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A Gene-Centered C. elegans Protein-DNA
Interaction Network
Article in Cell · July 2006
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2006.04.038 · Source: PubMed
13 authors, including:
Bart Deplancke
Christian Andrew Grove
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
California Institute of Technology
Ian A Hope
Susan Mango
University of Leeds
Harvard University
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A Gene-Centered C. elegans
Protein-DNA Interaction Network
Bart Deplancke,1 Arnab Mukhopadhyay,1,6 Wanyuan Ao,2,5,6 Ahmed M. Elewa,1 Christian A. Grove,1
Natalia J. Martinez,1 Reynaldo Sequerra,3 Lynn Doucette-Stamm,3 John S. Reece-Hoyes,4 Ian A. Hope,4
Heidi A. Tissenbaum,1 Susan E. Mango,2 and Albertha J.M. Walhout1,*
Program in Gene Function and Expression and Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Worcester, MA 01605, USA
Huntsman Cancer Institute and Department of Oncological Sciences, University of Utah, 2000 Circle of Hope, Salt Lake City,
UT 84112, USA
Agencourt Bioscience Corporation, Beverly MA 01915, USA
Institute of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, School of Biology, University of Leeds,
Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
Present Address: BioMicro Systems Inc. 1290 W, 2320 S, Suite D, Salt Lake City, UT 84119, USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
[email protected]
DOI 10.1016/j.cell.2006.04.038
Transcription regulatory networks consist of
physical and functional interactions between
transcription factors (TFs) and their target
genes. The systematic mapping of TF-target
gene interactions has been pioneered in unicellular systems, using ‘‘TF-centered’’ methods
(e.g., chromatin immunoprecipitation). However, metazoan systems are less amenable to
such methods. Here, we used ‘‘gene-centered’’
high-throughput yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) assays
to identify 283 interactions between 72 C. elegans digestive tract gene promoters and 117
proteins. The resulting protein-DNA interaction
(PDI) network is highly connected and enriched
for TFs that are expressed in the digestive tract.
We provide functional annotations for !10% of
all worm TFs, many of which were previously
uncharacterized, and find ten novel putative
TFs, illustrating the power of a gene-centered
approach. We provide additional in vivo evidence for multiple PDIs and illustrate how the
PDI network provides insights into metazoan
differential gene expression at a systems level.
Differential gene expression is governed in part by the
action of regulatory transcription factors (TFs) that bind
cis-regulatory DNA elements that are often located in the
promoters of target genes (Lee and Young, 2000). Of all
metazoan genes, 5%–10% encode predicted TFs (Levine
and Tjian, 2003). Each TF likely regulates multiple genes,
often in combination with other TFs, and may either activate or repress transcription. This combinatorial effect results in exquisitely fine-tuned spatial and temporal gene
expression patterns and levels.
Physical interactions between TFs and their target
genes can be visualized as protein-DNA interaction (PDI)
networks that provide insights into differential gene expression at a systems level (Blais and Dynlacht, 2005).
Superimposing the transcriptional consequence (i.e., activation or repression) of each PDI onto such networks
allows the modeling of transcription regulatory networks
that reveal the transcriptional logic underlying the system
of study (Harbison et al., 2004; Levine and Davidson,
2005; Luscombe et al., 2004). A comprehensive understanding of the transcriptional mechanisms at a systems
level requires the systematic identification of interactions
between TFs and their target genes. Such PDIs can be
identified using either TFs or their target genes as a starting
point. To date, most studies have used ‘‘TF-centered’’
methods to find DNA sequences bound by TFs of interest
(Blais and Dynlacht, 2005). These methods have mostly
been applied to relatively simple systems such as yeast
(Harbison et al., 2004; Horak et al., 2002) and mammalian
cell lines (Cawley et al., 2004; Weinmann et al., 2002). It is
technically challenging to systematically apply chromatin
immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-based methods to metazoan
systems, because TFs that are expressed at low levels,
in a few cells, or during a narrow developmental interval
are not suitable for such experiments. Moreover, antibodies are only available for few metazoan TFs. Thus,
there is a need for complementary methods that are
condition independent, amenable to high-throughput settings, and applicable to complex metazoan systems.
The yeast one-hybrid (Y1H) system is a ‘‘gene-centered’’ method that allows the identification of proteins
that can bind to DNA sequences of interest (Li and Herskowitz, 1993; Wang and Reed, 1993). We recently developed
Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. 1193
a Gateway-compatible version of the Y1H system, which
allows the large-scale detection of PDIs (Deplancke
et al., 2004). Here, we used this Y1H system to generate
a first systematic PDI network of genes expressed and/or
involved in the development and function of the Caenorhabditis elegans digestive tract.
Using 72 gene promoters as ‘‘DNA baits,’’ we identified
283 PDIs that involve 117 proteins or ‘‘interactors.’’ Most
C. elegans TFs were heretofore uncharacterized. We provide a first set of putative target genes for !10% of all
predicted worm TFs and find ten novel potential TFs. We
combine all PDIs into a network model. This network has
similar properties as analogous networks in unicellular
systems, indicating that the basic principles of transcription regulation at a systems level are evolutionarily conserved, and supporting our overall approach. The PDI network is enriched for TFs that are themselves expressed in
the digestive tract, which further validates our approach.
We provide estimates for the coverage of the Y1H system
and additional experimental support for multiple PDIs. We
illustrate how PDI network motifs can be converted into
transcription regulatory network motifs that describe spatiotemporal aspects and transcriptional consequences of
PDIs. Finally, we propose a model in which worm genes
are under three layers of transcriptional control by a
combination of different types of TFs: global, master,
and specific regulators.
