Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
Blood cell NO synthesis in response to exercise
Antoni Sureda a, Pedro Tauler a, Antoni Aguiló a, Emilia Fuentespina b,
Alfredo Córdova c, Josep A. Tur a, Antoni Pons a,¤
Laboratori de Ciències de l’Activitat Física, Departament de Biologia Fonamental i Ciències de la Salut, Universitat de les Illes Balears,
Crtra. Valldemossa Km 7.5. E-07122-Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain
Laboratori del Carme, Hospital Son Dureta, INSALUD, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, Spain
Escuela de Fisioterapia de Soria, Universidad de Valladolid, Soria, Spain
Received 7 July 2005; revised 10 October 2005
Available online 22 December 2005
Nitric oxide (NO) is important for the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis and is also involved in immunity and inXammation.
The aim of our work was to determine the eVects of intense exercise on plasma and blood cell NO handling. Nine voluntary male professional cyclists participated in the study. Blood samples were taken in basal conditions and 3 h after Wnishing a mountain cycling stage.
Exercise-induced neutrophilia, lymphopenia, and hemolysis. Plasma and erythrocytes maintained basal nitrite levels, whereas neutrophils
and lymphocytes decreased nitrite concentration after intense exercise. Basal iNOS levels and SOD activity were similar in neutrophils
and lymphocytes. iNOS levels and SOD activity dropped in neutrophils and rose in lymphocytes after exercise. Arginase activity rose only
in lymphocytes. Neutrophil nitrite was correlated with SOD activity and iNOS levels, but not in lymphocytes. iNOS levels were correlated
with SOD in both neutrophils and lymphocytes. Intense exercise maintained plasma basal arginine and ornithine concentration, and
decreased citrulline concentration. Intense exercise induced important changes in NO handling in neutrophils and lymphocytes, yet the
basal picture was maintained in erythrocytes.
© 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Exercise; Oxidative stress; Nitric oxide synthase; Nitrite; SOD
NO is a free radical gas synthesized from L-arginine by a
family of isoenzymes called nitric oxide synthases (EC (NOSs). Three major isoforms of NOS have been
described. There are two constitutively expressed isoforms:
vascular endothelial (eNOS), neuronal (nNOS), and one
inducible (iNOS) isoform. Constitutive endothelial production of NO is important for the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis and the basal vasodilator tone [1–3]. In
addition, NO tonically inhibits platelet aggregation, leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells and smooth muscle proliferation; modulates respiration; and exerts antioxidant and
anti-inXammatory activity [4–7]. iNOS is present in many
cells involved in immunity and inXammation, which produce
Corresponding author. Fax: +34 971 173184.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (A. Pons).
1089-8603/$ - see front matter © 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
high-levels of sustained NO synthesis when cells are activated. iNOS generates greater amounts of NO compared to
the constitutive isoforms of NOS. Generation of NO is intertwined with synthesis, catabolism, and availability of arginine
[8]. NO is important as a toxic defense molecule against
infectious organisms and also regulates the functional activity, growth and death of many immune cells [9]. NO does not
act through a receptor; its speciWcity on target cells depends
on its concentration, the chemical reactivity, the vicinity of
target cells and the way target cells are programmed to
respond. When NO is generated at high concentrations it is
rapidly oxidized to reactive nitrogen oxide species (RNOS)
which mediate most of the immunological eVects. These
important regulatory functions, together with its short halflife, involve a very tight control of NO synthesis.
NO synthesized by endothelial cells diVuses to the lumen
where it is either oxidized by oxygen, resulting in the
A. Sureda et al. / Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
formation of nitrite, or it is taken up by erythrocytes.
Nitrite is relatively stable under intracellular reducing conditions, and has recently been pointed out as a storage pool
for NO synthesis in erythrocytes [10]. Hemoglobin presents
both nitrite oxidase and reductase activity, depending on its
oxygenation state [10]. Under normoxic or high oxygen
conditions, nitrite is oxidized by oxyhemoglobin, producing
nitrate and methemoglobin and preventing NO vasodilatory eVects. In the arterioles when the partial pressure of
oxygen decreases nitrite is reduced by the deoxygenated
hemoglobin formed, thus regenerating vasoactive NO, and
producing vasodilatation [11]. The potential routes of
blood NO decomposition comprise the reaction with
molecular oxygen to form nitrite or with superoxide anion
to form peroxynitrite, which subsequently decomposes to
yield nitrate [12]. Alternatively, NO can react with aromatic
compounds, amines, alcohols, and thiols to form C-, N-, O-,
and S-nitroso species [13].
