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This study empirically examined the impact of audit committee objectivity (contingent on CEO Power) on the quality of financial reporting in the Nigerian Banking Sector. The study adopted a survey research approach and secondary data... more
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      BusinessAccountingCorporate GovernanceAudit
In this study, we try to develop a model for predicting corporate default based on a logistic regression (logit) and applied to the case of Tunisia. Our sample consists of 212 companies in the various industries (106 companies... more
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      BusinessEconomicsEconometricsGlobal Business Management (MBA)
The purpose of this article is to critically examine the difference between a contract that is illegally formed and a contract that is illegally performed and the effect of the contract in Nigeria. This research was conducted using a... more
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      Business AdministrationLawContractsLaw of Contract
Corporate governance has received much attention in recent years and has been a growing topic for debate in the public domain in both developed and developing countries. This is mainly because of the many financial scandals and failures... more
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      BusinessAccountingCorporate GovernanceEmpirical evidence
This study empirically examined the impact of audit committee objectivity (contingent on CEO Power) on the quality of financial reporting in the Nigerian Banking Sector. The study adopted a survey research approach and secondary data... more
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      BusinessAccountingCorporate GovernanceAudit
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of corporate governance on firms’ profitability in Nigeria. This research has been performed using a sample of 60 companies listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) from 2004 to... more
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We examine the effect of corporate innovation input and output on analysts' estimates of the cost of equity based on data from public listed Chinese companies between 2007 and 2017. Analysts' estimates of the cost of equity significantly... more
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      Coporate Finance Corporate Innovation
The corporate governance code mandates all publicly quoted firms in Nigeria to establish an audit committee to ensure transparency in financial reporting and protect shareholders' interests. This study examined the effect of audit... more
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Audit Committee role is very important to the protection of shareholders and other stakeholders interests. This research study explores the influence of audit committee effectiveness on firm's performance using four characteristics:... more
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      BusinessAccountingAuditAccounting auditing
Emerging corporate governance issues in the Asian countries due to the 1997-1998 economic crises makes it much more important to discuss those issues within the context of this region. In developing countries such as Malaysia, a good... more
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The study examines the background of the audit committee from the aspect of professional affiliations, postgraduate qualifications and senior managerial experiences, in association with fraudulent financial reporting.
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      BusinessAccountingAuditAudit committee
This study is an attempt to achieve the main objective by examining the association between audit committee and firm performance of the Jordanian firms. This study used OLS regression to test the relationship between independent variable... more
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The aim of this study is to find out the level in financial inclusion between 41 African countries. To reach to this goal for knowing which countries have the high level or the low level in financial inclusion according to some variables... more
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      EconomicsFinancial managementFinancial Markets And InstitutionFinancial Inclusion
Purpose : The board of directors remains an important corporate governance mechanism through which the shareholders can exercise control over the activities of the firm, monitor and exercise oversight over the top executives and managers.... more
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      BusinessAccountingCorporate Governance
The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of corporate governance on Loan performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study examined the corporate governance variables namely: Board Structure (BS), Audit Structure (AS) and... more
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    • Business
Corporate governance appeared to be the global issue and global trend in most of the commercial industries of public concern than ever before. Corporate governance is about credibility, transparency and accountability. It is also about... more
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The version in the Kent Academic Repository may differ from the final published version. Users are advised to check for the status of the paper. Users should always cite the published version of record.