Y1H Assays
We selected a set of 167 C. elegans genes on the basis of
one of the following criteria: (1) their expression is enriched
in the developing pharynx (Gaudet and Mango, 2002);
(2) their products or mammalian homologs are involved
in endoderm development (Maduro and Rothman, 2002);
or (3) they encode TFs that are expressed in the digestive
tract (Table S1 in the Supplemental Data available with this
article online). We reasoned that the inclusion of TF genes
in this first gene set would allow us to start mapping a core
PDI network (Davidson and Levin, 2005). We obtained 41
promoters from the promoterome (Dupuy et al., 2004) and
cloned 126 ab initio. After cloning promoters into Y1H bait
vectors, promoter::reporter constructs were sequentially
integrated into the yeast genome. Thus promoters are
packaged into chromatin which reduces the number of
false positives (Deplancke et al., 2004). We obtained 116
promoter bait strains (Figure 1B). Six of these exhibited
high levels of self-activation (Deplancke et al., 2004) and
were omitted. Thus, in total, 110 promoters were used in
Y1H assays (Table S1).
Each promoter bait strain was screened against a cDNA
library and a TF mini-library (Figure 1A) (Deplancke et al.,
2004). In total, we sequenced more than 3,200 Y1H positives to obtain interaction sequence tags (ISTs) (Walhout
et al., 2000). To minimize the retrieval of false positives,
we applied stringent filtering criteria (Figure 1C). In total,
!1,100 ISTs (!34%), corresponding to 209 PDIs, passed
1194 Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc.
the filtering criteria. To test the specificity of the Y1H system, we tested all interactors available in the C. elegans
ORFeome (Reboul et al., 2003) for binding to each of the
110 promoters by directed Y1H experiments. We identified 74 additional PDIs, out of more than 10,000 combinations tested, indicating that most PDIs retrieved are specific. In total, we identified 283 PDIs, involving 72 gene
promoters and 117 interactors (Table S2).
The Y1H System Does Not Have an Inherent TF Bias
We classified interactors into TF families according to their
annotated DNA binding domains in wTF2.0 (Reece-Hoyes
et al., 2005). Importantly, we found members of most families (Table S2), indicating that the Y1H system does not
have an inherent bias for or against certain types of TFs.
For the majority of predicted worm TFs it has not been
demonstrated that they can bind to DNA, and few TF targets have been reported. In addition, the biological function of most TFs remains elusive. Here, we provide DNA
binding evidence and putative target genes for !10% of
the predicted worm TFs (Reece-Hoyes et al., 2005).
Y1H Assays: Coverage
To assess the coverage of our Y1H system, we investigated how many known TF-target gene interactions involving the 110 promoters were detected. Twelve PDIs
between ten promoters and 11 TFs had been reported
previously, underscoring the paucity of PDI data for
C. elegans (Table S1). We retrieved four of these interactions (33%, Table S2). Although the numbers are low,
this suggests that the Y1H coverage is similar to that of
high-throughput yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) assays (Li et al.,
2004) and in vitro PDI detection methods (Mukherjee
et al., 2004). Two missed interactions involve PHA-4,
a key regulator of pharynx development (Mango et al.,
1994). However, we did find novel putative target genes
for other master regulators of digestive tract development
(e.g., ELT-2, Table S2).
The C. elegans PDI Network Has Similar Properties
as PDI Networks from Unicellular Systems
We modeled all PDIs into a network using Cytoscape
(Shannon et al., 2003) (Figure 2A). This network is highly
connected as most nodes are connected and form one
large network component. To further investigate the connectivity of the network, we plotted the outgoing connectivity, i.e., the number of promoter targets per interactor;
and the incoming connectivity, i.e., the number of interactors per promoter (Luscombe et al., 2004) (Figures 2B and
2C). Interestingly, these connectivities follow distinct distributions. Whereas the outgoing connectivity follows a decaying power law distribution, the incoming connectivity
follows a distribution closer to the exponential decrease
of random networks. This observation is similar to what
has been found in bacterial and yeast PDI networks
(Guelzim et al., 2002). The average number of interactors
per promoter in the PDI network is four, and varies between one and 14 (Figure 2C). In contrast, most interactors
Figure 1. Y1H Assays and Pipeline
(A) Schematic overview of the Gateway-compatible Y1H system. GW = gateway recombination sites; AD = Gal4p activation domain. Promoters can
be obtained from ‘‘promoterome’’ resources (Dupuy et al., 2004) and rapidly subcloned into Gateway Y1H ‘‘bait’’ vectors. TF-encoding open reading
frames (ORFs) can be obtained from ORFeome resources (Reboul et al., 2003), cloned into a Y1H ‘‘prey’’ vector and pooled to create an AD-TF minilibrary (Deplancke et al., 2004). Two Y1H reporter genes, HIS3 and LacZ, are used to prevent the inclusion of high numbers of false positives.
(B) Efficiencies of Gateway cloning steps and integration of promoter baits into the yeast genome. ‘‘PCR and BP cloning’’ refers to promoters that
were obtained by PCR using C. elegans genomic DNA as a template and that were successfully cloned to create promoter Entry clones. LR cloning
refers to the cloning of promoters from Entry clones into HIS3 and LacZ Y1H reporter Destination vectors. Yeast integration refers to the integration of
promoter::reporter constructs into the yeast genome. Self-activation refers to the activation of reporter gene expression in the absence of an exogenous C. elegans interactor. Percentages refer to the cumulative success rate and the percentages per step are indicated in parentheses.
