Induction of Oral Tolerance in TGF-β1 Null Mice
K. Siobhan Barone; ... et. al
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J Immunol (1998) 161 (1): 154–160.
Induction of Oral Tolerance in TGF-b1 Null Mice1
K. Siobhan Barone,2* Dana D. Tolarova,† Ilona Ormsby,† Thomas Doetschman,† and
J. Gabriel Michael†
ngestion of soluble Ag has long been known to lead to subsequent immunologic hyporesponsiveness to that specific
Ag. This phenomenon, referred to as oral tolerance, may
have the evolutionary advantage of preventing hypersensitivity reactions to ingested food proteins (1, 2). In addition, it may be
responsible for preventing immune responses to the numerous
food proteins encountered daily, thus reducing the risk of inducing
autimmune reactions via cross-reactivity with self Ags (1). Interest
in discovering the underlying mechanism of oral tolerance has recently intensified due to the therapeutic potential it holds in the
treatment of certain autoimmune diseases. Therapies based on the
concept of oral tolerance have proved effective in treating animals
with experimental autoimmune diseases (3– 6). Similar treatments
are now being applied to humans in treating such autoimmune diseases as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and uveitis (7–9).
It has been shown that oral tolerance is due primarily to the
inactivation of the CD41 cell, which plays a pivotal role in the
induction of both humoral and cellular immune responses (10).
However, the mechanism by which Ag-specific CD41 cells are
inactivated remains a point of considerable controversy. Experiments by others have indicated that the secretion of cytokines is
responsible for mediating suppression, a phenomenon termed active or bystander suppression (3, 11). The cytokine primarily responsible for this suppression was suggested to be TGF-b1 (12,
13). In contrast, we and others have produced evidence indicating
that direct inactivation of the Ag-specific CD41 cell occurs via a
phenomenon known as anergy (the functional inactivation of a
cell) rather than by active suppression (14 –20).
*Department of Biology, Thomas More College, Crestview Hills, KY 41017; †Department of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry, and Microbiology, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45267
Received for publication December 4, 1997. Accepted for publication March 3, 1998.
The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page
charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance
with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.
This work was supported in part by a Research Enhancement grant from the Kentucky National Science Foundation/Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive
Research (EPSCoR).
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. K. Siobhan Barone, Department
of Biology, Thomas More College, 333 Thomas More Pkwy., Crestview Hills, KY
Copyright © 1998 by The American Association of Immunologists
To resolve the controversy over which mechanism was responsible for the generation of oral tolerance, it was proposed that the
dose of Ag fed was the critical factor (21). Feeding high doses of
Ag resulted in tolerance characterized by anergy or deletion, with
little or no active suppression evident; in contrast, low doses of fed
Ag resulted in tolerance induction characterized by the presence of
regulatory cells secreting cytokines (21, 22). In addition to TGFb1, increased production of IL-4 and IL-10 has been observed in
both lymph node cells and CD41 clones derived from mice fed
low doses of Ag (23–26).
Given the pivotal role that TGF-b1 appears to play in the generation of low dose oral tolerance, it is essential to clarify its function in this process. Three isoforms of TGF-b exist in mammals:
TGF-b1, TGF-b2, and TGF-b3. TGF-b1 has been identified as an
imunoregulatory molecule with both immunogenic and immonsuppressive properties depending on the cellular environment (27,
28). Systemic administration of TGF-b1 has been shown to suppress immune responses, while local administration enhanced inflammatory responses (28). Recently, knockout mice were generated using embryonic stem cells with a disrupted TGF-b1 gene
(29, 30). TGF-b1 null mutants exhibit inflammation leading to
tissue necrosis of numerous organs, particularly heart and stomach.
These lesions are characterized by elevated levels of peripheral
lymphocytes and immature neutrophils (29) as well as enhanced
adhesiveness of the TGF-b1 null leukocytes (31). Gross development of TGF-b1 null mice appears normal until approximately the
third week after birth, at which time they exhibit an acute wasting
syndrome that quickly leads to death. As it is difficult to induce
oral tolerance in mice before 2 to 3 wk of age, it was previously
impossible to use these mice as models to assess the role of
TGF-b1 in the generation of oral tolerance. However, due to recent
advances, the lives of these TGF-b1 null mice can now be extended to approximately 40 days or more by repeated injection of
an Ab (anti-CD11a) to LFA-1 (32). LFA-1 is an integrin found on
lymphocytes that allows them to bind to other cells, such as
ICAM-1 on endothelial cells, thus facilitating transendothelial migration. It has been suggested that the anti-CD11a mAb inhibits
the extravasation and migration of lymphocytes into surrounding
tissues (i.e., heart and stomach) and thus delays the onset of organ
inflammation and subsequent death (32).
