Biomedical Ethics
Recent papers in Biomedical Ethics
Die Vereinbarkeit von Suizidbeihilfe und ärztlichem Ethos stellt eine der dringlichsten Fragen der modernen Medizin dar. Die vorliegende Studie greift die aktuelle Diskussion dieser Frage mit Blick auf die schweizerische Situation auf.... more
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) required healthcare providers in the United States to adopt and demonstrate meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) by January 1, 2014. In many ways, EHRs mark a notable... more
Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) using cell-free fetal DNA (cffDNA) from maternal blood has recently entered clinical practice in many countries, including Canada. This test can be performed early during pregnancy to detect Down... more
Qu’apporte une approche par la « gouvernance de l’intervention éthique » ? Elle apprend que c’est dans l’embrigadement des pratiques éthiques (couplage) dans les interstices ouverts par la compétition des logiques d’utilité que peut se... more
This is a very brief introduction to ethics that was originally written for the Bioethics and Professionalism curriculum for University of Pennsylvania's medical school.
Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist es, die Rolle von Praktiken, die unter dem Begriff Empowerment subsumiert werden, in ihrer Relevanz fu r die Umsetzung des Rechts auf Gesundheit darzustellen. Weiter unten wird eine konzisere Auseinandersetzung... more
Among all human practices, procreation seems the most paradoxical. It starts as a fully personal choice and ends with the creation of a new subject of rights and responsibilities. Advances in reproductive genetics pose new ethical and... more
Social work can help to restore a balance towards humanity. We are and always have been critical thinking innovators with a comprehensive grasp of issues, a thorough knowledge of human situations and environments. We also possess the... more
My question in the chapter is this: could (and should) the role of the physician be construed as that of a friend to the patient? I begin by briefly discussing the “friendship model” of the physician-patient relationship—according to... more
Biobanking of residual human biological materials (HBMs), usually obtained from surgeries, is crucial in biomedical research for the advancement of science and public health. [1] Research results obtained from studies using HBMs improve... more
In their 2004 New England of Journal of Medicine article, attorneys Julie Cantor and Ken Baum M.D. present opposing views for and against a pharmacist’s ethical right of refusal in filling prescriptions for emergency contraception and... more
A common argument for abortion involves denial of the personhood of the unborn embryo or fetus. Mary Anne Warren pioneered this type of argument in her influential 1973 article on abortion. However, her understanding of the concept of... more
In recent discussions about whether the use of a love pill to enhance love in our romantic relationships is desirable, one argument centres on the question whether this love pill would secure the final value we attribute to love. Sven... more
In the last decades "shared decision-making" has been hailed as the new paradigm for the doctor-patient relationship. However, different models of clinical decision-making appear to be compatible with the core tenets of "shared... more
This is a pre-proof version of a paper, co-authored with Joseph Wu, forthcoming in Social Theory and Practice Screening for asymptomatic disease is a routine aspect of contemporary public health practice. However, it is also... more
"Tıp felsefesinin incili," Beauchamp & Childress'tan Principles of Biomedical Ethics, şimdi Türkçe. Türkçe prensipler BETİM, D&R ve diğer anlaşmalı tedarikçilerde satışta:... more
some early thoughts about the person we so easily overlook in the dying patient. she is a dying person, a subject active in a vulnerable receptive manner.
Animals and Ethics 101 helps readers identify and evaluate the arguments for and against various uses of animals, such: - Is it morally wrong to experiment on animals? Why or why not? - Is it morally permissible to eat meat? Why or... more
People who enter the biomedical field and have felt empathy for animals, but who learn to suppress those feelings and to accept and engage in animal research, are sociopaths. People who happily experiment on animals with no empathy for... more
“We live in an upside down world,” remarks director Ang Lee, “biblically, we lost Paradise.” This comment, I believe, is central to Lee’s vision for his 2003 movie Hulk, based on the Marvel comic book series The Incredible Hulk. In past... more
This essay explores the degree to which the "Principle of Totality" (TPoT) non-univocally guides our use of both artifacts and bodies. We argue that a careful analysis of these distinct kinds of totalities suggests the application of TPoT... more
Disponible sur Internet le 16 septembre 2010
rerseits konnte es sich mit einer positiven Wertung verbinden (so wie man auch heute ein Verhalten oder einen Menschen als ‚moralisch' bezeichnet, wenn man es bzw. ihn gutheißt). Das lateinische mos und das altgriechische ethos stimmen... more
ETİK SORUNLAR AHMET KARAKAYA 110401007 TEZ DANIŞMANI Prof. Dr. RECEP ŞENTÜRK İSTANBUL 2013 i BEYAN Bu tezin yazılmasında bilimsel ahlak kurallarına uyulduğunu, başkalarının eserlerinden yararlanılması durumunda bilimsel normlara uygun... more
Personhood argument is important in moral philosophy specially to determine the moral status of a being (human or non-human) and organism. Justifying moral status of these is significant and necessary because without knowing whether those... more
"The doctrine of informed consent, defined as respect for autonomy, is the tool used to govern the relationship between physicians and patients. Its framework relies on rights and duties that mark these relationships. The main purpose of... more
A growing number of posthuman neuroprosthetic devices are under development that will provide their users with sensory, motor, and cognitive capacities that radically differ from those of ‘natural’ human beings. Specialized organizations... more
Abstract: "Although two CDF documents have given instruction on the moral problems of artificial reproductive technologies and the importance of respecting the lives of cryopreserved embryos, no definitive judgment has been made... more
In this short essay, I explain why we might think of personal narratives of illness and disability as "quality-of-life writing": because they furnish testimony that one can have a satisfying quality of life despite impairment and illness.... more
Legal outcomes often depend on the adjudication of what may appear to be straightforward distinctions. In this article, we consider two such distinctions that appear in medical and family law deliberations: the distinction between... more
There are many things that we might feel obligated to justify to other people, but having a child is not usually one of them. It is difficult to imagine a decision more personal, or more apparently within one’s rights to make. Yet in... more
Medical professionals seem to interpret their uses of humor very differently from those out-side their profession. Nurses and physicians argue that humor is necessary for them to do their jobs well. Many (potential) patients are horrified... more
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, le projet a pris une place toujours plus grande dans la manière de soigner les patients psychiatriques : à leur entrée dans l’institution, ils se doivent de décider d’un but à atteindre avant de quitter... more