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Кратка содржина на драмата за парадоксот на Диоген, за вистинскиот човек во општество каде не припаѓа, напишана од Томе Арсовски.
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    • Diogenes the Cynic
Başlıkta “toplum karşıtlığının etiği” ifadesinin geçmesi ilk bakışta şaşırtıcı ve tuhaf bulunabilir. Ancak sonraki felsefe ve düşünce tarihine yön veren Yunanca terminoloji göz önünde tutulduğunda etik terimi ilkin “kullanım, kullanıma... more
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      Political PhilosophyHellenistic PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Felsefe
Veel schilderijen heeft hij niet gemaakt, Caesar van Everdingen, maar zijn nalatenschap spreekt bijzonder tot de verbeelding. Alle reden om zijn 400ste geboortejaar te vieren met een tentoonstelling én een onthullende studie.
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      17th Century Dutch RepublicPainting ConservationAncient Greek MythologyExhibitions
Este artículo intenta aproximarse a la figura femenina de Hiparquia de Maronea, identificando su lugar dentro del cinismo antiguo, movimiento filosófico contestatario de finales del siglo iv a. C. Su figura sería ejemplo de una mujer... more
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      Cynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Filosofía De La HistoriaHelenistic CivilizationFilosofía Antigua
With usefulness expanding and consuming more and more areas of our lives, the useless – philosophy and the humanities in general – are fighting a losing battle and gradually becoming extinct. In order to defend them I attempt to give... more
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      Georges BatailleWork and LabourEmil CioranDiogenes the Cynic
We begin with a description of the psychosocial context of traumatised people with complex problems that are in fact homeless. Although not all homeless people are personality disordered, many are offenders and all are people who are de... more
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      Social ExclusionCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Structural ViolenceGroup Analysis
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      Continental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheCynicsDiogenes the Cynic
(Special Issue editorial) Erving Goffman’s “Asylums” is a key text in the development of contemporary, community-orientated mental health practice. It has survived as a trenchant critique of the asylum as total institution, and its... more
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      Critical TheoryHomelessnessAsylumSocial Exclusion
In the corpus of apocryphal Cynic letters those attributed to Diogenes stand out: they form the bulk of the letters and they are the most humorous. This corresponds with representations of him as a provocateur elsewhere in imperial Greek... more
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      ClassicsHumorGender and SexualityAncient Philosophy
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      Edmund Burke17th- and 18th-century PhilosophyJean Jaques RousseauCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)
Michel Foucault's early writing on dreams and imagination is one of the often neglected aspects of his work. In this paper, I give an overview of his "Dreams, Imagination and Existence" essay, accompanied by a discussion of his writings... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryResearch MethodologyContemporary Art
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      NietzscheCynicismDiogenes the CynicContiental Philosophy
Was Anacharsis a seasoned traveller, an occasional voyager, a Scythian tourist with a one-way ticket to Greece, or was he a globetrotter, a wanderer with no destination? Was his thirst for knowledge, a philosophical quest for the truth, a... more
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      Greek and Latin EpigramAncient Greek PhilosophyDiogenes LaertiusCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)
Este estudio se centra en un acercamiento a las corrientes filosóficas helenísticas que buscan una salida al panorama que dejó tras de sí Alejandro Magno en sus conquistas por la Hélade, el norte de África y parte de Asia. En concreto,... more
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      GlobalizationCosmopolitanismCosmopoliticsFilosofía Política
In their work with the homeless, the dangerous and the disordered, helping agencies and the workers they deploy are faced, on a daily basis, with the task of engaging people whose essentially anti-social stance is, or is construed to be,... more
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      HomelessnessCosmopolitanismSocial ExclusionCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)
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      SayingsAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophyDiogenes Laertius
Een korte beschouwing van het leven en werk van waarschijnlijk de meest controversiële Griekse filosoof
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      PhilosophyBiographyClassical Greek PhilosophyDiogenes the Cynic
A basic level introduction into the history of Ancient Greek philosophy from Thales of Miletus until Hypatia of Alexandria, with a selection of key primary texts.
