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NANO… one billionth of one and one third of micro ,to be precise 10-9m. Nanotechnology is much discussed these days as a emerging frontier – a realm in which machines operate at scales of billionth a metre. It is actually a... more
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      ButcheryIC ENGINESNano Robotics , Alternative fuels , IC Engines
Fleischindustrie: Von Schweinen und Menschen | ZEIT ONLINE Je mehr Fleisch wir verzehren, desto weniger... more
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      Science CommunicationFood and NutritionButcheryMeat Production
The partial skeletons of 79 medieval cats were recovered from a well in Cambridge, England. The animals had been killed by having their throats cut and were subsequently skinned and dismembered for consumption by the inhabitants of the... more
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      Medieval EnglandCatsButcherySkinning
Is local necessarily "greener" food. In this talk I used the example of the Tuscan butcher Dario Cecchini to suggest that the calculus of sustainability is often more complex than the geometry of food miles.
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      Local foodButcheryTuscany
Previous researchers have reported difficulties in distinguishing between surface marks on bone formed by sedimentary abrasion and those inllicted while butchering. Trampling by large ungulates and humans has been credited with producing... more
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Autors: Nada ELIAS, Yasha HOURANI, Ali BADAWI, Rose-Marie ARBOGAST, Dominique CASTEX, Géraldine SACHAU: Tyr is situated on the coastal road between the north (Beirut) and the South (Haifa). Since 2011, an archaeological excavation... more
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      AnthropologyArchaeozoologyFuneral PracticesHellenistic period
In the last few decades, some progress has been made towards a synthesis of the data on the presence of early hominins in Europe and their dispersals across the continent in the Early and Middle Pleistocene. The sites that have been... more
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      TaphonomyPleistocene VertebrateLarge CarnivoresBovids (Zooarchaeology)
Burnt osteological materials are one focus of interest in forensic, archaeological, and palaeontological studies. We document the effects of experimental, controlled heating on a sample of modern bones and teeth from sheep and goats. Four... more
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      ArchaeologyForensicsAnthropologyForensic Anthropology
Zooarchaeological analyses of the faunal assemblage from Vetricella have revealed the central role played by domesticates, and especially pigs, in the diet of people living at the site (second half 10th- mid 11th centuries AD). By... more
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      ZooarchaeologyButcheryMiddle AgesPig Husbandry
Abstract: This paper presents a peer-reviewed and updated/corrected list oif >100 publicly known late Quaternary proboscidean sites that have certain or possible traces of hominin utilization in Africa, Europe, and Asia, along with a... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of HuntingQuaternaryQuaternary palaeontology
Altamura F., Gaudzinski-Windheuser S., Melis R.T., Mussi M., 2019. Reassessing an early Middle Pleistocene Hippo Butchery Site: Gombore II-2 (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash valley, Ethiopia), in Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 32 pp. DOI:... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEthiopian StudiesAcheulian (Archaeology)Pleistocene
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      German HistoryButcheryHistory of AnimalsMeat Production
Cutmarks found on the fossilised bones of butchered animals provide direct evidence for the procurement of meat through technological means. As such, they hold some of the oldest available information on cognitive ability and behaviour in... more
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      MicroscopyTaphonomyButchery3D Microscopy
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      GeographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthiopian StudiesAcheulian (Archaeology)
Diet is a key element of cultural identity, especially when it conveys religious practices. A multivariate study of two zooarchaeological assemblages from Medieval Catalonia (North-Eastern Spain) is described here. The combination of... more
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      ArchaeologyJewish StudiesMedieval HistoryZooarchaeology
This paper presents a list of >100 publicly known late Quaternary proboscidean sites that have certain or possible traces of hominin utilization in Africa, Europe, and Asia, along with a sample of references, chronometric or estimated... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of HuntingQuaternaryQuaternary palaeontology
p. 2-Bibliographie/ Bibliography Instrumentum 51 Articles p. 17-Brai de bouleau en Gaule romaine : nouveaux témoignages archéologiques, données textuelles et étymologiques p. 22-Roman Provincial Pottery and Costume Accessories from... more