Exercise enhances or reduces the immune function
depending on its frequency, duration, and intensity [14].
Exhaustive exercise decreases the functional capacity of
neutrophils and lymphocytes and increases susceptibility
to infections. Strenuous exercise induces oxidative stress
[15] and also produces tissue hypoxia. The high oxygen
demands of muscles during exercise could produce low
oxygen availability for other tissues. This observation
suggests that exercise increases the use of nitrite as NO
precursor to produce vasodilation. Blood nitrite handling
during exhaustive exercise is worth studying, as well as
the relationship between NO synthesis and oxidative
The aim of this study was to determine the inXuence of
exhaustive exercise on plasma and blood cell nitrite levels,
on blood cellular capabilities to synthesize NO and arginine
metabolization, and on blood cellular capabilities of anion
superoxide detoxiWcation. We also determined the eVects of
exhaustive exercise on the plasma arginine concentration
and its metabolic derivates, ornithine and citrulline.
Materials and methods
Nine voluntary male subjects participated in this study.
They were all professional cyclists participating in the
“Challenge Volta a Mallorca 2002,” a Wve-day competition
for professional cyclists. Subjects were informed of the purpose of this study and the possible risks involved before
giving their written consent to participate. The study protocol was in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and
was approved by the Ethical Committee of “University
Hospital Son Dureta” (Balearic Islands, Spain). The exercise was a mountain stage (171.8 Km). The mean age of the
sportsmen (§SEM) was 25.2 § 2.3 years, height 177 § 5 cm;
weight 69 § 5.4 kg, and body max index 22.1 § 1.1 § g/m.
Their VO2 max was 78.4 § 4.9 ml/kg/min. The cyclists took a
mean of 283 § 12 min to complete this stage.
Experimental procedure
Venous blood samples were taken from the antecubital
vein with suitable vacutainers with EDTA as anticoagulant.
Samples were taken the morning of the cycling stage, after
overnight fasting, and 3 h after the stage.
Blood samples were used to purify neutrophils, lymphocytes, erythrocytes, and to obtain plasma. Blood cells
and hematological parameters were quantiWed in an
automatic Xow cytometer analyser Technicon H*2
(Bayer) VCS system. Nitrite levels were determined in all
cell types and plasma. SOD and arginase enzyme activities were determined in neutrophils and lymphocytes. We
also determined the iNOS protein levels in neutrophils
and lymphocytes. Amino acids levels were measured in
Neutrophil and lymphocyte puriWcation
The neutrophil fraction was puriWed following an
adaptation of the method described by Boyum [16]. Blood
was carefully introduced on Ficoll in a proportion of 1.5:1
and centrifuged at 900g, at 4 °C for 30 min. The lymphocyte layer was carefully removed. The precipitate containing the erythrocytes and neutrophils was incubated at
4 °C with 0.15 M ammonium chloride to hemolyse the
erythrocytes. The suspension was centrifuged at 750g,
4 °C for 15 min and the supernatant was then discarded.
The neutrophil phase at the bottom was washed Wrst with
ammonium chloride and then with phosphate-buVered
saline, pH 7.4. Finally, the neutrophils were lysed with distilled water.
The lymphocyte slurry was then washed twice with PBS
and centrifuged for 10 min at 1000g, 4 °C. The cellular precipitate of lymphocytes was lysed with distilled water.
Erythrocyte and plasma puriWcation
Blood samples were centrifuged at 900g, 18 °C for
30 min. The plasma was recovered, and the erythrocyte
phase at the bottom was washed with PBS, pH 7.4. Erythrocytes were reconstituted and hemolysed with distilled water
in the same volume as plasma.
