Achille Mbembe
Recent papers in Achille Mbembe
Im Jahr 2017 äußerte sich die antirassistische muslimische Aktivistin Linda Sarsour zum Antisemitismus in den USA wie folgt: "While anti-Semitism is something that impacts Jewish Americans, it's different than anti-black racism or... more
El pensador camerunés Achille Mbembe propone la noción de “necropolítica” para entender los procesos tanatopolíticos que se experimentan en los espacios periféricos del sistema-mundo moderno. Aunque el camerunés se apoya en las... more
Este ensayo, aborda la doble filiación del neologismo «colonialidad», tanto en Roselene Dousset-Leenhardt como en Aníbal Quijano (ambos mencionan que se trataría de un neologismo), abriendo un campo novedoso de investigación y... more
This article explores how the "Masters of Suspicion" can be used for understanding discipleship. From this, it queries into expanding this canon of masters to include decolonial thinkers. Resultantly, this article explores potential... more
In this paper, I address the issue of Community in Afrofuturism, based on the thought of Achille Mbembe, united under the label of ‘thought of the in-common’. According to the latter, if the need for community stems from a ‘will of life’,... more
Tansi. Comment le présenter ?... Te présenter cher Sony, puisque, comme dit mon ami franco-camerounais acteur, chorégraphe et danseur – et pas seulement de la tête –, James Carlès, depuis le jour où nous avons commencé à te lire ensemble... more
Bolsonaro, e a pandemia, estabelecem a necropolítica triunfante no Brasil. Procuro distingur a necropolítica dos regimes de contrato social e mesmo do fascismo. Tento imaginar um combate geontológico ao regime necropolítico que se... more
Penúltimo livro publicado por Achille Mbembe, em 2017, "Políticas da Inimizade" contempla uma série de questões desenvolvidas pelo filósofo camaronês em seus livros anteriores, com a inflexão da abordagem nos termos da produção de um... more
This book opens with a meditation on how Africa's fate has long -since Antiquity -been decided from the outside. Its central thesis calls for the continent to move forward in a new way, locating itself at the centre. 'Se penser, se... more
De acordo com estudiosos de diversas áreas das Ciências Humanas, o Estado tem sofrido profundas transformações em seu papel perante a sociedade desde a segunda metade do século XX. Essas mudanças, fundadas em interesses neoliberais,... more Hundreds of occupational deaths of workers, murders of women and trans people, suicide bombings, and... more
This paper will revisit my thesis to reformulate a new understanding of how essential the collaboration of Michel Foucault’s Biopolitics (2003) (which is not discussed in my thesis) is to a (re)conceptualization of necropolitics,... more
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Capítulo de Livro / Book caphter How to mention: LEMOS, Flávia C. S.; DE FREITAS, Felipe Sampaio; GALINDO, Dolores. "Biopolítica, necropolítica e a pandemia do coronavírus. Notas analíticas sobre o enxame viral." In. DA CRUZ, Lílian... more
A publicação do livro Crítica da Razão Negra de Achille Mbembe 448 contribui para a discussão contemporânea da Filosofia Africana, não somente a este eixo filosófico, mas à própria atividade filosófica. Isto se deve em grande parte,... more
Paper given at the Germany's Memory Mainstream conference held at the Institute of Modern Languages Research in London on 11 September 2020. Please note this is as yet unpublished (and indeed underdeveloped) so I would be grateful if you... more
This essay analyses the "Berliner Requiem", a "secular cantata" by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht premiered in 1929, as an engagement with what Achille Mbembe has described as "necropolitics", also taking into account earlier concepts... more
Starve and Immolate tells the story of leftist political prisoners in Turkey who waged a deadly struggle against the introduction of high security prisons by forging their lives into weapons. Weaving together contemporary and critical... more
This essay meets the spatial turn in postcolonial studies in examining the representations of the contested space of the nation during and after the war in Sri Lanka in the work of Ambalavaner Sivanandan and Romesh Gunesekera. In their... more
The paper engages in an examination of the televisual representations of blackness as a spectrum of lived experiences rather than as a stable monolithic identity in the context of the African-American community in the United States.... more
Slides apresentados no evento Sábado Filosófico, uma atividade anual da Escola de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Polivalente Modelo de Fortaleza, no qual o tema central foi "Diálogos sobre o enfrentamento ao racismo estrutural: no chão da... more
The idea that there is an aftermath to colonial governmentality is a claim that initiates this collection as a problematic to be explored and not a conclusion settled in advance. The project of unsettling the assumption of an aftermath,... more
A partir do episódio de violência dirigida a Valéria Lúcia dos Santos, advogada, mulher, negra impedida de levar adiante seu trabalho por uma juíza leiga e, em seguida, algemada no 3º Juizado Especial Cível de Duque de Caxias-RJ, Rogério... more
Famous, appreciated and read on all continents, Achille Mbembe is one of the principal pillar of postcolonial studies, constantly providing content and guidance for social scientists and critical theorists. Eleven years after the launch... more
El presente libro surgió de una triple coincidencia de los autores en el I Coloquio Internacional de Biopolítica organizado por la UNIPE en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, en septiembre de 2011. La primera coincidencia fue... more
This article considers the uptake of Achille Mbembe's article 'Provisional notes on the postcolony' (1992), the book De la Postcolonie: essai sur l'imagination politique dans l'Afrique contemporain (2000) and its translated version, On... more
« Critique de la raison nègre » de A. Mbembe m'a permis de cheminer entre sociologie et histoire en me donnant des outils pour penser la « situation » postcoloniale et la manière dont elle module mon positionnement en tant que chercheuse.... more
This lecture was originally delivered in Guayaquil in July 2019. An abridged version of the lecture was published in Siegfried Zielinski and Charles Merewether (eds), Art in the 21st Century: Reflections and Provocations (Osage... more
In his lectures in 1975-1976, Michel Foucault conceptualised the inclination to commit murders in political circumstances, and delineated it as ‘political death’ (2003).1 Such killings encompass both corporeal and psychological execution... more
International repatriations of colonial human remains have generated numerous questions regarding the status of indigenous communities, the responsibility of museums, and the importance of retrieving the histories... more
Postcolonial and poststructuralist antiracist theoretical approaches are gaining increasing influence at universities, in the political and cultural spheres, and in social movements worldwide. However, the picture that prominent... more
La plupart des auteurs partis d’Afrique se sont posés comme migrants avant de s’insérer comme écrivains dans leur société d’accueil. Ils sont toujours reçus comme : migrants professionnels (Tahar ben Jelloun s’est installé en France pour... more
How can postcolonial Europe be characterized? It is from this fundamental question that others spring up, like a rhizome. In the following essay, I try to answer this question by focusing on a specific time and space: postcolonial... more
The paper develops an immanent critique of the postcolonial critique of basic aesthetic categories like music
The reality that has been presented in rap music and its celebrity culture has always been connected with two extremes: the reality of the " thug " life of the streets on the one hand and with a specific sort of " American Dream " reality... more
Este artículo busca responder la pregunta de si la polarización en los objetivos de la biopolítica (administrar la vida y construir estilos de vida) y la necropolítica (administrar la muerte y destruir hábitats y pueblos) hace a estos... more