(C) Y1H interactions were only considered if they conferred a positive readout for both Y1H reporter genes, were found several times per promoter, or
retested in fresh promoter bait strains. In addition, preys that do not have an annotated DNA binding domain were removed, except if they were found
multiple times. Finally, ISTs that were not in the correct frame were removed.
interact only with one or two promoters (84%), but some
TFs bind a relatively large number of promoters (up to
27, Figure 2B). This suggests that well-connected TFs pro-
vide a high degree of connectivity to the network. Indeed,
71% of the promoters in the network are bound by at
least one of the top 10% most connected interactors,
Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. 1195
1196 Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc.
Figure 3. Confirmation of DNA Binding of Novel Putative TFs by ChIP in Yeast
Each panel shows the promoter with the amplified region indicated by arrows at the top and the ChIP results, using an anti-Gal4p activation domain
(AD) antibody on the bottom. C, ChIP product; I, input PCR product. AD, Gal4 activation domain. AD alone was used as a negative ChIP control. For
each novel putative TF, one target promoter was examined. Black triangles indicate 3-fold titration steps of input and sample template.
suggesting that these interactors may represent ‘‘global’’
regulators of transcription (see Discussion). We expect
that the number of promoters bound by these well-connected interactors will increase as additional Y1H interactions become available.
In yeast, well-connected TFs are more likely to be essential than less well-connected TFs (Yu et al., 2004). We
tested whether a similar relationship exists in the
C. elegans PDI network. We determined the percentage
of essential proteins for interactors that bind three or
more promoters (16%) and for those that bind only one
or two promoters (84%). We found that 32% (6/19) of interactors that bind three or more promoters and 6%
(6/98) of interactors that bind one or two promoters are essential, respectively (p < 0.001, Figure 2D). A similar enrichment for essentiality was observed when cut-offs of four
and more, five and more targets, etc. were chosen (data
not shown). Thus, there is a positive correlation between
connectivity and essentiality for well-connected TFs in
both unicellular and metazoan systems. Next, we analyzed
the PDI network for the presence of network motifs that are
significantly overrepresented compared to 100 randomized networks with the same single-node characteristics
and found several motifs that were previously shown also
to be enriched in bacterial and yeast PDI networks (Table
S3) (Milo et al., 2002; Shen-Orr et al., 2002).
Taken together, the Y1H-based C. elegans PDI network
has similar properties and motifs as PDI networks of relatively simple unicellular systems, providing additional confidence to the quality of our data. It should be noted, however, that our network is a relatively small sample of the
entire worm PDI network and that 51% of the promoters
used correspond to TF-encoding genes, whereas only
!5% of all C. elegans genes encode predicted TFs
(Reece-Hoyes et al., 2005). Thus, in the future, it will be important to investigate the properties and motifs of more
complete metazoan PDI networks.
The Y1H System Can Be Used to Discover Novel
DNA Binding Proteins
Ten interactors (8.5%) do not possess a known DNA
binding domain yet pass the filtering criteria. Thus, we
hypothesized that these may be novel TFs. To test if
these proteins directly bind their target promoters in
yeast, we performed ChIP assays using an anti-Gal4AD
(activation domain) antibody. We confirmed DNA binding
for eight of the ten novel putative DNA binding proteins
(80%, Figure 3). This demonstrates that the Y1H system
provides a powerful tool to discover novel putative
TFs, which is a unique advantage of gene-centered
Figure 2. A PDI Network of C. elegans Digestive Tract Genes
(A) Y1H interactions were modeled into a PDI network using Cytoscape 2.2 (Shannon et al., 2003). Blue diamonds, promoters; circles, interactors;
triangles, interactors whose promoters were also used as DNA baits. Green, interactors with a digestive tract annotation; red, interactors that are
not in the digestive tract; gray, all other interactors. PDIs are depicted as black lines.
(B) The departing connectivity follows a decaying power law distribution (R = 0.86). Inset: log-log scale graph.
(C) The arriving connectivity follows a logarithmic distribution (R = 0.95). Inset: semi-log scale graph.
(D) Interactors that bind to three or more promoters have a higher likelihood of being essential than those that bind to one or two promoters. 1, all
C. elegans genes; 2, all interactors in the PDI network; 3, interactors that bind one or two promoters; 4, interactors that bind three or more promoters.
Asterisk, significant enrichment (p < 0.001).
Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. 1197
Figure 4. The PDI Network Is Enriched
for TFs Expressed in the Digestive Tract
(A) Venn diagrams depicting the number of annotated C. elegans TFs (wTF2.0) expressed exclusively in the digestive tract (DT), in both the
digestive tract and other tissues (DT + NDT),
or only outside the digestive tract (NDT for
(B) Venn diagram depicting the number of TFs
in wTF2.0 expressed in the pharynx or hindgut
(P/H), the intestine (I), or in embryonic lineages
that give rise to the pharynx, gut, or hindgut (E).
(C) Venn diagram depicting the number of
C. elegans TFs found in the PDI network expressed exclusively in the digestive tract (DT),
in both the digestive tract and other tissues
(DT + NDT), or only outside the digestive tract
(NDT for non-DT).
