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One of the most important lyric aspects in the work of Manuel Machado was undoubtedly the elegy. Articulated in a double formulation, literary farewell and epitaph, this elegy means, both in its form and its expression, a new course in... more
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      BohemiaModernismoElegiac PoetryFin de siecle Decadence
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      NápolesLatin Elegiac PoetryGarcilaso De La VegaFracastoro
Toward the end of the Exeter Book poem known as 'The Wife's Lament', the speaker of this monologue utters what has variously been taken to be a statement of philosophical resignation or a curse directed against her husband, from whom she... more
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      Old English LiteratureElegiac PoetryCursingThe Exeter Book
For centuries, scholars and school children have revered Thomas Gray’s graveyard poem, Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, for the philosophical questions it poses on perception, sociocultural influence and hidden virtue through the... more
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      Theology and the ArtsElegyElegiac PoetryGraveyard Monuments
Wealth and indigence are variable and essentially subjective ideas, characterized by the historical, economic, social and cultural contexts in which they are employed. The examples drawn from the literary texts of ancient Greece confirm... more
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      Greek LiteratureHomerHesiodic PoetryGreek Lyric Poetry
"Sedulius Scottus's De quodam verbece, a hundred and forty lines of elegiacs, is one of the most exciting Latin poems to survive from the ninth century; it is an impressive piece of serio-comic writing, one that draws daring parallels... more
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      PhilologyChristianityLatin LiteratureMedieval Studies
Elegy on the threshold. Antique heritage of the motif of paraklausithyron in the elegiac poems of the Renaissance period (usque ad Ioannem Cochanovium). Paraklausithyron — a lament beside a door, typically placing a lover outside his... more
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      Latin Elegiac PoetryGiovanni Gioviano PontanoElegiac PoetryJan Kochanowski
L’attribuzione delle Elegiae di Massimiano a Cornelio Gallo viene generalmente imputata a Pomponio Gaurico, nonostante essa sia testimoniata in parecchi codici preesistenti alla sua edizione dei Fragmenta (1502), per cui non vi è dubbio... more
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      PhilologyRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesClassical philology
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Sommario: p. 3 Introduzione p. 7 Cap. 1 L'elegia di argomento storico-mitico come genere letterario p. 23 Cap. 2 L'elegia diegetica tra l'età arcaica e l'inizio dell'età classica p. 51 Cap. 3 Le elegie di Simonide di Ceo sulle guerre... more
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteraturePapyrology
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      Comparative LiteratureClassicsLatin LiteratureAugustan Poetry
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      ClassicsPoetryStatius' SilvaeFlavian Poetry
al-Khansā’ (Tumādir) bint ‘Amr, a seventh-century tribeswoman of the Arabian Peninsula, was one of the most influential poets of the pre-Islamic and early Islamic periods. al-Khansā’, of the tribe of Sulaym, was undoubtedly the most... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PoetryClassical Arabic PoetryElegy
The elegiac poet and the tormented love with Delia, because the imperial law  (Leges de maritandis ordinibus) prohibited a marriage between peoples of different class.
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      Elegiac PoetryAntropology of Law
Manilius Cabacius Rhallus (Mystras 1447 - Rome 1523) was still very young, when he knew the fate of exile shortly after the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Moving to Italy, he settled in Rome and became known among the Italian humanists... more
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      Latin LiteratureReception StudiesMedieval And Humanistic PhilologyReception of Antiquity
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      Latin LiteratureFlavian LiteratureStatius (Classics)Classical philology
abstract: Since Lachmann's edition (1816), there have been many discussions on the extent of Propertius' second book of Elegies. Fundamentally, nowadays, we observe two trends in this respect: one that understands that Propertius' elegies... more
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      Latin LiteraturePropertiusLatin ElegyLatin love elegy
Resumen: LA ELEGÍA VALENCIANA COMO TEMA UNIVERSAL: LA CAÍDA DE VALENCIA DESDE EL ŠARQ AL-ANDALUS AL ROMANCERO FILIPINO Estudio de la formalización del concepto de Valencia como paraíso perdido, desde la literatura árabe del Šarq... more
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      HistoryComparative LiteratureCatalan StudiesMedieval Iberian History
Poema selecionado em concurso organizado pelo Diretório Acadêmico Carlos Drummond de Andrade, da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG. Dialoga, em primeiro lugar, com o Bartleby de Herman Melville, mas também com a poesia de Manuel Bandeira, o... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeGiorgio AgambenHerman MelvillePoesia Brasileira
Ovid’s exile to Tomi has appealed to the imagination through the centuries and has even spawned a literary genre. The circumstances of this exile, however, are shrouded in mystery, and scholars have endlessly speculated on the possible... more
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      Latin LiteraturePoetryLiterary TheoryExile
In Echoing Hylas, Mark Heerink argues that the story of Hylas—a famous episode of the Argonauts’ voyage—was used by poets throughout classical antiquity to reflect symbolically on the position of their poetry in the literary tradition.... more
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      Greek LiteratureLatin LiteratureHomerHellenistic Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry
"Hellenistic epinicians in elegiac couplets. A composition on boxing? Note on P.Schubart 13 (O.Berol. 9303)"
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic Literature
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      ClassicsHellenistic LiteratureClassical philologyGreek Elegy
Em muitas narrativas, há uma tensão entre a história que se desenrola ao receptor em um momento qualquer e a construção panorâmica do todo, a qual o auxilia a manter um foco e construir sentidos. Este livro reúne uma série de textos, em... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureHellenistic Philosophy
In Echoing Hylas, Mark Heerink argues that the story of Hylas—a famous episode of the Argonauts’ voyage—was used by poets throughout classical antiquity to reflect symbolically on the position of their poetry in the literary tradition.... more
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      Augustan PoetryArtBucolic PoetryCallimachus
In Echoing Hylas, Mark Heerink argues that the story of Hylas—a famous episode of the Argonauts’ voyage—was used by poets throughout classical antiquity to reflect symbolically on the position of their poetry in the literary tradition.... more
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      Augustan PoetryArtBucolic PoetryCallimachus
Un conocido proverbio afirma que “Los amados de los dioses mueren jóvenes”. Y así sucede, en efecto, en las páginas de Imágenes en fuga de esplendor y tristeza, donde se nos ofrecen, verso tras verso, las imágenes de jóvenes que, en... more
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      PoetryPoesíaJuventudPoesía española del siglo XX