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A young man returns home to Lavington, a rural British Columbian town, freshly graduated with an Bachelors in English and without any direction in his life. In an effort to guide his life forward he undertakes writing an autobiography told through the filter of popular music. The narrator combines discussions of the sociology of popular music and its many facets and genres (i.e. the love song, the canon, the guitar solo etc) with an "aural mapping," a connecting of songs and albums to various instances, people and experiences in his life. It is through this melding that the protagonist develops a sense of his own identity and is able to create plans for the future and move forward.
Two years before she died, Susan Sontag spoke about the power of fiction, how it is through inventions of a writerly kind that we receive an “education of the heart.” She said it is through art, fiction in particular, that we are able to make a world that “enlarges our sympathy.” This vision underpins this submission for a Doctor of Creative Arts, which consists of two companion texts: a novel (Volume I) and its theoretical annotation/exegesis (Volume II). The novel Bite Your Tongue is the story of a girl’s growing up and out of silence, and how her body operates and survives as the language of the process. The novel has two landscapes: the girl’s childhood in 1970s Brisbane and her relationship with her mother, a “morals crusader,” who wants to save the children of Queensland by banning books; and her reflections as an adult on her relationship with her dying mother. Complex and self-reflexive, this is a novel about books and the body, language and writing the self. This creative w...
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
The global impact of mental health, specifically depression, is expected to be a top concern by 2030. Despite the growing number of medications and interventions, access to resources for well-being, psychiatric medications, and psychotherapy continue to be a long-standing barrier, regardless of a person’s socioeconomic status or wealth of the country. Additionally, there is a bidirectionality between mental health and physical illness as individuals with mental health have higher comorbid medical conditions and visa versa. The benefits of lifestyle interventions are often overlooked, but they are scientifically significant, well-tolerated by patients, and can address modalities of illness. Lifestyle psychiatry can become an integral tool for global mental health providers.
Vjesnik Istarskog arhiva, 2019
Osobni fond Pazinjanke Katarine Šćuka-Kukec (HR-DAPA-925 Katarina Šćuka Kukec: 1905/1989) ostavština je koja je nastala između 1905. i 1918. godine. U tom se fondu, pored slikovnoga i tiskanog materijala te osobnih dokumenata, nalaze i četiri vrlo osobno intonirana pisma. Uzevši u obzir činjenicu da je stvarateljica Fonda, Katarina Šćuka-Kukec, ostavila svoj zapis bez namjere da bude predočen očima javnosti, ovom su prigodom izostavljana ta četiri osobno intonirana pisma. Riječ je, dakle, o stvarateljici koja u svom životnom vijeku nije javno djelovala pa tako ni na području recepcije ne pripada skupu vrednovanih i/ili ovjerovljenih autora. U tom je kontekstu i sadržaj Fonda oslobođen bilo kakvih pretenzija da se svidi eventualnoj/potencijalnoj čitalačkoj publici. No, taj je sadržaj, osobito njegov slikovni dio, po svojoj intenciji u najvećoj mjeri neutralno i objektivno svjedočanstvo o dijelu povijesti školstva u Pazinu početkom 20. stoljeća. Dopis koji je uputila DAPA-i i dio slik...
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE.
Il cosmopolitismo mira a promuovere la pace e dunque a rappresentare un argine al ripetersi dei conflitti che hanno caratterizzato il secolo breve. L'esperienza ha mostrato come il superamento della sovranità nazionale abbia alimentato lo sviluppo di un ordine economico neoliberale, in quanto tale minaccioso per la giustizia sociale e in ultima analisi per la pace. Di qui la necessità di un recupero della dimensione nazionale non certo per affermare identità escludenti, bensì per ripristinare un accettabile equilibrio tra democrazia e capitalismo. Cosmopolitism aims at promoting peace in order to prevent the comeback of the conflicts that characterized the age of extremes. Experience has shown that overcoming national sovereignty produces the development of a neoliberal economic order, as such threatening social justice and after all peace. Hence the need for a restoration of the national dimension, certainly not to affirm exclusionary identities, but to restore an acceptable balance between democracy and capitalism.