The PDI Network Is Enriched for Digestive Tract TFs
Systematic data integration can be used to assess the
quality of functional genomic data and to provide degrees
of confidence to individual data points (Ge et al., 2003). We
hypothesized that, by starting with a set of digestive tract
gene promoters, we would retrieve many TFs that are
themselves expressed in this system. To test this, we integrated the PDI network with available expression pattern
data. We found expression pattern information for 288 of
the 934 predicted TFs (Reece-Hoyes et al., 2005). Of these,
162 (!56%) are expressed in the digestive tract, but only
43 are exclusively found in this system (Figure 4A, Table
S4), suggesting that many TFs play a relatively pleiotropic
role in gene expression. Interestingly, of the 148 TFs
expressed in the digestive tract in larvae and adults, 38%
(56/148) are expressed in both the pharynx and the intestine, even though these parts are derived from distinct
germ layers (Figure 4B). We found expression pattern information for 61 TFs in the network (excluding potential
novel TFs), and of these, 44 (72%, p < 0.01) are expressed
in the digestive tract (Figure 4C, Table S2). Next, we determined the expression pattern for 14 uncharacterized interactors and found that 12 of these (86%) are also expressed
in the digestive tract (Figures S1 and S2, see also Figure 6B). Together, these data demonstrate that the PDI network is significantly enriched for TFs expressed in the digestive tract, which further supports our overall approach.
Four of the 14 interactors for which we determined the
expression pattern are among the most highly connected
nodes in the network as they bind to many target promoters (i.e., ZTF-1, ZC204.12, JC8.6, and ZTF-2). Interestingly, worms that contain translational PZC204.12 constructs (i.e., in which GFP is expressed as a fusion protein
with ZC204.12) are slow growing and thin, and worms
containing translational fusions of ztf-1 or JC8.6 could
not be stably maintained (data not shown). Further, the expression of ZTF-1::GFP fusions is restricted to a few head
neurons in adult animals, while GFP is more broadly expressed and throughout development in animals carrying
1198 Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc.
a transcriptional Pztf-1 fusion (Figure S1B). This is consistent with endogenous ztf-1 expression as its mRNA has
been detected in the developing embryo by microarray
analysis (Baugh et al., 2003). Together, these data suggest
that overexpression of putative global regulators may be
toxic because of changes in the expression of a large
number of genes (see Discussion).
Finally, we superimposed all expression pattern information onto the PDI network (Figure S3A). The resulting
integrated network can be used to derive subgraphs that
provide hypotheses about where particular PDIs may
function in the animal (examples are shown in Figures
S3B and S3C). Several interactors in the network do not
appear to be expressed in the digestive tract. Such interactors may correspond to false positives or, alternatively,
may function to prevent expression of digestive tract
genes in other tissues.
Transcriptional Consequences of PDIs
In Y1H assays, TFs are fused to a heterologous transcription activation domain (Figure 1A). Thus, Y1H assays do
not provide insight into the transcriptional function of
TFs. To initiate the analysis of the transcriptional consequences of individual PDIs, we first used quantitative
RT-PCR. We obtained worm deletion strains for eight
TFs and compared expression of their 16 Y1H targets between TF deletion strains and wild-type animals. We found
gene expression changes for three PDIs (19%) involving
the interactors DAF-3, DAF-16, and ELT-3 (Figure 5A
and data not shown). This is likely an underestimation of
the proportion of genuine in vivo interactions as we used
mixed populations of animals and because PDIs may
occur in only a few cells or at narrow developmental intervals. We also tested whether the expression of the other
genes (i.e., those not found as targets by Y1H) was affected in the deletion strains and found no changes. This
indicates that PDIs found by Y1H assays are specific.
Interestingly, all three interactors repress transcription
of their Y1H targets. This is consistent with previous
Figure 5. Validation of Individual PDIs
(A) Quantitative RT-PCR shows that DAF-3, ELT-3, and DAF-16 repress the expression of their Y1H targets mdl-1, ceh-13, and hlh-6, respectively.
Changes are expressed as fold increases compared to wild-type worms. Circles, Y1H-detected interactions; squares, negative controls; light red
indicates 2- to 4-fold increase; and red indicates >4-fold increase. White indicates no change in expression.
(B) mdl-1 promoter activity in daf-3(RNAi) and control(RNAi) animals. Left panels, DIC images; right panels, GFP fluorescence.
(C) DAF-3 was chromatin immunoprecipitated with anti-DAF-3 antibody from either wild-type or daf-3(mg90) mutant animals. Input, PCR control;
mdl-1 coding, negative control.
(D) mdl-1 pharyngeal promoter activity decreases when worms enter the dauer stage. This effect was observed in 100% of the animals. Left panels,
DIC images; right panels, GFP fluorescence.
(E) DAF-16 was chromatin immunoprecipitated with either anti-DAF-16 antibody or preimmune serum (prebleed) from either wild-type worms or
daf-16(mu86) animals. Input, PCR control; hlh-6 coding, negative control.
(F) Life spans of hlh-6(RNAi) (n = 203) or vector RNAi (n = 193) animals are plotted. Average life spans were 16.9 ± 0.35 days for control and 18.6 ± 0.36
days for hlh-6(RNAi) worms (p < 0.001). Life span assays were performed five times. Averaged data for all experiments are shown. Black squares,
wild-type; open circles, hlh-6 RNAi.
(G) PDIs can be converted into transcription regulatory interactions.
Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. 1199
observations for DAF-16 and DAF-3 in C. elegans (Oh
et al., 2006; Thatcher et al., 1999) or ELT-3 homologs in
other systems (Schwenger et al., 2001).
