for social transformation. It approaches the strategic considerations behind... more
Comment l'identité musicienne se construit-elle à travers les pratiques des musiciens ? Les musiciens participent activement à la construction de leur identité de musicien en procédant à une mise à disposition d'eux-mêmes, toujours plus... more
Nowadays, massively development of food consumption makes many changes, including the humanbiological element, the eating activity. In Earlier, taste of food is a priority in exchange value, but everythingsbe changed because the new... more
Current debates about the Anthropocene have sparked renewed interest in the relationship between ecology, technology, and coloniality. How do humans relate to one another, to the living environment, and to their material or technological... more
Current debates about the Anthropocene have sparked renewed interest in the relationship between ecology, technology, and coloniality. How do humans relate to one another, to the living environment, and to their material or technological... more
Бул топламға «Ҳәзирги қарақалпақ филологиясының әҳмийетли мәселелери» атамасындағы халықаралық илимий-теориялық конференция материаллары тийкарындағы профессор-оқытыўшылар, докторантлар, излениўшилер, магис трантлар ҳәм зийрек... more
Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts beschäftigten sich die Kunsthistoriker Aby Warburg und Eckart von Sydow mit außereuropäischer Kunst. Sie waren von Kunstwerken fasziniert, die vermeintlich »primitiven« Kulturen entstammten und denen magische... more
El presente artículo se centra en la transformación y valoración de las magas y los libros de magia o grimorios en los primeros nueve libros del ciclo de Amadís. en estos textos, la mayor parte de los libros presentes en la diégesis son... more
Jung’s psychology is founded upon this problem: ‘Somewhere deep in the background I always knew that I was two persons’ (Jung & Jaffé, 1977, pp. 61-62). I intend to read the disquieting tension of this problematic as haunting everything... more
In a supposedly enlightened and disenchanted age, why has lyric poetry continued to make claims and perform gestures that are now otherwise inadmissible or even unimaginable? Animation, invocation, and unmotivated praise, apparently... more
This quirky film by director Ramaa Mosley has been begging for analysis since I first saw it in 2014. It follows the fate of a disenfranchised couple, living permanently on the breadline, whose lives are changed when they fatefully... more
The Otherkin are an identity-group of individuals who consider themselves to be non-human or not completely human. Over the past years, their online presence has grown, in particular through The Otherkin Community, Inc. Simultaneously,... more
This essay considers fairy-tale symbolism by means of a rather obscure tale, "The Maiden Who Seeks Her Brothers" (ATU 451). The discussion highlights the lunar aspect of fairy-tale enchantments in the woods. It also notes the... more
This book presents a philosophical study of the idea of reenchantment and its merits in the interrelated fields of philosophical anthropology, ethics, and ontology. It features chapters from leading contributors to the debate about... more
New look on the Sirens' song in Odyssey. A long tradition of interpretation based on subsequent poetical elaborations and allegorical readings of Homer has overshadowed the literal meaning of the passage dedicated to the Sirens in... more
This article focuses on the figure of Silvana, a witch in Sardinian folk tradition, placing her for the first time in relation to the mythical archetype of the Latin deity Silvanus and the salvans, its already known Romance successors in... more
Dans le mouvement populaire nord-américain des « funérailles à domicile », le mort est veillé à la maison par ses amis et sa famille, au lieu d’être pris en charge par une entreprise de pompes funèbres. Cette pratique met en évidence les... more
This article contributes to the understanding of the role of religion in the public and political controversies about homosexuality in Africa. As a case study it investigates the heated public debate in Zambia following a February 2012... more
The essay examines from a diachronic perspective the formulae of incantation addressed to Mother Earth, of which there are at least three examples dated between the 9th and 10th centuries, two composed in scripta latina rustica and one in... more
Nicolas Zorzin’s degrowth archaeology—and LouAnn Wurst’s radical response to it—are discussed in light of disenchantment and sustainable archaeology. Disenchantment is not just integral to degrowth archaeology, it is its reason for being.... more
Chapter Eleven from the book Re- enchanting the Academy, an anthology published by Rubedo press. In this chapter, enchantment is explored through significant aspects of the poetic heritage of the Western Esoteric tradition; from the... more
A kind of occult progress.
A mode of artistic representation that creates a sense of enchantment, an aesthetic of magic and mystery that animates the surrounding world, might be particularly effective in forging attachments with that world. This chapter... more
Certain deadening forces including disneyfication, museumization, and the standardization of heritagescapes have led to the loss of embodied, lived experiences. In an effort to (re)enchant how these landscapes are developed, managed, and... more
This editor’s introduction elaborates on the central aim of The Philosophy of Reenchantment: to present the first integral account of what is involved in understanding reenchantment as a distinctive approach to philosophy against the... more
Questo è il mio capitolo preferito del mio libro (quasi) preferito. È zeppo di idee - forse persino troppe. Ma, ridotto all'osso, sostiene che abbiamo ottimi motivi per stupirci del mondo, e anche per sentirci a casa in esso.
This paper seeks to explore the visions of AE in order to frame contemporary creative practices that actively seek numinous experience as part of a creative continuum. Of import are the diversity of AE’s visions: they span an... more
In this paper, I approach thinking as something that takes place in playful encounters with the city: it is then always connected to doing. New reflection emerges in everyday action with everything that comes together in a given event.... more
Aborder l'expérience du « ravissement » chez Homère pose d'emblée un problème méthodologique : l'ambivalence du terme dont Marianne Massin a rappelé le large spectre de significations, en particulier dans la tension oxymorale entre un... more
The focus of my talk is the standard thesis (or theory or master narrative) of the disenchantment of the world (Entzauberung der Welt). I am going to discuss at length one of the few recent attempts to systematically deconstruct it in... more
This paper challenges a longstanding consensus on the need to foreground the homogeneity, purity, and simplicity of fairy tales. It argues that the core of fairy tales is enchantment, a phase ruled by lunar time. The discussion examines... more
This paper explores tensions between scientific understandings of the internet phenomenon known as Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and accounts of the experience put forth by people who experience ASMR (also known as ASMRers).... more