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The goal of this study is to perform a comparative analysis of agroecological and conventional small coffee farms. We investigated 15 coffee farms in the East region of Minas Gerais, a Brazilian rural region, based on coffee production... more
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      AgroecologySustainable agricultureAgricultureResilience (Sustainability)
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      Food SecurityEconomics of food security
This study calculates the economic feasibility of converting biomass from black spruce forests into biochar and using it as soil amendment to grow potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and beets (Beta vulgaris L.) to improve food availability... more
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      Canadian StudiesFood Security and InsecurityBiomassBIOCHAR
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
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    •   63  
      Political EconomySocial AnthropologyFood ScienceFood Safety
Postales desde el filo… de la crisis alimentaria por José Luis Vivero Pol y Andrés Pascoe Rippey 7 El FMI y el hambre por Serge Halimi 19 Motines del hambre por Ignacio Ramonet 21 El mercado mundial de cereales "revolucionado" por... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingFood Security and InsecurityGlobal JusticeFood
It is a well-known fact that millions of people all over the world do not have access to food on a daily basis or face hunger, malnutrition and starvation, despite the fact that their governments have ratified international treaties in... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsMillenium Development GoalsSouth African Politics and Society
International maize market is made up of a number of maize producing, exporting, and importing nations, with United States of America having a strong influence on international maize prices. Other significant participants include Brazil,... more
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      International TradeEconomics of food security
During World War I and II, modern states for the first time experimented with feeding--and starving--entire populations. Within the new globalizing economy, food became intimately intertwined with waging war, and starvation claimed more... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryGerman HistoryFood Systems
The topics before the General Assembly that will be dealt by the Economic and Financial Committee are:"Use of information and communication technologies for development" and "Empowering women to defeat hunger".
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      Development EconomicsEducationICT in EducationICT for Development
Food security is one of the indicators regarding the level of country's development and was named the first MDGs that to be reached by the 2015. The target is to eradicate the extreme poverty and hunger by half compared to the levels in... more
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      Food Security and InsecurityEconomics of food security
Purpose-This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian households at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach-Exploratory research was carried out with Peruvian... more
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      ManagementMarketingFood ScienceFood Security and Insecurity
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    •   79  
      Business EthicsLawInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
Although some production and marketing restrictions are barely defined, Dera area is a potential teff producer in Ethiopia’s Southern Gondar zone. The study analysed teff production, focusing on factors that affect the volume of teff... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsImpact EvaluationMarketing ResearchImpacts Of Climatic Change On Agriculture
This report details the history and current operation of ‘community kitchens’ in Peru and explores whether this model can be applied in alleviating food insecurity in the UK. In Peru thousands of comedores populares (literally popular... more
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    •   14  
      NutritionPublic Health NutritionSociology of Food and EatingFood Security and Insecurity
The anthology Sustainability: Global Issues, Global Perspectives gives readers a firm grounding in issues related to sustainability today. The book is rooted in the idea that to achieve sustainability requires an understanding of many... more
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    •   8  
      Sustainable agricultureSystems ThinkingEnvironmental SustainabilityFood Security
A genetically modified (GM) food is a result of recombinant DNA biotechnological procedures that allow the genetic makeup of an organism to be modified. This can be accomplished by incorporating genes from other organisms or by... more
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      Development StudiesFood Science and TechnologyFood SecurityEconomics of food security
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureFood Security and InsecuritySouth African Politics and Society
Executive summary This study undertakes an assessment of the food and nutrition security (FNS) needs in Nigeria, its policies and strategies to address those needs, and the resources available to implement thepolicies. The assessment is... more
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      Public Health NutritionSustainable DevelopmentAgricultural EconomicsFood and Nutrition
Entre el débil y el fuerte, la libertad oprime y la ley libera" Henri-Dominique Lacordaire
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      Political EconomyEnvironmental LawHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Youth graduates pursue jobs whose choices are influenced by various factors as espoused in the occupational choice theory on which this study is underpinned. The study uses a snowball methodology to select a sample of 304 respondents with... more
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    • Economics of food security
El hambre mata en Guatemala más personas que las balas cada año. El hambre es una violación de un derecho humano recogido en la Constitución y en una Ley específica en Nicaragua. El hambre es una vergüenza nacional en un país moderno,... more
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    •   23  
      LiteratureSociology of Food and EatingFood Security and InsecurityAnthropology of Food
The study has exposed the problems of education system in Nigeria and decent qualities of education system in Japan worthy of emulation as a panacea for revamping Nigerian education system for quality manpower building. Poor education... more
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    •   4  
      Food SecurityPublic Sector ManagementEconomics of food securityHunger and development
Este documento presenta un analisis del hambre estacional en Guatemala, que se manifiesta por una variacion regular y marcadamente estacional de la desnutricion aguda infantil, alcanzando picos todos los anhos entre los meses de mayo y... more
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      Environmental EconomicsClimate ChangeNutritionPublic Health Nutrition
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyRural SociologyGlobalization
