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Der Band beleuchtet die Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften an der Universität Frankfurt am Main von deren Gründung im Jahr 1914 bis ca. 1950. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Zeit des NS-Regimes. Die Beiträge befassen sich mit... more
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      WissenschaftsgeschichteNationalsozialismusAltertumswissenschaftMatthias Gelzer
Sophistik 10-4 "Aller Dinge Maß ist der Mensch" : die Lehren der Sophisten / Klaus Meister.-Paderborn ; München : Fink, 2010.-327 S. ; 24 cm.-ISBN 978-3-7705-5066-1 : EUR 39.90 [#1650] Die Sophisten haben, seit Platon sie in immer neuen... more
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      Ancient HistoryAncient PhilosophyAncient Greek PhilosophySophists
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      German HistoryHistoriographyHistory of Classical ScholarshipClassical Reception Studies
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      Ancient HistoryPolitical PhilosophyRoman HistoryRhetoric
Il testo contiene alcune considerazioni sulla figura di Spartaco e, in generale, sulla condizione degli schiavi nelle campagne e nelle città romane, scaturite in particolare dalla lettura dell'epistola 47 di Seneca a Lucilio.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Wikipedia article on Hungarian classical studies (Altertumwissenschaft)
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHistoriographyClassical Reception Studies
Eine Seminararbeit aus dem Jahre 2019.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryPompeii (Archaeology)Pompeii
olhares sobre o Antigo não é apenas mais uma coletânea sobre historiografia, mas uma prova do crescimento e da riqueza dos estudos sobre a Antiguidade Clássica e Médio Oriental no Brasil nos últimos 20 anos. Neste livro, 40 renomados... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
Il presente lavoro, incentrato sulla storia del lavoro e dei lavoratori nel mondo romano, si propone di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia monumentale, l'identità e il profilo socio-economico di alcuni individui vissuti a Mutina o nel... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
Il libro contiene l'edizione integrale della corrispondenza intercorsa fra Theodor Mommsen (1817–1903) ed Ettore Pais (1856–1939). L'epistolario copre un arco di tempo compreso fra il primo soggiorno a Berlino dello studioso italiano nel... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyHistory of HistoriographyCorpus inscriptionum Latinarum
Il patrimonio epigrafico lapidario modenese, che attualmente comprende circa 300 iscrizioni, ha restituito più di 160 menzioni relative a schiave, liberte e ingenuae vissute a Mutina e nell'ager Mutinensis tra la seconda metà del I secolo... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Praca z pogranicza literaturoznawstwa, historii intelektualnej i historii idei. Jej celem jest przeanalizowanie roli, jaką w narodzinach romantycznej recepcji antyku w Polsce odegrał rozwój niemieckiego starożytnictwa z przełomu XVIII i... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasRomanticismGerman Romanticism
Circe-Myth and its Interpratation in Ancient Literature, Tbilisi University Press, Tbilisi 2002 (In georgian with english summary)
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      Classical philologyAltertumswissenschaft
Incidenza dell'Antico 17 (2019)
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      HistoricismThucydidesHistory of HistoriographyAncient Greek History
The book provides a comprehensive edition of the correspondence between Theodor Mommsen (1817–1903) and Ettore Pais (1856–1939). Their exchanges cover a period ranging from Pais' first study period in Berlin in 1881 to the year of the... more
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      Roman HistoryLatin EpigraphyCorpus inscriptionum LatinarumEttore Pais
The Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ) is an online peer-reviewed journal established especially for presenting the research of early-career scholars on the ancient world. Each edition of the DWJ centres on a specific question or topic... more
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      Cultural AnthropologyAltertumswissenschaftKulturanthropologie
L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di ricostruire, attraverso l'epigrafia e l'iconografia funeraria, l'identità sociale di alcune donne e bambine mutinensi vissute tra l'età augustea e il IV secolo d.C.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      AltertumswissenschaftStoria Della Filologia Classica/history of Classical ScholarshipGiorgio Pasquali
Ολόκληρη η ιστορία της κλασικής φιλολογίας μπορεί να γραφεί με τη μορφή μιας σειράς από μεθοδολογικές διαμάχες και επιστημολογικές αντιπαραθέσεις. Το βιβλίο που παρουσιάζουμε, καρπός της έμπνευσης και της φροντίδας της Μελίνας Ταμιωλάκη,... more
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      Classical philologyAncient EmotionsPhilosophy and LiteratureInterdisciplinary Studies
The programme of the Coptic Summer School is designed to provide qualified students, scholars and people passionate about ancient religious history with a well-founded understanding of Coptic language (mainly the Sahidic variety) through... more
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryEarly ChristianityHistory of Religions
This work presents the translation of the text Meridianus daemon, by Wilhelm Drexler (1858-1930). The article, originally in German, compiles accounts of several myths involving the midday.
