Augustinian Studies
Recent papers in Augustinian Studies
Índice del libro en el que se estudia El Jardín de las nobles doncellas.
This paper offers a reading of the Confessions as exercitatio animae, in the ancient tradition that Augustine assimilates and redirects towards a Christian way of life. Augustine, using a method of inquiry and engagement, guides the... more
The order of the Canons Regular of St Augustine followed the Rule of Augustine, which, however, contained very few specific regulations and thus could not be the only normative text that governed the everyday life of the community. It was... more
Il-ġrajja tal-irfiegħ tar-ruħ lejn Alla. Kontemplazzjoni u azzjoni fil-ħajja ta' xi Qaddisin Agostinjani, konferenza mogħtija fl-Istitut Agostinjan għall-istudji u r-riċerka, Ottubru 2010
Review of The Story of Original Sin (Cambridge, U.K.; Eugene, Oregon:.James Clarke & Co.; Pickwick Publications, 2013), in Augustinian Studies 46:2 (2015), pp. 303-306.
This book chapter offers a close examination of Augustine's like as a single man before and after his conversion to orthodox Christianity. It focuses on the social expectations and implications of men choosing between the married and... more
‘Iudaeos (Aduersus -)’, in: Augustinus-Lexikon, Band III, Fasc. 5/6, Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2008 [= June 2009], 792-796;
En este estudio se presenta la fundamentación de la ética agustiniana en la Ciudad de Dios de san Agustín. Primeramente se explica qué es la ética para el santo de Hipona. Posteriormente se la relaciona con el Misterio de Dios; se la... more
Traduction d'un article de Pier Franco Beatrice initialement publié en anglais dans A. D. Fitzgerald (ed.) Augustine through the Ages. An Encyclopedia, Grand Rapids, 1999, p. 429-431, dans Encyclopédie Saint Augustin. La Méditerranée et... more
Abstract: The article discusses Augustine's teaching on suicide, especially in the way he exposed it when a Christian facing despair is tempted to take his own life. In the first part, the article examines some basic aspects of... more
Traduction d'un article d'Eugene TeSelle initialement publié en anglais dans A. D. Fitzgerald (ed.), Augustine through the Ages. An Encyclopedia, Grand Rapids, 1999, p. 633-640, dans Encyclopédie Saint Augustin. La Méditerranée et... more
Interpretations of Augustine's purpose in writing Contra Academicos usually focus on either his epistemological argument or, more recently, his ethical concern. This paper argues that the three different literary layers or components of... more
On montre à Hippone une basilique censée depuis 1958 être la cathédrale de saint Augustin. L'examen de la bibliographie et des recherches récentes montre que tel n'est pas le cas. Le dépouillement des publications antérieures a permis de... more
The ‘puer aeternus’ (eternal youth) is an archetypal image of mythology. It also denotes a neurotic condition during which the maturational process is arrested. It depends on an incapability of taking root in life. In the present era the... more
Estratto dal volume "Alberto da Padova e la cultura degli Agostiniani", a cura di Francesco Bottin, Padova University Press, dicembre 2014, pp. 1-334.
This paper aims to present the unifying force brought by a Marian devotion to two towns located in two places with different circumstances in Philippine Church history. In the spiritual geography of the religious orders in the... more
This paper is primarily an investigation into the unknown history of tension caused by Greek and Latin N. African doctrines of the sexual transmission of original sin in utero. This tension was felt first by Augustine in the 4th century... more
Since the beginning of Christianity, the recruitment of the episcopal body has given rise to many taboos and has many obstacles; the restrictions are both religious and civil and the legislation of the laity complements the minimum... more
Novamente, agradeço aos Profs. Drs. Carlos Arthur Ribeiro do Nascimento e Luis Alberto De Boni, pela generosidade sempre presente em nossos contatos, pelas indicações e sugestões críticas, leituras, partilha de textos e, não poderia... more
Bilingual text with slovak translation, notes and introduction
Some notes on Augustine's "Confessions" that I distribute to undergraduate students
The aristocratic family of the Stibors left significant traces of its intense construction and founding activities in various places. To the series of their foundating credits belong also the establishment of the Augustinian monastery in... more
Abstract: In this article, we have confronted the question of Augustinian preaching as a theological locus and a crucible of expression and transmission of a certain spirituality that he draws from its source, which is Christ, the only... more
This review article explores a new indispensable reference work on the reception of Augustine. It offers an overview of its content, structure, and methodology, as well as a critical assessment of its overall contribution to the study... more
Dan hu t-tielet u l-aħħar artiklu mis-sensiela dwar ix-xogħlijiet Klassiċi bil-Malti. L-ewwel tnejn kienu dwar ix-xogħlijiet Griegi u Latini li nqalbu għall-Malti filwaqt li dan hu dwar il-kitbiet ta' Santu Wistin li nqalbu għall-Malti... more
This article studies Augustine’s Eucharistic Spirituality as it emerges primarily from his preaching, in his catechesis during the Easter Season. It investigates how the bishop of Hippo explains to the neophytes the transformation that... more
Le présent ouvrage porte sur la doctrine trinitaire de Saint Augustin telle qu’il la présente dans ses sermones ad populum. L’enseignement de l’évêque d’Hippone sur la Trinité est généralement abordé du point de vue de son traité De... more
This Cambridge Companion serves as an authoritative guide to Augustine’s Confessions—a literary classic and one of the most important theological/philosophical works of Late Antiquity. Bringing together new essays by leading scholars, the... more
Schlagwörter: Literaturtopographie und topographical turn, historische Bibliotheken, Meister Eckhart, Devotio moderna, Augustinerchorherren, Rebdorf This study aims to establish paths towards a historically-mediated approach to Eckhart,... more
Special issue on Church History in the Philippines
The Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou meng or The Story of the Stone), composed by Cao Xueqin in the middle of the eighteenth century during the Qing dynasty, is celebrated as the greatest of all classical Chinese novels. However, little... more
This paper is about the contribution of Saint Augustine to the reform of the Catholic Church in North Africa, through his ministry of preaching. When he was still a priest at Hippo, Augustine waged a forceful and successful war against... more
American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 77, No. 2, pp. 151-169. This paper examines Augustine's analysis of the possible causes of akrasia and suggests that an implicit two-phased consent process takes place in an akratic... more
This book review article contains discussion of the following: -problems with teleological historiographical approaches to the Middle Ages -the problems caused by assuming a minimalist version of the Pelagian corpus -the problems... more
Francis Mayronis (d.1328) was the first theologian of the schools to employ systematically Roman law to exegete the Old and New Testaments (re, De verbo incarnato) by recourse to the Corpus iuris civilis and other sources. His exegesis,... more
The place of humility in Augustine’s theological vision has attracted significant interest during the last two decades. A common theme in these studies is recognition that the reality and example of Christ’s incarnation and the "via... more
The ‘Collectaneum’ of Lupus of Ferrières cites a fragment of the ‘Expositum in Heptateuchum’ by John the Deacon. The latter is a precious source of rare excerpts from patristic works, among them fragments of sermons by Augustine not known... more