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      PhilologyEuropean HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
The techniques of seismic surveying, especially reflection seismic, considerably varied during last year’s. The contribution to this variation mainly came from the oil industry, which has developed the geophysical methods for oil... more
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      Seismic data processingAncient Geography and Cartography
La cartografía antigua como instrumento de estudio de la ciudad va más allá de una simple técnica. Como representación gráfica de la realidad urbana en un determinado momento, los planos antiguos de la ciudad contienen una foto fija que... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGeographyUrban Geography
Tupikova, Irina; Geus, Klaus: Ptolemy’s data for the latitudes of Alexandria, Syene and Meroë: some observations. In: Hadravová, Alena; Hadrova. Petr; Lippincott, Kristen (eds.): The stars in the classical and medieval traditions. Prag:... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemyAncient Astronomy
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      HistoryCartographyHistory of CartographyMedieval Cartography
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      GeographyCartographyClassicsGreek Literature
It is well known that Ptolemy’s Geography used systematically exaggerated values for longitudes, which made his map look excessively stretched from West to East in comparison with modern maps. According to one recent hypothesis, the... more
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemy
Advanced doctoral students whose dissertations are substantially concerned with the history of cartography are invited to contact the editor of this section (Dr Elizabeth Baigent, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford OX2 6PW, UK;... more
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      CartographyGreek LiteratureLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesReception Studies
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemyClaudius Ptolemaeus
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      GeographyCartographyHistory of CartographyAncient Geography and the Representation of Space
Around 500 BC, the Pythagoreans and Eleates put forward the idea that the earth is not a disc but a globe. At least at the time of Plato and Aristotle, philosophers and scientists accepted this new theory. Nevertheless, the age-old... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAncient Geography and the Representation of SpaceRoman Geography
Geus, Klaus: Wer ist Marinos von Tyros? Zur Hauptquelle des Ptolemaios in seiner "Geographie". In: Geographia antiqua 26 (2017), 13-22. Abstract – As Ptolemy himself acknowledged, Marinos of Tyros was the main source for his Geographike... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemyAncient Geography and the Representation of Space
ed. by A. Stückelberger / G. Graßhoff
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      GeographyCartographyClassicsGreek Literature
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      ChristianityAncient HistoryCartographyLate Antique and Byzantine History
The analysis of several reports of Ptolemy shows that already before Marinus of Tyre ancient geographers used a kind of projection, similar to the first Ptolemy’s projection. This could have been a kind of trapezoidal projection, which is... more
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      Greco-Roman ScienceAncient ScienceHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient Geography
Project Supervisor for Magnetometric Survey at Pattanam: Researched, planned, and conducted a magnetometric survey, identifying sub-surface features and mapping the Indo-Roman maritime landscape of Pattanam. Processed data in Digital... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyIndian Ocean ArchaeologyIndo-Roman Trade
Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. Part V: Die Geographen is part of Felix Jacoby’s original planned work Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker.Part V: Die Geographen offers completely new material giving the... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek geographical writings
An inscription in Sabaic, recently discovered on the site of Jabal Riyâm (Yemen), gives an account of a journey—probably a diplomatic mission—carried out by a Sabaean dignitary on behalf of the rulers of the tribe of Ḥumlân. He listed the... more
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      Historical GeographyNear Eastern ArchaeologyRoman HistoryNear Eastern Studies
Since its surprising appearance in the early 16th century, the so-called Peutinger map has raised many questions. Above all, since then it has been very difficult for experts to provide answers as to the time of origin of a certainly... more
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      Roman HistorySilk RoadSilk Road StudiesHistory of Plague
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      Roman HistorySasanian HistoryAncient Roman NumismaticsParthian Empire
This article attempts to shed some light on the origins of Ptolemy’s map of the world, which remains a mystery. The premise is that Ptolemy and other ancient geographers largely drew on the same or a similar pool of sources and common... more
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      Ancient ScienceHistory of CartographyHistory of Geographic ThoughtHistory of Ancient Geography
This paper presents a review of some aspects of the archaeological survey in which the impact of GIS has been most relevant. Those aspects include survey design and planning, geo-referencing of archaeological entities (error correction,... more
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      HistoryGeographyHuman GeographyHistorical Geography
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Les deux chemins opposés de la cartographie arabo-islamique médiévale: la mappemonde «islamique» («L'école d’al-Balḫī», Xe siècle) ou le monde en sa diversité (al-Šarīf al Idrīsī, XIIe siècle)”. En: Parcourir... more
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      Islamic Cartographyal-IdrisiAncient CartographyIslamic Geography
The label ‘Illyrians’ was used in different contexts, probably developing as an ethnographic generalisation of foreigners related to similar indigenous language(s). In all certainty it developed in the sixth century BC but the evidence we... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGreek HistoryBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Ancient HistoryAncient Geography and the Representation of Spaceancient Red sea portsSabaean studies
Geus, Klaus; Tupikova, Irina: Entdeckungsfahrten und Kartographie: Anmerkungen zu einer problembefrachteten Beziehung im Altertum. In: Schulz, Raimund (ed.): Maritime Entdeckung und Expansion: Kontinuitäten, Parallelen und Brüche von der... more
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      PtolemyAncient Geography and the Representation of SpaceAncient ExplorersAncient Cartography
En las páginas que siguen, presentamos una valoración de la imagen que, de Iberia y Galia, podemos llegar a colegir en Estrabón. Esta valoración se hará desde una doble aproximación, por una parte, cartográfica y, por otra,... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyStraboAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/HispaniaAncient Geography and Cartography
Roman Turdetania makes use of the literary and archeological sources to provide an updated state of knowledge from a postcolonial approach about the socio-cultural interaction processes and the subsequent romanisation of the populations... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryRoman HistoriographyIberian Studies
Paper details much information regarding Ptolemy, his family and his work, particularly with regards to geography and his understanding of the world.