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Previous studies have suggested that oral tolerance induction by low doses of Ag is mediated by inhibitory cytokines, particularly
TGF-b1. To examine the roles of TGF-b1 and other inhibitory cytokines in the induction of oral tolerance, TGF-b1 null mice and
controls were gavaged with 10 to 20 mg (high dose) or 1 mg (low dose) of OVA for 3 days. After immunization with OVA, the in
vitro proliferative response of OVA-specific popliteal lymph node cells was assessed. Lymphocytes from all TGF-b1 null mice fed
high doses of OVA exhibited highly significant suppression compared with controls. A weaker, but still significant, suppression was
observed in lymphocytes from the majority of TGF-b1 null mice fed low doses of OVA. In addition, supernatants from these
lymphocytes exhibited lower levels of IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-g than those from water-fed control animals. These results indicate that
while TGF-b1 may play a role in suppression, inhibitory cytokines are not the exclusive mechanism by which low dose oral
tolerance is induced. The Journal of Immunology, 1998, 161: 154 –160.
The Journal of Immunology
Given the above finding, it is now possible to use antiCD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mice as models to evaluate the role
of TGF-b1 in the generation of oral tolerance. Therefore, antiCD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mice were fed both high and low
doses of OVA, and the ability of these mice to establish oral
tolerance was assessed. The results of our studies indicate that
high dose feeding did not interfere with oral tolerance induction
in TGF-b1 null mice. However, we also found that a significant
number of the TGF-b1 null mice fed low doses of OVA were
able to be tolerized; this was an unexpected result, since
TGF-b1 is thought to play a primary role in the induction of low
dose oral tolerance. In addition, cytokine analysis revealed that
levels of other putative inhibitory cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10)
were decreased, rather than enhanced, in tolerized TGF-b1
null mice.
Male and female (129 3 CF1) mice heterozygous for the TGF-b1 null
allele were housed in the animal facility at the University of Cincinnati
Medical Center under barrier housing conditions. Neonates from heterozygote intercrosses were identified as TGF-b1 null mice within 48 h
of birth using the PCR techniques described below. Neonates identified
as either control mice (wild-type, 1/1, or heterozygous, 1/2) or
TGF-b1 null mice (2/2) were immediately given injections of antiCD11a (60 mg/injection) every other day from day 2 after birth until
weaning (approximately day 18 after birth). All experiments used 3- to
4-wk-old mice.
RT-PCR genotyping
RT-PCR genotyping was performed as described previously (29). Briefly,
mRNA was isolated from tail clips of newborn mice; the isolated mRNA
was reverse transcribed and examined by PCR analysis using an upstream
primer (59-GAGAAGAACTGCTGTGTGCG-39) and a downstream
primer (59-GTGTCCAGGCTCCAAATATAGG-39) corresponding to the
exon 6 sequences flanking the neo insert in the TGF-b1 null mutant. PCR
was performed on a thermal cycler in a 20-ml volume at 95°C for 20 s, at
55°C for 50 s, and at 72°C for 1 min for 30 cycles. Amplified products were
size fractionated by electrophoresis through agarose and visualized by UV
illumination on ethidium bromide-stained gels. Positive controls consisted
of total RNA from spleen cells cultured for 48 h with Con A.
Chicken egg albumin (OVA; grade V) and Con A were obtained from
Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Anti-CD11a was a gift from Genentech (San
Francisco, CA).
Effect of anti-CD11a treatment on immune responsiveness
Neonatal mice (1/1) were divided into two groups and injected with 0.02
ml of either PBS or anti-CD11a (60 mg) from day 2 until day 18 after birth.
On day 31 after birth, all mice were injected with 10 mg of OVA in IFA
in the footpad and tail base. Ten days later, mice were bled via the retroorbital plexus and then sacrificed; their popliteal lymph nodes (PLN)3 were
removed, and cells were incubated in vitro with OVA (100 mg/ml, final
concentration). Serum Ab responses were assessed using ELISA, and in
vitro lymphocyte responsiveness was determined using liquid scintillation
Induction of immune responsiveness in anti-CD11a-treated
TGF-b1 null mice
Anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null (2/2) mice and control (1/1 or 1/2)
mice were injected with 10 mg of OVA in IFA in the footpad and tail base
on day 31 after birth; 10 days later, mice were sacrificed, PLN were removed, and cells were incubated in vitro with either Con A (2.5 mg/ml,
final concentration) or OVA (1000 or 100 mg/ml, final concentration). In
vitro lymphocyte responsiveness was determined using liquid scintillation
Abbreviation used in this paper: PLN, popliteal lymph nodes.
