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Though the pedagogical concerns appear at the surface, the underlying goal of educational language policies is to maintain (or challenge) the power relation in the society through ideologies. Nepal's educational language policies can be... more
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      Language and IdeologyEducational LinguisticsEducational Language Policy
Este artículo de revisión contribuye a la comprensión de la política educativa para la enseñanza del inglés en Colombia en relación con la posibilidad que abre o limitación que representa para el ejercicio de la Pedagogía Crítica. El... more
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      Educational Language PolicyEducational Policy
As was the case with many newly independent African nations, Somalia was beset by a language problem whose complexity had begun well before independence and the unification of British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland in 1960. With three... more
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      Critical TheoryLanguagesCultural HistoryCultural Studies
This qualitative study was undertaken against the backdrop of rapidly increasing levels of immigration to Ireland and a subsequent growing increase in the percentage of children attending Irish primary schools with a first language other... more
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      MigrationLanguage PolicyEducational Language PolicyHome Language
Over the past 40 years, the University of Hawaii at Hilo (UHH) has come to have the highest percentage of Pacific Islander students in the ten-campus state University of Hawai'i system. In other parts of the U.S., native Hawai'ian/Pacific... more
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      Language and IdeologyIdeology and Discourse AnalysisMinority language rightsTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
This paper considers the role of Malay language loyalty and loss in South Thailand. The ethnographic material presented is based on the author’s ten years living and working among bilingual urban Malays, and a year making regular visits... more
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      EthnolinguisticsPhilosophy Of LanguagePeace and Conflict StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
This manuscript draws from a 2-year multiple-case ethnography on the educational experiences of Mexican immigrant families with California middle schools. The article explores the influence of the political landscape and raciolinguistic... more
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      Bilingual EducationEducational Language PolicyDual Language LearningEnglish Language Education Policy & Planning
El Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo colombiano busca mejorar el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera en los distintos niveles de la enseñanza. Hasta ahora se han realizado pocos estudios sistemáticos dentro de las escuelas que... more
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      Educational Policy StudiesEducational Language Policy
For over a century the Ainu language has been threatened with disappearance as a result of language policies imposed by the Japanese following colonization of Ainu Mosir (now known as Hokkaidō), the Indigenous Ainu homeland. With recent... more
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      GlobalizationJapanAinuEnglish as an International Language
The recent interest in heritage language education reflects an attempt to reverse language shift towards the exclusive use of English in immigrant families. However, most of the research in this area addresses either early childhood... more
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      Supplementary EducationRussian LanguageHeritage language studiesBilingualism
Individuals have their own culture and social structure. They are accustomed to the norms and practices of that social structure. But the advent of new elements brings notable changes in their particular social pattern. These changes have... more
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      American LiteratureLanguagesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
This presentation demonstrates the benefit of examining education language policy. Sign language studies document participants’ school location and attendance dates; addressing changing language policies in deaf education. Education of... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesLanguage Variation and ChangeIndigenous LanguagesLanguage Planning and Policy
Author(s): Ice, Anna | Advisor(s): McCarty, Teresa L; Vroon, Ronald W | Abstract: Framed by Spolsky’s (2004) three-part model for language policy, this qualitative case study examines the ways in which supplementary education and family... more
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      Supplementary EducationRussian LanguageHeritage language studiesBilingualism
The present study focuses on two special personalities of the trabzontian elite; the Metropolitan Bishop Chrysanthos Philippides and the journalist of the “Season” newspaper (Τrabzon, 1920) Nikos Kapetanidis. The study researches their... more
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      Greek LanguageHistory of EducationHellenismGreek Nationalism
The article provides a short overview how the competition between three languages – Estonian, Russian and English in the Estonian linguistic environment has manifested in education, and has been shaped by language education policy. As a... more
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      SociolinguisticsBaltic StudiesLanguage Planning and PolicyEstonian Language
This paper describes Malay negotiation with Thai Influences and Islamic reformism in Thailand’s far-south by analyzing the changes in merit-making rhetoric, rituals, and rationales. I begin by demonstrating how the local rise of... more
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      Thai StudiesReligion and Thai CultureReligion and ColonialismColonialism
av skriftlig produktion. Hon har bl. a. varit projektledare i AMKKIA-och KORU-projekten och gett ut böcker om dessa projekt. Sedan 2003 har hon varit medlem i studentexamensnämnden.
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      Second Language AcquisitionStudent Motivation And EngagementTeaching of Foreign LanguagesSwedish Language
A comparative educational language policy analysis between China, India and the United States.
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      No Child Left BehindEducational Language PolicyDual ImmersionComparative Educational Policy
The success of language planning efforts around the development of Bahasa Indonesia as the official language of the Republic of Indonesia is commonly seen at the same time to be a remarkable achievement and a necessary means to... more
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      Narrative InquiryEducational Language Policy
The Vanuatu government has recently implemented a policy of vernacular literacy. Children are now to receive the first three years of schooling in a vernacular language. Needless to say, in a country with less than 300,000 people (Vanuatu... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyLanguage EndangermentDialectsEducational Language Policy
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      Languages and LinguisticsYiddish LanguageSociolinguisticsYiddish
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceEducational Policy StudiesEducational Language Policy
As one of the most significant aspects of the Balinese economy, tourism attracts a large number of foreign nationals to the Indonesian island province. For a variety of reasons many tourists choose to study the national language (Bahasa... more
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      Narrative InquiryTourismEducational Language PolicyNeoliberalism & Governmentality