Cerebral Subject
Recent papers in Cerebral Subject
"Performing Brains on Screen" deals with film enactments and representations of the belief that human beings are essentially their brains, a belief that embodies one of the most influential modern ways of understanding the human. Films... more
Synopsis Thèse de doctorat ès sciences socales -Université de Lausanne (2012) Vincent Pidoux ([email protected] / @PidouxV) Cerveaux, sujets et maladies. Contribution à une épistémologie historique de l'étude de l'activité cérébrale... more
Статья посвящена исследованию предлагаемого научно-фантастическим сериалом «Видоизмененный углерод» кейса возможного конфликта между практическими и этическими импликациями научного и религиозного дискурсов о природе человека. В... more
This article explores a possible conflict between the practical and ethical implications of scientific and religious discourses about human nature proposed in the sci-fi series "Altered Carbon". It discusses the clash between... more
рецензия на Vidal F., Ortega F. Being Brains: Making the Cerebral Subject. New York: Fordham University Press, 2017.
This article explores the poetics of the neuromolecular gaze in Bart Koubaa's 2007 novel Het gebied van Nevski and James Cameron's 2009 film Avatar. It considers the novel and the film as artistic reflections of contemporary neuroculture... more
With contributions by Elizabeth Lunbeck, Chloe Silverman, Martyn Pickersgill, and Frank Stahnisch, and a reply by the authors.
Since the 1990s, several disciplines have emerged at the interface between neuroscience and the social and human sciences. For the most part, they aim at capturing the commonalities that underlay the heterogeneity of human behaviors and... more
Depuis la Décennie du cerveau des années 1990, un "tournant neuroscientifique" affecte le monde contemporain à l'échelle mondiale. Les neurosciences semblent s'imposer comme le meilleur moyen de comprendre l'être humain et promettent de... more