Quantitative RT-PCR does not provide insights into
where and when changes in target gene expression occur.
To address this issue, we created transgenic worms that
express GFP under the control of the promoter of mdl-1
(Pmdl-1::GFP), a Y1H target of DAF-3. These animals express GFP in both the intestine and the pharynx, as well
as in the hypodermis and ventral nerve cord (Figure 5B
and data not shown). Consistent with the quantitative
RT-PCR results, we found that knocking down daf-3 by
RNAi results in an increase in mdl-1 promoter activity.
Interestingly, this effect specifically occurs in the pharynx
(Figure 5B). The Y1H interaction between DAF-3 and
Pmdl-1 suggests that mdl-1 is a direct DAF-3 target. To
test this, we used an anti-DAF-3 antibody in ChIP assays
and found that endogenous DAF-3 is indeed localized
to the endogenous mdl-1 promoter (Figure 5C). DAF-3 promotes C. elegans dauer formation (Patterson et al., 1997).
Interestingly, in a microarray study comparing dauer to
nondauer worms, Wang and Kim (2003) found that daf-3
mRNA is up-regulated !40-fold when wild-type worms enter the dauer stage, whereas mdl-1 mRNA is downregulated up to !100-fold. We confirmed that pharyngeal
mdl-1 promoter activity is indeed dramatically decreased
in dauers (Figure 5D and Table S5). Taken together, our
data strongly suggest that mdl-1 is a direct in vivo target
of DAF-3 and that DAF-3 represses mdl-1 gene expression
in the pharynx when worms enter the dauer stage.
DAF-16 is central to the regulation of dauer formation,
aging, and fat storage (Patterson, 2003). We found that endogenous DAF-16 directly binds to its Y1H target, hlh-6, in
vivo (Figure 5E), and therefore tested whether hlh-6 is
involved in any of these biological processes as well.
Whereas hlh-6(RNAi) does not affect dauer formation or fat
storage (data not shown), it does result in a modest (10%)
but reproducible and significant (p < 0.001) extension of
lifespan (Figure 5F). daf-16 loss-of-function mutants have
a reduced lifespan (Lin et al., 1997). Thus, the observation that hlh-6(RNAi) results in lifespan extension is in
agreement with the finding that DAF-16 represses hlh-6
Taken together, these results demonstrate how we can
integrate expression pattern information together with the
transcriptional consequences of individual PDIs as a first
step toward the characterization of transcription regulatory networks (Figure 5G).
of PDIs, we focused on a single input motif in which ZTF-2
binds five pharyngeal gene promoters (Figure 6A). Because we did not detect ZTF-2 binding to intestinal gene
promoters, we hypothesized that ZTF-2 may be a regulator
of pharyngeal gene expression. To test this, we first examined the ztf-2 expression pattern and found that it is
expressed in the pharynx (Figures 6B and S2). Next, we
tested whether removal of ZTF-2 results in changes in activity of its Y1H target, Pfat-5, which weakly drives expression of GFP throughout the digestive tract, with strongest
expression in the pharynx (Figure 6C and data not shown).
Knocking down ztf-2 by RNAi in Pfat-5::GFP containing
animals resulted in an increase of GFP expression, suggesting that ZTF-2 represses pharyngeal gene expression
(Figure 6C, Table S6). Knocking down two other Pfat-5 interactors (DIE-1 and EGL-44) by RNAi resulted in a small
decrease in embryonic GFP expression, indicating that
these TFs may be positive regulators of fat-5 gene expression (Table S6 and data not shown). Next, we analyzed the
promoters of the ZTF-2 targets for overrepresented DNA
elements and found an element that is very similar to a
previously described cis-regulatory pharyngeal element
(‘‘P2,’’ Figure 6D) (Gaudet et al., 2004). ZTF-2 can bind
P2 in the Y1H system, suggesting that it does constitute
a ZTF-2 binding site (Figure 6E). Finally, we investigated
if ZTF-2 can bind P2 in vivo and if ZTF-2 activates or represses transcription through this element. We used
a transgenic worm strain containing three copies of P2,
linked to a minimal pes-10 promoter and driving GFP expression (Gaudet et al., 2004). We compared GFP
expression in wild-type and ztf-2(RNAi) animals. As reported previously, P2 drives weak expression in the developing pharynx (Figure 6F) (Gaudet et al., 2004). Knocking
down ztf-2 did not change the pattern of GFP expression,
but did result in increased GFP levels in the pharynx
(Figure 6F, Table S7), indicating that P2 is indeed a functional ZTF-2 binding site, and confirming that ZTF-2 represses pharyngeal gene expression. Interestingly, we
observed a low penetrance Pun (pharynx unattached)
phenotype in ztf-2(RNAi) animals (Figure 6G, Table S7).
This finding is consistent with the observation that ZTF-2
is expressed in the pharyngeal epithelium/arcade, which
connects the pharynx to the mouth (Figure 6B), and suggests a role for ZTF-2 in pharynx morphogenesis. Taken
together, these results demonstrate how a combination
of computational and experimental methods can be
used to convert a PDI network motif into a transcription
regulatory network motif (Figure 6H).
Converting PDI Network Motifs into Transcription
Regulatory Network Motifs
The C. elegans digestive tract is composed of different tissues and cell types and it is likely that only parts of the PDI
network are relevant under particular (developmental)
conditions or in particular cells. To initiate the conversion
of PDI motifs into transcription regulatory network motifs
that, in addition to revealing the transcriptional consequences of PDIs, provide spatial and temporal information
1200 Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc.