Induction of oral tolerance in anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null
Anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null (2/2) mice and control (1/1 or 1/2)
mice were each divided into two groups; mice in one group were orally
tolerized by gavaging either 10 to 20 mg (high dose) or 1 mg (low dose)
of OVA/mouse dissolved in 0.5 ml of water three times over a 3-day
period, while mice in the second group received water only. Eight days
after the last feeding, all mice were injected in the tail base and footpad
with 10 mg of OVA in IFA. Ten days after immunization, mice were then
sacrificed, and lymphocytes were obtained from the PLN to assess the
OVA-specific proliferative response.
Ab titer determination
Ab titer was determined as described previously (19). Briefly, serum samples were serially diluted on plates coated with OVA and incubated for 1 h
at 37°C. Goat anti-mouse IgG coupled to alkaline phosphatase (1/1000;
Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) was then added, and the plate was
incubated for an additional 1 h at 37°C. 4-Nitrophenylphosphate (Boehringer Mannheim), at a concentration of 1 mg/ml, was added as substrate,
and the color change was measured using a Bio-Rad microplate reader
(Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA) at a wavelength of 405 nm. All samples were
pooled, assayed in duplicate, and expressed as Ab titer 6 SD. Standard
curves were run each time an assay was performed using hyperimmune
anti-OVA antisera, and sample titers were calculated based on dilutions
that resulted in absorbance equal to 1/400 diluted standard sera. Serum
samples were considered positive if their titers exhibited a fivefold or
greater increase over titers of unimmunized mice (previous studies have
consistently shown that unimmunized mice exhibit titers ,50; data not
Assessment of in vitro lymphocyte proliferative responses
Proliferative responses were assessed as described previously (19). Briefly,
10 days after footpad and tail base immunization, draining PLN were removed, and single cell suspensions were prepared in supplemented RPMI
1640 medium and 5% heat-inactivated FCS. Cells were then aliquoted at
5 3 105 cells/well in 96-well flat-bottom plates along with OVA at a
concentration of 1000 or 100 mg/ml (maximal stimulation from previous
experiments was seen with these doses) and incubated at 37°C in humidified 5% CO2 for 48 h. Cells were pulsed for 18 h with 1 mCi of [3H]thymidine and harvested onto glass-fiber filtermats using a Skatron multiple
automated sample harvester (Skatron, Sterling, VA). Radioactivity was
determined using liquid scintillation spectrometry. Addition of 100 mg/ml
of an unrelated Ag, cytochrome c, was added to control wells to assess
nonspecific proliferation.
Assessment of cytokine secretion in anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1
null mice fed low doses of Ag
Anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mice (2/2) and control (1/1 or 1/2)
mice were divided into two groups. Mice in one group were orally tolerized
by gavaging 1.0 mg of OVA/mouse dissolved in 0.5 ml of water three
times over a 3-day period, while mice in the second group received water
only. Eight days after the last feeding, all mice were injected in the tail base
and footpad with 10 mg of OVA in IFA. Ten days after immunization, mice
were sacrificed, lymphocytes were obtained from the spleen and PLN, and
single cell suspensions were prepared. RBC were lysed from spleen cell
suspensions using Tris-buffered ammonium chloride. Spleen cells and PLN
cells were then aliquoted at 8 3 105 and 5 3 105 cells/well, respectively,
in 24-well flat-bottom plates along with either medium or 100 mg/ml OVA.
All cells were incubated at 37°C in humidified 5% CO2 for 48 h. Supernatants were then harvested and stored at 270°C.
IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-g production was quantified using sandwich
ELISA techniques. The concentrations of IL-4 and IFN-g in cell supernatants were quantified using murine IL-4 and IFN-g ELISA kits, respectively (Genzyme, Cambridge, MA). The concentration of IL-10 in cell
supernatants was quantified using an Ag capture ELISA with Abs (capture
and secondary biotinylated Abs) purchased from PharMingen (San Diego,
CA); murine rIL-2 was also purchased from PharMingen. All ELISAs were
conducted according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.
Statistical analysis
Due to the small number of TGF-b1 null mice available from each litter,
experiments were repeated a minimum of three times. Results obtained
from the in vitro lymphocyte responsiveness experiments are indicated as
the counts per minute 6 SD of triplicate cultures. The statistical significance of differences among experimental values was determined using the
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Materials and Methods
Student’s t test for multiple comparisons. A value of p # 0.05 was considered significant. Stimulation indexes were generated for each experimental group or mouse by dividing the total counts per minute by the
background counts per minute.
For cytokine analysis experiments, cell supernatants from mice in each
group were pooled and run in triplicate; the SD was determined. The statistical significance of differences among experimental values was determined using Student’s t test for multiple comparisons. A value of p # 0.05
was considered significant.
