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This essay argues that modern demagogy can be understood as a symptom of a kind of social pathology, combining Wendy Brown's account of neoliberal subjectivity with elements of Robert Pippin's interpretation of Hegel to do so. I begin by... more
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      Critical TheoryHegelRobert PippinAraucaria
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesHistory of EducationAraucaria
A B S T R A C T Defaunation, invasive species and forest fragmentation are considered to be the major drivers for the disruption of key ecological processes, particularly those related to plant animal-interactions such as seed dispersal... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementSeed DispersalRainforest RestorationBrazil
Ten years after its discovery, a vanishingly rare tree from the Cretaceous Period is a scientific darling and may soon become a commercial success too.
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      PaleontologyPaleobotanyCretaceous lifeAraucaria
Title of thesis: Traditional ecological knowledge and (co-)management among the Mapuche: Exploring Lanín national Park (Argentina). Based on empirical field research, this thesis examines the relationship between traditional ecological... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInstitutional EconomicsBioeconomics
The Southern Brazilian highlands are composed by landscapes dominated by subtropical rain forests in which the Araucaria (Araucaria angustifolia) is the most common tree, occupying a predominant position in the upper strata of the... more
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      Landscape EcologyBiogeographyQuaternary environmentsAraucaria
This paper presents a botanical, evolutionary and historical-environmental analysis of the species Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, popularly known as pine. In the Atlantic Forest biome, the araucaria species stands out in the... more
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      História Ambiental-Eco-História / Environmental HistoryAraucariaAraucariaceaeAraucaria angustifolia
Aristotle's discussion of legal change in Politics II.8 is the subject of this article. The aim is to show that Aristotle viewed legal change positively, when changes to the law were required, and that his discussion was mainly concerned... more
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    • Araucaria
Mid-Cretaceous (latest Albian–earliest Cenomanian) sediment in seven bore cores from the Eromanga Basin (south-western Queensland) was sampled for organically preserved plant macrofossils. Among those recovered, 26 taxa of conifers have... more
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Esta pesquisa busca diagnosticar a governança climática existente e planejada na região metropolitana de Curitiba – notadamente nas cidades de Curitiba, Araucária e Fazenda Rio Grande – sob uma perspectiva sistêmica, crítica e... more
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      AraucariaMudanças ClimáticasCuritiba/PRRegião Metropolitana de Curitiba
This study focuses on the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of an Late Jurassic fossil forest based on a fossil assemblage located in the Shishugou Formation near Jiangjunmiao, north-eastern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous... more
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      Paleobotany3D ReconstructionTree ModelsJurassic
Six new coniferous fossils are described from the Late Cretaceous of eastern Otago, New Zealand. These include two new species of Araucaria, A, desmondii, for which a new section, Perpendicula is erected, and A. taieriensis. Syntypes of... more
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The idea that only the State is subject to International Law lingered for many years. At present it is undeniable the existence of other subjects, among which, the human being. This article deals with the movement which acclaims the human... more
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La celebración de los bicentenarios de las independencias hispanoamericanas y de la crisis de la monarquía española (1808-1825) ha ido acompañada de una radical revisión historiográfica sobre la forma que estas habían sido narradas y... more
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      AraucariaPueblo mapucheFronterasImaginarios
One hundred and nineteen samples were investigated from Early Miocene localities of the St BathansPaleovalley in the Manuherikia Group in Central Otago and the Gore Lignite Measures of the East Southland Group inSouthland for their... more
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      PaleobotanyAraucariaNew Zealand plant fossils
O artigo evidencia a importância das práticas cartográficas no âmbito das instituições militares portuguesas nos finais do século XVIII. Enfoca, especialmente, a atuação da Sociedade Real Marítima e Militar, fundada em 1798, para... more
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    • Araucaria
This paper aims at reconstructing the late-pleistocene landsca-pe of Vila Velha Park, one of the most important conservation areas of Paraná State, which preserves a typical ecosystem sample of the southern brazilian highlands. It... more
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      BiogeographyQuaternary environmentsAraucariaPhisical Geography
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      PaleontologyPaleobotanyAraucariaLazarus Taxon
"O “Projeto Arqueológico Alto Canoas – PARACA, Um Estudo da Presença proto-Jê no Planalto Catarinense”, é uma pesquisa de doutoramento desenvolvida desde 2008 no Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MAE-USP), e... more
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      PaleontologyRock Art (Archaeology)Archaeology of ArchitectureLandscape
Sheldon Wolin, one of the most influential contemporary political theorists, died in 2015 at the age of 93. His remarkable legacy within political thought includes written works such as Politics and Vision and lives on as well in a... more
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    • Araucaria
La historia, aun repetida, no es tan banal como parece. Es verdad que, de nuevo, "un hombre y una mujer" se juntan, satisfaciendo una vez mas la cultura la eterna llamada que le llega desde la naturaleza; pero no es menos cierto... more
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    • Araucaria
Leer a Octavio Paz desde la filosofia supone plantearse diversos tipos de acercamiento. Puede ensayarse “una aproximacion filosofica” que trate de hacer visible, a traves de comentarios y notas al pie, el sentido de diversas intuiciones y... more
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    • Araucaria
dos sentidos de comunidad, uno de los cuales implica la reapropiación consciente de los vínculos sociales por parte de las personas y la capacidad de establecer relaciones más humanas.
