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2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speed and Signal Processing Proceedings
5 pages
1 file
A novel method for simulation of acoustic spaces, such as concert halls or listening rooms, using several 2-D digital waveguide mesh simulations is discussed. The advantages of this approach include reduced computational load, reduced memory usage, and simplified model structure in comparison to a 3-D waveguide mesh simulation. In approximating the modal frequencies of rooms, all the most important lowest modes get modeled, but some higher modes are missing. The proposed method is useful for finding low-frequency modes and for detecting changes in modal distribution when a sound source is moved, for example. As an acoustic visualization tool, the method is superior over a 3-D simulation in that it can isolate a certain layer of the acoustic wave field and it automatically hides waves that propagate in other directions and thus confuse the visualization.
Abstract The two main approaches for room acoustic modeling are the wave-based and the ray-based techniques. In this paper we briefly overview the digital waveguide mesh method which is a wave-based model operating in the time domain. As a case study we show visualizations of edge diffraction modeled with the waveguide mesh technique. Some preliminary analysis of computational requirements for real-time auralizations are also presented, and the idea of frequency domain hybrid model is revisited.
Abstract: In this paper we briefly overview the digital waveguide mesh method. It is a wave-based technique for room acoustic prediction operating in the time domain. The original technique suffers from direction dependent dispersion. In this paper we discuss couple of techniques that have been applied to overcome this problem. Firstly, the interpolated mesh structure, and secondly the frequency warping technique are presented. As a case study we present simulation results and visualizations obtained with two simple room geometries.
Proceedings of the COST G-6 Conference on …, 2000
All sounds have associated with them an environmental context related to the acoustic space within which they are heard. Composers have long used and manipulated these properties of sounds in space as a fundamental part of their music. Many methods have been used to simulate the acoustics of an enclosed space, and recently digital waveguide mesh models have provided an accurate and efficient method of modelling this physically complex system. Current waveguide models used in the field of room acoustics are based on a rectilinear mesh topology and are limited to providing only a partial solution to an accurate Room Impulse Response (RIR). This thesis examines the use of 2-D digital waveguide mesh structures in room acoustics modelling. It is hypothesised that the limitations and accuracy of such models can be improved upon by using a mesh topology based on a triangular decomposition of the 2-D plane. The WaveVerb System has been developed to allow RIRs to be generated from a 2-D representation of a room using both rectilinear and triangular mesh topologies, with an emphasis on its use as a high level creative tool for the computer musician. Results from both mesh topologies are analysed. In the first instance wave propagation through the modelled room can be observed visually through an animated graphical representation. The spectral content of the measured RIRs from both models is also analysed and further comparisons are made against standard room acoustic parameters. Audio samples are convolved with measured RIRs in order to evaluate the subsequent environmental context. All of these results point to the fact that the triangular mesh topology offers a significant improvement in terms of quality and accuracy over that of the more commonly used rectilinear waveguide mesh. Finally, possible future developments for the WaveVerb system are presented. These include methods to improve execution time and extend the model to three dimensions, as well as investigating its potential use as a teaching aid.
Proceedings of the COST G-6 Conference …, 2000
Following a summary of the basic principles of 3D waveguide mesh modelling and the context of its application to room acoustic simulation, this paper presents a detailed analysis of the tetrahedral mesh topology and describes its implementation on a parallel computer model. Its ...
Audio, Speech, and …, 2010
Digital waveguide mesh (DWM) models are time-domain numerical methods providing computationally simple solutions for wave propagation problems. They have been used in various acoustical modeling and audio synthesis applications including synthesis of musical instrument sounds and speech, and modeling of room acoustics. A successful model of room acoustics should be able to account for source and receiver directivity. Methods for the simulation of directional sources in DWM models were previously proposed. This paper presents a method for the simulation of directional microphones in DWM-based models of room acoustics. The method is based on the directional weighting of the microphone response according to the instantaneous direction of incidence at a given point. The direction of incidence is obtained from instantaneous intensity that is calculated from local pressure values in the DWM model. The calculation of instantaneous intensity in DWM meshes and the directional accuracies of different mesh topologies are discussed. An intensity-based formulation for the response of a directional microphone is given. Simulation results for an actual microphone with frequency-dependent, non-ideal directivity function are presented.
Audio, Speech, and …, 2008
Digital waveguide mesh (DWM) models offer a simple, accurate, time-domain, numerical solution of the wave equation. A specific case where such accurate and computationally simple solutions are needed is the acoustical modeling of open or closed volumes. It is possible to model 3-D propagation of waves in enclosures such as rooms using DWM models. Generally, idealized omnidirectional sources are used for obtaining the impulse response in the DWM. However, real-life sound sources are never completely isotropic, causing wavefronts with directional properties. This paper presents two methods to simulate analytical and empirical directivities in 3-D DWM models in the far-field.
Un genocidio largamente anunciado A Long-Anticipated Genocide "Debemos expulsar a los árabes y tomar sus lugares. (...) Y si tenemos que usar la fuerza (…) tenemos la fuerza a nuestra disposición." David Ben-Gurion en una carta a su hijo, 5/10/1937. Resumen Una mirada desde América Latina a los seis meses de guerra de Israel contra Gaza buscando las raíces históricas del proyecto sionista de conquista de la tierra y asentamiento colonial que nunca se detuvo durante siete décadas, pues el genocidio suele ser inseparable del colonialismo, como el racismo. La comunidad internacional podría haber evitado esta brutal y sangrienta escalada, y décadas de sufrimiento palestino, poniendo algún tipo de freno o sancionando los constantes crímenes de guerra y contra la humanidad israelíes. Escuchar la palabra palestina es un desafío para la
El medio ambiente y los bienes y servicios que este proporciona tienen para el ser humano un valor y son de un interés indudable, debido a que por su intermedio se satisfacen necesidades que, como consecuencia, traen bienestar. Sin embargo, a pesar de su infinito valor, el sistema actual de mercado es “incapaz” de colocar un precio que refleje el valor económico de los bienes y servicios que suministra la biosfera; en el presente artículo se pretende proporcionar herramientas conceptuales que permitan entender qué es la valoración de costos ambientales, para qué sirve, los métodos de valoración de bienes y servicios ambientales y, por último, mostrar las convergencias y divergencias teóricas que se presentan entre diferentes estudiosos de la disciplina económica como por ejemplo la evaluación de los ecosistemas del milenio (2005) donde se analiza la relación de los ecosistemas y el bienestar social.
Theoria: An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 1990
FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology
Diversité des accents et enseignement du français. Les parlers jeunes en région parisienne. Préface de Françoise Gadet , par Roberto Paternostro, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2016, 210 pages, Compte rendu par Paula Prescod. « Éla. Études de linguistique appliquée » n° 182/2, 236-239, 2016
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