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      IconographySacrificeButcheryRoman Small Finds
The phenomenon of equifinality complicates behavioral interpretations of faunal assemblages from contexts in which Pleistocene hominins are suspected bone accumulators. Stone tool butchery marks on ungulate fossils are diagnostic of... more
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      Human EvolutionTaphonomyButcheryOlduvai Gorge
Bifaces appear at different moments in several regions of Western Europe during the Middle Palaeolithic. In order to understand why various human groups produced these tools, it is instructive to investigate how they were used. In... more
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      MousterianMiddle PaleolithicBifacial ToolsButchery
Small bone fragments have often been interpreted as the residues of stews or grease extraction. In international historical archaeological research, stew interpretations have often focused on enslaved or underclass groups or on those who... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyZooarchaeology
Butchery marks have not been considered very much in Cypriot zooarchaeology. This study aims to contribute towards filling this gap through a study of butchery marks on six Pre-Pottery Neolithic sheep and goat (caprine) assemblages in... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryCypriot Archaeology
The white apron has always been an obvious marker of their trade for butchers. The point they make in keeping it immaculate allows to forget the violence of the slaughtering act necessary to the transformation of cattle into meat. When... more
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      French HistoryHistory of CostumeButcheryCommercial
Vi leggerò un testo ebraico risalente alla seconda metà del III secolo e di provenienza babilonese, dalla città di Sura, in Mesopotamia. Si tratta di una breve narrazione dai contenuti in parte enigmatici, che aprono di conseguenza a... more
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      Hebrew LiteratureJewish StudiesTalmudMidrash
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      ArchitectureItalian StudiesRenaissance StudiesUrban History
OBJECTIVES " To gain industrial experience through my in-depth knowledge and skills and a dynamic team-oriented environment, "
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    • Butchery
Après la Révolution, les contrôles sanitaires sur la viande à Paris sont restés très longtemps organisés sur un modèle d'auto-régulation corporative proche du fonctionnement existant sous l'Ancien Régime. Autant les pouvoirs publics sont... more
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      French HistoryPublic HealthVeterinaryButchery
In this study, we analyse the three-dimensional micromorphology of cut marks on fossil mammal remains from a ~0.5 million year old Acheulean butchery site at Boxgrove (West Sussex, southern England), and make comparisons with cut marks... more
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      MicroscopyScanning Electron MicroscopyTaphonomyButchery
HOSE WHO TRY to reconstruct past environments and hominid T behaviors have only four sources of information: (1) geological evidence; (2) the preserved remains of various hominid and nonhominid species; (3) occasionally, artifacts... more
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We report the occurrence at 0.7 million years (Ma) of an ichnological assemblage at Gombore II-2, which is one of several archaeological sites at Melka Kunture in the upper Awash Valley of Ethiopia, 2000 m asl. Adults and children... more
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      ZooarchaeologyIchnologyChildren and FamiliesPalaeolithic Archaeology
Zamostje 2 is an open-air site, discovered in a bog in central Russia and excavated by V. Lozovski from 1989. It is basically a border of an habitation and fishing zone, partially with a waste area. This deposit is characterised by a... more
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      Russian StudiesRussianMesolithic ArchaeologyCentral Asia
Details of the evaluation package for a new butchery recording and analysis system.
The evaluation package is available for download from dropbox.
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      ZooarchaeologyTaphonomyButcheryFaunal Analysis, Zooarchaeology
The zooarchaeological analyses of a faunal assemblage from Castleford, a Roman military and civilian site in West Yorkshire, are presented and discussed. The fort was in use in the late 1st century AD; a small settlement developed next to... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyAnthropologyRoman History
This poster presents a new method of assessing and displaying taphonomic history through detailed bone fracture analysis. Bone is a particularly useful indicator of taphonomic processes as it is sensitive to when it is broken based on... more
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How urban myths can influence and re-wright history. First published on R.I.F. Magazine no.19, Israel-Ukraine 2015. Editor & publisher Michael Fishman.