Nitrite determination
Nitrite levels were determined in all cell types and
plasma by the acidic Griess reaction using a spectrophotometric method. Lysed cells and plasma were deproteinised
with acetone and kept overnight at ¡20 °C. Samples were
centrifuged for 10 min at 15,000g at 4 °C, and supernatants
were recovered. A 96-well plate was loaded with the samples or nitrite standard solutions (100 l) in duplicate. Fifty
microliter sulfanilamide (2% w/v) in 5% HCl was added to
each well, and 50 l N-(1-napthyl)-ethylenediamine (0.1%
w/v) in water was then added. The absorbance at 540 nm
was measured following an incubation of 30 min.
A. Sureda et al. / Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
iNOS protein levels
iNOS protein levels were determined in neutrophils and
lymphocytes by ELISA using polyclonal antibody Anti
human iNOS (Stressgen). We followed an adaptation of the
previously described method [17].
Suitable dilutions of the neutrophil or lymphocyte suspensions and of the iNOS standard were placed in each well
of the plate per duplicate (Polystyrene Assay Plate, Costar).
The plate was then incubated at 37 °C for 3 h. A solution of
1% bovine albumin was added into each well and the plate
was incubated (37 °C for 3 h) to saturate all binding protein
sites of the plate. The plate was then washed 4 times with
NaCl 0.9%–Tween 20. The commercial antibody (diluted
1000-fold) was placed into each well and the plate was
newly incubated for 3 h at 37 °C. The plate was then washed
as above. The secondary antibody against the IgG chain,
conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (diluted 500-fold), was
placed into each well and the plate was incubated in the
same conditions as above. The wells were newly washed
and the phosphatase substrate solution was added. Finally,
absorbance was measured at 405 nm.
Enzyme assays
SOD and arginase activities were determined with a Shimadzu UV-2100 spectrophotometer at 37 °C. SOD activity
was measured by an adaptation of the method of McCord
and Fridovich [18]. The xanthine/xanthine oxidase system
was used to generate the superoxide anion. This anion produced the reduction of cytochrome c, which was monitored
at 550 nm. The SOD in the sample removed the superoxide
anion and produced an inhibition of the cytochrome c
reduction. Arginase activity was determined by measuring
an increase in the concentrations of ornithine [19]. In the
presence of acetic acid, ornithine reacts with ninhydrin with
a maximal absorbance at 515 nm.
Amino acid levels
In a parallel experiment, we studied the changes in blood
arginine, citrulline, and ornithine concentrations during maximal exercise. The test was performed on an electromagnetic
cycle ergometer (Ergometrics 900) equipped with a counter
to measure the exact number of revolutions. The test ended
when the subjects manifested their subjective fatigue status
and when increased work did not increase or decrease oxygen consumption; this value was the maximal oxygen volume
(VO2 max). The subjects exercised at a pedaling rate of 60 rpm.
The duration of the test was 25.3 § 0.9 min and they
explained their lack of leg muscular fatigue. The sportsmen
warmed up on the cycle ergometer for 3 min at 30 W prior to
starting the test. The test started at 50 W and the subjects’
work rate was increased by 30 W every 3 min until fatigue.
Expired oxygen was continuously monitored with a Cardiopulmonary Exercise System CPX (MedGraphics) and VO2
maximal determined automatically.
The levels of arginine, citrulline, and ornithine were
determined in plasma by HPLC following the previously
described procedure [20]. Plasma was diluted with an equal
volume of working internal-standard solution (L-methionine sulfone 0.4 mM), was deproteinized with cold acetone
(1:1.5, v/v) and the protein-free supernatant fraction was
used for individual amino acid measurements. Amino acids
were assessed by HPLC, using the PICO.TAG method [21]
developed by Waters Associates, by derivatization of
amino acids using phenylisothiocyanate. Sample amino
acid levels were calculated from the peak area using the
Maxima 820 programme.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was carried out using a statistical
package for social sciences (SPSS 11.0 for Windows).
Results are expressed as means § SEM and P < 0.05 was
considered statistically signiWcant. The statistical signiWcance of nitrite, iNOS levels, and enzymatic activities were
assessed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The
statistical factors analyzed were cell type (Cll) and exercise
(E). When signiWcant eVects were found, a Student’s t test
for unpaired data was used to determine the diVerences
between the groups involved. One-way ANOVA was also
used to determine diVerences in the cell number, hematological parameters, and amino acid levels. We also determined the correlations between SOD, arginase, iNOS, and
nitrite in neutrophils and lymphocytes.
