Distribution of Prime Numbers
Most downloaded papers in Distribution of Prime Numbers
The fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that any composite natural integer can be expressed in one and only one way as a product of prime numbers. This sets the understanding of the organization of prime numbers at the core of number... more
This paper demonstrates the discovery of an algorithm that obtains prime numbers and twin primes. Using triangular sieves.
This paper expounds the role of the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ and supplements the author’s earlier papers on the Riemann hypothesis. There is a lot of mystery surrounding the non-trivial zeros.
This paper presents the implementation of RSA cryptography
This work explores the content of primality up to an algebraic demonstration of the non-existence of a rational pattern for the prime numbers.
When considering whether every even integer can be expressed as the sum of two primes, it is tempting to view the puzzle as a question of arithmetic, while the answer lies in the infinite pattern of the primes. Instead of attempting to... more
Using Jiang function, we prove Jiang prime -tuple theorem, and prove that the Hardy-Littlewood prime -tuple conjecture is false. Jiang prime -tuple theorem can replace the Hardy-Littlewood prime -tuple conjecture.
Jiang's define that prime equations 1 1 1 (, ,), , (,) n k n f P P f P P (5) are polynomials (with integer coefficients) irreducible over integers, where 1 ,, n PP are all prime. If Jiang's function 1 () 0 n J
Let p(n) be the nth prime and p(p(n)) be the nth prime-indexed prime (PIP). The process of taking prime-indexed subsequences of primes can be iterated, and the number of such iterations is the prime-index order. We report empirical... more
El descubrimiento de un patrón para números primos menores que 11. Este Patrón presenta características sorprendentes, funciona en dos columnas opuestas complementarias en las cuales se reparten las cantidades en forma simétrica y en... more
This paper describes the mathematical foundation of Prime Generators and their use in creating a fast Twin Primes Segmented Sieve of Zakiya (SSoZ), and also their applications to Number Theory, including Mersenne Primes, creating an exact... more
Constantine Adraktas has proven, on the basis of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, that the primes are not random. Additionally he has discovered Matrix equations for them. This is the ultimate proof that the Prime Numbers are not... more
Let p n be the nth prime and p p n be the nth prime-indexed prime (PIP). The process of taking prime-indexed subsequences of primes can be iterated, and the number of such iterations is the prime-index order. We report empirical evidence... more
Euler’s formula establishes the relationship between the trigonometric function and the exponential function. In doing so unifies two waves, a real and an imaginary one, that propagate through the Complex number set, establishing relation... more
Leider gibt es keine Primzahlenformel. Dafür 8 terme für verschiedene Bereiche. Um zu testen, ob mein mathematisches Werkzeug KYMA funktioniert ( Lösungen über Bilder und Tabellen ) biete ich eine Teillösung für Fermats letzten Satz.
This work proposes the generalization of the binary (strong) Goldbach’s Conjecture (BGC), briefly called “the Vertical Binary Goldbach’s Conjecture” (VBGC), which is essentially a meta-conjecture, as VBGC states an infinite number of... more