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2014, Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online
8 pages
1 file
In the title compound, C9H9IO3, the molecules are close to planar [maximum deviation from benzene ring plane = 0.229 (5) Å for the methyl carboxylate C atom] with the methyl groups oriented away from each other. In the crystal, molecules form stacked layers parallel to theabplane, where every layer has either the iodine or methoxy/methyl carboxylate substituents pointing towards each other in an alternating fashion.
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2011
Metal-organic compounds Organic compounds Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online is the IUCr's highly popular open-access structural journal. It provides a simple and easily accessible publication mechanism for the growing number of inorganic, metal-organic and organic crystal structure determinations. The electronic submission, validation, refereeing and publication facilities of the journal ensure very rapid and high-quality publication, whilst key indicators and validation reports provide measures of structural reliability. In 2007, the journal published over 5000 structures. The average publication time is less than one month.
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2013
Key indicators: single-crystal X-ray study; T = 150 K; mean (C-C) = 0.004 Å; R factor = 0.027; wR factor = 0.068; data-to-parameter ratio = 30.5.
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2008
Key indicators: single-crystal X-ray study; T = 120 K; mean (C-C) = 0.002 Å; R factor = 0.042; wR factor = 0.125; data-to-parameter ratio = 18.2.
IUCrData, 2017
In the title benzimidazole derivative, C18H18N2O3, the methoxyphenyl ring is twisted with respect to the benzimidazole ring system, making a dihedral angle of 28.81 (5)°. The pendant ethyl chain has an extended conformation. Within the imidazole ring, the C—N single bonds have a partial double-bond character. In the crystal, molecules are linked by weak C—H...π interactions and π–π stacking [the centroid-to-centroid distances being 3.6468 (7), 3.7279 (7) and 3.7481 (7) Å].
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2013
The title compound, C10H13NO4, is essentially planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.049 Å. An intramolecular C—H...O hydrogen bond occurs and the amino group forms an intramolecular N—H...Oesterhydrogen bond; the other H atom forms an intermolecular N—H...Ocarbonylhydrogen bond, leading to the formation of a helical chain that runs along theb-axis direction.
Iranian Role in Pakistan’s Baluchistan Insurgency, 2024
Iranian Role in Pakistan’s Baluchistan Insurgency September 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36297.35687 Agha H Amin Our #publications are for #state clients -Individual buyers should stay away as not meant for them . #narcotics #UAE #Bahrain #Qatar #oman #narcoterrorism #moneylaundering #makran #dhows #dubai #fujairah Signal Contact Link :—
; This study was done in Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital in An-Nasiriyah City, on 97 patients through one year from august 2011 to July 2012,those patients were complaining from fever, jaundice, pain in right hypochondrial area, dark color urine, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting ,after complete history and clinical examination with specific investigation for viral hepatitis, we selected the cases that improved " the complaining from viral hepatitis B or C, that, we exclude all the patients who suffered from other causes. We can investigate 97 of those patients complaining from viral hepatitis B. or C. Their age ranging from 23-68 years. We divided those patients to many groups according to the level of liver enzymes as serum A.S.T., serum A.L.T., Alkaline Phosphates, and Alanin Transaminase. Hepamerze was the treatment which was given to those patients for 14 days, other group for 21 days and other 28 days. All patients were followed-up regularly to evaluate the effect of Hepamerze on the liver. We found that, the peak effect of Hepamerze on day 16th and day 21th where 42% of the cases, that, there were completely reduction in the liver enzymes.
Recent Spanish statutes on abortion and euthanasia foresee the creation of a register of health professionals objecting to abortion, and pose several burdens on conscientious objectors to such practices. The Spanish Constitutional Court has confirmed such burdens, on the basis of a very problematic definition of conscience rights. It is highly problematic to consider, as the High Court did, the refusal to have an abortion as an exemption from a legal duty. Such a treatment derives from an inadequate analogy with military conscientious objection. However, to categorize the refusal to comply with a constitutional duty and the refusal to comply with a legal mandate in the same way is to take for granted the legitimacy of the legal mandate. Something that, as the author explains, cannot be accepted in a constitutional state.
Jesus's kingdom is one of truth; therefore, it cannot be furthered by force or violence. Effective leadership, therefore, is a function truth; the truth is always liberating. Part 4 of a book-length project on Truth and Liberation; see Huffington Post essays on this subject:
Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan yang sebagain besar wilayahnya merupakan lautan dengan sejumlah 17.508 pulau – pulau besar dan kecil. Total luas wilayah Indonesia adalah sembilan juta kilometer persegi , terdiri dari tiga juta kilometer persegi dalam bentuk daratan pulau – pulau tiga juta kilometer, persegi lagi berupa parairan laut yang mengelilingi laut kedaulatan sebagai sabuk sebesar 200 mil laut dengan hak berdaulat diatas maupun dibawah permukaan , serta lapisan bawah dasar lautnya. Ditinjau dari konstelasi geografis, posisi Indonesia sangat strategis karena berada pada posisi silang dunia yakni berada diantara samudra pasifik dan samudra Hindia serta diantara Benua Asia dan Benua Australia, yang juga merupakan jalur lalu lintas dunia baik laut maupun udara yang sangat padat. Pokok bahasan , tentang geostrategi Indonesia diantaranya diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan dan memahami , pengertian geostrategi , ketahanan nasional, sifat ketahanan nasional, tantangan dan pembinaan ketahanan nasional, dan geostrategi dan pembangunan nasional. B. Pengertian Geostrategi Geostrategi adalah , suatu strategi pelaksanaan suatu kebijakan politik yang disusun atas dasar pertimbangan geografis. Hubungan antara strategi dengan geostrategi disatu sisi dengan politik dan geopolitik disisi lain tampak sangat erat. Ini sesuai dengan perkembangan abad ke – 20 ketika politik dan strategi merupakan dwitunggal yang tak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan yang lainnya. Walaupun pada awalnya istilah strategi selalu di identikan dengan perang , militer atau pertahanan. (s. Suwondo, purbo, 2009) Dalam perspektif klasik, pengertian lain dari geopolitik dan geostrategi yaitu definisi sempit yang hanya meliputi bidang pertahanan. Kata strategi berasal berasal dari kata " strategia " , berasal dari bahasa yunani yang berarti " the art of general " atau seni seorang panglima yang biasa digunakan dalam peperangan. Karl Von Clausewitz (1780 – 1831) , berpendapat bahwa strategi adlah pengetahuan tentang penggunaan pertempuran untuk memenangkan peperangan. sedang peperangan itu sendiri aadalah merupakan kelanjutan dari politik. Dalam abad modern , sekarang ini penggunaan kata strategi tidak lagi terbatas pada konsep atau seni seorang panglima dalam peperangan saja , akan tetapi sudah digunakan secara luas termasuk dalam ilmu ekonomi maupun dibidang olahraga. Arti strategi secara umum adalah cara untuk mendapatkan kemenangan atau tercapainya suatu tujuan termasuk politik .
Hierofanie, wierzenia, obrzędy … Kultura symboliczna w średniowieczu między pogaństwem a chrześcijaństwem, eds. S. Rosik, S. Jędrzejewska, K. Kollinger, Rzeszów 2018, pp. 159-186.
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