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In the framework of the HEPAS project a teacher training toolkit was developed to support the implementation of the project's outcomes. The aim is to assist mainly the schools' representatives (mostly Physical Education teachers and principals), as well as the representatives of organizations who can support schools on their way to become Healthy and Physically Active Schools. The toolkit contains materials structured into <strong>Core</strong> and<strong> Additional</strong> modules. The <strong>Core module</strong> contains information, materials mainly for school staff, generally for school level, and the <strong>Additional module</strong> for regional or national coordinators, organizations, that are in the position to support many schools, with the intention to build a network among the Healthy and Physically Active schools.
Foreword i List of tables and figures ii Executive summary iv "the 4 hour promise could improve the health and fitness of 9-10 year old children in Liverpool?" Objectives Baseline To take baseline measures of: maturity, body composition, cardiovascular health, fitness, physical activity, skill and physical self-perceptions/self esteem, and to compare results between boys and girls, and non-overweight and overweight children. We also wanted to assess levels of health risk against criterion measures (where available). Intervention To compare the effect of 3 types of intervention (2 structured, 1 unstructured) on the body composition, cardiovascular health, fitness, physical activity, skill and physical self-perceptions/self esteem of 9-10 yr. old Liverpool children at baseline, 9 and 12 months. Methods Project design Based on preset criteria of school size (>400 primary schools: >250 junior schools) and deprivation (IMD>40) we randomly selected 16 schools and invited them to a meeting to discuss the project. After this meeting 8 schools were randomly selected to participate. Description of the Interventions Two schools were allocated to 1 of four conditions: Condition 1: High intensity physical activity (HIPA); Children in these schools were provided with a twiceweekly, 1 hour high intensity multi-activity after-school club, which was delivered by qualified multi-activity coaches. Heart rates were kept above 75% of maximum during these sessions. Condition 2: Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS); Children in these schools were provided with a twiceweekly, 1 hour after-school multi-skill club, which was delivered by qualified multi-activity coaches. These sessions focused on developing locomotor and objectcontrol skills. Condition 3: Physical Activity Signposting Scheme (PASS); Children in these schools were provided with a weekly, 30 minute classroom session where weekly physical activity tasks were discussed and set. Four 4-6 week blocks of challenges were delivered alongside a reward system. Condition 4: Control; Children in these schools received basic information on physical activity and health provided by the British Heart Foundation.
Background: Despite the health benefits of regular physical activity, most children are insufficiently active. Schools are ideally placed to promote physical activity; however, many do not provide children with sufficient in-school activity or ensure they have the skills and motivation to be active beyond the school setting. The aim of this project is to modify, scale up and evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention previously shown to be efficacious in improving children's physical activity, fundamental movement skills and cardiorespiratory fitness. The 'Internet-based Professional Learning to help teachers support Activity in Youth' (iPLAY) study will focus largely on online delivery to enhance translational capacity.
Revue Pheneps Phenex Journal, 2010
Creating a supportive healthy school environment is a critical part of a Health Promoting Schools (HPS) program; however there is a great deal of variability and uncertainty in the literature to describe exactly how this should be planned, implemented and tracked over time. Despite the existence of some planning and assessment tools, the educational context is not always considered. The purpose of this paper is to describe a case study of a HPS program that tailored an educational tool, using Innovation Configuration (IC) theory, to assist in the planning and tracking of the implementation of HPS. The IC maps included items related to healthy eating and active living that were based on best practices from a local HPS program. Each item had four levels ranging from beginning (4) to ideal (1) level of implementation. IC maps were completed annually at meetings with school staff, support workers, parents, community members, and students. The tool was pilot tested and revised by describing the specific responsibilities of various school-based partners and further descriptions of the variations. Stakeholders commented on the usefulness of the IC map in that it provided a common vocabulary for HPS, clarified roles of stakeholders and set specific expectations for implementation of HPS. The IC map is a useful tool to plan and track implementation of HPS as it provides descriptions for implementing best practice and is integrated into the local educational jurisdiction. Future research Langille, Raine, Carmichael, Whitby & Veugelers……Health Promoting Schools 2 should explore the relevance of this tool in different school environments and the effectiveness of the tool to relate level of implementation to student outcomes. L'établissement d'un milieu scolaire favorable constitue une composante essentielle de tout programme d'écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé. Cela dit, on note beaucoup de variabilité et d'incertitude dans la documentation au moment d'expliquer comment tout doit être planifié, instauré et vérifié au fil du temps. Malgré tous les outils de planification et d'évaluation qui existent, le contexte éducationnel n'est pas toujours pris en compte. Cet article présente une étude de cas portant sur un programme d'écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé dans le cadre duquel on a mis au point un outil pédagogique sur mesure, partant de la théorie de configuration innovatrice, pour aider à planifier et surveiller la mise en oeuvre des programmes d'écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé. Les cartes de configuration comprenaient des volets sur la saine alimentation et sur la vie active inspirés des pratiques exemplaires découlant d'un programme local d'écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé. Chaque volet prévoyait quatre niveaux de mise en oeuvre, allant du point de départ (4) à la situation idéale (1). Les cartes de configuration innovatrice étaient remplies chaque année lors de réunions avec le personnel de l'école, les employés de soutien, les parents, les membres de la collectivité et les élèves. L'outil a fait l'objet d'essais pilotes et a été revu à la lumière des descriptions de responsabilités spécifiques des divers partenaires de l'école et en décrivant davantage les variations. Les parties intéressées ont commenté sur l'utilité des cartes de configuration innovatrice en précisant qu'elles créaient un vocabulaire commun pour les écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé, précisaient les rôles des parties intéressées et établissaient des objectifs spécifiques de mise en oeuvre. La carte de configuration innovatrice constitue un outil utile pour planifier et surveiller la mise en oeuvre des programmes d'écoles axées sur la promotion de la santé, puisqu'elle explique comment instaurer des pratiques exemplaires et s'harmonise avec les compétences éducatives locales. À l'avenir, les recherches devraient explorer la pertinence de cet outil dans divers contextes scolaires et son aptitude à faire des liens entre le niveau de mise en oeuvre et les résultats des élèves.
