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Etika berasal dari bahasan Yunani ethos. Apabila ditinjau dari aspek etimologis memiliki makna kebiasaan dan peraturan perilaku yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. Menurut pandangan Sastrapratedja (2004) dalam Yurissa (2008), etika dalam konteks filsafat merupakan refleksi filsafat atas moralitas masyarakat sehingga etika disebut pula sebagai filsafat moral. Etika membantu manusia untuk melihat secara kritis moralitas yang dihayati masyarakat, etika juga membantu kita untuk merumuskan pedoman etis yang lebih adekuat dan norma-norma baru yang dibutuhkan karena adanya perubahan yang dinamis dalam tata kehidupan masyarakat. Sedangkan etika dalam ranah penelitian lebih menunjuk pada prinsip-prinsip etis yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan penelitian. Peneliti dalam melaksanakan seluruh kegiatan penelitian harus memegang teguh sikap ilmiah (scientific attitude) serta menggunakan prinsip-prinsip etika penelitian. Meskipun intervensi yang dilakukan dalam penelitian tidak memiliki risiko yang dapat merugikan atau membahayakan subyek penelitian, namun peneliti perlu mempertimbangkan aspek sosioetika dan menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat kemanusiaan menurut Jacob (2004) dalam Yurissa (2008). Secara filosofis etika dalam penelitian adalah suatu upaya untuk memahami mengapa dan untuk apa, para profesional khususnya tenaga kesehatan/kedokteran melakukan penelitian. Setidak-tidaknya para profesional dalam penelitiannya mengetahui, bagaimana proses penelitian itu berjalan dan apa yang menjadi kendala dalam pelaksanaannya. B. Prinsip-prinsip Etika Penelitian Semua riset yang melibatkan manusia sebagai subyek, harus berdasarkan empat dasar etika penelitian, yaitu: 1. Menghormati orang (respect for person) a) Peneliti harus mempertimbangkan secara mendalam terhadap kemungkinan bahaya dan penyalahgunaan penelitian b) Perlu perlindungan terhadap subyek penelitian yang rentan terhadap bahaya penelitian
This study examines the capital structure of selected construction companies in India between the periods 2009 to 2013. Emphasis has been laid to show the impact of capital structure on the financial performance of Indian construction companies listed in the Bombay Stock Exchange. (ROE) as the dependent variables. The result revealed that there is a positive relationship between the capital structure and financial performance of the selected firms.
The University of Arizona Press eBooks, 2017
The Cycling of an Era: Chichén Itzá and the Decline of Yaxuná Notes References Index PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS • XvII and 1990 through the good offices of George Stuart and from the National Endowment for the Humanities in 1988 and 1991. This project also received funding from a group of philanthropists in Dallas, Texas, through a nonprofit foundation originally organized by T. Tim Cullum. The Dallas group was convened and inspired by Stanley Marcus, long-term mentor to David Freidel during his years at Southern Methodist University. These Dallas friends have supported David Freidel's fieldwork and scholarship throughout his career. Finally, Jerome E. Glick began his support of David Freidel's work with the Yaxuná project, and that support has continued ever since. Distinguished professional colleagues in northern lowland archaeology, Edward Kurjack, Anthony P. Andrews, and Tomás Gallereta Negrón originally took David Freidel to Yaxuná and introduced him to the site and the community. Their collegiality and support ensured the successful launching of the first Yaxuná project. Fernando Robles Castellanos supported and participated in the Yaxuná research in ways critical to the discoveries and analyses presented in this book. The PIPCY project owes a great debt to the Consejo de Arqueología of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia for granting the permits to conduct this research, in particular Nelly Robles, Pedro Francisco Sánchez Nava, and María de los Ángeles Olay Barrientos, as well as all of our colleagues in the Mérida regional center, including Lourdes Toscano Hernández, José Osorio León, and Francisco Pérez, who have offered invaluable insight as responsables of the archaeological sites in the Municipio de Yaxcabá. Project co-directors over the years, Aline Magnoni, Traci Ardren, and Scott Hutson, deserve special thanks for getting this project off the ground and nurturing the research to the state it is in today. We thank the many students from the Universidad de las Américas Puebla who worked in a number of capacities on the project over the years, especially
Hovorun, Cyril. “Enmity between the Orthodox Churches in Ukraine as Collateral Damage of the Russian Aggression.” Russia.Post, April 11, 2023., 2023
Cyril Hovorun writes about the deepening of the conflict between the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (part of the Russian Orthodox Church), expressing regret that the two churches are in a mindset of fierce competition rather than dialogue.
