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2018, Self - Revista do Instituto Junguiano de São Paulo

A Self, revista científica do Instituto Junguiano de São Paulo (IJUSP), que tem como objetivo difundir a psicologia analítica, entra em seu terceiro ano com a responsabilidade de dar continuidade ao trabalho desenvolvido até agora.

Editorial DOI: 10.21901/2448-3060/self-2018.vol03.0005 New times Self, scientific magazine of the Instituto Junguiano de São Paulo (IJUSP), which has the objective of disseminating analytic psychology, enters its third year with the responsibility of continuing the work developed so far. The publication, with open access, is the result of transformations of the new times, with the intention of providing a wide reach into academic and scientific production, generating economy in its propagation and enabling larger visibility to those who wish to contribute to Jungian thought. In this new stage, started in May, we have the ambition to disseminate Self in the academic milieu and in the educational institutions, introducing work on themes that interest both the future Jungian analysts and the scholars, and investigators in general. We seek to widen the number of national publications beyond the axis Southeast - South, and international, having as parameter the most renowned publications. Translate the articles in Portuguese or Spanish into English is another way to stimulate the exchange of ideas among all the interested parties. Scientific journals acquire more visibility when they are indexed in reliable databases with high credibility like LILACS, PePSIC, SciELO, and others. Being part of these databases requires a work of permanent construction, demanding punctuality in the publications and respect for internationally accepted editorial Self – Rev Inst Junguiano São Paulo, 2018;3;e5 1 Editorial criteria, without losing sight of the peculiarities and demands of analytic psychology. The growing number of visits to the articles we published motivates us to consolidate Self as a channel of production of quality knowledge and of recognized prestige that contributes to the ever increasing deepening and expansion of the study of C. G. Jung work. The IJUSP is an institution that has, from the start, a history of much effort and dedication to the teaching and training of analysts. Self is another fruit of this work. Conceived by Dulce Briza together with David Butler, Denise Maia, Priscila Caviglia (in memorian), Candido Vallada and specially Ricardo Pires who made it materialize, is today an accomplishment nourished and cherished by all of us at IJUSP. Paula Serafim Daré e Candido Pinto Vallada Editores Científicos Self – Rev Inst Junguiano São Paulo, 2018;3;e5 2