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      NeoliberalismFanonFrantz FanonNeo-colonialism
Humanity is on the threshold of recognizing the fundamental error in its view of life and death. Both death as well as active life is necessary to the vital formation of a larger, more essential whole. In this paper, I apply the sociology... more
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      SemioticsReligionBuddhismComparative Religion This paper argues that the Macau government’s swift and effective coronavirus policies are deeply intertwined with the urban fabric and political economy of the... more
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      Political EconomyMacauCasino CapitalismMacau studies
Listening to a video of Herbert Marcuse speaking about the Frankfurt School/Critical theory approach to Marxist theory, entices my mind to go on an orgy of thought, thinking of how with continuous warning of socio-economic problems with... more
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      Critical TheorySocioeconomicsPhilosophyHerbert Marcuse