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1994, Representations
29 pages
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The purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting people's quality of life resulted from the order control policy of entertainment business, and to propose the recommendations for developing people's quality of life resulted from the order control of entertainment business in Ban Du Sub-district, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province. The research procedure employed quantitative approach recruiting the samples from residents in Ban Du Sub-district. The research instrument was questionnaire which was used to collect the data from 360 samples. The statistical analysis included mean, standard deviation, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression. The results showed that the independent variables which were the roles of people in the order control policy for entertainment business and the effects of the environment towards the policy could predict the dependent variables which were people's quality of life resulted from the order control policy for entertainment business in Ban Du Sub-district, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province at the significance level of .01.
RESUMEN El discurso científico ocupa hoy un lugar hegemónico cuando se trata de explicar prácticamente todos los fenómenos ligados a la existencia humana. El psicoanálisis lacaniano provee algunas claves que contribuyen a la configuración de un pensamiento crítico sobre este rasgo de nuestra época, a la vez que enriquece un debate epistemológico que sigue siendo vigente y necesario. En este artículo realizo un recorrido sobre la relación psicoanálisis y ciencia, situando algunas distinciones entre la ciencia moderna, la tecno-ciencia y el cientificismo, analizando sus puntos de convergencia y divergencia con el psicoanálisis, y proponiendo interrogantes sobre las vicisitudes del sujeto en el marco de un nuevo discurso, producido por la alianza de la ciencia con el capitalismo liberal. Palabras clave: discurso de la ciencia, subjetividad, psicoanálisis lacaniano, cientificismo. PSYCHOANALYSIS AND SCIENCE: REMARKS ON A NECESSARY RELATIONSHIP, YET IMPOSSIBLE Abstract Scientific discourse occupies nowadays a hegemonic place when trying to explain practically all the phenomena linked to human existence. Lacanian psychoanalysis provides some keys that contribute to the configuration of a critical thinking about this trait of our age, enriching, at the same time, an epistemological debate that remains topical and necessary. This paper presents a review of the psychoanalysis-science relationship by establishing some distinctions among modern science, techno-science, and scientism, by analyzing the points of convergence and divergence with psychoanalysis, and by proposing some questions on the vicissitudes of the subject in the context of a new discourse, produced by the alliance between science and liberal capitalism. Keywords: discourse of the science, subjectivity, Lacanian psychoanalysis, scientism. PSYCHANALYSE ET SCIENCE : PONCTUATIONS SUR UNE RELATION NECESSAIRE MAIS IMPOSSIBLE Résumé Le discours scientifique occupe aujourd'hui une place hégémonique lorsqu'il s'agit d'expliquer tous les phénomènes liés à l'existence humaine. La psychanalyse lacanienne fournit quelques éléments-clés qui contribuent à la configuration d'une pensée critique par rapport à cette caractéristique de notre époque, tout en enrichissant un débat épistémologique encore nécessaire et en vigueur. L'article examine la relation psychanalyse et science, en signalant quelques distinctions entre la science moderne, la technoscience et le scientisme. Il analyse également les points de convergence et de divergence de celles-ci et de la psychanalyse, et s'interroge sur les vicissitudes du sujet dans le cadre d'un nouveau discours, produit de l'alliance science-capitalisme libéral. Mots-clés : discours de la science, subjectivité, psychanalyse lacanienne, scientisme.
