Recent papers in Ballata
A brief analysis of the italian Frottola "Hor venduto ho la speranza" by Marchetto Cara (1504).
For the full work contact me, [email protected].
For the full work contact me, [email protected].
The paper’s argument is based on an analysis of the formal features and possible intertextual connections of the two ballads attributed to ser Pace notaro by ms. Banco Rari 217 (P110 and P111). Its aim is to locate the texts and the poet... more
A short note about Bartolo (the author of the Credo in PIT, BNP 568), perhaps the same as 'Bartolo de' Bicci', who probably set to music a Boccaccio's ballata: 'I' non ardisco di levar più gli occhi'
The startling image of a nude young girl in Dante’s Se Lippo amico sè tu che mi leggi has traditionally been explained as a metaphor for the verse’s lack of accompaniment; Dante gives the unclothed pulcella to his friend Lippo so that he... more
Questo libro ripercorre la storia e le trasformazioni del poema epico, della novella in versi e della ballata romantica nella letteratura italiana tra la fine del Settecento e la seconda metà dell’Ottocento. Lo scopo è duplice: da un lato... more
The principal genre of non-liturgical religious song in Italy during the late Middle Ages and Renaissance. In its monophonic form, the lauda also constitutes the primary Italian repertory of late medieval vernacular song, and is... more
El estudio comparado de todas las formas zejelescas en las literaturas árabe, hebre y todas las románicas induce a pensar que se trata de una forma de origen protoromance cuyo desarrollo, evolución formal e inserción en las respectivas... more
This essay offers a new edition of the ballata «Donna, posso io sperare?», unicum in the Lucca Codex, where it is accompanied by the rubric «S(e)r Niccholay prepositi», written over an erasure. It also contains a new interpretation of the... more
Il contributo offre una nuova edizione della ballata «Donna, posso io sperare?», trasmessa unicamente nel Codice di Lucca, dov’e corredata dalla rubrica «S(e)r Niccholay prepositi». Contiene, inoltre, una prima catalogazione di tutti gli... more