Backpropagation Algorithms
Recent papers in Backpropagation Algorithms
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) usage in numerous applications that increased need has risen to explore more efficient and effective manner. Localization is an important issue that can bring efficiency to WSNs. Localization depicts to... more
The productivity value is a critical performance assessment criterion for Competency Certification Institutes LSK for electrical engineering personnel in Indonesia, overseen by the Directorate General of Electricity DJK. This study aims... more
Fault diagnosis systems have an important role in industrial plants because the early fault detection and isolation (FDI) can minimize damages in the plants. The main aim of this work is to propose a two-stage neuro-fuzzy approach as a... more
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There is multiple databases contain datasets of TP53 gene and its tumor protein P53 which believed to be involved in over 50% of human cancers cases, these databases are rich as datasets covered all mutations caused diseases (cancers),... more
This paper is an attempt to survey the applications of computational intelligence techniques for predicting crude oil prices over a period of ten years. The purpose of this research is to provide an exhaustive overview of the existing... more
The energy crisis hitting the Riau Province affects the economic impairment of society. One of the reason is that the country always depends on fossil energy resource. Government efforts to overcome the energy crisis has been done by... more
In this research article, an attempt has been made to predict the thermophysical properties of moist air in a solar still cavity with the help of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modelling. Six training algorithms have been used to train,... more
Process monitoring and fault diagnosis is of considerable interest from an industrial perspective. In this paper, the general applicability of intelligent methods, like self-organizing maps (SOM) and multilayer feedforward networks with... more
Salah satu unsur untuk menjadi penilaian akreditasi adalah ketepatan waktu lulusan siswa. Adanya siswa yang tidak aktif tentu akan mempengaruhi ketepatan waktu kelulusan. Prediksi kinerja siswa diperlukan untuk mencegah siswa yang tidak... more
This research is focused on the development of statistical downscaling model using principle component analysis (PCA) as feature extraction cascade with multivariate regression as model prediction. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the... more
Untuk mencapai target konservasi energi sebesar 17% di tahun 2025 pemerintah menerapkan aturan management energi bagi industri/penguna energi lebih besar sama dengan 6000 TOE. Di sektor bangunan gedung di Indonesia, konsumsi energi... more
Las Redes de Neuronas de Base Radial (RNBR) se comportan muy bien en la aproximación de funciones, siendo su convergencia extremadamente rápida comparada con las redes de neuronas de tipo perceptrón multicapa. Sin embargo, el diseño de... more
Rain is one of the 4 weather conditions on earth. The rain itself is sometimes erratic. For some people, rain is sometimes seen as an obstacle in carrying out their daily activities. Therefore, predictions about rain are needed.... more
This paper seeks to develop a single pass closed form solution to the multipass training problem on MLPs. It works for any local transfer function such as tanh(), ReLo (), sig() , or global functions such as polynomials, trigonometrics,... more
Weather information has an important role in human life in various fields, such as agriculture, marine, and aviation. The accurate weather forecasts are needed in order to improve the performance of various fields. In this study, use... more
The current paper illustrates the application of computational intelligence tools in slope performance prediction both in static and dynamic conditions. We present the results obtained by using the back-propagation algorithm, the theory... more
Un importante numero de Contingencias simuladas en la Evaluacion de la Seguridad Dinamica de un Sistema de Potencia (ESDSP), no afectan de manera significativa las variables de estado. Su exclusion del conjunto que requiere analizarse,... more
The increase in utilisation of mobile location-based services for commercial, safety and security purposes among others are the key drivers for improving location estimation accuracy to better serve those purposes. This paper proposes the... more
Abstract: Source Localization is a very well established technique that has a wide range of applications from remote sensing to the Global Positioning System. Sound source localization techniques are used in commercial applications like... more
This paper applies Neural Network to predict WTI crude oil futures prices on basis of intraday minutely high frequency data. We looked into the recent market crash in the WTI crude oil futures market in April before the Delivery day. The... more
Dalam tulisan ini dibahas mengenai pengenalan nomor plat kendaraan berbasis foto digital dengan metode moment invariant dan jaringan syaraf tiruan menggunakan metode algoritma backpropagatioan. Metode moment invariant dan jaringan syaraf... more
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been widely used to determine future demand for power in the short, medium, and long terms. However, research has identified that ANNs could cause inaccurate predictions of load when used for... more
