Book of Changes
Recent papers in Book of Changes
Joachim Bouvet (1656-1730) was one of the king's five mathematicians who were sent to China by the French King Louis XIV. Based on his manuscripts found in Rome and Paris, the paper analyzes Bouvet and his study of the Yijing within its... more
"The Elven Book of Changes" is a magical interpretation of the I Ching or Book of Changes, and is for magicians, elves, and magic wielders of all kinds. It is written without gender bias and serves both as an Oracle and as a book of... more
自東漢初年,黃老思想與養生之術相互連繫起來,黃老學說於各個發展階段的狀態與意義,便成為研究道教學者所關心的面向。特別是《周易參同契》運用漢《易》原理衍說丹道,吸收神仙方術的內容,讓哲學、科學與宗教互摻為一,更奠定了後世道教《易》學的基礎。無論從外丹或內丹的詮釋與分析,我們都可以清楚地看到,從元氣講變化修煉的理論形態,不僅只是兩種不同修煉方法的相互應用而已,其背後所蘊涵的,更是戰國秦漢以來黃老思想典型的轉移。而向來對於《參同契》內煉取向黃老「引內養性」之說的概念探討,大都侷限在... more
Classical Confucianism, through its repository of canonical texts, offers a compelling political vision that promotes the exemplary treatment of persons and a society in which human potential is maximized and government is held... more
Our Virtue Existential Career (VEC) model aims at complementing western modernism and postmodernism career theories with eastern philosophy. With dialectical philosophy and virtue-practice derived from the Classic of Changes, the VEC... more
Ancient Chinese history holds a quality which has syncretized traditional thought with its cultural wealth unified of mystical and mythological figures in the background. Such that classical documents, which had begun to be written before... more
This essay has been inspired by the writings of the contemporary Neo-Confucian philosopher Mou Zongsan and the German sinologist Wolfgang Bauer. It assumes that the power of Mao Zedong’s thought sprung from its ability to systematically... more
The main objective of this article is to present a philosophical and comparative analy- sis of the concept of primordial energy 氣 qì during the early stage of confucianism. The article is mainly based on The Book of Changes and classical... more
An dip on resemblance between the phonetic old transliteration for 元亨利貞 and four sanskrit 'bījāmantra', connected to the pañcatathāgata, in tantric Buddhism.
How can phonetic patterns assist the 周易 zhōuyì reader, in organizing and connecting the raw material such an “open interpretive space with a principle of multiplicity” seems to offer ? In between the framework of contemporary... more
В статье освещается проблема изначального философского смысла фразы из комментария к «Книге перемен» «Си цы чжуань», послужившей прообразом понятия 形而上學 (кит. син эр шан сюэ, яп. кэй дзи дзё гаку), дословно, «учение о том, что выше форм»,... more