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New Testament Studies 64 (2018): 307–25.
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      ReligionClassicsNew TestamentEarly Christianity
Resumen. Algunas intuiciones de la Estilística Sociológica son eficaces para percibir mejor que la dependencia intertextual entre documentos es el reflejo de un dialogismo social concreto e histórico. Este enfoque ayuda a equilibrar la... more
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      Textual CriticismBiblical StudiesIntertextualityBook of Psalms
When a change of speaker in a Scripture text is not explicitly introduced by a speech orienter, Bible readers may feel the text is "intrusive." This article proposes a taxonomy for categorizing such intrusive voices in various passages of... more
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      Translation StudiesBiblical StudiesBible TranslationIntertextuality
Power has its principle not so much in a person as in a certain concerted distribution of bodies, surfaces, lights, gazes; in an arrangement whose internal mechanisms produce the relation in which individuals are caught up.
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      Abrahamic ReligionsComparative LiteratureGender StudiesAnthropology
Drawing inspiration from the widely recognized parody of Ps 8:5 in Job 7:17–18, this study inquires whether other allusions to the Psalms might likewise contribute to the dialogue between Job, his friends, and God. An intertextual method... more
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      Book of JobBook of PsalmsBiblical IntertextualityHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Request Review copies fRom: sBL press Heather mcmurray, sales manager 825 Houston mill Road, suite 350, Atlanta, GA 30329 usA phone: 404-727-3096 / fax: 404-727-3101 email: [email protected] puRcHAse fRom: sBL press customer... more
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      Old TestamentDeuteronomistic HistoryBook of JudgesJudges 19
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      Book of JobBiblical IntertextualityJob Hiob Innerbiblical Exegesis
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      Biblical IntertextualityBook of Jubilees
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      IntertextualityBooks of the Twelve Prophetsprophets, HaggaiBiblical Intertextuality
Pilate’s declaration ἰδοὺ ὁ ἄνθρωπος found in John 19:5 has given rise to a number of interpretations that seem in basic agreement, yet, at the same time, many others of a divergent and opposing nature. Among the many treatments of this... more
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      Johannine LiteratureIntertextualityBiblical TheologyBiblical Exegesis
This article draws upon a reader-response and canonical-hermeneutical perspective in order to analyze the manner in which 2 Sam 22 and Ps 18 are embedded in their respective literary contexts. Psalm 18’s superscription functions both to... more
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      Literary CanonHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonIntertextualityBooks of Samuel
Novum Testamentum 60 (2018): 1–13.
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      ReligionClassicsNew TestamentEarly Christianity
The historical-critical method that characterizes academic biblical studies remains often separate from approaches that stress the history of interpretation, which are employed most frequently in the area of Second Temple or Dead Sea... more
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      Jewish LawDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Historical LinguisticsHebrew Language
1 Sam. 28:3-25 has long been a controversial biblical narrative. This narrative-critical analysis suggests that readers may gain insight into its meaning by reading it within the context of the books of Samuel. I argue that 1 Sam. 25 and... more
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      NarrativeOld TestamentBooks of SamuelWomen of the Hebrew Bible
Unlike other comparison works between the Bible and the Qurʾān, Reynolds makes his work proceed according to the Qurʾānic order, as this method is thought to be beneficial for readers to comprehend the structure and content of the Qurʾān.... more
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    • Biblical Intertextuality
The allusion to Aristophanes' Birds plays an important role in the intertextual-illustrative rhetoric of the Lucan parable of the unjust steward (Lk 16:1-8). People generally assume that good legal systems promote moral honesty and legal... more
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      Jewish LawAristophanesIntertextualityRereading and Intertextuality
The cries of children, mothers, and Zion personified in Lamentations recur throughout the book and demand an answering. A renowned international team of scholars offer their response. They explore ways Lamentations has been (and might be)... more
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      SeptuagintBook of LamentationsHolocaust ShoahBiblical Intertextuality
Article publié à la suite d'un colloque sur : Ecrire pour les adultes, écrire pour les enfants (21-22 juin 2018 - Lyon). Organisé par l’IHRIM (UMR 5317) et PRALIJE-ESPE Comité d’organisation : Marion MAS (Université Lyon 1, IHRIM,... more
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      AutobiographyLittérature ComparéeBiblical IntertextualityLittérature De Jeunesse
A detailed intertextual analysis of the links between Mt 2:13-15 and the Lucan text Acts 3 leads to the conclusion that the fragment Mt 2:13-15 is an outcome of strictly sequential, but on the other hand highly creative reworking of the... more
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      IntertextualityInfancy NarrativesMatthew's GospelGospel of Matthew
After comparing the three Synoptic adaptations of Isa 6:9-10, I conclude that the data supports Markan Priority but undermines the Two Document Hypothesis insofar as Matthew and Luke were independently composed. As far as whether Matthew... more
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      Biblical InterpretationNew Testament StudiesBiblical IntertextualitySynoptic Problem
in Intertextual Explorations in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature, ed. Jeremy Corley and Geoffrey Miller. DCLS 31. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2019.