Effect of anti-CD11a treatment on immune responsiveness and
the induction of oral tolerance
Initially, it was necessary to determine whether anti-CD11a treatment affected the ability of treated mice to mount an immune response. To assess this, wild-type mice were treated with antiCD11a up until day 18 after birth (the treatment time used in all
subsequent experiments), while controls were injected with PBS.
As seen from the results in Figure 1, treatment with anti-CD11a,
while having a slight inhibitory effect, did not result in a drastic
reduction in cellular proliferation. In contrast, humoral responses
of the mice in the anti-CD11a-treated group exhibited profound
inhibition and were not used for assessment purposes in future
Although the ability to induce oral tolerance in CD11a-treated
mice was slightly less effective than that in untreated mice (data
not shown), the results shown in Figures 2 and 3 (for wild-type
FIGURE 2. Induction of high dose tolerance in TGF-b1 null mice. Each
mouse was injected s.c. with approximately 60 mg of anti-LFA1 from day
2 after birth until weaning. On day 18 after birth, both wild-type and mutant mice were fed 10 to 20 mg of OVA for 3 consecutive days. On day 31
after birth, the mice were injected with 10 mg of OVA in IFA in the footpad
and tail base. Ten days later, the mice were sacrificed, PLN were removed,
and the cellular proliferation assay was performed in vitro with OVA at the
concentrations indicated. A, B, and C represent three independent experiments (wild-type mice, n 5 3, 2/2 mice, n 5 1). Background counts for
each group were subtracted to give the final counts per minute. Background
counts are as follows: A, 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed water, 4,524; 1/1 or 1/2
mice fed OVA, 1,552; 2/2 mice fed water, 16,171; 2/2 mice fed OVA,
15,590, 16,521, and 15,881, respectively. B, 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed water,
7,260; 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed OVA, 6,340; 2/2 mice fed water, 12,392
and 10,179, respectively; 2/2 mice fed OVA, 10,294. C, 1/1 or 1/2
mice fed water, 2,200; 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed OVA, 1,552; 2/2 mice fed
water, 14,464 and 14,486, respectively; 2/2 mice fed OVA, 12,101. The
asterisk indicates Student’s t test values that significantly differ ( p # 0.05)
from the corresponding value for the water-fed control.
mice) clearly show that significant oral tolerance can be induced in
these mice using both high and low dose feeding regimens.
Immune responsiveness of anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null
The prolonged life of TGF-b1 null mice treated with anti-CD11a
permitted these animals to be the subject of oral tolerance experiments. However, since previous reports have indicated that lymphocytes from TGF-b1 null mutant mice (without anti-CD11a
treatment) may be maximally stimulated inherently (33), we first
determined whether lymph nodes from anti-CD11a-treated
TGF-b1 null mutant mice exhibited an increased proliferative response to a given stimulus. To test this, cells were incubated with
either the mitogen Con A or various doses of OVA Ag.
The results showed that the response of PLN from anti-CD11atreated TGF-b1 null mutant mice to Con A stimulation was similar
to that of anti-CD11a-treated wild-type mice (214,219 6 8,046
and 170,114 6 19,098, respectively; counts are over background).
These data suggested that lymphocytes from anti-CD11a-treated
TGF-b1 null mutant mice were not maximally stimulated and were
capable of proliferating in response to antigenic stimulation. This
was confirmed by results from experiments showing that TGF-b1
null mutant mice were able to respond specifically to various doses
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FIGURE 1. The effect of anti-LFA-1 on the immune response. Neonatal
mice were divided into two groups and injected with 0.02 ml of either PBS
or anti-LFA-1 (CD11a) from day 2 until day 18 after birth. On day 31, all
mice were injected with 10 mg of OVA in IFA in the footpad and tail base.
Ten days later, mice were bled via the retro-orbital plexus and then sacrificed; their PLN were removed, and cells were incubated in vitro with 100
mg/ml OVA for 48 h. In vitro lymphocyte responsiveness was determined
using liquid scintillation spectrometry (A). The anti-OVA serum Ab responses were assessed using ELISA (B). Statistical significance of differences among experimental values was determined using Student’s t test for
multiple comparisons. p # 0.05 was considered significant.