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
This paper presents a new argument against the widely accepted view that Eratosthenes and some other Greek authors of the pre-Roman period measured distances in special stades that were much shorter than the ‚common' stade of 185 m... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient ScienceHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient Geography
In this article, the author will attempt to present a balanced, unbiased historic and cartographic view to the reader interested in enhancing their knowledge of how and when the historically Armenian–populated region of Karabagh... more
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    • Ancient Geography and Cartography
Ի հաստատումն «Արզանի ավերակներ»-ում Տիգրանակերտի տեղորոշման վարկածի (Հ.Կիպերտ, Թ.Սինքլեր), հոդվածում փորձ է արվում հաշտեցնելու նյութական ծանրակշիռ տվյալները Տիգրանակերտի մ.թ.ա. 69 թ. ճակատամարտի պլուտարքոսյան նկարագրության հարուցած... more
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      Armenian StudiesToponymyArchaeology of Ancient ArmeniaAncient Mesopotamia
The River Nile fascinated the Romans and appeared in maps, written descriptions, texts, poems and paintings of the developing empire. Tantalised by the unique status of the river, explorers were sent to find the sources of the Nile,... more
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      SenecaPompeii (Archaeology)History of Ancient GeographyAncient Geography
Following the acceptance of the earth’s sphericity its surface was divided into two hemispheres and four habitable landmasses, one of which was named ‘the antipodes’. The bipartition into hemispheres was accomplished either by the equator... more
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      Historical GeographyHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAncient Cosmologies
TUPIKOVA, Irina: Ptolemy´s circumference of the earth. Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, 2014 (TOPOI – Towards of Historical Epistemology of Space = Preprint; 464).
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      History of CartographyHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPtolemy
Geus, Klaus: Le misurazioni delle Alpi nell’antichità: l’esempio di Plinio. In: Geographia antiqua 27 (2018, publ. 2019),  87–93. [ISSN 1121-8940].
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      Alpine historyHistory of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyPliny the Elder
Seit der Nennung eines Grenzgebirges namens Kετιον ὂρος (Cetius Mons) in der Geographike Hyphegesis des Claudius Ptolemaeus (um 150 n. Chr.) zwischen den beiden Provinzen Noricum und Pannonia Superior wurde vielfach versucht, dieses... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistorical GeographyRoman HistoryAncient Geography
Following the recent upsurge of interest in ancient geography and astronomy, together with the ever-present fascination with myth, this book offers a fresh study of what is commonly but erroneously known as ‘solar myth’. This subject has... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyClassicsHistory of Ancient Geography
The Routledge Companion to Strabo explores the works of Strabo of Amasia (c. 64 BCE – c. 24 CE), a Greek author writing at the prime of Roman expansion and political empowerment. While his earlier historiographical composition is almost... more
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      Ancient HistoryHistorical GeographyClassicsHistory of Ancient Geography
Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento di Lettere e Flosofia DILEF Quarto Seminario di Geografia storica del mondo antico 8 novembre 2021 Gli istmi e le penisole nella tradizione antica tra storia, geografia e letteratura.... more
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      Ancient Geography and the Representation of SpaceAncient Greek GeographyAncient Geography and Cartography
Aristotle exploited prior speculations about the kosmos—claims about the elements, the shape of the earth, the heavenly motions, and the causes of things—in order to support his own claims, which he considered the telos of those earlier... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAncient CosmologiesAncient Geography and the Representation of Space
Geus, Klaus; Tupikova, Irina Tupikova: Astronomy and geography: some unexplored connections in Ptolemy. In: Pontani, Filippomaria (ed.): Certissima signa: a Venice conference on Greek and Latin astronomical texts. Venezia: Ca´ Foscari,... more
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      Ancient GeographyPtolemyAncient AstronomyHistory, Science, Astronomy, Ancient Chronological Systems, Calendars
Book Web site: The history of Atlantis hypotheses now completely revised: * Finally all authors from Antiquity! * Finally a detailed discussion of the authors from... more
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      History of IdeasPlatoNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyHistory Of Platonic Tradition
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual 'Brill' typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, ipa, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
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      History of Ancient GeographyAncient GeographyAncient History of the Iberian Peninsula/HispaniaAncient Geography and Cartography
Geus, Klaus: Paradoxography and geography in antiquity: Some thoughts about the ParadoxographusVaticanus. In: González Ponce, Francisco J.; Gómez Espelosín, F[rancisco] Javier; Chávez Reino, Antonio L. (eds.): La letra y la carta:... more
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      Ancient GeographyAncient Geography and the Representation of SpaceAncient ParadoxographyAncient Greek geographical writings
The article is dedicated to the search for archaeological evidence for the Bastarnae tribe mentioned in a funerary inscription for the legate of Moesia, Titus Plautius Silvanus Aelianus (ruled in 56–66). The analysis of archaeological and... more
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      Eurasian NomadsRoman military archaeologyRoman military historyRoman Army
The Stadiasmus of the (Great) Sea is a compilation work of compilation works based on a long and very diverse tradition, combining documentary layers, the oldest of which can be traced back to at least the 4th century BCE and the most... more
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      Maritime HistoryAncient GeographyMaritime Training and EducationAncient Geography and the Representation of Space
El mapamundi de los mayores montes y ríos que aparece en el f. 50v del ms. 2747 de la Biblioteca General Histórica de la Universidad de Salamanca, dado a conocer en 1900 por Charles Graux y André Martin en una publicación que analizaba... more
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      Byzantine StudiesGreek PalaeographyGreek manuscriptsAncient Geography and Cartography