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A brief overview of the Hyperloop using hover engines vs traditional maglev systems.
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      TransportationMagnetismMagnetic LevitationHovering
This paper presents details of the design and development of an electromagnet for use in magnetic levitation control system experiment. The method is purely based on numerical approach. Cast steel was used as the material, because of its... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMagnetic fieldGlobal EngineeringPermeability
This paper presents details of the design and development of an electromagnet for the use of industrial metal scraps cleaning. The method is purely based on numerical approach. Cast steel was used as the material, because of its high... more
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    • Electro Magnets
We develop analytical expressions for the magnetic vector potential and the magnetic field of modulated double helical coils. It is assumed that the coils are tightly wound, and can be approximated by two infinite... more
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      Magnetic fieldMagnetismSuperconducting MagnetElectro Magnets
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsMagnetic fieldMagnetism
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      AlchemyTantric StudiesEastern PhilosophyWestern Esotericism (History)