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      Military HistoryGerman HistoryMartial ArtsHolocaust Studies
This article extends Malcolm Ruel's notion of 'non-sacrificial ritual killing' to explore the mode of butchering and the sharing of meat among the Chagga-speaking people of Tanzania. It is argued that these processes are forms of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsEthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyAfrica
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval urban historyCollective ActionFood History
En Languedoc oriental, l'agglomération du Castellas, mérite d'être considérée comme gisement archéologique prometteur si l'on s'appuie notamment sur les données matérielles rassemblées depuis la reprise des fouilles, en 2001, sous la... more
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      ArchaeozoologyFood HistoryUrban archaeologyGallo-roman archaeology
Reconstruction of early Pleistocene hominin carcass acquisition and processing behaviors are necessarily based at least in part on butchered fossil bones. This paper provides zooarchaeological and taphonomic analyses and behavioral... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyPaleoanthropologyAnthropology
The Roman conquest of Britain caused major economic and cultural changes that affected Iron Age societies throughout the island. Patterns of change are visible already in the pre-Roman late Iron Age, when influences from the Continent... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyZooarchaeologyPost-Roman Britain
"This paper presents the results of a zooarchaeological analysis conducted on the remains of large carnivores and small game from the Early Aurignacian from the site of La Quina aval. This site was excavated successively by Dr. Henri... more
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      ZooarchaeologyAurignacianSubsistance Strategies (Archaeology)Butchery
Den Anstoß für das Vorwort dieser Arbeit gab ein kurzer Auszug aus Kurt Schwitters Gedicht "Die Zwiebel", den ich hier wiedergeben und der vorliegenden Arbeit voranstellen möchte. Ein Vorwort kann das Folgende einführen, erklären und... more
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      Work and LabourFin de siècle ViennaButcheryArbeitskulturen
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      Urban HistoryFood HistoryButcheryTopography
Like most guilds during the Ancien Régime, Parisian butchers are very much attached to catholicism. This attachment can be seen in the growing number of local brotherhoods and the numerous religious foundations in the parish of... more
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      French HistoryHistory of Roman CatholicismReligious StudiesButchery
Archaeological investigations at Fort Brown (41CF96) have provided a wealth of information about military life in south Texas. This re-analysis of the faunal material recovered by the Archaeological Research Laboratory's survey efforts in... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFaunal Analysis
"Winterborne" Recording and Analysis of Butchery Marks.
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      ButcheryButchery Marks, Experimental Archaeology, Traceology
A large assemblage of hand collected and sieved fish bone was analysed from medieval and later deposits in Aberdeen. The bulk of the material probably dated to the 13-14 th centuries and 14-15 th centuries, with some of 15-18 th and 19-20... more
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      ZooarchaeologyMedievalButcheryFish Bones
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      ZooarchaeologyArchaeozoologyBohemiaCzech Republic
Avant 1858, la boucherie est une activite ou les efforts de decoration et de presentation des viandes sont faibles et rares. Avec la democratisation de la consommation de la viande de boucherie et le developpement de la concurrence... more
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      MarketingArtAnthropology of FoodConsumption
Altamura F., Gaudzinski-Windheuser S., Melis R.T., Mussi M., 2019. Reassessing an early Middle Pleistocene Hippo Butchery Site: Gombore II-2 (Melka Kunture, Upper Awash valley, Ethiopia), in Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 32 pp. DOI:... more
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      GeographyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthiopian StudiesAcheulian (Archaeology)
Fish processing and consumption became an increasing part of the subsistence patterns in the lower stream of the Colorado River (Buenos Aires province, Eastern Pampa-Patagonian transition, Argentina) during the Middle and Late Holocene... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyFish Remains (Zooarchaeology)