Exhaustive exercise, as is the mountain stage, produced
neutrophilia—circulating neutrophils increased about 4
times after stage—and lymphopenia—lymphocytes
decreased about 38%—(Table 1). The cycling stage produced signiWcant decreases in hematocrit (about 12%),
erythrocyte number (about 8%), and hemoglobin concentration (about 10%) but the reticulocyte number was maintained. The basal characteristic parameters of erythrocytes,
Table 1
Hematological parameters
Neutrophils (103/l)
Lymphocytes (103/l)
LUC (103/l)
Erythrocytes (106/l)
Reticulocytes (103/l)
Hemoglobin (gr/dl)
Hematocrit (%)
VCM (Fl)
HCM (Pg)
CHCM (g/dl)
RDW (%)
2.89 § 0.28
2.43 § 0.12
111 § 8
5.14 § 0.11
0.51 § 0.07
16.3 § 0.23
46.6 § 0.6
89.9 § 1.3
31.5 § 0.4
35.0 § 0.2
13.6 § 0.1
12.3 § 1.6¤
1.50 § 0.13¤
75.5 § 10¤
4.70 § 0.13¤
0.59 § 0.06
14.6 § 0.24¤
41.0 § 0.6¤
87.5 § 1.5
31.2 § 0.4
35.7 § 0.3
13.3 § 0.1
Circulating blood cells and hematological parameters before and after the
cycling stage.
Indicate signiWcant diVerent values (one-way ANOVA test, P < 0.05).
A. Sureda et al. / Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
such as mean corpuscular volume (VCM), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (HCM), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC) maintained their values after
exhaustive exercise. Overall parameters in erythrocytes and
reticulocytes indicate the existence of hemolysis induced by
the cycling stage. The decreased hematocrit was non indicative of hemodilution.
Fig. 1 shows the plasma and blood cell nitrite concentrations before and after the mountain cycling stage. Plasma
nitrite levels after the stage were not corrected because the
apparent hemodilution was due to hemolysis. Basal plasma
and blood cell nitrite levels were maintained after the
cycling stage. Nitrite concentration in the blood cell compartment was about 7- to 10-fold that in plasma. The basal
blood cell/plasma ratio was maintained after the stage. The
contribution of the diVerent blood cell types to the total
nitrite blood cell compartment was calculated by taking
into account the nitrite concentration of each cell type and
the number of each cell type in blood. 93.8–95% of all
nitrite concentration in the blood cell compartment was
attributable to erythrocytes, 2.6–3.1% to neutrophils, and
3.6–1.9% to lymphocytes (before–after exercise).
Nitrite concentration in the diVerent blood cell types
before and after exhaustive exercise is shown in Table 2.
Nitrite levels were signiWcantly diVerent between diVerent
blood cell types, both expressed per cellular number or per
cellular volume. Erythrocytes presented the lowest and lymphocytes the highest basal nitrite concentration. The mountain cycling stage signiWcantly changed blood cell nitrite
concentration depending on blood cell type. Neutrophils
and lymphocytes signiWcantly decreased (67 and 43%) the
nitrite concentration after the cycling stage, while erythrocytes maintained the low basal nitrite concentration. The
ratio between nitrite concentrations in each blood cell type
and in plasma followed the same pattern. Lymphocytes
concentrated about 15 times more nitrite than erythrocytes
but only 1.6 times more than neutrophils at baseline. The
cycling stage decreased the ratio about 3-fold in neutrophils
and about 1.9-fold in lymphocytes, but it was maintained in
Table 2
Neutrophil, lymphocyte, and erythrocyte nitrite levels
nmol/109 cells
56.5 § 5.8a
97.2 § 12.8c
1.67 § 0.09d
18.7 § 3.5b
55.6 § 12.1a
1.75 § 0.10d
188 § 19a
324 § 42c
18.7 § 1.0d
62.6 § 11.8b
185 § 40a
19.9 § 1.2d
146 § 19a
235 § 20c
15.0 § 2.0d b
49.1 § 12.3b
125 § 26a
15.9 § 2.4d b
T £ Cll
The changes in nitrite concentration in lymphocytes
and neutrophils resulting from exhaustive exercise could
be related either to the changes in iNOS levels or to the
