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2023, Disaster Mental Health
16 pages
2 files
This study presents a novel 3D-printed grabber designed to assess the mechanical properties of pineapples, crucial for optimizing harvesting and handling processes. This research represents a key component of a larger project aimed at developing a semi-automatic pineapple harvester tailored for the challenging terrain of hilly regions, such as those found in Manipur, India, where the pineapple data for this study was collected. Key physical parameters like including transverse diameter, weight, longitudinal diameter, and compression force were evaluated. The grabber was designed using 3D modelling software and fabricated via 3D printing, enabling rapid prototyping and customization. A compression force sensor unit integrated into the grabber allowed for real-time force measurement during testing. Experimental validation involved applying controlled compression forces to pineapples of varying sizes and maturities. The results demonstrated that the grabber could effectively measure compression force while ensuring minimal fruit damage, even when exceeding the required gripping force. The study successfully determined a safe grabbing force range for pineapples, informing the development of robotic or semi-automatic harvesting systems. Furthermore, the adaptable design of the force-sensing grabber presents a promising approach for assessing the mechanical properties of other fruits and vegetables, potentially reducing damage and improving handling practices across the agricultural sector.
Close Close 3 Cf. the considerable volume of work on this topic dating from that of Ferenczi (Stages in the Development of the Sense of Reality, 1913) up to Federn's contributions. 1926, 1927 and later.
O estudo da personalidade é considerado uma das áreas mais consolidadas na Psicologia. Quando se trata de avaliá-la, uma das principais estratégias é por meio da administração no indivíduo de uma bateria de instrumentos ou testes padronizados para este fim. Dentre esses instrumentos o Método de Rorschach se destaca como um dos mais utilizados, pesquisados e reconhecido internacionalmente por sua capacidade de identificação de uma ampla gama de traços de personalidade nas mais variadas áreas de atuação do psicólogo. Este artigo teórico descreve a importância da utilização do método em várias circunstâncias em que características de personalidade são relevantes para tomadas de decisões em tribunais, em escolas, empresas, hospitais ou em qualquer outro tipo de estabelecimento em que informações a respeito da personalidade de uma pessoa é um aspecto essencial. O artigo também retrata o potencial do Rorschach para ser administrado em contextos transculturais e avalia a confiabilidade e a validade da avaliação por meio desse método. No final, algumas preocupações são levantadas sobre a adequação da formação do profissional para a utilização do Rorschach, uma vez que somente uma avaliação realizada por um profissional especializado e bem treinado no método poderá fazer contribuições valiosas na investigação da personalidade. Palavras-chave: Método de Rorschach. Avaliação de Personalidade. Validade. Avaliações Forenses. Avaliações Clínicas.
Jurnal mahasiswa BK An-Nur, 2024
Mental health is a state of well-being in which a person is able to endure the rest of life, work well, and affect society. Mental health does not only mean the absence of mental disorders, but also includes a person's ability to manage their emotions, social and interpersonal relationships, and adapt to change. Conflict in the family can affect children's behavior and mental health, because the family is the closest place for a child. What children see and hear often runs in the family. Therefore, it is a good thing that family activities and the child's personality, behavior and health are influenced by what their parents see and hear. Mental disorders are still common in Indonesia, and it needs to be addressed more, because it is the young generation who will be the children and grandchildren of the country one day. If a teenager has a mental health problem and is left untreated, the child's mental health problem will persist and hinder their development. The purpose of this research is to find out the prevalence of mental health problems among teenagers today, the factors that affect them, and how the family can affect the mental health of teenagers in Indonesia. As you said, the role of the family in supporting children's mental health is very important, because parents are the main source of income for children. They can provide emotional support, create a safe environment, and help children develop problem-solving and social skills. By understanding the role of the family environment, we can better understand how to improve the mental health of the younger generation.
General principles of classical dynamics are usually developed in the framework of phase spaces, that is tangent or cotangent bundles over the control manifold. A more effective approach is proposed here by applying POINCARÉ-CARTAN theory of differential forms directly to the control manifold, so that lifting operations are completely avoided. The basic distinction between action principles and stationarity of functionals is pointed out. The EULER-LAGRANGE-HAMILTON variational theory is formulated without end constraints on the trajectory variations. A careful treatment of natural and essential conditions for the variational problem leads to a proper formulation of MAUPERTUIS action principle and to assess its equivalence to HAMILTON principle. POINCARÉ-CARTAN and HAMILTON-PONTRYAGIN hybrid principles, involving vertical variations of vector and covector fields, are addressed with an appropriate geometric approach. Riassunto I principi della dinamica classica sono usualmente svilupp...
Managing Information in the Roman Economy, 2021
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
Este manual describe cómo trabajar en Amadeus Selling Platform en entorno gráfico (GUI), y sus características principales. Explica cómo utilizar Selling Platform (incluidos los productos no aéreos como Coches, Hoteles, o Seguros) desde el punto de vista del usuario. Este manual además proporciona información sobre la Página de Comandos, donde los usuarios expertos pueden trabajar con entradas crípticas y crear o ejecutar "Smart Keys".
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Viga Hiperestática resuelta por el Método de Distribución de Momentos AEVHDM 010024, 2024
Jurnal Kajian Teknik Elektro
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture, 2014
The heart surgery forum, 2018
¿Cómo se mide el acoso sexual? Aportes para determinar la prevalencia del acoso sexual em las instituciones de educación superior, 2020
Philosophical Investigations, 2013
Frontiers in Neurology, 2020
Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences