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Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
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      MusicVisual StudiesArt HistoryNew Media
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryMusic
Cet ouvrage explore les démarches d’artistes qui ne recourent jamais au hasard « par hasard ». Ils le pratiquent et le pensent au contraire à travers des méthodes rigoureuses où l’activité artistique croise la philosophie et les sciences.... more
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      AestheticsArt Practice as ResearchSurrealismPhilosophy of Art
""When writing about Cage, we encounter many difficulties with terminology. How to describe in a summary manner, without misunderstandings a writer, composer, teacher, music and social critic, poet, painter, anarchist, speaker, cultural... more
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      MultimediaPhilosophy of ArtIntermediaJoseph Beuys
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      John CageChance Operations
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      MathematicsChance OperationsPeluangPermutasi Kombinasi
Six short essays on the work of Ellsworth Kelly.
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      ModernismAbstractionUrban formColor
Este trabalho apresenta uma investigação sobre o indeterminismo na música, a partir da análise de três obras musicais que utilizam processos de indeterminação como elementos estruturais. Partindo de uma contextualização das práticas e... more
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      MultimediaPhenomenologyIntermediaJoseph Beuys
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      PhilosophyZen BuddhismSilenceJohn Cage
Aleatorik ist ein oft und oftmals sehr verschieden verwendeter Begriff. Der Text gibt einen Überblick über das semantische Feld und unterbreitet einen Vorschlag für eine umfassende Definition, die Aleatorik und Zufallsprozesse voneinander... more
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      Contemporary ArtCompositionJohn CageThe new Bloom's taxonomy: Implications for music education
To me a composer is like a gardener to whom a small portion of a large piece of ground has been allotted for cultivation; it falls to him to gather what grows on his soil, to arrange it, to make a bouquet of it, and if he is very... more
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      Contemporary MusicGarden HistoryJapanese AestheticsJohn Cage
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      FluxusHappeningsJohn CageAllan Kaprow
John Cage, Merce Cunnigham and Allan Kaprow’s works, theories and methods are used as a motto to understand how a newfound status of the artwork was instigated by their shared interests and researches, which ran transversally trough... more
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      MusicArt HistoryArtArt Theory
This chronology includes comments on John Cage´s works: The concepts of selected notations are described. The chronology can be read like an introduction to Cage´s concepts or like a journey through his ideas. In: URL:... more
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      MultimediaIntermediaJoseph BeuysFluxus
During the 1960s Warhol acquired his first tape recorder, which he used to write a novel, entitled simply "a." The premise of the book was that it reproduced, indexically, twenty-four hours in the life of “Ondine,” an interesting... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesThe NovelQueer Theory
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      Cultural StudiesInformation TechnologyMusicMusicology
In John Cage’s career as a composer, spanning nearly six decades, the years 1951 and 1952 provide for many purposes a convenient line of distinction. From the earlier year came the Concerto for Prepared Piano and the Music of Changes,... more
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      PhenomenologySilencePhenomenology of the bodyExperimental Music
In Elena Crippa, ed., Frank Bowling (London: Tate Publishing, 2019), 38-49, 195-96.
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      African StudiesContemporary ArtAfrican Diaspora StudiesPainting
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryGender Studies
This work discusses McLuhan's ideas of electrical media as the extension of human central nervous system, consciousness, and wearing all mankind as our skin. In cyberspace the traditional essence of art and the original concept of art... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityNew MediaDigital MediaMultimedia
This paper looks at the various challenges of art history and the role that psychological analysis has played in advancing the discipline. By taking a long view on the uses and misuses of psychoanalysis in art history, it is possible... more
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      NeurosciencePsychoanalysisArt HistoryArt
Animation is an expressive field. Its etymology elicits the breath of life, drawing upon the Indo-European root, ane-(to breathe), and the Latin root, anima (life). The sentiment isn't lost on those who explore the field's possibilities.... more
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      Animation TheoryExperimental AnimationFine Art AnimationExpanded Cinema
Discusses shift in the politics of the avant-garde after World War II. I argue that the utopian aspirations of the avant-garde are refocused on providing singular, non-binding examples of alternative ways of seeing, thinking, and... more
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      MusicAestheticsAvant-Garde CinemaPhotography
Through a detailed analysis of "Soundings: Ocean Diary" (1994), David Tudor’s contribution to "Ocean," his last collaborative project with John Cage and Merce Cunningham, this essay probes into one particular topic which I had... more
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      SilenceElectronic MusicExperimental MusicJohn Cage