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      MetaphorJewish apocalyptic literatureBiblical IntertextualityAncient Judaism and Christian Origins
The fulfillment of “the Scriptures” in John 17:12 has long been a bone of contention among commentators on the Fourth Gospel. The majority of authors have argued that ἡ γραφή unmistakably refers to a passage in the Hebrew Bible. Wendy... more
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      Johannine LiteratureJudas IscariotBiblical InterpretationJohannine Studies
O presente artigo tem como objeto o texto considerado apócrifo, conhecido tanto como Evangelho de Nicodemos quanto Atos de Pilatos. Os indícios a respeito do texto apontam que a versão que chegou a nós foi escrita entre o séc. 4 ou 5 da... more
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      Early ChristianityBiblical IntertextualityApochrypha
Pages 17–24 in Classical Greek Models of the Gospels and Acts: Studies in Mimesis Criticism, ed. Mark G. Bilby, Michael Kochenash, and Margaret Froelich (Claremont, CA: Claremont Press, 2018).
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      ClassicsHomerPlatoNew Testament
The saying ᾧ γάρ τις ἥττηται, τούτῳ δεδούλωται (“a man becomes the slave of him who overpowers him”) can be found—with minor variations—in five Christian texts from the first four centuries (2 Pet 2:19; Hippolytus, Comm. Dan. III,22.4;... more
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      New TestamentJesus ChristBiblical IntertextualitySecond Epistle of Peter
Socio-historiquement, le processus de laïcisation est un fait majeur au sein de la société juive au cours du 20è siècle, d’abord en Europe et puis, après la Shoah, en terre d’Israël. La littérature se voit privée de thèmes traditionnels à... more
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    • Biblical Intertextuality
Abstract from: «The Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of John: Intertextual Connections in three Case Studies (Matt 27:49 // John 19:34; Matt 27:55-56 // John 19:25-27; Matt 5:32 // John 7:53–8:11)», in A. DESTRO – M. PESCE (ed.), Texts,... more
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      IntertextualityGospel of JohnGospel of MatthewBiblical Intertextuality
Generically, theologically, and with respect to content Joseph and Aseneth and the Gospel of Mark are miles apart. But the two narratives also exhibit remarkable stylistic affinities. Each is paratactically structured, frequently employs... more
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      SociolinguisticsOrality-Literacy StudiesEarly Judaism (2nd Temple, Greco-Roman)Early Christianity
Modern translations have obscured the way Rev 8:9 values sea creatures. The phrase “things having lives” is a solecism that alludes to the creation narrative in Gen 1. The allusion emphasizes that these sea creatures have value apart from... more
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      New Testament and Christian OriginsBiblical IntertextualityBiblical Performance CriticismThe Book of Revelation
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      IntertextualityBook of JobBook of EcclesiastesBiblical Intertextuality
There are many texts which, are to use M. Bakhtin's term, "in dialogue" with the "text of terror" that comprises Judges 19. There are many allusions to other texts in this story and it seems clear that the author was influenced by them.... more
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      Judges 19Biblical Intertextuality
"[In English at the end] El presente artículo propone una lectura carnavalesca del universo distópico y postapocalíptico de El último Adán de Homero Aridjis (México, 1940-). El uso de la inversión y del imaginario apocalíptico permite... more
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      The Grotesque BodyIntertextualityApocalypticism In LiteratureBaroque to Neobaroque
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesSynoptic GospelsIntertextuality
This article sheds light on the debates that took place in ancient Judaism between sectarian and early rabbinic interpretation of Scripture. Scholarship on 11QMelchizedek (11QMelch; 11Q13) has largely taken the scroll's harmonization of... more
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      ReligionSocial ChangeJewish LawLegitimacy and Authority
The Chronicler has a bad name when it comes to evaluating his view on women and their significance for the religious and political identity of Israel. By means of an intertextual comparison with Samuel/Kings, this article investigates... more
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      Deuteronomistic HistoryBook of ChroniclesFeminist Biblical HermeneuticsBiblical Intertextuality