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Wie sieht es mit den sogenannten Kulturwirkungen des Christentums aus? Spielen religiöse Dimensionen in der Geschichte eine Rolle und wenn ja, welche? Dies abstrakt zu diskutieren, hat wenig Sinn. Daher ist es eine sinnvolle Entscheidung... more
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      HistoriographyJan AssmannCulture & christianityStauffenberg
The choice of musical repertoire for the celebration of the sacrament of marriage has become the subject of more frequent and widespread discussions. Media publications on the subject which provide suggestions for the choice published in... more
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      Media StudiesLiturgyCultureChristian liturgical music
Este libro muestra cuáles fueron los personajes decisivos y los hitos culturales decisivos en torno a los cuales Europa llegó a ser lo es, o lo que era. Fueron personajes que lucharon por hacer de un mundo caído un mundo más agradable a... more
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      High Middle AgesHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityHistory of Culture
Recenzii 336 gânditorilor de forță ai filosofiei europene. Urmează apoi o muncă asiduuă de reflecție, care face din Viața spiritului o meditație, un eseu filosofic, nu o lucrarea sistematică tradițională.
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      ChristianityChristian ApologeticsApologeticsChristianity and Culture
Examining the 7 Mountains of Influence in Society, and exploring how Christians can influence three areas: Education, Religion & Media
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      TheologyChristianity and CultureCulture & christianity
"Sean knows what it's like to face the impossible. Twice he beat unbeatable odds. At age thirteen he came down with Hodgkin's disease. The doctors didn't think he would survive, but he did. When he was sixteen, he contracted Askin's... more
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      TheologyBiblical TheologyChristianity and CultureCulture & christianity
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      LiturgyEucharistInculturationTheology of Joseph Ratzinger
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      Cult of SaintsSaintsCults of SaintsMedieval Kiev
The article refers to the classical category of hierophany in the religious studies of Mircea Eliade. Hierofania is a kind of a historical document or a "holy fact" in the history of religion. Related categories of theophany and epiphany... more
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      Religion and MediaW. J. T. MitchellGilbert DurandMircea Eliade, History of religion, Religious studies
Post-faktickú dobu sme spoznali o desaťročie neskôr ako bola definovaná v práci Ralpha Keyesa. Ide v nej o odlišný prístup k pravde i hodnotám. Jedna krátka a pútavá informácia nasleduje po druhej, pričom je dôležité najmä zaujať. Ako na... more
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      ChristianityCulture & christianityPost-Truth
Неке сегменте античке трдиције веридбе и венчања хришћанство је наследило од Јелина и Латина али њиховом уградњом у Свету Тајну брака, они бивају пречишћени и примењивани, задобијајући сасвим другачију суштину. Утицај хрићанске праксе на... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistory of ChristianityEastern Orthodox Liturgical TheologyMatrimonial proceedings
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      ChristianityBlogsPersonalism (in )Personalism
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      Semiotics of ReligionNature CultureSemiotics Of CultureReligious Studies
Sažetak Tema kršćanskih korijena Europe i njezinog jedinstva bila je vrlo aktualna u vrijeme donošenja Europskog ustava (2004.). Međutim osim iznošenja političkih stavova gotovo da i nije bilo povjesničara u rangu engleskog apologeta... more
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      European StudiesEuropean Union Law; EU Constitutional LawChristianity and CultureChristopher Dawson
From Accommodation to Inter-culturality: the history of inculturation of Catholic Mission to China.
The parable of inculturation in the Catholic Church
The parable of inculturation in China
The sino-theology of the Culture Christians
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyMissiology (Religion)Mission Studies
Človek je v istom slova zmysle podmienený kultúrnou a civilizačnou úrovňou. Kultúra je vnímaná ako najvyššia ľudská aktivita, v tesnom vzťahu s náboženstvom. Pod pojmom kresťanská kultúra môžeme rozumieť určitú špecifickú esenciu. Tento... more
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      ChristianityTheologyCultureEastern Christianity
Josef Pieper's "Leisure as the Basis for Culture" offers penetrating insight into the errors by which we become victims and slaves of the work of our own hands. Pieper's analysis of modern culture reminds us that an authentic human... more
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      John Paul II/Karol WojtylaJosef PieperPope Benedict XVI/Josef RatzingerCulture & christianity
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      Paul TillichAmerican ChristianityCulture & christianity
Discussing the portrayal of Christianity in 21st Century popular culture.
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      ChristianityPopular CultureSecularizationReligion and Popular Culture
The title of this book certainly catches one’s attention. Sexual abuse needs urgent attention, and all the more if it happens in the context of church life where trust and power often produce psychologically precarious situations. This... more
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      ReligionChristianityAdult EducationSexual Abuse
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      Russian OrthodoxyChristianity and the ArtsCulture & christianity
Смотри обновленный и расширенный вариант работы в монографии «Христианские культы и реликвии древнего Киева (конец Х -первая треть ХІІІ в.)». Стр. 21 -53.
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      Cult of SaintsMedieval KievCulture & christianity