The Journal of Immunology
Table I. Immune responsiveness of anti-LFA1-treated TGF-b1 null
Cellular Proliferation (cpm)
2/2 TGF-b1 null mouse
(n 5 1)
50,991 6 6,056
28,222 6 1,042
83,762 6 15,064
61,305 6 14,764
26,128 6 759
15,388 6 4,126
43,334 6 10,698
39,510 6 3,076
49,696 6 10,738
31,699 6 4,480
22,754 6 4,961
65,451 6 4,622
56,028 6 9,135
42,986 6 3,300
Each experiment consisted of one wild-type mouse and one TGF-b1 null mutant
mouse from the same litter. Each mouse was injected s.c. with approximately 60 mg
of anti-LFA1 from day 2 after birth until weaning. On day 31 after birth, the mice
were injected with 10 mg of OVA in IFA in the footpad and tail base. Ten days later,
the mice were sacrificed, popliteal lymph nodes were removed, and the cellular proliferation assay was performed in vitro with the indicated amounts of OVA. Background counts were subtracted out to give the final cpm count. Background cpm
counts for 1/1 wild-type mice in Expts. 1, 2, and 3 were 8359, 7231, and 8757,
respectively. Background cpm counts for 2/2 TGF-ß1 null mice in Expts. 1, 2, and
3 were 15,948, 14,554 and 13,889, respectively.
Indices were calculated by dividing the cpm value for the mutant mouse by the
cpm value of the control mouse. Asterisk indicates Student’s t test values that significantly differ (p # 0.05) from the corresponding value for wild-type mice.
FIGURE 3. Induction of low dose tolerance in TGF-b1 null mice. The
experiment was performed as described in Figure 2, except that wild-type
and mutant mice were fed 1 mg of OVA for 3 consecutive days. A, B, C,
and D represent four independent experiments (wild-type mice, n 5 3;
2/2 mice, n 5 1). Background counts for each group were subtracted to
give the final counts per minute. Background counts are as follows: A, 1/1
or 1/2 mice fed water, 2,200; 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed OVA, 3,463; 2/2
mice fed water, 14,464 and 14,486, respectively; 2/2 mice fed OVA,
18,424. B, 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed water, 8,809; 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed
OVA, 7,554; 2/2 mice fed water, 16,096 and 15,916, respectively; 2/2
mice fed OVA, 13,420, 13,348, and 15,598, respectively. C, 2/2 mice fed
water, 15,616 and 15,366, respectively; 2/2 mice fed OVA, 13,523 and
12,283, respectively. D, 1/1 or 1/2 mice fed water, 785; 1/1 or 1/2
mice fed OVA, 1,508; 2/2 mice fed water, 2,510; 2/2 mice fed OVA,
3,082, 2,295, and 3,005, respectively. The asterisk indicates Student’s t test
values that significantly differ ( p # 0.05) from the corresponding value for
the water-fed control.
of a given Ag (Table I); the in vitro proliferative response to an
unrelated Ag, cytochrome c, was ,10% over background (data not
shown). It is interesting to note that the proliferative responses of
the PLN from TGF-b1 null mutant mice were almost always significantly higher than those of PLN from the wild-type controls
(Table I). However, when stimulation indexes were generated for
comparative purposes, little if any difference between wild-type
and mutant mice could be observed. Stimulation indexes for each
group were as follows. In Experiment 1, values for lymphocytes
from 1/1 and 2/2 mice at an in vitro concentration of 1000
mg/ml were 7.1 and 6.3, respectively, and at an in vitro concentration of 100 mg/ml, they were 4.4 and 4.8, respectively. In Experiment 2, values for lymphocytes from 1/1 and 2/2 mice at an
in vitro concentration of 100 mg/ml were 4.6 and 4.0, respectively,
and at an in vitro concentration of 10 mg/ml, they were 3.1 and 3.7,
respectively. In Experiment 3, values for lymphocytes from 1/1
and 2/2 mice at an in vitro concentration of 1000 mg/ml were 6.7
and 5.7, respectively; at an in vitro concentration of 100 mg/ml,
they were 4.6 and 5.0, respectively; and at an in vitro concentration
of 10 mg/ml, they were 3.6 and 4.0, respectively.
Induction of high dose oral tolerance in anti-CD11a-treated
TGF-b1 null mice
To test whether TGF-b1 played a significant role in the generation
of high dose oral tolerance, PLN from mice fed 10 to 20 mg/mouse
of OVA for 3 days were stimulated in vitro with either 100 or 1000
mg/ml of OVA; the results are shown in Figure 2. In all experiments performed, high doses of OVA resulted in Ag-specific tolerance in the anti-CD11a-treated wild-type/heterozygote mice, indicating that the high dose feeding regimen used was capable of
inducing tolerance. Similarly, all the TGF-b1 null OVA-fed mice
showed highly significant levels of suppression. In addition, all
OVA-fed mice had lower stimulation indexes than the corresponding water-fed control mice (data not shown). It should be noted
that the suppression observed in the TGF-b1 null OVA-fed mice
did not appear to be as profound as that in the wild-type mice.