Rooted Cosmopolitanism, Heritage and the Question of Belonging, 2024
Pelota mixteca is a handball game that originated in Mexico’s southern state of Oaxaca. Because of the extensive labour migration that has taken (indigenous) migrants from Oaxaca to areas far removed from their hometowns, today, the game is also played in different parts of Mexico and the United States. In this chapter, I describe and analyse what could be called a bottom-up, rooted cosmopolitan practice of players of pelota mixteca. Faced with the choice between the ‘museumisation’ of the game on the one hand and its ‘detraditionalisation’ on the other, the playing community has tried to popularise pelota mixteca using transnational networks and ‘global forms’. In the second part of this paper, I briefly consider the broader ethical question of how a rooted cosmopolitan mindset can help us not only better understand the processes and cultures we are studying but also move past the artificial boundaries of ‘the field site’ and its implicit connotations of ‘out there’/’exotic’/’Other’. Following Meskell’s 2009 Cosmopolitan Archaeologies , I argue that a rooted cosmopolitan approach to the study of immaterial heritage can offer a fruitful way out of the perceived exclusionary binaries of local/global and traditional/modern.
Realtà Sannita, 2024
Il 13 e 14 giugno prossimi, presso la sede del Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia, Management e Metodi quantitativi (DEMM) di Palazzo De Simone, sito in Piazza Arechi II, si terrà il convegno "Piattaforme online, dati e intelligenza artificiale tra interessi pubblici e garanzie dei privati". Converranno a Benevento numerosi relatori, tutti autorevoli accademici, cultori di differenti branche delle scienze giuridiche, provenienti da diverse sedi universitarie, anche straniere, per riflettere, in una prospettiva sistematica e coordinata, sui profili di rilevanza etico-giuridica dell'Intelligenza Artificiale all'indomani dell'approvazione dell'AI Act europeo. Per saperne di più, abbiamo intervistato il Prof. Vincenzo Verdicchio, Ordinario di Diritto privato nell'Università del Sannio. Professor Verdicchio, per quale motivo è stata scelta l'Università degli Studi del Sannio per questo importante ed attualissimo confronto accademico? Convergono verso questa scelta due ordini di fattori. Il primo è dato dal fatto che l'Università del Sannio, insieme ad altre sedi accademiche, è una delle Unità locali del network di ricerca che si è aggiudicato un importante Progetto di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (acronimo: PRIN), incentrato esattamente sulle tematiche oggetto del convegno. Ciò spiega, dunque, perché quest'ultimo, dopo i saluti istituzionali del Rettore prof. Gerardo Canfora e del Direttore Direzione, redazione e amministrazione Benevento-Via Piermarini, 61-0824.54224
The Internet stakes are twofold. Indeed, it is both a marvellous tool of socialization and information and an ingenious tool of global surveillance. Through a participant-observation during cryptography workshops, this article tends to relocate this practice as a tool for initiation to confidentiality of Internet communication. This article aims to identify Web stakeholders namely States, private companies (The GAFA) and the « free Internet » defenders. This study offers to explore how both their ethics and practices influence the Internet user. By confronting media initial ideals and the present state of the Internet, this article intends to explain the problematic in order to restore the action capacity of the user
There has been a paucity of literature investigating the teaching beliefs and intentions of Australian physical education teacher education (PETE) students that enter teacher training. The First-year Influences on Teaching Perspectives Exploratory (FIT-PE) study explores the teaching perspectives of first year PETE students; including teaching perspectives predicted as being dominant and important for physical education teaching. The teaching perspectives inventory (TPI) was administered to 105 Australian PETE students. Independent t-tests and one-way ANOVA statistical tests were conducted to compare average teaching perspective summary scores across demographic variables. The FIT-PE study findings revealed 18 year olds (compared to 20-25 year olds) and PETE students from rural backgrounds (compared to regional) had significantly higher average summary scores for the transmission (content-oriented) teaching perspective. This paper provides reflective opportunities for teacher training programs of the underlying core teaching values (beliefs and intentions) of students at the entry point of PETE training.
Se pare că ceaiul dulce avea să-mi vină de hac. Nu din cauza conţinutului de zahăr care ţi-ar fi putut provoca o comă diabetică încă de la prima sorbitură. Şi nici pentru că frate-meu era cât pe ce să accidenteze trei maşini în timpul unui viraj în ac de păr, după ce a primit un mesaj text, compus din numai două cuvinte.