Gene-Centered Y1H Assays Provide a Powerful
Complementary Method for the Mapping of
Transcription Regulatory Networks in
Complex Metazoan Systems
TF-centered PDI studies in intricate metazoan systems
are hampered by the lack of suitable antibodies and the
inaccessibility of many TFs. Indeed, 934 worm genes
Figure 6. Converting PDI Network Motifs into Transcription Regulatory Network Motifs
(A) The ZTF-2 single input network motif. Blue diamonds, target promoters; black lines, Y1H PDIs.
(B) The ztf-2 promoter is active in the pharynx. DIC images and GFP fluorescence of two animals are shown. White indicates GFP expression in the
(C) ZTF-2 represses fat-5 gene expression in L1 larvae and embryos. Transgenic worms containing Pfat-5::GFP were injected with ztf-2 dsRNA or
control dsRNA (C), and the corresponding GFP expression patterns and levels were compared. White dotted lines outline the pharynx.
(D) Using the motif finder algorithm Improbizer (Ao et al., 2004), we identified an overrepresented DNA element in the ZTF-2 Y1H target promoters
(upper WebLogo). This element exhibits strong similarity to a known pharyngeal element (P2, lower WebLogo; Gaudet et al., 2004).
(E) A yeast bait strain containing six copies of P2 fused to the HIS3 Y1H reporter gene was transformed with AD-ZTF-2 (+) or empty vector plasmid (").
P, permissive media; S, selective media lacking histidine and containing 3AT.
(F) Transgenic worms containing a 3XP2::Dpes-10::GFP::his2B construct (Gaudet et al., 2004) were injected with ztf-2 dsRNA, or control dsRNA (C),
and the corresponding GFP expression patterns and levels were compared. his2B encodes a nuclear histone and is used for nuclear visualization of
GFP. Embryos in which the pharynx (P) and intestinal (I) primordium is being formed are shown. Left, DIC images; right, GFP fluorescence.
(G) Loss of ZTF-2 by RNAi results in a Pun (pharynx unattached) phenotype. DIC images of 3-fold wild-type (WT) and ztf-2(RNAi) embryos. The arrows
indicate the mouth and pharynx.
(H) The PDI network motif can be converted into a transcription regulatory network motif, and the ZTF-2 node can be colored green. Solid line,
confirmed repression of fat-5 expression by ZTF-2; dashed lines, inferred repression by ZTF-2 of its other Y1H targets.
encode TFs (Reece-Hoyes et al., 2005), but very little information regarding their DNA binding sites and target genes
had been reported. Gene-centered approaches have
some unique advantages for PDI mapping. For instance,
we provide functional annotations for !10% of all predicted C. elegans TFs. In addition, we find ten novel potential TFs and show that eight of these are likely genuine
DNA binding proteins. Recently, a yeast enzyme (Arg5,6)
Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. 1201
has been shown to specifically bind to DNA (Hall et al.,
2004), supporting the notion that not all DNA binding domains have been uncovered.
As with any large-scale method, it is important to estimate both the sensitivity and specificity of the Y1H assay.
We detect !33% of previously reported PDIs, which is
similar to the coverage of other PPI and PDI data sets (Li
et al., 2004; Mukherjee et al., 2004). There are several reasons why we may miss interactions: (1) Currently, the Y1H
system is not configured to identify heterodimers, which
explains why we did not find the interaction between
Pceh-24 and HLH-8/HLH-2. (2) The Y1H screens are not
saturated. This is perhaps best illustrated by the identification of 74 additional PDIs by directed Y1H experiments. (3)
As we use gene promoters as DNA baits, we miss interactions that occur in other regions (e.g., introns). (4) TFs that
need to be posttranslationally modified in order to bind
DNA will likely not be detected.
There are two classes of false positives in Y1H assays:
those that are the result of technical limitations, and those
that are reproducible in Y1H assays but are not relevant
in vivo. To avoid the inclusion of ‘‘technical false positives,’’ we applied stringent filtering criteria that have
been shown to greatly reduce the number of false positives in Y2H assays to the Y1H data. Moreover, as we
mostly expect to find TFs, we mostly include proteins
that possess a predicted DNA binding domain. We assess
the quality of the filtered Y1H data in several ways. For instance, using digestive tract gene promoters, we find
more TFs that are expressed in this system than expected
by chance. In addition, we use a variety of methods including ChIP, quantitative RT-PCR, and RNAi to assess the
in vivo relevance of several PDIs.
Multiple members of one TF family sometimes bind to
a single promoter (e.g., GATA-type zinc finger TFs, Table
S2) and may have similar DNA binding specificities. Indeed, it has been reported that several GATA TFs are
able to bind similar sequences (Ko and Engel, 1993). Alternatively, multiple members of a TF family may truly regulate the expression of a single gene in vivo, for example
by binding to the same cis-regulatory element under different circumstances, or by binding to nonoverlapping,
co-occurring binding sites, as has been described for
nuclear hormone receptors (Chawla et al., 2001). Recently, Pauli and co-workers have shown that multiple
GATA TFs regulate the expression of overlapping C. elegans genes in vivo (Pauli et al., 2006). However, based
on Y1H data alone, we cannot discern whether multiple
TFs bind to a target promoter simultaneously or if these
TFs bind individually in different cells and/or at different
developmental times.
