Contemporary Liberalism
Recent papers in Contemporary Liberalism
Romanian constitution-making since 1989 has been of an uneven and recently evermore conflictive kind. In the 1990s, no significant changes to the 1991 Constitution were made, and the role of the Romanian Constitution could be said to be... more
E galitarian theories of justice must answer two basic questions: (1) to what extent (and for what reasons) is inequality justi®ed, and (2) insofar as one cares about equality, what does one care about? What is the proper target of... more
Sadržaj I Medicinska etika Elvio Baccarini: Neka etička pitanja vezana uz AIDS i HIV, str. 13-31 Elvio Baccarini: Eutanazija i liječnički potpomognuto samoubojstvo, str. 33-61 Elvio Baccarini: Etička pitanja presađivanja organa, str.... more
En 1846, l’un des plus anciens partis en Europe voyait le jour : le parti libéral belge. Le mr et l’Open vld ont donc commémoré, en 2016, le cent soixante-dixième anniversaire de sa naissance. Paradoxalement pourtant, la trajectoire et... more
February 26, 2011 15:46 MAC-US/ACTION Page-iii 9780230105379 ... February 26, 2011 15:46 MAC-US/ACTION Page-iv 9780230105379 ... First published in 2011 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN® in the United States—a division of St. Martin's Press... more
For American Political Science Review
Vivimos en un mundo plural. Cada vez se nos hace más patente que las demás personas tienen creencias, deseos y anhelos distintos a los nuestros. Viven también con estilos de vida diferentes u opuestos. La pluralidad es un hecho. Esto... more
Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals,... more
emotions, divide rather than unite. The Dalai Lama stressed that emotional qualities, such as warmheartedness, compassion and altruism, too need education. Basically, we are all one, he thinks, race, nationality, culture and language are... more
My provocation is that, in rejecting Rawls’s theory of justice, Sandel is in fact endorsing a snotty view of political realism. It is political realism sugarcoated with a potent dose of promising ideas of justice and common good, but it... more
Citizens are politically autonomous insofar as they are subject to laws that are (a) justified by reasons acceptable to them and (b) authorized by them via their political institutions. An obstacle to the equal realization of political... more
This chapter examines what Rawls says in A Theory of Justice about friendship as an interpersonal relationship. Section I contends that Rawls is thinking of friendship as well as the family as one of society’s smaller associations or... more
This article rethinks the problem of religious (in)tolerance by analyzing the 2015 deportation of three " Hindu priests " from a Caribbean nation for the practice of obeah. Defined popularly as " witchcraft " or " African tradition, "... more
En los albores del siglo XX, un diagnóstico extremadamente pesimista de la situación del país llevó a la nueva élite liberal a erigir la escuela como el instrumento más seguro de las transformaciones sociales anheladas para que... more
Publié sur en mars 2010 et sur en juin 2010
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
The Capability approach (also known as the capabilities approach) is a theoretical and normative framework concerned with well-being, the just design of institutional & social arrangements, poverty and human development.
Publicado en Historia y Biografía. II Congreso sobre el republicanismo en la historia de España, Priego de Córdoba, Fundación Patronato Niceto Alcalá-Zamora y Torres, 2003, pp. 49-74. Pasadas las dos de la tarde del 14 de abril de 1931,... more
« From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen ». Nozick's theory of justice mainly focuses on holdings and how to address the tendency to redistributive policies in our contemporary liberal societies. Proving to be a moderate... more
An introduction to community organizing for those new to the field. We focus on learning how to think like an organizer, not teaching skills. A full copy of the pdf is available here, although it's not my site so download at your... more
Many cultural values and ideological factors influence decision-making. These are usually related to the identities of specific social groups. This paper argues that spirituality is identity-forming and is distinct from identity as more... more
hings are getting better every day. The standard of living is going up. An increasing number of individuals are drawn to big cities and adopt a more urban lifestyle. Poverty is receding and the backward agrarian masses, in turn, are... more
Amy R. Baehr, “Feminist Receptions of the Original Position,” forthcoming (2016) in Timothy Hinton (ed.) The Original Position (Cambridge University Press). The original position’s principles are in reflective equilibrium with some... more
Il contributo dei liberali italiani al processo di integrazione europea nel secondo dopoguerra si inserisce nel contesto del dibattito sul nuovo ordine mondiale e sulla collocazione internazionale del paese che coinvolse un'intera... more
Duplice è il disagio della democrazia, spiega Galli: soggettivo, in quanto è avvertito dal cittadino come disaffezione a un sistema che si percepisce come lontano dalla democrazia. Ma il disagio è anche oggettivo, strutturale, dovuto... more
Neste trabalho tem-se como objetivo apresentar, da maneira mais fidedigna e fiel possível, as ideias e pensamentos do filósofo estadunidense John Rawls. Deseja-se apresentar a teoria da justiça como equidade, de modo geral, adentrando os... more
J. Doomen, Freedom and Equality in a Liberal Democratic State. Brussels: Bruylant (Larcier), 2014
Militant democracy is an attempt to defend democracy against totalitarian parties that would use democratic procedures to rise to power. This article is focused on the consistency of the concept of 'militant democracy' . I argue that what... more
The absolute priority of individual liberty and freedom has become a taboo and political correctness for long in modern western ideology. However, many evidences indicates that excessively emphasizing the value of individual freedom in... more
The dissertation examines the meaning of the public or common good considered as an end or purpose of government in the public debate over the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. Federalists and Anti-Federalists assert that the purpose of... more
"The Islamist movements of the current age such as the Ikhwan al-Muslimin of Egypt and the "fundamentalist" movement of Algeria, (the FIS) for example, adhere to a popularly held belief that Allah is the ultimate sovereign and law-giver.... more
C'est peu dire que le libéralisme politique et, plus encore, les partis libéraux en Europe ont été peu étudiés par la communauté scientifique. Comparé aux formations socialistes, communistes, d'extrême droite et, plus récemment,... more
"This book takes the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and applies it to educational practice. To understand how and why to do this, David R Cole puts forward the notion of educational life-forms in this writing, which are moving concepts... more
As part of the gLAWcal - Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) results and book series, a book was published CHINA’S INFLUENCE ON NON-TRADE CONCERNS IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW, Climate Change, Sustainable... more
This paper critically examines the materialism that Gilles Deleuze espouses in his oeuvre to the benefit of educational theory. In Difference and Repetition, he presented transcendental empiricism by underwriting Kant with realism... more
Me hizo llegar amablemente la Editorial Encuentro este libro de mi colega Francisco José Contreras, Catedrático de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de Sevilla. Tras su lectura, resulta casi forzoso elaborar una breve recensión del... more
Charles esplicita quelle che sono, dal suo punto di vista, le basi morali del liberalismo politico a partire dall'analisi di un confronto tra Habermas e Rawls.
A doctrine with roots in eighteenth century thought, liberalism emerged in the nineteenth century as the prevailing ideology of Western capitalist societies and democracies. Philosophically, liberalism consists of a commitment to the... more