Induction of low dose oral tolerance in anti-CD11a-treated
TGF-b1 null mice
To test whether TGF-b1 played a significant role in the generation
of low dose oral tolerance, the procedure described above was
used, except that 1 mg/mouse of OVA was fed for 3 consecutive
days. Results showed that anti-CD11a-treated wild-type/heterozygote mice were tolerized compared with water-fed controls, indicating that the low dose feeding regimen used was capable of
inducing tolerance (Fig. 3). Of the nine TGF-b1 null OVA-fed
mice, seven exhibited significant suppression compared with the
TGF-b1 null H20-fed control(s) when stimulated with 100 mg/ml
of OVA in vitro. The lymph node cells from one TGF-b1 null
OVA-fed mice mouse showed no significant change in proliferation compared with controls (Fig. 3A), while another showed a
significant increase in proliferation (Fig. 3D). When the PLN of
TGF-b1 null OVA-fed mice were stimulated with 1000 mg/ml of
OVA in vitro, only four of the nine mutant mice exhibited a suppressed proliferative response; three showed no change in the proliferative response compared with the water-fed controls, and one
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Expt. 1
Expt. 2
Expt. 3
1/1 Wild-type mouse
(n 5 4)
Table II. Cytokine production in spleen cells from low dose orally tolerized TGFb1 null mice
Cytokine Production (pg/ml)a
212.9 6 6.2
13.9 6 4.5b
109.8 6 10.3
6.2 6 8.3
753.9 6 140.3
314.7 6 47.0
474.4 6 116.2
403.7 6 94.5
189,070.0 6 170.3
4,186.3 6 309.4
37,991.7 6 5,608.3
2,734.0 6 526.5
22.6 6 1.4
16.2 6 1.1
11.0 6 1.9
12.4 6 3.3
424.3 6 101.3
196.1 6 58.9
283.9 6 97.5
347.8 6 181.9
9,341.7 6 1,111.7
7,320.7 6 505.0
3,790.0 6 902.6
4,409.0 6 307.7
3.2 6 2.5
4.9 6 0.1
0.9 6 1.6
336.4 6 96.2
27.3 6 47.3
155.0 6 83.6
63.2 6 41.1
28,142.3 6 2,329.6
2,412.7 6 324.8
7,782.3 6 947.8
2,230.7 6 252.7
44.9 6 2.7
4.4 6 0.6
3.2 6 0.6
0.3 6 0.6
574.4 6 97.8
42.1 6 20.0
301.0 6 12.3
109.4 6 63.4
25,246.7 6 3,126.4
4,837.7 6 309.0
7,122.7 6 766.6
2,049.3 6 289.0
Expt. 1
Expt. 2
Each mouse was injected s.c. with approximately 60 mg of anti-LFA1 from day 2 after birth until weaning. On day 21 after
birth, both wild-type and mutant mice were fed either water or 1 mg of OVA for 3 consecutive days. (Expt. 1: WT mice, n 5
3; 2/2 mice, H2O fed, n 5 4; Ova fed, n 5 5; Expt. 2: WT mice, n 5 3; 2/2 mice, H2O fed, n 5 5; Ova fed, n 5 3.) On
day 31 after birth, the mice were injected with 10 mg of OVA in IFA in the foot pad and tail base. Ten days later, the mice were
sacrificed, and spleen cells were removed and incubated in vitro with a final concentration of 100 mg/ml of OVA for 48 h.
Cytokine analysis was performed as described in Materials and Methods.
Values in bold indicate Student’s t test values that significantly differ (p # 0.05) from the corresponding value for
stimulated or unstimulated water-fed control.
showed a significant increase in the proliferative response (Fig. 3).
All OVA-fed mice that had counts per minute values significantly
lower then the corresponding water-fed control mice also had
lower stimulation indexes (data not shown). Taken together, these
results indicate that TGF-b1 null mice fed low doses of OVA are
able to be tolerized, but less effectively than the controls.
Assessment of IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-g levels in antiCD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mice fed low doses of OVA
Since seven of nine anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mutant mice
fed a low dose of OVA exhibited a significantly decreased proliferative response when stimulated with 100 mg/ml of OVA in vitro,
this indicated that factors other than TGF-b1 must be involved in
the induction of low dose oral tolerance. Studies by others have
shown that secretion of cytokines other than TGF-b1 may play a
role in inducing oral tolerance. Therefore, IL-4 and IL-10 levels
were quantitated in stimulated spleen cells and lymph node cells
from wild-type/heterozygote and TGF-b1 null mutant mice fed
low doses of OVA. The results presented in Table II show that
IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-g levels were reduced in spleen cells from
mice fed OVA compared with those in spleen cells from mice fed
water (with the exception of IL-4 in the wild-type control group,
Expt. 2). Similarly, levels of IL-10 and IFN-g were reduced in
PLN from mice fed OVA compared with those in PLN from mice
fed water (Table III); levels of IL-4 could not be assessed in PLN
due to the lack of detectable levels.
