Recent papers in Brancusi
Les préoccupations de Rodin, Brancusi et Hesse concernant le renouvellement de l’œuvre par le biais de la répétition, apparaissent comme des tentatives de conciliation de l’immobilité et du mouvement. Ce texte montre que la forme répétée... more
Mystery of Constantin Brâncuși’s “Le Baiser” (The Kiss, 1909) at the cimetière du Montparnasse
The travertine in the works of contemporary sculptors.
This article has been published in a revised form in Tempo []. This version is free to view and download for private research and study only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative... more
This article focuses on an yet unknown chapter of the life and work of the Romanian painter Costin Petrescu (1872–1954); based on unpublished documents from Romanian and American archives, very little, or not at all researched by... more
This essay is on pottery as art and archaeology and the role of touch and how we view pottery as artists, archaeologists and as viewers in the gallery or museum. To make pottery, the potter needs to touch and shape clay by hand. The... more
This article takes an interdisciplinary approach in order to show the artistic importance of the friendship between Ezra Pound and Constantin Brancusi. It refers to key moments in Pound’s late cantos that evidence his development of a... more
Lucrarea de disertație își propune să înțeleagă contribuția lui Brâncuși la definirea artei moderne, prin căutarea semnificației lucrărilor sale și a modernității lor inovatoare. Ca orice mare artist care a marcat o epocă și care a... more
In the wake of the recent surge of interest in the relation between sculpture and photography, the article revisits the photography’s capacity to convey the haptic qualities of sculpted matter. Starting from the logic of supplementarity,... more
In the fall of 1926, Constantin Brancusi's Bird In Space sculpture was seized by United States Customs as attempting to pass under the duty free category of art. Officials, not recognizing any representation of a bird, deemed the object a... more
Ştiinţele exacte şi conservarea operelor de artă Conservarea obiectelor de artă -bunuri culturale, reprezentative pentru tipurile de activităţi şi pentru epocile cărora aparţin, este ştiinţa ce transmite arta ca manifestare umană... more
Brancusi – Modernitate si Avangarda Modernitatea si Avangarda in calitatea lor de fenomene culturale care privesc si lumea vizualului s-au manifest in primele 3 decenii ale vecului al xx-lea. Ele sunt fenomene contemporane dar totodata... more
Daily scientific news reports comment on the declining health of our planet. The major contributing factors may be listed as: overpopulation, pollution, resource over-exploitation, and the destruction of the ecosystems; all these factors... more
Spesso citata nella bibliografia sul minimalismo, la tesi di laurea di Robert Morris (Form-Classes in the Work of Constantin Brancusi. A Thesis, New York City, Hunter College, 1966) non è mai stata oggetto di uno studio monografico. Si... more
The essay concentrates on the trial over Brancusi’s sculpture Bird in Space. In 1927, the New York customs labeled the bronze artwork as kitchen utensil, taxing it 40%. Depositions and sentence are interesting from a semiotic point of... more
Kubler: note per un bilancio 1.1. Il saggio Pubblicato nel 1962 e presto assurto a successo editoriale internazionale, il saggio di George Kubler »The Shape of Time« 3 si presenta come un breve ma denso intervento in cui l'autore, fino a... more
To be continued...
La réplique à l'épreuve de sa fiction juridique (Brancusi/Baquié) 3. Elaine Sturtevant, Sturtevant The Razzle dazzle of thinking, Paris, ARC/MAM Paris/Paris musée, 2010, p. 152. 4. Corinne Morini, extrait des conclusions à une... more
This catalogue is published to accompany the exhibition of the same name in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam (8 February–11 May 2014). The exhibition is a unique meeting of the work of three of the most influential artists of the... more
A study of the religious anthropology of the Romanian peasant at the turn of the century, exemplified in Brancusi's work, reveals a religious syncretism, in fact a popular Orthodoxy, which comes from dogmatic Orthodoxy and popular... more
Guillaume millet miGuel ánGel molina miquel mont GeorGes rousse olivier soulerin heiDi WooD zevs les autres la peinture et ses imaGes un projet De miGuel ánGel molina les autres la peinture et ses imaGes un projet De miGuel ánGel molina 6... more
La relazione tra fotografia e scultura è al centro di questo libro, con particolare attenzione a foto realizzate da Medardo Rosso, Costantin Brancusi, Man Ray. Inquadrare la scultura non è operazione ingenua, ma pone una serie di... more
This essay aims to show how the Greimassian meaning of aspectuality could be a very useful concept in order to analyse some artistic works. Particularly, we will analyse some Brancusi’s works in which the translation between sculpture,... more
Si la sculpture et le cinéma n’ont a priori que peu en commun, les champs élargis de la sculpture et du cinéma ainsi que le décloisonnement des pratiques artistiques caractéristiques de l’art du XXe siècle à nos jours nous permettent... more
Man can never expect to start from scratch; he must start from ready-made things like even his own mother and father. -Marcel Duchamp I always wanted to find a way to make sculpture. . . . What I wanted was to be able to make a sculpture.... more
The essay deals with relationships between photography and sculpture with particular regards to some aesthetic and semiotic issues involved in the photography of sculpture. In the first part of the paper an historical overview about... more
Colloque "Bachelard, science, poésie, une nouvelle éthique ?" - Cerisy-La-Salle 25.07.2012/ 01-08.2015
In-depth chronological analysis of the correspondence between the British art critic Adrian Stokes and the American poet Ezra Pound and how it illuminates each others' work, especially in the 1930s. See also Art and its Discontents: the... more
This review of Hollywood Arensberg will appeal to those interested in the history of collecting, and domestic display of modern art. Incorporating pre-existing literature on Walter and Louise Arensberg, the review discusses their close... more
Musée Bourdelle, di Giancarlo Mauri - Un racconto per sole immagini pubblicato sul blog
Since the value analysis should address the truth or true aspects of the object analyzed, I believe that is not enough to use only a research method while focusing on a work of art. So passing a visual object through several types of... more
CORRUZIONE Appalti G8, prima condanna per la cricca INTERVISTA |PAGINA 3 Chiara Saraceno: «La riforma Fornero del mercato del lavoro non tutela i giovani» ROBERTO CICCARELLI STAMPA LIBERA Tenga il resto, buon uomo OPERAI ALL'INGRESSO... more
Un excursus sul Surrealismo, dalle sue radici fino agli esiti estremi, attraverso il tema dello sguardo. Cinema, pittura e musica inseguono la metafora della vista interiore, approdando al tema del bianco e del silenzio.
Margarete Haeffner-Moll (1884–1977), znana również jako Marg Moll, należy do niemieckich artystek, które są obecnie znane jedynie wąskiemu gronu specjalistów. Niemniej jednak, jej prace ujawniają wyjątkowy talent. W latach 1903–1932, Moll... more
Από τα μέσα του 19ου αιώνα η εικόνα του κόσμου που ίσχυε έως τότε είχε αρχίσει σταδιακά να αλλάζει στα επιμέρους της σημεία. Αν χαρακτηρίζει κάτι την νέα εποχή που άρχισε να διαφαίνεται από τα μέσα περίπου του 19ου αιώνα και έπειτα, αυτό... more