Research and Application of Machine Vision in Industry

2011, Advanced Engineering Forum

This paper briefly introduce the concept and characteristic and form of machine vision inspecting system, elaborate its application in industry, the present status and development prospects of the application in geometry measurement are described in detail, and deal with emphatically its critical technical points and the corresponding solutions. 1. People will be freed from repeated and tedious work. 2. Reduced labor costs. 3. Put up productivity and detection accuracy. 4. To achieve flexible manufacturing. Based on a lot of technical literature both abroad and domestic, this paper makes a brief description of machine vision systems and mainly discussed the detection of machine vision in industrial research and application.

Advanced Engineering Forum ISSN: 2234-991X, Vols. 2-3, pp 153-155 doi:10.4028/ © 2012 The Author(s). Published by Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland. Online: 2011-12-22 !""#" $ %%%%%%&&' (% ) - ) * + ("",' (% - ) ) ) ) ! " # $ % & $ ' ' ( ) * + , - . / 0#1 ' 00 & 2 3 ) ( . $ ' 2 This article is an open access article under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license ( 154 Mechatronics and Information Technology (0 0 !00 " 0#1 $ 2 $ . & & 3 3 ) * ' ' & & 1 1 ' 4 5 6 8*9 8)9 0 7 3 ( . 7 * Advanced Engineering Forum Vols. 2-3 155 $ ! "' : & ; . $ # & ' $ . / . ( < ' . = . $ > ' $ # 0 + & & & & & & # $ $ . ' & 8)9 8*9 + 3 & . 0 1 0 2 : 2 2 # 6 + > 2 D E & ; 6# # 8,9 > 4 # 2 % 0 *)!*FF,")C)&)AA 8-9 E D & & 6 1 ' *FF* *-!," 8B9 : G & E E + # *F)F ,)!?" % ' ' (2 ?!)@A*"BBC&BC, 6 '>>> *FFC ? 6' 00 6 0 #