Jurisdiccion Preventiva , 2020
There is no image of space, nor space of images, except the living space which subverts the very division on which space depends for its human comprehension, settlement, and exploration. The space co-substantial with the life of images is neither that of the interiority explored by Bachelard and still eulogized by his disciples including Sloterdijk, nor that of the exterior championed by Foucault. It is the inside-outside which theorists of space and images come close to, now and then, without being able to either penetrate or escape from. It is an imageless space, or at least a space for which no human image suffices. It is a space which reveals the impossibility of reconciling relations between human life and imaginal life. The space of the image attracts but it is a space which human cannot hold. It is a space of illness, and yet, also, of felicitous affect, allowing a glimpse of the forever out of time and space which particular images, and what Deleuze described especially as time-images, reveal; the space, that is, where subjectivity is made, as much as human life is lost; the living space of the image.
Этнографическое обозрение, 2023
This is a pre-publication version of translation into Russian Sholeh Shahrokhi's article "Photo Albums: Deconstructing narratives of the self, migration, and movable memories", which is to be published at the end of this year in a thematic issue on "movable memories", affective and cognitive micro-niches of the journal Etnograficheskoe obozrenie [Ethnographic Review]. Photo albums, as personal and cultural material objects, are intertwined with ideas about identity and memory. At the same time, the importance of memory in how we shape and make sense of our place in the world that is enhanced through evocative objects such as personal photographic archives (ranging from traditional family albums, to selfies on mobile phones, and beyond) becomes more pronounced in the context of the Anthropocene era in which diverse and unequal global movability (e.g., displacement, border crossing, and migration) has become a defining feature of who we are. Connecting between anthropological studies of border-crossing and migration art, this project explores how in the absence of a photo album, alternative modes of visual archives tell the migrant stories of affective connections to family homeland the past and the present Focusing on specific examples from the burgeoning body of alternative visual artwork by contemporary migration artists in Europe and the US this paper examines how identity and otherness are entangled in an ongoing process of becoming and unraveling as sociocultural norms. Beginning with Appadurai’s observations on how migration of objects precipitates the experience of border crossing this paper looks at how migration art activism empowers modes of resistance to normative exclusionary discourses and current anti-migration practices. (предпубликационная версия перевода статьи из специального выпуска журнала, посвященного эвокативным объектам и памяти на нескольких рейсах исследований мигрантских сообществ) Фотоальбомы как личные и культурные материальные объекты переплетаются с представлениями об идентичности и памяти. В то же время в эпоху антропоцена, когда разнообразная и неравноправная глобальная мобильность (напр., насильственное перемещение, пересечение границ и миграция) стала определяющей чертой нашей идентичности, память о том, как мы формируем и осмысляем свое место в мире, усиливаемая эвокативными вещами, такими как личные фотоархивы (от традиционных семейных альбомов до селфи на мобильных телефонах и т.д.), становится все более значимой. Соединяя антропологические исследования трансграничной миграции и искусства мигрантов, автор анализирует, как в отсутствие фотоальбома альтернативные визуальные архивы рассказывают мигрантам истории аффективных связей с их родиной или родиной их семей в прошлом и настоящем. На конкретных примерах из растущей совокупности паблик-арт произведений современных художников-мигрантов в Европе и США рассматривается взаимодействие идентичности и инаковости в продолжающемся процессе становления и распада социокультурных норм. Отталкиваясь от наблюдений Аппадураи о том, что миграция вещей усиливает восприятие пересечения границы, автор исследует, каким образом художественный активизм мигрантов содействует сопротивлению нормативным дискурсам исключения и современным антимигрантским практикам. Перевод осуществлен в рамках исследовательской программы НЦМУ в рамках гранта, предоставленного Министерством науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (№ соглашения о предоставлении гранта: 075-15-2022-328).
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Trasvases Entre La Literatura Y El Cine, 2024
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