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyBucolic PoetryClassical Mythology
«Oriente e occidente»: nella storia del mondo, questo incontro non soltanto è di importanza primaria ma rivendica un suo posto peculiare. Esso indica la direzione principale della storia, l'asse che si orienta sul corso del sole.... more
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      Military HistoryAlexander the GreatOttoman-Turkish WesternizationMedieval Military History
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      ArchaeologyAltertumswissenschaftDigital ArchivingIANUS Forschungsdatenzentrum
If Joseph Hilarius Eckhel is regularly called « the father of modern numismatics », then Erasmus Frölich fully deserves to be named “the father of the father”. It is Frölich who put Wien back on the numismatic map, through a more... more
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      EnlightenmentNumismaticsAncient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Greek Numismatics
L'epigramma III, 59 di Marziale offre lo spunto per riflettere sul ruolo delle categorie sociali subalterne nelle città romane, con particolare riferimento a Bononia e a Mutina, dove un ciabattino e un lavandaio, dice il poeta, offrirono... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
14-16 novembre 2019 - Études classiques face au XXIe siècle Couvent des Cordeliers, Rue de Morat 6, 1700 Fribourg 14.-16. November 2019 - Altertumswissenschaften im 21. Jahrhundert Franziskanerkloster, Murtenstrasse 6, 1700 Freiburg Cf.... more
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      History and Classical tradition studiesBibliographyHistoriographyHistory of Classical Scholarship
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsHomerArchaic Greek history
Tardo-antiguo aparecen en la forma enviada por sus autores sin intervención editorial. Están organizados en orden alfabético. Los responsables del Comité organizador agradecen a los autores de estos Resúmenes por su cooperación para hacer... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryAncient Greek LanguageAncient Greek LawRoman law, ancient legal history, ancient history, documentary papyri, Latin legal documents
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      Classical ArchaeologyEducationThomas MannHistory of Classical Scholarship
L'articolo è dedicato allo studio del raro gentilizio Purpurarius, noto dalla metà degli anni '80 del secolo scorso e attestato finora solo a Mutina. Il presente contributo rappresenta anche l'occasione per confermare, a partire dalle... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      Friedrich NietzscheJohann Wolfgang von GoetheWagner StudiesKarl Marx
With this essay, I intend to cast light on the importance of the academic construction of Hellenismus, a cultural product well-grounded in German altertumswissenschaft (since G. Droysen’s seminal book), in W. Bousset’s analysis of early... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
La stele modenese del tonsor L. Rubrius Stabilio Primus si rivela una fonte preziosa per riflettere su varie problematiche legate alla considerazione del lavoro nel mondo antico. Molto interessante e complessa è anche la storia familiare... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyDeutsches Archäologisches InstitutAltertumswissenschaft
Addenda to the biography of the ancient historian Ernst Hohl,
who remains in memory through his studies on the Historia Augusta
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      History of Classical ScholarshipAltertumswissenschaftHistoria Augusta
Tacquero. Erio provò un senso di vertigine, come quando incomincia il mal di mare. Desiderava che Conero parlasse ancora: troppo gravoso andava facendosi per lui il silenzio. Si sentiva nel fuoco di una lente; aveva l'impressione che i... more
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      Thomas MannFriedrich NietzscheAncient Greek ReligionAncient Greek History
Economy and Society, one of the most influential oeuvres of the early twentieth century, with impact in several branches of the Human Sciences, has in one of its parts a text of particular interest to researchers of Ancient History, the... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistoriographyHistoria Antiga
Resumo Economia e Sociedade, uma das obras mais influentes do início do século XX, com reflexos em diversos ramos das Ciências Humanas, é um texto de especial interesse aos pesquisadores da História Antiga, em especial na Tipologia das... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistoriographyHistoria Antiga
Il saggio è dedicato ad alcune figure professionali del mondo romano legate alla lavorazione e alla vendita dell'oro e di manufatti realizzati con questo metallo prezioso. Nel testo si analizzano in particolare le testimonianze... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
I have considered some coinages minted under Decius (249-251) to throw light on this emperor's relationships with the northern and northeastern provinces. Focus is set especially on Dacia, Pannonia, Illyricus and on the eventuality of... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsAncient Roman NumismaticsScienze dell'Antichità
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      Classical ArchaeologyClassical Reception StudiesClassicismImagined geographies
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      PhilologyAncient HistoryEgyptologyClassics
Badacze świata antycznego od dawna zainteresowani są dziejami swojej dyscypliny, przede wszystkim koncepcjami Georga Wissowy i Franza Cumonta, które zdominowały myślenie o religii rzymskiej w XX wieku. Postacią równie wielkiego formatu,... more
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      Cultural HistoryClassicsHistory of ReligionHistory of Science
Anabases 31 (2020)
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      HistoricismThucydidesAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
Vierzehn Beiträge stellen aktuelle althistorische Forschungen in Österreich vor: Das Themenspektrum zur Antike reicht von der Bedeutung der Perlen in der mykenischen Palastkultur (1400/1200 v.Chr.), dem Phänomen Nackter Bauern oder den... more
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      Alte GeschichteAltertumswissenschaft
Testo e presentazione della conferenza sull'economia di Mutina e del suo territorio, (Modena, Auditorium Leonardo da Vinci - LSSA F. Corni, 20/02/2017).
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEconomic HistoryCultural Studies
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      Cultural AnthropologyAltertumswissenschaftKulturanthropologie
Seit den 1970er Jahren haben frauengeschichtliche Studien für die antiken Gesellschaften nachgewiesen, dass fehlende Sichtbarkeit von Frauen in den Quellenmaterialien weder mit Bedeutungslosigkeit noch mit Abwesenheit gleichgesetzt werden... more
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