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      Presocratic PhilosophyPlatoAristotleStoicism
Antisthenes (MÖ yaklaşık 445-365): Sokrates’in öğrencisi olan Antisthenes Kinik felsefenin kurucusu olduğu düşünülen iki filozoftan biridir. Ancak antik literatürde Antisthenes’i Kinik saymayıp Sokrates ile Kinikler arasında köprü... more
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      Cynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Diogenes the CynicC. Cengiz ÇEvikDiogenes of Sinope
Vivimos en una época cínica, como denuncia Peter Sloterdjik, y profundamente ideologizada con no-ideologías, como señala Slavoj Žižek. Una manera de atacar estos problemas es volviendo a la Razón desfachatada y burlona, a la crítica... more
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualityCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Francis of Assisi
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      PragmaticsPerformance StudiesVirtue EthicsVirtues (Moral Psychology)
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      Philosophy Of ReligionAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek ReligionDiogenes Laertius
The article analyzes a crucial element of the Turkish folk tradition of laughter, the corpus of Nasreddin Hoca anecdotes, in terms of the narrative encounter between the powerful and the powerless. Examining the anecdotes about Tamerlane,... more
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Parmi les étranges personnages qui constellent l’antiquité, il en est un dont l’histoire fascinante se révèle par un certain côté en relation avec nos chères monnaies. Philosophe grec, né en 413 avant notre ère, Diogène de Sinope (colonie... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Greek PhilosophyAncient CoinsAthens
Indice IntroduzIone 9 1. Aldo BrAncAccI, Gli studi di filosofia antica di Gabriele Giannantoni 13 2. leonArdo FrAnchI, Gabriele Giannantoni interprete di Parmenide 31 3. Aldo BrAncAccI, La domanda di Socrate 49 4. MArcello GIGAnte,... more
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      SocratesAncient PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Cinismo
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      MetaphysicsSocratesCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Gorgias
Intervention lors de la conférence d’Aurélie Ledoux, du 23 mars 2013, « Le cosmopolitisme » "Je suis citoyen du monde" : le cynisme de Diogène et de Depardieu. Atelier « Le monde », 2e année. Cet article est né de la discussion qui a... more
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      Philosophie politiqueDiogenes the CynicCosmopolitism
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      Critical TheoryCritical Legal TheoryAnarchismCosmopolitanism
The phrase ”Socratic irony”, which is principally used with reference to Socrates` philosophical method, is one of the biggest unsolved puzzles of Greek philosophy. Since the beginning of its occurrence, this type of irony has been a... more
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      Renaissance HumanismGerman RomanticismFriedrich NietzscheSocrates
Irriverente, sfacciato, beffardo, Diogene il Cane è l’icona della critica del potere, delle istituzioni, delle vanità umane. La sua filosofia è azione: Diogene parla come se mordesse. La sua filosofia è performance, dal masturbarsi in... more
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      Ancient PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Diogenes the Cynic
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      Alexander the GreatJonathan SwiftMenippean SatireGulliver's Travels
sowie die beiden wichtigen Aufsatzsammlungen von M.-O. ) und R. B. Branham (1996 seien hier stellvertretend genannt. 2 Betrachtet man diese Untersuchungen allerdings genauer, so fällt auf, daß sie nicht nur literarisch, sondern auch... more
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      Byzantine LiteratureSayingsMaximus the ConfessorLate Antique Literature
Book Description (from the publisher): Squarely challenging a culture obsessed with success, an acclaimed philosopher argues that failure is vital to a life well lived, curing us of arrogance and self-deception and engendering humility... more
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      GnosticismIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Dissertation analyses on the discourse used by ancient cynics, and a comparison with other Hellenistic philosophies such as Stoicism and Epicureanism, aiming towards recognizing Cynicism as a proper philosophical school equal to others of... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyDiogenes LaertiusCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Filosofía Antigua