Taken together, gene-centered Y1H assays provide
a powerful alternative for the systematic identification of
PDIs to TF-centered methods such as ChIP in C. elegans.
However, as both TF-centered and gene-centered
methods have different limitations and advantages, it will
be important to apply both types of methods to attain optimal coverage and quality in PDI datasets.
1202 Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc.
Converting Protein-DNA Interaction Networks
into Transcription Regulatory Networks
PDI networks are static models in which all interactions
that may occur during the development, function and, perhaps pathology, of a system are combined. We illlustrate
how several approaches can be used to convert static
PDI network motifs into transcription regulatory network
motifs that describe transcriptional consequences of
PDIs and spatiotemporal aspects of gene regulation. First,
we show that quantitative RT-PCR can be used to determine whether target gene expression is up –or downregulated when a TF that binds to the target’s promoter in Y1H
assays is removed. Second, both transcriptional consequences of PDIs and spatiotemporal information of PDIs
can be inferred in transgenic animals in which GFP is
expressed under the control of a target gene promoter.
This is done by comparing GFP levels and patterns between wild-type animals and animals in which TF levels
are knocked down by RNAi. Interestingly, we find that several TFs repress expression of their targets, even though
these targets are themselves expressed in the digestive
tract. This suggests that these TFs function to fine-tune
gene expression levels rather than to determine gene expression patterns.
A Model for C. elegans Differential Gene Expression
at a Systems Level
We find that most TFs bind only one or two promoters,
whereas a few TFs bind many (Figure 2B). On average,
each promoter is bound by four TFs, and more than
70% of the promoters are bound by at least one of the
top 10% most highly connected TFs. In addition, 82% of
the promoters are bound by at least one of the other
less-well connected interactors, and more than half of
our target promoters bind both. Together, these observations lead to a model in which C. elegans genes are subjected to three or more layers of transcriptional control
(Figure 7). The first layer consists of global regulators
that control the expression of many genes in many different systems (e.g., DIE-1, ZTF-1, JC8.6, and ZC204.12,
which bind both pharyngeal and intestinal gene promoters). Our preliminary data indicate that these putative
global regulators also appear as highly connected interactors in other, unrelated C. elegans PDI networks (data not
shown). The second layer involves ‘‘master regulators’’
that control the expression of multiple genes that are specifically involved in a particular system (e.g., PHA-4 in the
pharynx and ELT-2 in the intestine) (Labouesse and
Mango, 1999; Fukushige et al., 1998). Finally, the third
layer constitutes ‘‘specifiers’’ that fine-tune the expression
of a relatively small number of genes. In agreement with
this model, well-connected interactors have a relatively
high likelihood to be essential, whereas less well-connected interactors do not (Figure 2D). Based on this
model, we predict that metazoan transcription regulatory
networks will possess a hierarchy that reflects these
layers. Interestingly, bacterial transcription regulatory networks also exhibit a layered hierarchy as many genes are
Figure 7. A Model for C. elegans Differential Gene Expression
Based on our PDI network data, we propose
a hierarchical model in which most C. elegans
genes are regulated by a combination of three
or more types of TFs: Global regulators that
bind many promoters from different systems,
master regulators that bind many promoters
within a system and that are indispensable for
system development, and specifiers that finetune gene expression. Yellow, blue, and red indicate different systems. The green and purple
nodes illustrate that specifier TFs may also be
found in multiple systems.
regulated by a combination of a handful of global regulators and multiple specifiers (Martı́nez-Antonio and Collado-Vides, 2003). The C. elegans PDI network contains
similar motifs as bacterial networks (Shen-Orr et al.,
2002). Together, this suggests that the principles controlling gene expression at a systems level are evolutionarily
conserved and extend beyond the single cell level. The
availability of additional metazoan PDI data will reveal
whether this model reflects the general principles underlying differential gene expression in C. elegans and other
higher eukaryotes, including humans. Y1H assays provide
a method to further test this model in other C. elegans systems, and this study may serve as a blueprint for similar
studies in higher organisms as well.
Generation of Y1H Promoter Bait Strains
Promoters were cloned into Y1H reporter Destination vectors by Gateway cloning and integrated into the genome of YM4271 yeast as
described elsewhere (Deplancke et al., 2004; B.D. and A.J.M.W., unpublished data). Bait strains were verified by PCR of yeast genomic
DNA using vector-specific primers, after which PCR amplicons were
sequenced. Self-activation of promoter bait strains was tested as described (Deplancke et al., 2004). Promoter bait strains that exhibited
growth on Sc-His,-Ura media containing 3-aminotriazole (3AT) concentrations of 80 mM or higher were omitted (Table S1).
Directed Y1H Experiments
Two types of directed Y1H experiments were performed: (1) mating
experiments using strains of opposite mating types, one containing
the promoter bait, and the other containing the AD-TFs (B.D. and
A.J.M.W., unpublished data), and (2) direct transformations of 100
ng AD-TF plasmid into promoter bait strains (DIE-1, JC8.6). Mating
was performed as described (Walhout and Vidal, 2001).
Identification of ‘‘Literature’’ Interactions
PubMed inquiries were done using both the ORF and gene name of
each of the 110 successfully obtained promoters. In addition, we surveyed WormBase (Chen et al., 2005) for reported PDIs.