capability to metabolise arginine via ornithine by arginase. We determined iNOS levels and arginase activity in
lymphocytes and neutrophils (Table 3). The basal iNOS
levels were similar in lymphocytes and neutrophils when
expressed on a cellular basis. However, the iNOS levels
signiWcantly decreased about 67% in neutrophils and
increased 1.5 times in lymphocytes after exhaustive exercise. Lymphocyte arginase activity was signiWcantly
lower in lymphocytes with respect to neutrophils. The
mountain cycling stage signiWcantly increased lymphocyte arginase activity about 5.8-fold, whereas this activity
was maintained in neutrophils. Lymphocyte and neutrophil basal SOD activities were similar, but exhaustive
exercise induced an opposite pattern of change in these
cell activities: the mountain cycling stage lowered SOD
Nitrite levels expressed per nmol/109 cells, per cell volume (approximately
30 l/108 neutrophils and lymphocytes, and using the VCM for erythrocytes), and the cell type/plasma ratio. (x) SigniWcant eVects of time (T) or
cell type (Cll) or interaction of supplementation and time (T£Cll)
(P < 0.05, two-way ANOVA). DiVerent letters indicate signiWcant diVerent
values (one-way ANOVA test, P < 0.05) when a signiWcant T£Cll interaction is observed.
Blood cells
Blood cells / plasma
Fig. 1. Nitrite levels in plasma (mol/L plasma), in blood cells (mol/L blood), and the blood cells/plasma ratio.
A. Sureda et al. / Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
Table 3
iNOS protein levels, arginase, and SOD activities in neutrophils and
Neutrophils (ng/106 cells)
Lymphocytes (ng/106 cells)
409 § 52a
319 § 37c,a
134 § 29b
493 § 50d,a
T Cll T £
Neutrophils (nKat/106 cells)
2.26 § 0.24a 3.65 § 0.64a
Lymphocytes (nKat/109 cells) 57.2 § 9.1b
335 § 76c
Neutrophils (pKat/109 cells)
12.4 § 1.3a 6.00 § 0.86b
Lymphocytes (pKat/109 cells) 13.1 § 2.1c,a 25.0 § 2.6d
iNOS protein levels expressed as ng protein/10 cells, arginase activity
(nKat/109 cells) and SOD activity (pKat/109 cells). (x) SigniWcant eVects of
time (T) or cell type (Cll) or interaction of supplementation and time
(T £ Cll) (P < 0.05, two-way ANOVA). DiVerent letters indicate signiWcant diVerent values (one-way ANOVA test, P < 0.05) when a signiWcant
T £ Cll interaction is observed.
activity about 50% in neutrophils and raised it about 50%
in lymphocytes.
Plasma nitrite concentration was independent of nitrite
concentration in neutrophils, lymphocytes, erythrocytes or
whole blood cells (results not shown). However, neutrophil
nitrite concentration was strongly correlated with neutrophil SOD activity and iNOS levels, but was independent of
neutrophil arginase activity (Table 5). Lymphocyte nitrite
concentration was independent of lymphocyte SOD and
arginase activities as well as iNOS levels. iNOS levels were
correlated with SOD activity in both neutrophils and in
Arginine availability is another control point for cellular
NO production. We determined the levels of arginine, citrulline, and ornithine in plasma. Exhaustive exercise as a
maximal test maintained basal plasma concentrations of
arginine and ornithine, whereas citrulline levels decreased
(Table 4). We tried to determine the amino acid content in
cells by subtracting plasma levels from whole blood levels
(data not shown). However, amino acid levels in blood cells
were lower than the values found in plasma due to their fast
Table 4
Correlations in neutrophil and lymphocyte parameters
Bivariate correlations signiWcant at P < 0.01 level.
Correlation is signiWcant at P < 0.05 level.
Table 5
Amino acid levels in plasma and hematocrit
52.4 § 5.3
96.5 § 14.6
30.4 § 0.1
54.7 § 6.5
61.8 § 12.5
17.0 § 1.2¤
Hematocrit (%)
44.8 § 0.8
48.6 § 1.2
Levels of L-arginine, L-ornithine, and L-citrulline in plasma (mol/L)
before and after a maximal test.
