Claude Shannon
Recent papers in Claude Shannon
The most common usages of the terms "information" and "communication" are not applicable with objective validity when the object of discourse is the mind-brain system. Neither can these terms be validly employed in the description of... more
Historical review of Communication Theory versus Information Theory, several models explained including Bühler, Jakobson, Ruesch & Bateson, Shannon, and Alexander. Focus on the contrast between Human and Machine communication. Winner of... more
The point of departure of this study is a seemingly trivial question: how did “code” come to designate a key concept of linguistics and semiotics? It is generally held that the term migrated from information theory to linguistics in the... more
The purpose of this article is to interrogate Marx’s analysis of the circulation of capital through the ‘new materialist’ communications and media theory of Friedrich Kittler. It explores the connections between Marx’s commodity fetish... more
What is business getting itself into in its embrace of so-called artificial intelligence? What is it getting the world into? In approaching these questions, it may be useful to set aside the term "artificial intelligence" in favour of... more
The article reflects the author's speech in the discussion club of the journal "Historical Informatics" at a meeting dedicated to the discussion of the collective monograph "Information. A Historical Companion", published in 2021 at... more
Early uses of computers as artistic means and ends date back to the fifties and sixties. For the pioneers of computer art cybernetics, as the were founded in the forties by Norbert Wiener and Clude Elwood Shannon, were a source of... more
The introduction to my book, published by Duke University Press, 2021 Back cover blurb: In Art as Information Ecology, Jason A. Hoelscher offers not only an information theory of art, but an aesthetic theory of information. Applying... more
La teoría de Shannon ha sido enormemente exitosa durante el siglo 20 en el sentido de optimizar los canales de información mediante codificaciones óptimas que esa teoría permite definir. Pero mi objeción es que no se trata realmente de... more
This is the outline: Introduction — La question de la cybernétique et de l'information — Une « pensée du milieu » — Cybernétique et homologie — Une théorie de l'apprentissage — L'information vue de l'autre côté — Champ et domaine unitaire... more
Una doverosa avvertenza, di seguito non si vuole specificatamente discutere della consistenza, dal punto di vista della fisica e più in generale della scienza, dell’ipotesi dell'Universo Olografico, della Fisica dell’Informazione,... more
Abstract. The following study departs from the lecture, entitled “Creative thinking”, delivered by Claude Shannon in 1952 at the Bell Laboratories. This paper includes an interpretive and critical account of the necessary conditions... more
Northeast Modern Language Association University at Buffalo Reading Ernst H. Gombrich's Art and Illusion, a classic in art history, I was captivated by the following lines:
Communicology Theorem: Communication Theory Entails {is prior to} Information Theory
In recent years noise seems to have become an interdisciplinary concept par excellence, apt to capturing important dynamics at work whether in technological, scientific, social, or aesthetic domains. But when economists, biologists,... more
Claude Shannon is renowned for his master’s thesis in which he applied George Boole’s binary logic to electrical switching networks, establishing the mathematical basis for digital circuit design. Far less publicized is his contribution... more
If you think of (linguistic) intuitions as measuring instruments you will want to know what the precision of those instruments is: the size of the measurement scale (what is the smallest/the largest value that can be detected) and how... more
Asked to edit and critically review the exchange between philosopher Rafael Capurro and Linda Treude on the concept of information, the below linked document presents the final version of the exchange, including my contributions to copy... more
"Machines and Symbols (I) – Semantic Aspects of Cybernetics and Automation". This article is the first part of the cycle titled “Machines and symbols”. The main issue of this cycle may be formulated as a question: can machines and... more
This study is an exploration in measuring quantities of information transferred in the course of interaction in human-machine systems, which deemed necessary as fundamental support for interface design. We put forwards several possible... more
Claude Shannon is renowned for his master’s thesis in which he applied George Boole’s binary logic to electrical switching networks, establishing the mathematical basis for digital circuit design. Far less publicized is his contribution... more
The following study departs from the lecture, entitled “Creative thinking”, delivered by Claude Shannon in 1952 at the Bell Laboratories. This paper includes an interpretive and critical account of the necessary conditions (innate and... more
Comment Boole introduit Shakespeare chez Shannon.
A review of Marie Thompson's Beyond Unwanted Sound: Noise, Affect and Aesthetic Moralism (2017)
The purpose of this article is to interrogate Marx’s analysis of the circulation of capital through the ‘new materialist’ communications and media theory of Friedrich Kittler. It explores the connections between Marx’s commodity fetish... more
I possess a wide range of experience critiquing and editing academic literature including abstracts, articles, book chapters, proposals and thesis drafts. I have edited ESL work from international scholars and international PhD students... more