Der vorliegende Band initiiert ein interdisziplinäres Gespräch zu der Frage, unter welchen Bedingungen sich Formenrepertoires und Semantiken von statuarischen Darstellungen, Sarkophagen und anderen medialen Figurationen im Spannungsfeld... more
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      MimesisMedienwissenschaftKlassische ArchaeologieDiogenes the Cynic
De nos jours omniprésent sur la scène politique, le cynisme fut depuis son origine l’objet de polémiques. Le mode de vie scandaleux auquel il est associé pose la question de l’appartenance ou non de Diogène et des Cyniques à la... more
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      Jean Jaques RousseauPhilosophieMarquis De SadeDIDEROT
Diogenes of Sinope, the main representative of ancient Cynicism, says in one of his works that « he preferred freedom above everything ». He does not mean here freedom in its political sense, but rather in its moral and individual... more
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      Ancient Greek PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)FreedomDiogenes the Cynic
This translation is still unpublished. It has been presented to several publishers in Spain, but none of them wanted to print it. During 2018 and 2019 I have made this translation to Spanish language, one extremely rare edition printed in... more
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      SocratesChristoph Martin WielandDiogenes the CynicIlustration
A study of the various schools of ancient Greek and Indian philosophy from the perspective of Pierre Hadot, who emphasized philosophy not as abstraction, but as a concrete practice of life. For the Greeks “[p]hilosophy did not consist in... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsIndian PhilosophyPlato
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      SocratesMinor SocraticsAntisthenesDiógenes Laércio
Análisis, desde el punto de vista de la tradición clásica, de la escena relativa a los cínicos antiguos en la versión fílmica de El mundo de Sofía, coproducción noruego-sueca dirigida por Erik Gustavson sobre guión de Petter Slavlan... more
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      CinemaClassical Reception StudiesCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Cinema and Television
Populism and cosmopolitanism are commonly regarded as antitheses, reducing populism to communalism and cosmopolitanism to elitism. This chapter develops a more nuanced view by turning to the early histories of both phenomena. In Diogenes... more
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      CosmopolitanismPopulismJacques RancièreRadical Democracy
Selección de poemas de Crates de Tebas, Cércidas de Megalópolis, Fénix de Colofón, Melagro de Gádara y Luciano de Samosata para el curso "Poesía del cinismo y de influencia cínica" impartido en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UNAM) en... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)CynismLucian of Samosata
The paper deals with the disputed authorship of two iambic fragments, frr. trag. adesp. 284, 394 N.2 = Diog. Sin. frr. dub. 4-5 Sn.-K. On account of lexical, stylistic, and content affinities especially, the attribution to Euripides’... more
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      Textual CriticismEuripidesTelephusTragic fragments
Cuando, a principios del siglo IV a. C., un exiliado de Sínope llamado Diógenes llega a Atenas, una gran parte de la concepción antigua de la privacidad está a punto de tambalearse. En lugar de buscar una casa en la que vivir, Diógenes... more
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      PhilosophyHellenistic PhilosophyMichel FoucaultPeter Sloterdijk
Comme de nombreux penseurs antiques avant et après eux et contrairement à Socrate, Calliclès et Diogène ont déclaré avoir fondé leur éthique sur l’observation de la nature. Et pourtant, les deux discours normatifs qui sont tirés d’une... more
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      SocratesAncient Greek PhilosophyNaturalism and NormativityCallicles
Tesi di laurea magistrale in Filologia greco-latina
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      Greek LiteratureIntertextualityParodyDiogenes Laertius
Review of H. Häusle, Sag mir, o Hund - wo der Hund begraben liegt (Spoudasmata XLIV), Hildesheim/Zürich/New York 1989
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      Greek EpigraphyGreek AnthologyCynicismSphinx
Antikçağda bütün toplumlar kendilerine özgü kültür ve düşünüş tarzlarıyla bünyelerinde barındırdıkları topluluklara yön vermişlerdir. Bu süreçte en önemli rol dönemin bilginlerine ve filozoflarına düşmüştür. Yaşadıkları çağın entelektüel... more
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      Ancient HistoryPhilosophyRoman HistoryAncient Philosophy