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Recent papers in Copi
El artículo compara las experimentaciones lingüísticas de Xul Solar en San Signos (2012) y de Oliverio Girondo en En la masmédula (1954). Ambas escrituras son analizadas a partir del contexto vanguardista y de los conflictos de este con... more
Per Copi teatro e fumetto sono due possibilità, differenti e parallele, per rappresentare il mondo. Beninteso, il suo mondo. Che è al tempo stesso fantastico e iperrealista, fiabesco e grottesco, delicato e crudele, comico e tragico,... more
El artículo indaga las modalidades mediante las cuales Copi, en su texto La torre de La Defensa, desmantela el archivo de la historia teatral, con el objeto de deconstruir los ideales integracionistas comunitarios, resquebrajar las... more
El concepto de pathosformel proviene de la obra del historiador de arte alemán Aby Warburg. A lo largo de sus prolongados y eruditos estudios sobre la imagen, este intelectual desarrolló el concepto de pathosformel como parte de su... more
La lógica de Copi es neobarroca. ¿Pero de qué clase de barroco hablamos al decir algo semejante? Leído en el Congreso de la Latin American Studies Association (LASA 2016/ LASA del cincuentenario) que se realizó en la ciudad de Nueva York... more
Este trabajo propone una lectura de la novela La guerra de las mariconas en términos de civilización y barbarie y busca mostrar cómo el clásico binomio sarmientino se reformula a través de las amazonas y los homosexuales de Copi. De las... more
Coeur, Teorema y El almuerzo desnudo. Alumna: Lucila María Sancineti (35.323.523) Comisión: Paula Croci Fecha de entrega: Lunes 7 de julio Imaginación del desastre: fuera del camino iluminado El Siglo XX comienza con un aborto: la muerte... more
Capítulo de libro. Este texto reconstruye la trayectoria biográfica y profesional de Copi en los años 1955-1970, desde su inicio como artista gráfico hasta el estreno de la obra Eva Perón. No se centra en su rol en el interior del... more
La novela epistolar La cité des rats comienza con una advertencia: el autor y el editor del texto invitan a los amantes de las normas consensuadas del "escribir bien" a abandonar el libro y regresar a sus lecturas favoritas. Esa nota... more
During vesicular transport, the assembly of the coat complexes and the selection of cargo proteins must be coordinated with the subsequent translocation of vesicles from the donor to an acceptor compartment. Here, we review recent... more
La novela epistolar La cite des rats comienza con una advertencia: el autor y el editor del texto invitan a los amantes de las normas consensuadas del “escribir bien” a abandonar el libro y regresar a sus lecturas favoritas. Esa nota... more
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a highly dynamic organelle. It is composed of four subcompartments including nuclear envelope (NE), rough ER (rER), smooth ER (sER) and transitional ER
ARHGAP21 is a Rho family GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) that controls the Arp2/3 complex and F-actin dynamics at the Golgi complex by regulating the activity of the small GTPase Cdc42. ARHGAP21 is recruited to the Golgi by binding to... more
La siguiente ponencia se propone explorar la relación de sujetos "buenos" y "malos" en La guerra de las mariconas en términos de civilización y barbarie, reformulando el clásico binomio sarmientino a través de las amazonas y los... more
Golgi-derived coat protein I (COPI) vesicles mediate transport in the early secretory pathway. The minimal machinery required for COPI vesicle formation from Golgi membranes in vitro consists of (i) the hetero-heptameric protein complex... more
Transport of cargo to, through and from the Golgi complex is mediated by vesicular carriers and transient tubular connections. In this review, we describe vesicle tethering events with the understanding that similar events occur during... more
The ArfGAP Glo3 is required for coat protein I vesicle generation in the Golgi–endoplasmic reticulum (ER) shuttle. The best-understood role of Glo3 is the stimulation of the GTPase activity of Arf1. In this study, we characterized... more
Objective: High flow rates during cardiopulmonary bypass are assumed to increase fluid accumulation. This study aimed to determine whether two different flow rates during cardiopulmonary bypass alter the intraoperative fluid balance and... more
Objective: High flow rates during cardiopulmonary bypass are assumed to increase fluid accumulation. This study aimed to determine whether two different flow rates during cardiopulmonary bypass alter the intraoperative fluid balance and... more
The primary functio of salivary glands is fluid and protein secretion during feeding. Compared to mammalian systems, little is known about salivary protein secretion processes and the effect of diet on the salivary proteome in insect... more
Este trabajo propone una lectura de la novela La guerra de las mariconas en terminos de civilizacion y barbarie y busca mostrar como el clasico binomio sarmientino se reformula a traves de las amazonas y los homosexuales de Copi. De las... more
... Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: Record Details. Record ID, 516830. Record Type, journalArticle. Author, Ilse Logie [801002040996] - Ghent University Ilse.Logie@UGent. be. Title, El desmontaje de los... more
- by Ilse Logie
- Art, Copi, Aleph
Transport of cargo to, through and from the Golgi complex is mediated by vesicular carriers and transient tubular connections. In this review, we describe vesicle tethering events with the understanding that similar events occur during... more
Tethers are a diverse group of loosely related proteins and protein complexes grouped into 3 families based on structural and functional similarities. A well-accepted role for tethering factors is the initial attachment of transport... more
If a police officer sees something in plain view in a public place, the information collected is not classified as a search. Rule 2: If a police officer opens luggage and then observes something inside the luggage, the information... more
Análisis de Le bal des folles de Copi.
Anãlisis comparado de las primeras narraciones escritas en francés por Copi y Héctor Bianciotti. Citar como: Gasparini, Pablo (2006). "Exil et déplacements linguistiques: sur le 'débout français' de Copi et de Bianciotti" en Joubert,... more
Formation of transport vesicles involves polymerization of cytoplasmic coat proteins (COP). In COPI vesicle biogenesis, the heptameric complex coatomer is recruited to donor membranes by the interaction of multiple coatomer subunits with... more
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a highly dynamic organelle. It is composed of four subcompartments including nuclear envelope (NE), rough ER (rER), smooth ER (sER) and transitional ER
The Arf1 GTPase-activating protein ArfGAP1 regulates vesicular traffic through the COPI system. This protein consists of N-terminal catalytic domain, lipid packing sensors (the ALPS motifs) in the central region, and a carboxy part of... more
Tethers are a diverse group of loosely related proteins and protein complexes grouped into 3 families based on structural and functional similarities. A well-accepted role for tethering factors is the initial attachment of transport... more
Trafficking of secretory proteins between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the Golgi apparatus depends on coat protein complexes I (COPI) and II (COPII) machineries. To date, full characterization of the distribution and dynamics of... more
Lo spettacolo teatrale "L'omosessuale o la difficoltà di esprimersi" diretto da Andrea Adriatico mette in relazione la drammaturgia di Copi con il cinema di Pasolini.