Digital Democracy
Recent papers in Digital Democracy
Mensurar a QAU frente aos aspectos ambientais sugere correlações do ser humano frente às inter-relações com o espaço urbano da cidade, a fim de determinar ou exprimir qualidade(s). A coleta de opiniões da população vislumbra a trilogia... more
Recommendations and ideas to reform and reshape the models, processes and organisations of the London Borough of Newham to offer new and more opportunities for residents to be involved in decision-making.
This article provides a different angle to understand the Cambridge Analytica (CA) data scandal. It focuses on the role of models and simulations in the big data campaigning tools CA allegedly used, and their epistemological and... more
This paper analyzes the modifications that socio-digital networks have generated within the field of political communication, particularly the construction of interaction-communication networks through the creation of hashtags, such as... more
In recent years much has been said about the possibility of the Internet facilitating and extending the public sphere of informal rational-critical communication between private affairs and official decision making. However, the abundant... more
To understand what digital democracy is, this article suggests looking at the individual level of democratic subjectivity. Who is the democratic subject and how is it constituted in digital democracy? It revisits the... more
Many advocates of deliberative democracy see in the Internet a new opportunity for the development of public spaces, public spheres, and places where deliberation can take place. An important element of the notion of the public sphere in... more
TESI DI LAUREA TRIENNALE - SCIENZE POLITICHE E RELAZIONI INTERNAZIONALI Nel corso dell’ultimo ventennio, con varie modalità in relazione ai differenti contesti esistenti, è possibile rintracciare un processo globale di spostamento o... more
Digital technologies have been considered as generating new opportuni- ties to enhance democratic politics. However, political parties have generally been latecomers in appropriating digital media in their every day life. The case of the... more
The developing 'global' network of computers, popularly referred to as the net, has sparked enthusiastic claims that this new medium holds the potential to revolutionise democracy. Central to this rhetoric is the concept of cyberspace.... more
En 2017, la Fiscalía de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires desarrolló PROMETEA, un sistema que aplica inteligencia artificial (IA) para preparar automáticamente dictámenes judiciales. En particular, esta herramienta innovadora consiste... more
The emergence of the blockchain phenomenon affects various aspects of human life. Public sector reforms are also influenced by this trend. E-government leaders around the world are tentatively beginning to grasp the potential of... more
O tema da participação política, como todo mundo sabe, é um dos mais tradicionais da agenda de pesquisa sobre a democracia. No mesmo diapasão, o conjunto de temas que relacionam participação política civil e internet - ou, num quadro mais... more
Em períodos de crise de representação, surge com força renovada a questão sobre que tipo de democracia se pode alcançar mediante a expansão de novas tecnologias. É democracia direta ou mais uma suplementação à democracia representativa? É... more
This chapter analyzes the negative impact as well as the positive contributions that new digital technologies may have and make on deliberative democracy. As for their negative consequences, five major threats are identified: i) a risk of... more
"Sarah Shoker explores the growth of autonomous weapons systems, which have been lauded by supporters as being able to encode democratic principles such as the distinction between combatants and non-combatants in war, into automated... more
Democracy has never been more popular. It is successfully practiced today in a myriad of different ways by people across virtually every cultural, religious or socio-economic context. The forty-five essays collected in this companion... more
Deliberative democratic public sphere theory has become increasingly popular in Internet-democracy research and commentary. In terms of informal civic practices, advocates of this theory see the Internet as a means for the expansion of... more
El artículo está dividido en tres partes. En la primera, explicamos brevemente los rudimentos de la tecnología blockchain y sus aplicaciones más comunes para el Estado. En la segunda, analizamos las posibilidades que ofrece blockchain... more
Across multiple societies, we see a shift from regimes of truth (ROT) to “regimes of posttruth” (ROPT) characterized by proliferating “truth markets.” ROT corresponded to disciplinary society, tighter functioning between... more
Concerns surrounding the threats that digital platforms pose to the functioning of Western liberal democracies have grown since the 2016 U.S. election. Yet despite a preponderance of academic work in this area, the precise nature of these... more
Resumen: El inicio del siglo XXI se caracteriza no solo por continuar la eterna divergencia ideológica en diversos sectores, sino por la aparición de una serie de tecnologías disruptivas capaces de aumentar notablemente el bienestar... more
Emerging as a new domain of human interaction in the second half of the twentieth century, digital technology has become increasingly woven into the fabric of societies around the world. In this course, we will examine how international... more
A transparência pública é considerada um requisito básico da democracia representativa contemporânea. Dada a popularização do uso das tecnologias digitais de comunicação e informação, é tão importante quanto necessário que portais... more
This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly... more
Demokrasi gerek gündelik hayatımızda gerekse siyasal, bilimsel ve kültürel hayatımızda en çok kullandığımız ifadelerden birisidir. 2 bin 5 yüzyıldır üzerine düşünülen kavramlardan birisi olması belki de tarihin en uzun ve en tartışmaları... more
A presente obra é um resultado do evento denominado Open Data Day (ODD), dedicado à pesquisa e ativismo pelos dados abertos. Esse evento é realizado simultaneamente em diversos países, no qual se vislumbra a continuidade de uma rede de... more
Llevar a cabo una reforma exitosa de simplificación y digitalización de trámites requiere hacer frente a cada uno de estos desafíos. En este capítulo se presentará la experiencia de cuatro países -Estonia, Chile, México y Uruguay– que... more
This essay asks how the democratic ideal of inclusion can be achieved in societies marked by power asymmetries along the lines of identity categories such as gender and race. It revisits debates of difference democracy of the 1990s, which... more
This article focuses on the technological affordances and use of Rousseau, the decision-making platform of the second largest Italian political party, the Five Star Movement. Crossing an empirical observation of the platform’s... more
En Japón, las actividades políticas vinculadas a las elecciones están limitadas al período de campaña, generalmente de entre doce y diecisiete días previos a la elección. En cambio, las actividades políticas generales no están... more
In times of crisis of representation the question of what kind of democracy can be achieved through the expansion of new technologies emerges with renewed vigor. Is it direct democracy or yet another appendage of representative democracy?... more
This article presents a comparative study of how Canadian First Nations and New Zealand Māori peoples have employed digital technologies in the recording, reproduction, promotion and discussion of their cultural heritage. The authors... more
It is possible, no doubt, to observe that the digital era that was actualized in the information society of the 21st century differs genetically in many areas ranging from economy to politics and from science to philosophy. Today,... more
This ethnographic study examines the pioneering tactics Brazilian Internet freedom activists have used to defend what they refer to as the Internet livre – a free and open Internet. In particular, it explores how the concept of... more
Tulisan ini berangkat dari pemikiran bahwa dinamika yang sekarang terjadi di internet memperlihatkan bagaimana masyarakat sekarang ini, mengutip Manuel Castell, sedang menggunakan internet untuk melakukan counter-power, melakukan... more
Calls for rebuilding American democracy from the bottom up in the face of a rising threat from reactionary nationalist populism and fascist oligarchs; posits the urban city as the locale, and the formation of directly democratic popular... more
Over the last fifty years, a gap has been growing in the UK between political institutions and the people they represent. Voter turnout continues to decline; mass membership of political parties, once the most important bridge between the... more