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      EconomicsEconomics of food security
Achieving goals of development implies the improvement of the situation of chronic food insecurity. To achieve food security it is necessary to achieve food sufficiency first. In many parts of Ethiopia, chronic food insufficiency is an... more
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    • Economics of food security
Large-scale land acquisitions by investors, which are often called ‘land grabs’, can deprive rural women and communities of their livelihoods and land, increasing their food insecurity. This report argues that the current rise in land... more
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      Property RightsAfricaLand tenureGender
Global agricultural catastrophes, which include nuclear winter and abrupt climate change, could have long-term consequences on humanity such as the collapse and nonrecovery of civilization. Using Monte Carlo (probabilistic) models, we... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceFood Security and InsecurityNuclear WeaponsRisk Management
UNEP i Quick Policy Guide Series Volume 2 Ecosystems for water and food security I n t e r n a t i o n a l Water Management I n s t i t u t e E c o s y s t E m s f o r W a t E r a n d f o o d s E c u r i t y ii CREDITS Scientific Editor:... more
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      Climate ChangeWaterEcosystem ServicesResilience
Se empieza con la discusión sobre la diversidad de conceptos de circuito corto o local food, necesaria para entender el foco desde el cual se puede pensar el rol de las Centrales Mayoristas (CM). Después, se tratará el tema de las... more
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      Retail and Wholesale ManagementEconomics of food securityFresh Produce Wholesale Markets
Abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios (ASRS) following catastrophic events, such as a nuclear war, a large volcanic eruption or an asteroid strike, could prompt global agricultural collapse. There are low-cost foods that could be made... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsNutritionFood Security and InsecurityDisaster risk management
The combined effects of climate change, energy scarcity, and water paucity require that we radically rethink our agricultural systems. Countries can and must reorient their agricultural systems toward modes of production that are not only... more
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      AgroecologyFood SystemsFood PolicyFood Security
Purpose This research aims to understand the behaviour of food consumption and waste in Peruvian households at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology/approach Exploratory research was carried out with Peruvian... more
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      ManagementMarketingFood ScienceFood Security and Insecurity
Creative Responses to Sustainability is part of a new series of guides looking at creative responses to sustainability in different countries across Asia. The first in the series, the Singapore Guide, maps cultural initiatives across... more
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      Asian StudiesClimate ChangeSingaporeCreative Industries
La crisis alimentaria mundial más reciente ha puesto de manifiesto la incapacidad del derecho a la alimentación para atender y prevenir este tipo de situaciones. Ahora es el momento hacer más fuerte y eficaz este derecho, pasando de... more
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      Business EthicsDiscourse AnalysisPolitical EconomySoutheast Asian Studies
Though India adopted Policy of Economic Liberalisation in 1991, the agrarian sector was liberalized in 2004 when more than 400 agrarian commodities were exposed to global competition. Food price volatility became perennial problem after... more
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      MacroeconomicsInflationThe Right to FoodEconomics of food security
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      Real EstateBusiness EthicsTransportation EngineeringBotany
Agricultural production and foods are of strategic importance in order to achieve nourishment as the most basic need of human. Several factors such as the provision of food supply at an adequate level and sharing of the... more
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      Food SafetyFood Security and InsecurityFood and NutritionFood Security
Analisa el rol de los Mercados Mayoristas (Centrales de Abasto) en la promoción de la Seguridad Alimentaria, con énfasis en el caso brasileño
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      Economics of food securityFresh Produce Wholesale MarketsPublic Policy
Our body compulsory demands food, water and air to keep its vital functions and yet their economic nature is rather diverse with food mostly considered a private good, water suffering an accelerated privatization process and air so far... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical EconomySocial AnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
Presentacion de la situacion alimentaria mundial, de las causas y consecuencias de la crisis alimentaria, y las posibles alternativas, desde un puno de vista economico, politico y legal. Descripcion de las vias de complementariedad entre... more
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      Food ScienceSociology of Food and EatingFood Security and InsecurityAnthropology of Food
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      Business EthicsMacroeconomicsPolitical EconomySocial Anthropology
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      Food SecurityNicaraguan HistoryNatural hazards and disasters, especially vulnerability analysisEconomics of food security
Das globale Phänomen Landgrabbing wird zunächst durch aktuelle Zahlen quantitativ dargestellt und durch die Einbettung dieser in verschiedenen Karten veranschaulicht. Es werden Ideologien verschiedener Interessengruppen aufgezeigt,... more
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      Development StudiesHuman RightsPolitical Violence and TerrorismEnvironmental Policy and Governance
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      Green EconomicsFood Security and InsecurityEcologyFood and Nutrition
Condition of food security in India is gloomy and is similar to African countries. Both the supply side and demand side factors have their roles in the present condition of food security and undernourishment in India. This study supports... more
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      Food Security and InsecurityRural DevelopmentSustainable Rural DevelopmentFood Security
Este documento tiene como objetivo analizar el Pacto Hambre Cero de Guatemala a la luz de las experiencias latinoamericanas, para asi proponer opciones para mejorar el disenho y la ejecucion del Pacto. Se incluye un análisis... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingAgricultural PolicyFood PolicyFood Security and Insecurity
Overcoming hunger and meeting the nutritional needs of almost 7 billion people, rising to over 9 billion people by 2050, is a central challenge for this generation. Equally critical will be to achieve this in a way that keeps humanity’s... more
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      Climate ChangeEcosystem ServicesSustainable agricultureFood Security and Insecurity