Analysis of Network Properties
The most suitable distributions for the departing and arriving connectivities were found by determining the best-fitting exponential (p(k) !
e"gk), logarithmic (p(k) ! "C*Ln(k) + g), and power-law (p(k) ! k"g) distributions, where p(k) represents the fraction of interactor or promoter
nodes, and k the number of interactions. The best-fitting distribution
was determined by minimizing the root mean squared difference
(RSD) between the actual and fitted distributions as obtained by scatter plot analysis, and by comparing the regression value R for each distribution. Departing connectivity followed a decaying power law distribution (g = -1.27) and the RSD and R for this distribution equal 12.8 and
0.86, compared to 13.1 and 0.74 for a logarithmic, and 19.9 and 0.6 for
an exponential distribution. Arriving connectivity followed a logarithmic
distribution (g = 17.4) as the RSD and R for this distribution equals 1.7
and 0.95 respectively compared to 2.1 and 0.88 for the exponential,
and 3.2 and 0.88 for the power-law distributions. Motif analysis was
performed using Mfinder as described (Shen-Orr et al., 2002).
RNAi Phenotype Analysis
See Supplemental Data.
Y1H Screens
Promoter bait strains were transformed with the AD-wrmcDNA and
AD-TF libraries as described (Deplancke et al., 2004), and plated
onto Sc-His,-Ura,-Trp media containing appropriate concentrations
of 3AT. A minimum of 1 3 106 and 3 3 105 colonies were screened
per strain for the AD-wrmcDNA and AD-TF libraries, respectively. Potential positives were picked and tested for b-galactosidase expression as described (Deplancke et al., 2004). Yeast colony PCR was performed as described (Walhout and Vidal, 2001). Sequencing was
performed by Agencourt Bioscience Corporation, and interactors
were identified by BLAST. Interactor sequences are referred to as
Interaction Sequence Tags (ISTs) (Walhout et al., 2000).
Yeast ChIP
Yeast ChIP was performed as described previously (Harbison et al.,
2004) using 3 ml anti Gal4-AD antibody (GAL4-TA, Santa Cruz). Each
experiment was performed in duplicate, and repeated twice. PCR promoter scanning in fragments of !300 bp was performed. Fragments
which yielded the greatest difference in PCR amplicon intensity between the novel interactor-containing yeast cells and the negative control (AD only) for both duplicates were titrated in three 2-fold steps as
shown in Figure 3. The amplification protocol included one cycle of 2
min at 95ºC, 33–36 cycles of three steps each: 30 s at 95ºC, 60 s at
56ºC, and 30 s at 68ºC. Primer sequences are available in Table S8.
Cell 125, 1193–1205, June 16, 2006 ª2006 Elsevier Inc. 1203
Identification of TFs with a Digestive Tract Annotation
Only interactors that possess a predicted DNA binding domain were
considered. To find expression pattern information for all predicted
TFs, we used the database query tool WormMart (version WS148, We found expression
pattern information for 288 of the 934 predicted TFs (Reece-Hoyes
et al., 2005). We manually curated the list of 288 TFs to annotate TFs
that are expressed in the digestive tract. Only TFs expressed in structural parts of the digestive tract (i.e., the musculature, glands and
epithelium) were included. In addition, we included TFs that are expressed in embryonic lineages that give rise to the pharynx, intestine,
or hindgut, where specifically indicated. 162 of 288 (56%) TFs are expressed in the digestive tract (Table S4). We found expression pattern
information for 61 TF interactors, of which 44 (72%) are expressed in
the digestive tract. A binomial distribution (n = 61, p = 0.56, k R 44)
was used to calculate the enrichment significance (p < 0.01). We
also retrieved mutant phenotypes and gene expression profiles of all
interactors (Chen et al., 2005). Interactors involved in digestive tract
development or enriched in the developing pharynx were given a digestive tract annotation in the PDI network, but were not included in
the enrichment calculations. We found that 50 of 117 (43%) interactors
have a digestive tract annotation, 17 (15%) do not, and the other interactors (42%) are not yet functionally annotated (Table S2).
Expression Pattern Analysis
See Supplemental Data.
Quantitative RT-PCR
See Supplemental Data.
Worm ChIP
DAF-16 ChIP analysis was performed as described (Oh et al., 2006).
PCR amplification was carried out in the presence of 32P-labeled
dATP, after which the amplicons were resolved on a polyacrylamide
gel. DAF-3 ChIP analysis was performed using an anti-DAF-3 antibody
(N.M. and A.J.M.W., unpublished data) and amplicons were resolved
on a 2% agarose gel. Primer sequences are available in Table S8.
Life Span Analysis
Life span assays were performed 5 times at 20ºC as described
(Mukhopadhyay et al., 2005).
Generation of Pfat-5::GFP and Pmdl-1::GFP Transgenic Worms
See Supplemental Data.
We thank S. Oh and D. McMurray for advice; members of A.J.M.W.’s
laboratory, J. Dekker, N. Gheldof, and J. Perry for critical reading of the
manuscript; N. Kashtan and U. Alon for help with the network motifs;
the sequencing staff at Agencourt Bioscience for technical assistance;
and the C. elegans Genetics Center for TF deletion strains. This work
was supported by a Worcester Foundation Research Scholar
Award and grants from NCI (CA097516) and NIDDK (DK068429) to
A.J.M.W. H.A.T. is a William Randolph Hearst Young Investigator
and is supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund and an NIA grant
(AG025891). S.E.M. is supported by a grant from NIGMS (GM056246).
Received: November 8, 2005
Revised: February 27, 2006
Accepted: April 12, 2006
Published: June 15, 2006
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