Resumen: los métodos de enseñanza que promueven el aprendizaje activo se enmarcan dentro de la teoría constructivista del aprendizaje. Según esta teoría, los estudiantes son el eje y los protagonistas del proceso y son ellos quienes deciden cuándo y cómo quieren aprender, mientras que el profesor es sólo un guía que orienta, motiva y retroalimenta a los estudiantes. Con este propósito, en las asignaturas de ingeniería estructural ofrecidas tanto en la carrera de Ingeniería Civil como en la de Arquitectura de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, se han implementado ayudas propias del aprendizaje activo. Estas ayudas y herramientas han estado relacionadas, en algunos casos, con ejemplos de investigación aplicada del grupo de investigación Estructuras; se han creado espacios de trabajo en pequeños grupos en donde los estudiantes experimentan con modelos estructurales existentes en el laboratorio y construidos por ellos mismos. Como resultado de estas actividades se han incrementado la motivación y el entusiasmo de los estudiantes y la asistencia a clase es permanentemente alta a lo largo del semestre. Así mismo, durante la ejecución de las actividades se observa un interés constante por parte de los * Fecha de recepción: 3 de febrero de 2006. Fecha de aceptación para publicación: 24 de abril de 2006.
American Journal of Archaeology, 2021
Following its nominal independence from Britain in 1922, Egypt increasingly protested continued European control of the Service des antiquités de l’Égypte, the office that administered archaeology and the antiquities trade. Public conflicts were frequent, pitting Western researchers against Egyptian nationalists who advocated for the decolonization of the Service. Research in the University of Michigan’s archives reveals the impact of these conflicts on the university’s papyrus collection, specifically the papyri and ostraka excavated in the Fayyum between 1924 and 1935. Unlike other objects, excavated texts were not subjected to immediate partage but were instead loaned to Michigan on the understanding that they would be divided after publication. In response to Egyptian pressure in the 1930s, however, the Service began to assert its right to recall the loans and frequently urged Michigan to expedite their publication and return. By the early 1950s, the largely Egyptianized postwar Service finally issued a recall, thereby abrogating the promised partage. Some 1,900 excavated texts nonetheless still remain in Ann Arbor, Michigan, their ownership status uncertain. In view of the recent series of controversies involving papyri of uncertain ownership and provenance, this research is of considerable salience and represents a move toward full transparency at papyrus-holding institutions.
This paper is an attempt to identify and interpret the different types of masonic secrets as they are revealed in the ritualis of eighteenth-century English Freemasons. Róbert Péter, “Unio Mystica in the Dramatic Revelation of Masonic Secrecy?” in Kathleen E. Dubs ed. Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Hiding and Revealing in Text and Performance (Piliscsaba: Péter Pázmány Catholic University, 2006), 166-178.
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International Journal of Humanities and Educational Research, 2023
Oxford Textbook of Public Mental Health, 2018
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 2013
Villa De Madrid Issn 1962 Vol N 24, 1962
The Routledge Companion to Literature, 2018
Chiasmi International, 2012
Izvestiâ Vysših Učebnyh Zavedenij i Ènergetičeskih ob Edinennij SNG. Ènergetika, 2022
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2002
Neuroscience, 2006
Rem: Revista Escola de Minas, 2014
Mechanical Engineering
Journal Of History School, 2017
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, 2020