Recent studies by others have indicated that active suppression,
particularly TGF-b1, plays a major role in the generation of low
dose oral tolerance, while T cell anergy and/or deletion may be the
primary mechanism involved in the induction of high dose oral
tolerance. However, it is possible that these mechanisms are not
mutually exclusive and that components of both anergy and active
suppression are involved in high and low dose oral tolerance, with
one mechanism assuming the dominant role (34). To clarify the
primary mechanism involved in low dose oral tolerance, TGF-b1
null mice were used. Previously, it has not been possible to use
TGF-b1 null mice in oral tolerance experiments due to the fact that
these mutants rarely live beyond 3 wk of age; however, treatment
of TGF-b1 null mice with anti-CD411a in vivo significantly prolonged their life-span (32). Thus, it is now possible to feed Ag to
TGF-b1 null mice and determine the role of TGF-b1 in the generation of oral suppression.
The results of preliminary studies showed that mice treated with
anti-CD11a were capable of mounting an immune response to
parenterally administered Ag at the level of cellular proliferation.
Table III. Cytokine production in PLN from low dose orally tolerized
TGF-b1 null mice
Cytokine Production (pg/ml)a
In Vitro
535.5 6 50.8
90.6 6 2.4b
246.3 6 38.7
114.5 6 55.7
1,086.5 6 84.6
189.8 6 21.8
306.2 6 99.2
88.9 6 58.1
4,920.0 6 795.1
713.0 6 87.3
828.3 6 89.0
1,034.7 6 299.4
14,390.7 6 2,170.2
1,447.0 6 89.2
218.3 6 378.2
334.0 6 578.5
Each mouse was injected s.c. with approximately 60 mg of anti-LFA-1 from day
2 after birth until weaning. On day 21 after birth, both wild-type and mutant mice
were fed either water or 1 mg of OVA for 3 consecutive days. (WT mice, n 5 3; 2/2
mice, H2O fed, n 5 4; Ova fed, n 5 5.) On day 31 after birth, the mice were injected
with 10 mg of OVA in IFA in the foot pad and tail base. Ten days later, the mice were
sacrificed, PLN were removed, and the cells were incubated in vitro with a final
concentration of 100 mg/ml of OVA for 48 h. Cytokine analysis was performed as
described in Materials and Methods.
Values in bold indicate Student’s t test values that significantly differ (p # 0.05)
from the corresponding value for stimulated or unstimulated water-fed control. One
of three experiments with similar results is shown.
Downloaded from by guest on 04 January 2023
In Vitro
The Journal of Immunology
vitro stimulation, levels of all three of these cytokines decreased,
rather than increased, in OVA-fed mice compared with those in
water-fed controls. In addition, although constitutive production of
IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-g was observed, no significant increase in the
levels of these cytokines was found in any of the unstimulated
lymphocytes from OVA-fed mice (wild type or mutant). These
findings imply that a generalized suppression mechanism was induced in low dose OVA-fed mice that affects both Th1 and Th2
cells. Such a mechanism is more consistent with the phenomenon
of anergy and/or deletion rather than active suppression. Repeated
attempts were made to determine whether anergy served as a
mechanism for the observed suppression by incubating PLNs from
OVA-fed mutant mice in vitro with rIL-2. However, due to extensive cell death during the incubation period, conclusive results
could not be obtained. The inability of enough cells to survive
during the experimental period could be due in part to the fact that
lymphocytes were obtained from 129 3 CF1 mice; the CF1 mouse
is a partially outbred strain.
Using the TGF-b1 null mice in our studies has the primary
advantage of eliminating a major variable that has been implicated
in generating low dose oral tolerance. Both TGF-b1 null mice as
well as wild-type mice were used to ensure that the results observed in mutant mice were not due to compensatory mechanisms
unique to the TGF-b1 null mice. Our data support the findings of
others, which indicate that clonal anergy is the primary mechanism
involved in inducing oral tolerance regardless of whether high or
low doses of Ag are fed (34, 35). It is uncertain why our results
differ from those of others, which suggest that active suppression
is the primary mechanism for inducing low dose oral tolerance
(36). The discrepancy could be due to the fact that different strains
of mice were used or that mice in our system were treated with
anti-CD11a. In preliminary experiments it was shown that antiCD11a treatment had a profound, detrimental effect on the production of humoral Ab. It is conceivable that this treatment may
have also altered the immune response at the T cell level, thus
favoring anergy over active suppression in our model. It is also
possible that the amount of Ag fed (1 mg, three times) was too high
to be considered low dose in 129 3 CF1 mice. However, in previous studies by Weiner and colleagues, 1 mg of Ag fed five times
was considered a low dose (21, 37). In addition, preliminary studies designed to assess the concentration of a low dose in our experimental model indicated inconsistent suppression of cellular
proliferation in wild-type mice if fed doses were lowered to 0.5
mg, three times (data not shown). Whether additional feedings of
OVA (i.e., 1 or 0.5 mg of OVA fed five times) are needed to
observe increased cytokine levels remains to be determined.
