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With the increasing massive use of Personal Listening Devices (PLDs) among young individuals, the major concern is that excessive exposure to high sound pressure levels (SPLs) may lead to a temporary or permanent hearing loss in this... more
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      Otoacoustic emissionsSmokingMicrophonesAwareness About Drugs and Usage
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      Drugs And AddictionDrugs and drug cultureDrugs And AlcoholHistory of Narcotics and Drugs
People who abuse drugs can die or get addicted to them without realizing it. Temptation is hard to deny. People may think they are cool if they are into it but truth is, they are not. Instead, they can harm themselves. Using drugs is one... more
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      Drug EducationDrug preventionAwareness About Drugs and Usage
Globally, drug-related problems have attracted much attention from the public because of the negative health effects and the huge social burden. Therefore, Policymakers, healthcare institutions, and the people are concentrating on... more
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      PharmacyDrug PolicyAwareness About Drugs and Usage