Indicate signiWcant diVerent values (one-way ANOVA test, P < 0.05).
metabolization during blood processing, resulting in a negative value.
Exhaustive exercise such as a mountain cycling stage
produces a redistribution in the circulating blood cells [17].
Lymphocyte number decreased after the mountain stage, as
has been evidenced after intense exercise [22]. Exerciseinduced lymphopenia is related to apoptosis induced by
oxidative stress [22,23], and to increased probability to
suVering upper respiratory tract infections [24]. The mountain cycling stage also induced the characteristic neutrophilia evidenced after intense exercise, and an acute phase
immune response similar to infection [25].
The drop in the circulating number of erythrocytes after
the cycling stage could be attributed to hemolysis, since
reticulocyte number remained unchanged after exercise.
The hemolysis induced by exhaustive exercise is also
reXected by an important decrease in the hematocrit value
and in hemoglobin concentration. Hemolysis is more evident during recovery than during, or immediately after,
exhaustive exercise, as a result of the eVects of oxidative
stress on plasma erythrocyte membrane [26]. Intravascular
hemolysis releases hemoglobin from the erythrocytes to the
plasma, altering NO availability for endothelial cells and
for smooth muscle cells [27]. The erythrocyte membrane
creates diVusional barriers between NO and erythrocytic
hemoglobin, decreasing the rate of NO scavenging by
hemoglobin [10]. However, free hemoglobin reacts quickly
with NO resulting in the formation of nitrate and methemoglobin and, thereby, preventing the diVusion of NO
from plasma to smooth muscle [28]. The hemolysis evidenced after the mountain cycling stage could increase the
rate of NO scavenging and could limit NO bioactivity.
Exercise has been evidenced to raise plasma nitrite levels
by increasing NO synthesis in endothelial cells [29,30].
However, the nitrite levels in venous plasma and blood cells
after 3 h of intense exercise are fairly similar to the basal
ones. Apparently, nitrite plasma concentration is regulated
to maintain constant plasma levels. The metabolic pathways that tightly regulate circulating nitrite are not well
elucidated but were operative during exhaustive exercise.
NO is mainly oxidized in human plasma to nitrite [31].
Plasma nitrite is gradually oxidized to nitrate, a process
A. Sureda et al. / Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
which is greatly accelerated by the presence of heme proteins [32]. Nitrate is stable in plasma until excreted in the
urine. Circulating nitrite rather than nitrate reXects endothelial-dependent NO synthesis in humans and animals
[33]. It has been evidenced that urinary nitrate excretion is
increased immediately after a submaximal exercise test [34].
However, in our study plasma nitrite levels remained
unchanged 3 h after the exercise. The increased production
of NO during exercise is probably controlled by increasing
nitrate excretion, as a possible mechanism to control plasmatic homeostasis [34]. Nitrite is transported in blood
mainly in the cells. The main contributors are the erythrocytes, which account for about 95% of blood cell nitrite,
whereas leukocyte contribution is about 5%. However, lymphocytes are the blood cells that present the highest nitrite
concentration gradient versus plasma, whereas erythrocytes
are the blood cells with the lowest nitrite concentration gradient. The nitrite in erythrocytes might be the result of
plasma nitrite uptake or could also be the end product of
the oxidation of the NO synthesized by erythrocytic NOS
from arginine. Erythrocytes contain an un-active nitric
oxide synthase which is only activated under speciWc stimulus [35]. The great diVerences between erythrocytes, lymphocytes, and neutrophils in the cellular nitrite content
argue in favor of a low or inexistent synthesis of NO from
arginine in erythrocytes. However, erythrocytes take up
plasma nitrite, concentrating it about 15-fold with respect
to plasma. The mechanisms of nitrite intake by erythrocytes
are under evaluation [36,37]. When oxygen tension
decreases, the reduction of nitrite by deoxyhemoglobin produces NO. Erythrocyte NO generation and output, along
with the oxygen concentration gradient, could be related
with a role of nitrite-bound to erythrocytes in the vasodilatation processes in response to hypoxia. The cycling stage
maintained the same basal picture with respect to nitrite
concentration in plasma and erythrocytes.