The Journal of Educational Development, 2014
___________________________________________________________________ This research is aimed at developing and resulting a multifunction tool and an example of effective learning which is acceptable for Physical Education, Sports and Health learning for Elementary students. This research is model development of the learning tool for elementary students. This research is conducted in several stages: 1) designing draft of initial product, 2) expert validation, 3) small scale trial, 4) First stage revision, 5) Large scale trial, and 6) Second Stage revision (Final revision). The results of the research are: 1)development of multifunction tools. 2) the result of product effectiveness test at SD Negeri 2 Trimodadi, SD Negeri 2 RatuAbungdan SD Negeri 1 RatuAbung is obtained at the average of pulse increase about 62,81%. 3) The test result of product acceptability on internal and external aspect is at the average of 94,58%.
International Journal of Human Movement and Sports SciencesInternational Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2022
This study is expected to be able to contribute to increasing students' physical fitness and health so that it can help reduce the risk of obesity through exercise-based physical activity, namely TEFIX, which can be used in learning. In this way, it is hoped that the PJOK's objectives can be achieved. Therefore, this investigation is also expected to help PJOK teachers give more focus to the physical fitness stage of students. The method of this study is study and development (Research and Development). This research uses a quantitative approach method using Quasi Experimental Design through the Pretest and Posttest Control-Group Design methods. In this experiment, the investigator uses control and study sets, but the collection of participants into groups is not random. The examination used in this case is TKJI for physical fitness and BMI for health. Before completing the small organization trial, the TEFIX training modules can be verified with experts. With the results of eight validators getting the usual results in the "very good" category, then a small group trial analysis (Pre research) was carried out to obtain reliability using the results of the pre-test and post-test, for the BMI scores of male students "high" and female students "Very high", for TKJI scores of male students "high" and female students "tall". It can be concluded that the TEFIX physical activity module is valid and has a high correlation and high enough reliability to survive in a larger group sample.
The HEPS Inventory Tool aims to support stakeholders working in school health promotion to promote high quality interventions on healthy eating and physical activity. As a tool it provides a step-by-step approach on how to develop a national or regional inventory of existing school based interventions on healthy eating and physical activity. It provides a comprehensive understanding of quality and its dynamics in school health promotion. The HEPS quality model builds on four quality dimensions: the quality of concept, the quality of structure, the quality of process and the quality of results. The model provides a structured sequence and reflects a holistic perspective of quality. Each of the four dimensions need to be looked at in order to determine the quality of health related interventions in the school setting. The tool contains a set of criteria and indicators that will help a comprehensive quality review of already developed school based interventions on healthy eating and ph...
International Journal for Innovation Education and Research
This work presents a study on the cost formation process of a third-party service provider from the Federal Public Administration to draw a parallel with the strategic cost management using the absorption and variable costing methods. As a methodology, a qualitative-quantitative research strategy, of an applied nature, was used, through a case study in a company that provides cleaning, conservation, and sanitation services. Data on 13 types of inputs (the highest values) were analyzed over six months. The values were highlighted referring to the input data of the Bidding Notice that led to the contracting of the service provider company, the inputs consumed by the client, and the inputs purchased by the company. The results of the study indicate that the company bought twice as much (119%) than the amount foreseen in the notice on the analyzed period. Using the precepts of Strategic Cost Management, in parallel with the absorption and variable costing methods, it can be observed tha...
In this paper, I propose and demonstrate a corpus-based approach to the investigation of metaphorical target domains based on retrieving representative lexical items from the target domain and identifying the metaphorical expressions associated with them. I show that this approach is superior in terms of data coverage compared to the traditional method of eclectically collecting citations or gathering data from introspection. In addition to its superior coverage, a corpus-based approach allows us to quantify the frequency of individual metaphors, and I show how central metaphors can be identified on the basis of such quantitative data. Finally, I argue that a focus on metaphors associated with individual lexical items opens up the possibility of investigating the interaction between metaphor and lexical semantics. 1. Cf. Black's (1962[1979) distinction between metaphor(ical) statements and metaphor themes, where the latter are understood as 'projections' of 'secondary subjects' onto 'primary subjects'; cf. also Weinrich's (1976: 299ff.) notions of image donor (Bildspender) and image recipient (Bildempfänger)).
Jornadas Virtuais: Vivências e Práticas das Tecnologias Educativas, 2016
Письменность, литература и фольклор славянских народов. XIV международный съезд славистов. Охрид, 10-16 сентября 2008 г. Доклады российской делегации. Москва, 2008
Road and Rail Infrastructure VII
Comunicação, Mídia e Consumo, 2022
Crystals, 2021
International Journal of Mycobacteriology, 2012