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      LawFinancial AnalysisFinance and Investment Banking
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between board Structure and efficiency of licensed domestic commercial banks in Sri Lanka for the period from 2009 to 2013. This study also examines the impact of board Structure... more
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      BusinessCoporate Finance
The broad objective of this study is to examine the impact of Audit Committee (AC) characteristics on the financial performance of listed consumer goods companies in Nigeria. The research sample comprises of eighteen (18) consumer goods... more
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This study attempted to examine the association between two important committees of corporate governance practice namely, audit committee characteristics and executive committee characteristics, and firm performance. The data used... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
This study focuses to achieve an important objective by examining the moderating effect of board diversity (foreign member on the executive committee and executive committee commitment) on the relationship between executive committee... more
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Recently developed corporate bankruptcy prediction models adopt a contingentclaims valuation approach. However, despite their theoretical appeal, tests of their performance compared with traditional simple accounting-ratio-based... more
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      Applied MathematicsCredit RiskZ ScoreProfitability
The global financial crisis entails a renewed attention from financial institutions, academics, and practitioners to corporate distress analysis and its forecasting. This study aims to propose a model for predicting default risk based on... more
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      Applied EconomicsEconomics FinanceFinance and Investment Banking
The purpose of this study is to establish the relationship between corporate governance attributes (board expertise, board independence and board role performance), internal audit quality and financial reporting quality using evidence... more
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Financial reporting has always been an important factor for investment decision making of shareholders and other stakeholders of a firm in considering returns that have been made or expectation of what should be made. This study... more
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Audit committee financial expertise is vital to the quality of financial reporting. This study empirically investigates the impact of audit committee financial expertise on the quality of financial reporting. The financial reporting... more
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Recently developed corporate bankruptcy prediction models adopt a contingentclaims valuation approach. However, despite their theoretical appeal, tests of their performance compared with traditional simple accounting-ratio-based... more
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      Applied MathematicsCredit RiskZ ScoreProfitability
This study examines the determinants of multiple states of financial distress by applying a competing-risks model. It investigates the effect of financial ratios, market-based variables and company-specific variables, including company... more
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      Corporate GovernanceSurvival AnalysisFinancial DistressFinancial Ratios
This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, the content of this thesis is my own work. This thesis has not been submitted for any degree or other purposes. I certify that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of... more
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      Accounting FinanceFinance and Investment Banking
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      Economic HistoryWork and LabourCoporate Finance
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This book focuses on Capital – concept, functional features and formation in post communist Romania. It analyses the capital as both permanent own financial resource and fixed capital, as determinant of effective and potential GDP. Bank... more
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      Development EconomicsPublic FinanceGlobalizationBanking
Lucrarea arata faptul ca elementul CAPITAL se formează, legal, din acumulări proprii ale întreprinzătorilor și donații, reprezentate, în cazul României, de fondurile europene (pentru capitalizarea firmelor este necesar efortul propriu, în... more
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Actuala criză a determinat şi lipsa sau slăbirea accentuată a unor factori externi care ar fi fost de natură să contribuie la o dezvoltare economică mai rapidă, precum investiţiile străine directe, creditele mamă-fiică în cadrul... more
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      MacroeconomicsConsumptionRomaniaEconomic Crisis
The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between board Structure and efficiency of licensed domestic commercial banks in Sri Lanka for the period from 2009 to 2013. This study also examines the impact of board Structure... more
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    • Coporate Finance
This study examined the effects of corporate governance on accounting conservatism in Nigerian foods and beverages sector. The study adopted the ex-post facto research design using panel data for the period 2012-2016. The study's... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityAccountingFinancial AccountingCorporate Governance
Background of the Study : The term "corporate governance" came into popular use in the 1980's to broadly describe the general principles by which the business and management of companies were directed and controlled. Further, Governance... more
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This study examined the effect of audit Committees' Quality (audit committee members, audit committee meetings and audit committee financial expertise) on financial performance with a focus on the Nigerian food and beverages sector. The... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityFinance and AccountingCoporate Finance
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of corporate governance on firms' profitability in Nigeria. This research has been performed using a sample of 60 companies listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) from 2004 to... more
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Elementele tehnice ale imprumuturilor de stat: • Denumirea imprumutului; • Valoara nominala; (suma inscrisa pe titlul emis) • Valoare reala (suma la care se vinde sau se cumpara efectiv inscrisul); • Cursul-pretul cu care se cumpara si se... more
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We use a time-dependent Cox regression model with dynamic variables to estimate survival probabilities and make dynamic financial distress predictions for a sample of Australian firms listed on the Australian Securities Exchange from 1989... more
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    • Survival Analysis
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      Corporate GovernanceAudit Committees
The aim of this study is to find out the level in financial inclusion between 41 African countries. To reach to this goal for knowing which countries have the high level or the low level in financial inclusion according to some variables... more
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      Financial managementFinancial Markets And InstitutionFinancial AnalysisInvestment
In this article, we develop a bankruptcy prediction model for Korean firms that utilize logit regression. We find that not only financial accounting ratios but equity market inputs and macro-economic variables are also important... more
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Peer-Reviewed Literature: Tips for finding and reading scientific papers. This PowerPoint presentation will teach you how to find scientific, peer-reviewed papers
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This paper recounts the history of early warning failure models and then adds to that literature by evaluating the proposition that all suppliers can be treated similarly when evaluating failure tendencies. The work is performed for the... more
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Existe una gran paradoja que subyace en el Derecho: la de constreñir parte de la libertad individual para otorgar la posibilidad de poder construirla. Es decir, quitar libertad en nombre de la libertad. Pueda que se asemeje a una... more
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      Real EstateComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
There have been massive fraud and unethical practices within and among a number of organizations in Nigeria including Unilever Plc. Quadri (2010) posited that "the recent insider trading, massive and prevalent frauds, mandatory retirement... more
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