Autonomy and Free Will in Philosophy
Recent papers in Autonomy and Free Will in Philosophy
This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will... more
Defending free-will.
Edited by Rick Repetti. Routledge / Taylor & Francis (August 2016). CONTENTS Foreword by Daniel Cozort Acknowledgments Contributors Preface Introduction 1 Why the Buddha Did Not Discuss ‘the Problem of Free Will and Determinism’... more
A textual journey through Dante s Comedy must begin from its beginnings. For this reason I chose the utmost classical approach of the lectura to examine the first three cantos as a textual whole in three movements, as they develop the... more
In order to find a convincing position in the ‘free will’ debate, two sorts of determinism are distinguished. The merits of encompassing determinism, which is determinism as it is usually understood, and individual determinism, which... more
Spinoza is known for his radical views on freedom. In this article, it is explored to what extent this reputation is justified. He integrates human actions in the necessary development of the universe and seems to leave no room for human... more
... Free Will: a historical and philosophical introduction jej autor, Ilham Dilman, przenikają karty najstarszych dzieł literatury greckiej [Dilman, 1999]. ... świadomej woli: plany działania nie wydają się wymuszać zachowa-nia w tym... more
Determinism from the 1 st and 3 rd person perspective as well as the universal point of reference aee dealt with. This is to show the absence of free will in the last perspective and the illusion of it when seen from the first two... more
There is stock argument against libertarianism: that the indeterminism it postulates makes human choice a matter of chance and this is no better as a basis for practical rationality and moral responsibility than the most rigid... more
Nicolai Hartmann was educated at his birthplace, Riga in Latvia and at St. Petersburg (Russia), where he graduated from gymnasium in 1901 prior to his university studies in medicine at Tartu (German, Dorpat; Russian, Yuryev) in Estonia... more
The Introduction will serve as an abstract.
My critical focus in this article is on Rick Repetti's compatibilist conception of free will, and his apparent commitment to a Kantian conception of autonomy, which I argue is in direct conflict with the Buddhist doctrine of no-self. As... more
Daniel C. Dennett is a self-acknowledged "compatibilist"—one who takes a middle road between the "hard determinists" and the advocates of free will. How Dennett can take such a position without violating the principle of... more
Comprehensive analysis. No citations as usual.
I argue that free will and determinism are compatible, even when we take free will to require the ability to do otherwise and even when we interpret that ability modally, as the possibility of doing otherwise, and not just conditionally... more
Jeżeli zajmujemy się swoją osobą, badamy własne pragnienia, decyzje, przeżycia, uczucia itd., to wchodzimy w obszar psychologiczny. Pojawia się tutaj wymóg specjalnej przyczynowości psychicznej"pisał żyjący na przełomie XIX i XX wieku... more