Back propagation Algorithm is a technique to train Artificial Neural Networks to calculate the gradient of the weights to propagation networks. Open used to produce more efficient neural networks. This technique executes the algorithm in... more
In recent years, there has been a lot of research related to pattern recognition is conducted to identify various forms of patterns and controlling system. Utilizing backpropagation neural network in pattern identifying is very useful to... more
There are various types of wheat scattered in the world. Usually it takes a long time to recognize the type of wheat seed by manual method because wheat germ has a physical appearance that looks the same as others. One method that can be... more
Weather information has an important role in human life in various fields, such as agriculture, marine, and aviation. The accurate weather forecasts are needed in order to improve the performance of various fields. In this study, use... more
In this paper, we investigated an ensemble neural network for the prediction of oil prices. Daily data from 1999 to 2012 were used to predict the West Taxes, Intermediate. Data were separated into four phases of training and testing using... more
Las Redes de Neuronas de Base Radial (RNBR) se comportan muy bien en la aproximación de funciones, siendo su convergencia extremadamente rápida comparada con las redes de neuronas de tipo perceptrón multicapa. Sin embargo, el diseño de... more
In this research a prediction model for the cellular uptake efficiency of nanoparticles (NPs), which is the rate that NPs adhere to a cell surface or enter a cell, is investigated via an artificial neural network (ANN) method. An... more
Intensitas curah hujan dikatakan besar apabila hujan lebat dan kondisi ini sangat berbahaya karena dapat menimbulkan banjir dan longsor, untuk itu perlu dilakukan peramalan untuk memperkirakan seberapa besar curah hujan yang akan... more
PT Gaikindo adalah sebuah perusahaan otomotif dan produsen kendaraan bermotor yang mengirimkan produknya hingga ke luar negeri. Berdasarkan data ekspor mobil pada PT Gaikindo, terdapat banyak mobil dengan jumlah ekspor yang bervariasi.... more
This paper describes a neural network speech enhancement system using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network and trained using the back propagation algorithm (BPA). Speech enhancement is generally refers to map noisy speech into cleaner... more
Landslides are one of the dangerous natural phenomena that hinder the development in Penang Island, Malaysia. Therefore, finding the reliable method to predict the occurrence of landslides is still the research of interest. In this paper,... more
Curah hujan adalah informasi penting di bidang transportasi, pertanian, industri dll. Dengan mengetahui informasi curah hujan, tindakan dapat diambil secara tepat di beberapa bidang tersebut. sehingga tidak ada kerugian karena kesalahan... more
Diseñar un sistema que permita controlar el riego de forma automática de los sembríos en la Granja “La Pradera”, aplicando técnicas de Aprendizaje Automático para ayudar a reducir el consumo innecesario de agua y lograr obtener productos... more
Indonesia terkenal dengan Negara yang beriklim tropis. Selain dari itu, Indonesia memiliki daratan yang luas tetapi memiliki luas laut yang tidak kalah luas dari daratannya, selain itu Indonesia tentunya memiliki curah hujan yang cukup... more
This paper is an attempt to survey the applications of computational intelligence techniques for predicting crude oil prices over a period of ten years. The purpose of this research is to provide an exhaustive overview of the existing... more
Perpustakaan sebagai sarana sumber informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan untuk menyimpan bahan pustaka yang dipakai oleh pemakai untuk menggali ilmu sumber informasi. Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu Perpustakaan yang ada di kota Batam.... more
In this paper, the author introduces a classification approach using Artificial Neural Network(ANN) with Back-Propagation learning technique for human diseases like Cancer and heart problems from clinical diagnosis data. Clinical... more
The stock market has become a popular investment channel in recent years because of the low return rates of other investment. The stock price prediction is in the interest of both private and institution investors. Accurate forecasting of... more
Pengangguran terbuka (Open Unemployment) adalah penduduk usia kerja yang tidak mempunyai pekerjaan apapun, yang secara aktif mencari pekerjaan. Backpropagation adalah salah satu algoritma pada jaringan syaraf tiruan (JST) yang digunakan... more
Untuk mencapai target konservasi energi sebesar 17% di tahun 2025 pemerintah menerapkan aturan management energi bagi industri/penguna energi lebih besar sama dengan 6000 TOE. Di sektor bangunan gedung di Indonesia, konsumsi energi... more
In recent years, there has been a lot of research related to pattern recognition is conducted to identify various forms of patterns and controlling system. Utilizing backpropagation neural network in pattern identifying is very useful to... more
MANET is collection of mobile nodes that form a network independently of any centralized administration. Since those mobile devices are battery operation based and extending the battery lifetime has become an main aim. Generally all the... more