In summary, our results indicate that both high and low dose
oral tolerance can be generated in mice in the absence of TGF-b1.
Our findings suggest that mechanisms other than the secretion of
inhibitory cytokines may be associated with low dose oral tolerance and that these mechanisms may be the primary ones involved
in our model system.
1. Kagnoff, M. F. 1987. Antigen handling by intestinal mucosa: humoral and cellmediated immunity, tolerance and genetic control of local immune responses. In
Immunopathology of the Small Intestine. M. N. Marsh, eds, John Wiley and Sons,
p. 73.
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Immunol. Today 8:93.
3. Lider, O., L. M. B. Santos, C. S. Y. Lee, P. J. Higgins, and L. L. Weiner. 1989.
Suppression of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by oral administration of myelin basic protein. II. Suppression of disease and in vitro immune
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However, humoral responses were drastically reduced in antiCD11a-treated mice, suggesting that the concentration of antiCD11a used in our experiments interfered with critical LFA-1dependent associations needed for Ab production. Therefore,
assessment of oral tolerance induction was restricted to cellular
proliferation assays.
Lymphocytes from TGF-b1 null mutant mice treated with antiCD11a in vivo were capable of responding to Ag-specific stimulation in a dose-dependent fashion. It is interesting to note that in
almost all cases, cells from anti-CD11a-treated mutant mice proliferated more vigorously in response to antigenic stimulation than
did anti-CD11a-treated wild-type mice. However, when stimulation indexes were calculated, a consistent pattern of enhanced proliferation in anti-CD11a-treated mutant mice was not observed.
With respect to the induction of oral tolerance, we have shown
that, compared with controls, lymph node cells from anti-CD11atreated TGF-b1 null mutant mice fed high doses of Ag exhibited
suppressed proliferation in response to in vitro stimulation with
1000 and 100 mg/ml of OVA. These results indicate that lymphocytes from anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mutant animals are
being suppressed and confirm the findings of others that cytokines
do not play a primary role in the induction of high dose oral tolerance (14 –19, 21). However, it should be noted that although
lymph node cells from all anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mice
fed high doses of OVA were significantly suppressed, this suppression appeared to be less effective than that in similarly treated
wild-type controls. Such results may be explained by the aforementioned increase in responsiveness of lymphocytes from
TGF-b1 null mice. A generalized increase in the proliferative response might tend to diminish and thus obscure any observable
suppression occurring in these cells. An alternative explanation is
that TGF-b1 may also play a role (albeit a minor one) in high dose
oral tolerance.
In contrast to results obtained with high dose feeding regimens,
anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mutant mice fed low doses of
OVA varied in their ability to generate oral tolerance. Lymph node
cells from mutant mice fed low doses of OVA were not tolerized
as efficiently as those from their wild-type controls; lymph node
cells from seven of nine and four of nine mice were significantly
suppressed when incubated in vitro with 100 and 1000 mg/ml
OVA, respectively. However, the ability of the majority of mice to
exhibit a suppressed proliferative response when incubated in vitro
with 100 mg/ml of OVA would argue that TGF-b1 may play a
partial, but not exclusive, role in the induction of low dose oral
tolerance. The possibility that suppressed proliferative responses in
TGF-b1 null mutant mice may be obscured due to heightened
cellular responsiveness cannot be excluded.
The significant suppression observed in the majority of TGF-b1
null mice fed low doses of OVA suggests that factors other than
the production and secretion of TGF-b1 are involved in the induction of low dose oral tolerance. It has been reported that feeding
low doses of OVA stimulates the production of IL-4 and IL-10 in
addition to that of TGF-b1 with or without in vitro stimulation (21,
23). It has been proposed that these cytokines, in a manner similar
to that of TGF-b1, may play a role in inhibition of the immune
response via active suppression (21, 23). Such a mechanism assumes the preferential generation of Th2 cells (or putative Th3
cells) while Th1 cells are down-regulated. It was possible that in
our system, Th2 cells secreting elevated levels of IL-4 and IL-10
were at least partially responsible for the suppressed proliferative
response in TGF-b1 null mice fed low doses of OVA. To test for
this possibility, levels of IFN-g (a Th1 cytokine), IL-4, and IL-10
were assessed in anti-CD11a-treated TGF-b1 null mutant mice fed
either water or low doses of OVA. Our results show that after in
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