Ancient Greek Prostitution
Recent papers in Ancient Greek Prostitution
My examination of the female banqueters on this psykter investigates gender ideologies in Attic vase painting, but also humor, eroticism and the use of stereotypes in late-archaic Athens. I suggest this image of female banqueters helped... more
In this article, I argue that a secular form of manumission existed in classical Greece that was in many ways akin to the (better-attested) institution of sacral fictive sale. In the latter form of manumission, slaves were freed by being... more
Müller Florian Martin, Sossau Veronika (Hrsg.), Gefährtinnen. Vom Umgang mit Prostitution in der griechischen Antike und heute, SPECTANDA – Schriften des Archäologischen Museums Innsbruck 1 (Innsbruck 2012), 138 S. Verehrt und... more
2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Art, Belgrade (University of Belrgade, School of Philosophy, 8-10 May 2019)
An examination of a vase that has frequently been cited in discussions of ancient prostitution, and of the iconographic traditions that paint a quite different picture. This is a sample seminar-paper that I wrote for a senior seminar... more
Dated between 201 BCE and c. 100 CE and numbering over a thousand, the manumission inscriptions from Delphi have the potential to illuminate various legal, economic, and social facets of the transition from slavery to freedom. 2 In this... more
Este artículo trata sobre la imagen del prostituto en la cerámica vascular ática del siglo V a.C. Como motivo iconográfico clave y para la identificación de dichos individuos, ofrecedores de efímera belleza y placer, aparece el saco de... more
Oratory is a valuable source for reconstructing the practices, legalities, and attitudes surrounding sexual labor in classical Athens. It provides evidence of male and female sex laborers, sex slaves, brothels, sex traffickers, the cost... more
Prostitucija u antici; bordeli, uličarke i sponzoruše Grčke i Rima Predavanje doc. dr. sc. Sabire Hajdarević s Odjela za klasičnu filologiju Sveučilišta u Zadru vodi Vas na putovanje u daleku prošlost "najstarijeg zanata na svijetu".... more
Repaso a las fuentes antiguas sobre la prostitución sagrada, tanto en el ámbito no helénico como en el mundo grecorromano.
A World of Emotions. Ancient Greece 700 BC-200 AD. Inscritions and votive offering from Samos
Verehrt und verachtet begegnet sie uns in der antiken Literatur. Die gegenwärtige Forschung sieht die Hetäre und mit ihr das Thema Prostitution in der griechischen Antike immer noch äußerst kontrovers. Waren Hetären die einzigen wahrhaft... more