In this article we discuss why English and Spanish have become leaders among the languages studied as foreign languages. For that purpose an investigation conducted in Bulgaria among students at the University of Plovdiv is presented. The students study or have studied English as a first foreign language and have answered several questions that aim at clarifying why and how they have chosen to study a second foreign language. The results have been analysed and respective conclusions have been drawn to support the increasing role of the languages in question. Key words: foreign language, mother tongue, investigation, loanwords, research, education
Este documento ha sido descargado de 9 13 Como lo será el mío sobre Piamonte, Toscana, Roma, etc. (RC.) 14 "Minore discrimine sumi principem quaem quaeri" (Hay menores inconvenientes en conservar el rey que se tiene que buscar otro). El aserto es de Tácito. Yo creo que tiene razón. (Cristina de Suecia.) 15 Poco me importa: el éxito justifica (RC). 16 ¡Bribones! Me dan a conocer cruelmente esta verdad. Si no lograra librarme de su tiranía, me sacrificarían (RI). Nicolás Maquiavelo donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de El Príncipe donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de 22 Aun cuando lo estuvieran, sabría yo reducirlos (G). 23 No me olvidaré de esto en cuantas partes establezca mi dominación (G). 24 Bélgica, que recién lo está, suministra, gracias a mí, un bello ejemplo (RC). 25 Le ayudarán (G). 26 Simpleza de Maquiavelo. ¿Podía conocer él tan bien como yo todo el dominio de la fuerza? Le daré bien pronto una lección opuesta en su mismo país, en Toscana, como también en Piamonte, Parma, Roma, ete. (RI). 27 Conseguiré los mismos resultados sin estas precauciones de la debilidad (RI). 28 Otra simpleza. ¡La fuerza! (RI). 29 Lo supliré con virreyes o reyes que no serán más que dependientes míos. No harán nada sino por orden mía, o de lo contrario: "destituidos" (RI). Nicolás Maquiavelo donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de 30 Conviene, ciertamente que se enriquezcan si, por otra parte. me sirven a mi antojo (RC). 31 Témanme, y me basta (RI). 32 Imposible con respecto a mí. El terror de mi nombre equivaldrá a mi presencia (RC). 33 Ad abundantiam juris. Se hace uno Y otro (RC). 34 Es menester cuidarse de aquellos que, aunque no tienen nada que perder, tienen corazón. (Cristina de Suecia.) 35 Es harto buena la reflexión y me aprovecharé de ella (RC). 36 He aquí como los quiero (RC). El Príncipe donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de Nicolás Maquiavelo donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de 44 Sobre esto espero a Austria, en Lombardía (G). 45 Los que pueden llamarse en Lombardía no son romanos (G). 46 ¡Qué buen socorro hallaría Austria, contra mí en las flojas potencias actuales de Italia! (G). 47 ¡Ganarlos! No me tomaré este trabajo. Estarán obligados con mi fuerza a formar cuerpo conmigo, especialmente en mi plan de Confederación del Rin (RI). 48 Bueno de consultar para mis proyectos sobre Italia y Alemania (G). 49 Maquiavelo se admiraría del arte con que supe ahorrármelos (RI). 50 Se cuida de desacreditarlos allí (RC). El Príncipe donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de 51 ¡Por qué no todos los demás! (RC). 52 No era esto bastante: los hijos de Rómulo tenían todavía necesidad de mí escuela (RI). 53 Es lo mejor que ellos hicieron (RC). 54 Maquiavelo tenía el ánimo enfermo al escribir esto, o había visto a su médico (RI). 55 Importante máxima, de que me es preciso formar una de las principales reglas de mi marcial y política conducta (G). Nicolás Maquiavelo donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de El Príncipe donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de Nicolás Maquiavelo donde los libros son gratis Este documento ha sido descargado de 67 Como lo será el que yo ponga allí. (RI). 68 Viéndome precisado a retirar de allí a mi José, no estoy sin temores sobre el sucesor que le doy (RI). 69 No faltará nada a las mías (G). 70 Se busca que no lo sea (G). 71 No era una, si no hubiera cometido las otras (G). 72 Su falta consistió en no haber tomado bien el tiempo de ello (G).
Poetics Today , 2017
Proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Future of Skills in Architecture, Design, Planning and Allied fields, 2023
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