The cellular response of immune cells to exerciseinduced oxidative stress on the synthesis of NO, degradation of superoxide anion and the limitation of L-arginine
availability for iNOS can be useful to understand NO
handling in ‘in vivo’ situations. Although neutrophils and
lymphocytes decreased the intracellular concentrations of
nitrite after exhaustive exercise, both cells showed a
diVerent enzymatic response. Exhaustive exercise increased
arginase activity in lymphocytes nearly 6-fold, limiting
L-arginine availability for lymphocyte iNOS activity. It has
been pointed out that iNOS and nNOS can produce superoxide anion at low arginine concentrations [38,39]. The limitation of arginine availability for iNOS, evidenced by a
decreased nitrite concentration, produces superoxide anion
and NO, with the consequent peroxynitrite production [38];
then, peroxynitrite could be related to post-exercise lymphopenia by activating lymphocyte apoptosis [40]. SOD is
important in NO handling strategy in lymphocytes because
it avoids ROS damaging eVects, as is evidenced by the high
increase in its activity after exercise. SOD protects from
oxidation by superoxide anion and, therefore, confers NO
with a longer half-life by sparing it from superoxide attack
and, thus, allows NO to carry out its physiological functions.
The eVects of exhaustive exercise on ‘in vivo’ arginine
availability in immune cells are unknown. Exhaustive exercise maintained the basal L-arginine and L-ornithine levels
in plasma; however it decreased plasma citrulline levels.
This picture is compatible with the existence of L-arginine
recycling from citrulline; the high L-arginine demands for
NO synthesis during exercise is reXected by the drop in citrulline levels to maintain plasma arginine concentration.
Plasma L-arginine levels are a limiting factor for NO synthesis [41]. Upon stimulation of NO production, over 80%
of the L-citrulline is recycled to arginine in endothelial cells
[42]. The limited L-arginine availability for the immune cells
during exhaustive exercise argues in favor of peroxynitrite
formation and lymphopenia induction by the mountain
cyclist stage.
Exhaustive exercise also induced an acute phase immune
response that primed neutrophils to oxidative stress [43].
This primed situation coexists with diminished antioxidant
enzyme activity [17]. This picture is evidenced again in this
work because the mountain cycling stage induced neutrophilia and decreased neutrophil SOD activity. Exhaustive
exercise reduced neutrophil capability to synthesize NO, as
evidenced by the decrease in iNOS levels and nitrite concentration—in accordance with previous Wndings [44,45]—
but maintained arginase activity. One hour of exercise at
85% VO2 max induced no changes in neutrophil immune
functions but decreased nitric oxide production by decreasing iNOS expression [44]. The quick decrease in the nitrite
content could indicate a fast metabolization of nitrite in
primed neutrophils [46]. NO production in neutrophils can
be modulated by superoxide, which, in turn, can form peroxynitrite and, subsequently, nitrate [44]. Selective inhibitors of iNOS have been observed to increase neutrophil
adhesion to endothelial cells [45]. This response agrees with
a previous study, where we evidenced an increase in the
expression of adhesion molecules in neutrophils after
intense exercise [47].
Simultaneous generation of superoxide and NO in SOD
deWciency can lead to the production of peroxynitrite anion
and initial lipid peroxidation [48,49]. The basal iNOS levels
and SOD activity were similar in neutrophils and lymphocytes, iNOS levels and SOD activity dropped in neutrophils
and rose in lymphocytes after exercise. This dual picture
could diVerentially aVect the redox status and the oxidative
damage in both cell types. We have described that lymphocytes increased the markers of oxidative damage after
intense exercise, whereas the neutrophils maintain the basal
levels [50].
In summary, NO handling in blood is speciWc for each
blood compartment. Exhaustive exercise causes important
changes in the strategies of NO handling in lymphocytes
and neutrophils but maintains the basal picture in erythrocytes. Plasma nitrite levels are tightly regulated and activated by exercise. Exhaustive exercise induces a situation of
A. Sureda et al. / Nitric Oxide 15 (2006) 5–12
limited L-arginine availability for lymphocytes which could
be related to post-exercise lymphopenia.
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