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    • Araucaria
Historical fragmentation and subsequent isolation has affected the levels of genetic diversity in many lineages of ancient plant taxa. This study investigated the effects of historical processes on Araucaria cunninghamii (Hoop Pine),... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPopulation GeneticsPlant Biology
Com objetivo de contribuir com a conservação de uma das espécies florestais de maior importância do sul do Brasil, este estudo propõe a conservação ex situ da Araucaria angustifolia através de populações base pré-definidas, combinando... more
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    • Araucaria
Thucydides composed his work in order to provide political education to his future readers. He wrote in a period which was fond of expert knowledge and appreciated intellectual progress. Knowledge-based education was available especially... more
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El compromiso de la originaria doctrina cuáquera del XVII con la noviolencia fue algo particularmente revolucionario en su tiempo. Eso ya se manifestaba en el escrito de 1660 de Fox y otros once cuáqueros, titulado El testimonio de paz.... more
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    • Araucaria
Two fossil woods Araucarioxylon keriensesp. nov. and Podocarpoxylon deccanesis sp. nov. from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds at Keria and Mohgaon Kalan of Chhindwara district are described. Distinct affinities with the modern Araucaria... more
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Morphological details of Wollemia nobilis (Wollemi pine) are described and illustrated, and compared with the extant genera Agathis and Araucaria and with selected araucarian fossils from the Cretaceous of Australia. Adult and juvenile... more
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      PaleontologyPaleobotanyPollen MorphologyAraucaria
El presente artículo es un producto de investigación que realiza un análisis del proceso de elaboración y ratificación del NAFTA y CAFTA-DR. El objetivo es conocer cuál es la influencia que todo este proceso alrededor de esos Tratados... more
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      GlobalizationGlobal GovernanceRule of LawDemocracy
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Acuerdos binacionales de mercados y la economía subterránea dominico-haitiana. (Reflejos de un intercambio desigual; discriminación y pobreza en el Batey Dominicano
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    • Araucaria
En el celeberrimo dialogo entre atenienses y melios con el que cierra el libro V de su magna obra, en medio del drama de la imposible convivencia entre el nudo poder y la libertad, Tucidides perfila la estructura de una sociedad... more
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Una vez completado el ciclo de ajuste estructural y de reformas estatales pro-mercado de corte neoliberal de los años noventa, en América latina ha comenzado una nueva etapa. Ya en el contexto de la globalización, problemas clásicos como... more
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    • Araucaria
Una lengua poética como la épica tiende a la automatización, en relación directa con la amplia cantidad de espacio que ocupar. Dependiente de los modelos virgiliano y lucanesco, La Araucana guía su argumento sobre la base de estereotipos,... more
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      Araucariapoesía española del Siglo de OroAlonso Ercilla y ZúñigaPoesia epica
Frost events may damage the cambium and consequently the newly produced tracheids whose cell walls have not yet completed their lignifications, leading to the formation of frost rings. This study deals with the presence of frost rings in... more
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      DendrochronologyLinear Mixed ModelsAraucaria
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    • Araucaria
War has a permanent presence in the Renaissance not only as a reality that affects all people but as an object of reflection. This article looks at four representative authors of many other trends from the first half of the sixteenth... more
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    • Araucaria
A B S T R A C T Defaunation, invasive species and forest fragmentation are considered to be the major drivers for the disruption of key ecological processes, particularly those related to plant animal-interactions such as seed dispersal... more
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      Seed DispersalRainforest RestorationBrazilForest Fragmentation
El Estado colombiano ha sido construido alrededor del conflicto armado y de la violencia política que ha marcado la historia del país. De hecho, más que un Estado a pesar de la guerra, podría decirse que el colombiano es un Estado de la... more
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      SociologyColombiaAnálisis del DiscursoAraucaria
El metodo de reputaciones de Hunter (1953) nos ayudo a identificar a las familias de Guatemala colonial (1640-1820) estimadas prominentes por un grupo de especialistas. Estudiamos a estas familias en terminos estructurales, de tal manera... more
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      Political ScienceAraucaria
El articulo trata de la responsabilidad de proteger (RdP), que plantea un dilema entre el respeto a los principios de soberania y no intervencion y la necesidad de proteger a las poblaciones en peligro en casos de violaciones graves,... more
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      SociologyGeographyHuman RightsLatin America
Una vez completado el ciclo de ajuste estructural y de reformas estatales pro-mercado de corte neoliberal de los anos noventa, en America latina ha comenzado una nueva etapa. Ya en el contexto de la globalizacion, problemas clasicos como... more
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Una lengua poetica como la epica tiende a la automatizacion, en relacion directa con la amplia cantidad de espacio que ocupar. Dependiente de los modelos virgiliano y lucanesco, La Araucana guia su argumento sobre la base de estereotipos,... more
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      Araucariapoesía española del Siglo de OroAlonso Ercilla y ZúñigaPoesia epica
East Asia and West Asia (the Middle East) 2 are usually treated in the academic literature as two distinct and separate issues in Chinese foreign policy. Studies of China's policy in East Asia hardly mention the Middle East and studies of... more
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    • Araucaria