Education System
Recent papers in Education System
The Finnish education system has received attention from all over the world because it came out on top in the PISA surveys. Finnish 15-year-olds have been number one in terms of skills in science, mathematics, the reading of literature... more
This thesis consists of three empirical studies in economics of education on the determinants and consequences of language-in-education (LiE) policies. The “Environmental settings – Inputs – Processes – Immediate outcomes – Long-term... more
An enormous challenge when the Internet matured into a mainstream technology was meeting the information technology workforce needs in a competitive business environment. In anticipation of a similar scenario for upcoming grid technology... more
Aim: To investigate whether children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have bowel symptoms consistent with underlying enterocolitis. Methods: Information on children's stool patterns and gut symptoms collected by questionnaire at 4... more
Designers of AI educational systems have largely ignored the problem of choosing what information to present and how to present it because systems to date have not been faced with a large space of possible presentations. This paper... more
This short Country Report, a result of a larger infoDev-supported Survey of ICT in Education in Africa, provides a general overview of current activities and issues related to ICT use in education in the country. The data presented here... more
Purpose -This paper aims to identify and compare the nature of decentralization that has emerged in three important Asian societies after a decade of their involvement in the decentralization movement. Design/methodology/approach -Data... more
Networking and collaboration in educational settings have become increasingly important in terms of supporting innovation and policy developments in many educational systems. However, to date, the role and action of the middle tier... more
This paper provides a short review and a state of the art report on Webbased adaptive educational systems. The systems are analyzed according to applied adaptation technologies.
The number of students using the e-learning services provided by the central open education system at Anadolu University has been increasing day by day. More than 200 thousand students used the e-Book, e-Practice, e-Exam, e-Facilitator... more
Several trends in the principal's role emerged during the first year of administrative reforms. These included high levels of workload and stress as they implemented the new system; negotiation of new relationships with parents and... more
Personalised environments such as adaptive educational systems can be evaluated and compared using performance curves. Such summative studies are useful for determining whether or not new modifications enhance or degrade performance.... more
This article focuses on the critical role ICT policy design and implementation can play in developing a knowledge-based economy in distressed US communities. Using a multiple case study research design, the study tests three hypotheses:... more
This paper presents model-based assessment and forecasting of the Lithuanian education system in the period of 2001-2010. In order to obtain satisfactory forecasting results, constructing of models used for these aims should be grounded... more
In our work with professionals, we discovered that where there was an explicit need to talk about learning, everyday language is insufficient. For example, in a conversation between a manager and an employee preparing a personal... more
published by Taylor and Francis. It is posted here by agreement between them. Changes resulting from the publishing process-such as editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms-may not be reflected in... more
This paper analyses teachers' attitudes towards the use of textbooks as a means of understanding what happens in a heavily centralised education system. Whilst the research is based on a particular country, the lessons can be applied to... more
This paper examines the inherent link between a countrys education system and its compar-ative advantage in trade. It suggests that di¤erences in education systems across countries are probably a stable equilibrium result that is... more
The Constitution provides the ground rules to create obligations on the state and to transform the education system by introducing human rights in line with the best developed democracies. This article is not about state-compelled school... more
Geometry is taught as a subject-matter in mathematics courses at elementary school level, and as an independent course at secondary school level in Turkish education system. When the success levels of students regarding these two subjects... more
Within the context of learning technology environments, there is much effort on one hand, at de®ning metadata for educational content, and on the other, at specifying learner user pro®les. However, less attention has been paid to the... more
Agricultural policy has in the last 50 years taken much of the risk and the initiative away from Norwegian farm forest owners. Subsidies in agriculture have guaranteed an acceptable income and there has been neither need nor incentives... more
Interest is increasingly being recognized as an effective motivator for learning, however neither the constructivist learning environment design literature nor the motivation research literature directly address the challenges of... more
This paper attempts to offer an alternative framework for assessing education delivery in South Africa. Its purpose is to develop an analytic approach for understanding education delivery in South Africa in the last 11 years and to use... more
The study examined the theoretical and practical understandings of Cultural Studies at the lower primary school level in Botswana. The education system in Botswana intends to produce learners who are reflective, adaptive and who can... more
This article deals with the evolution of inequalities in access to tertiary education in the Czech Republic since 1989. Following the 'velvet revolution' in 1989, the demand for both secondary school education (with a secondary school... more
Professional development (PD) of teachers comprises a major challenge in many countries. The empirical relations between teaching-learning processes and student achievements occupy educators who construct teachers' in-service training... more
The phenomenon of extra tuition is witnessed in many countries and some educationalists have described it as a parallel education system. However, the incidence and impact of extra tuition have often not been studied systematically,... more
This paper aims at describing the building of an educational system for teaching and learning robotics systems. Actually, multimedia resources are used to construct a virtual laboratory where users are able to utilize functionalities of a... more
Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la reflexión existente en torno al proceso de adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, concretamente en el ámbito de la orientación y asesoramiento dentro del sistema educativo. En una... more
In this paper I respond to Ajay Sharma's Portrait of a Science Teacher as a Bricoleur: A case study from India, by speaking to two aspects of the bricoleur: the subject and the discursive in relation to pedagogic perspective. I highlight... more
Se describe la puesta en marcha de una nueva generación de pruebas nacionales que el Instituto Nacional para la Evaluación de la Educación (INEE) utiliza, en muestras de estudiantes con representatividad nacional y estatal, para evaluar... more
(IFPRI) was established in 1975. IFPRI is one of 15 agricultural research centers that receive principal funding from governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations, most of which are members of the... more
The methodology for the evaluation of educational systems is being developed in different elds, such as educational statistics, psychometrics, sociology and econometrics. Each discipline has developed approaches suitable for the analysis... more
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please... more
Classifying, categorizing, and labeling children to provide education and other social services often are considered essential to ensuring equal opportunity in the allocation of these services. Systems of classification and their related... more
In this paper we present new evidence on the impact of school characteristics on secondary student achievement using a rich data set from rural Bangladesh. We deal with a potentially important selectivity issue in the South Asian context:... more
Les notions d’échec scolaire et de démocratisation du système éducatif et de l’accès au(x) savoir(x) sont à la fois étroitement liées et éminemment problématiques. Polysémiques, elles désignent des réalités contradictoirs, que l’analyse... more
International consensus on education priorities accords an important place to achieving gender justice in the educational sphere. Both the Dakar 'Education for All'goals and the Millennium Development goals emphasise two goals,... more
During World War II, the United States was able to win important battles against the Japanese because among the American soldiers there were some American Indians who spoke Navajo -an indigenous language. Using the Navajo language as a... more