Dada, the exuberant art movement that burst into prominence in the 1910s and 1920s, revolutionized traditional notions of art and aesthetics. Artist Hans Arp, for example, tossed colored scraps of paper into the air to compose... more
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      PsychologyArt HistoryPlayModernism
Consciously acknowledged or not, by both creators and users, the man- made built environment is a potential symbol which creators and users can either ignore or recognize; not only a symbol but a metaphor. It is the... more
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      SemioticsMultimediaDesign ResearchIntermedia
DEMILITARY Z ACJA JĘZ YK A: POWA ŻNE Z ADANIE DL A MUZ YKI NAPISANYM W 1957 ROKU tekście programowym Experimental Music John Cage pisze: Odpowiedź na to pytanie [o cel pisania muzyki] może przybrać formę paradoksu: celowa bezcelowość... more
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      MultimediaIntermediaJoseph BeuysEvents
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      SemioticsMultimediaIntermediaJoseph Beuys
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      Game TheoryArt HistorySurrealismSystems Theory
In 1948, John Cage claims form to be the sole element in music that must be freed from all compositional laws. In the same year Claude Shannon’s information theory and Norbert Wiener’s cybernetics, both struggle with the problem of... more
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      Information TheoryCyberneticsAutopoiesisExperimental Music
Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia, 2019 Area comunicazione L'editore si dichiara pienamente disponibile a regolare le eventuali spettanze relative a diritti di riproduzione per le immagini e i testi di cui non sia stato possibile... more
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      ChoreographyEventsJohn CageGerhard Richter
Nem tudo o que está sobre o papel é desenho e nem sempre o papel é apenas suporte, afirma Alexandre Conefrey. E um artista não tem que fazer sempre o mesmo.
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      AestheticsPaintingDrawingChance Operations
The PDF presents the folded poster with reproductions of the illustrated text panels (in German) of the exhibition "Art as walking on the limits: John Cage and modern art". It was published by the Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst in Munich... more
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      Performance ArtIntermediaJoseph BeuysFluxus
This book investigates the concept of pos-modernism since its roots on Philosophy, Social Sciences and Architecture to its musical sense in the 20th century. Also discusses the meaning of "post-modernism" in Brazilian music. Now it is... more
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      MultimediaIntermediaJoseph BeuysFredric Jameson
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      MultimediaAnarchism (Literature)IntermediaJoseph Beuys
Resumo: Relacionada contextualmente com o percurso da música brasileira do século XX, a obra Mutationen VI, para violino e fita magnética, composta por Claudio Santoro em 1972, caracteriza-se pelo uso do que o próprio compositor chama de... more
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      Notation (Music)IndeterminacyMusical AnalysisAnálise Musical
This introductory essay reflects on chance operations and the control society in a work of experimental dance/performance/installation studying how/not to do things with systems in the contemporary Anthropocene.
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Knots and Fields, a documentary of 75 mins in length, looks at the history and the contemporary relevance of the famous Summer Courses in New Music, which have been held in Darmstadt, Germany since 1946. The film includes interviews with... more
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      Documentary FilmJohn CageKarlheinz StockhausenNew Music
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      PoetryDadaContemporary PoetryExperimental Poetry
This paper discusses a significant performance event of the 1960s titled 9 Evenings: Theatre & Engineering. In 2006, MIT held an exhibition to mark the fortieth anniversary of this event, the first large-scale performance in the US in... more
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      MultimediaIntermediaJoseph BeuysEvents
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      Critical TheorySemioticsCultural StudiesPsychoanalysis
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      Stochastic ProcessJohn CageStochastic MusicAleatoric Compositon
According to Giorgio Vasari, one of the greatest innovations of Renaissance art was the introduction of the canvas, a new material support that allowed pictures “to be carried from place to place.” With their flexibility and resilience,... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryMarcel DuchampTitian
Review of Birth as Criterion: The 32nd Biennial of Graphic Arts at Ljubljana, Slovenia
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesGender StudiesArt TheoryContemporary Art
W enn Kommissar oder Detektiv am Ende eines Krimis die smarte Lösung ihres Falls präsentieren, dann hat der Mörder ausgespielt. Entweder ist er tot oder er wird verhaftet, seine Machenschaften sind aufgedeckt, es ist geklärt, wer wie mit... more
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      Comparative LiteratureJorge Luis BorgesDetective FictionCormac McCarthy
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      CollageChance Operations
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural Studies
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      Cultural StudiesComputer ScienceArt HistoryArt
An exploration of textural cut-ups. How ‘systematic derangement’ works in a creative environment, and how we can adapt the techniques to discover more about ourselves and our relationship with society. This paper will share my recent... more
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      Chance OperationsAleatory Music/art