Students’ Ability in Reading Comprehension

2019, Ensiklopedia Sosial Review


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam membaca pemahaman untuk tahun kedua SMK YPM Zain Pauh Kambar Padang Pariaman pada tahun akademik 2013/2014. Penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 62 siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes membaca pemahaman. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman membaca siswa masih dalam kategori rendah. Didukung oleh data bahwa hanya 16,13% yang mendapat skor tinggi dan 29,03% yang mendapat skor rendah.

Vol. 1 No.3 Oktober 2019 Ensiklopedia Social Review STUDENTS’ ABILITY IN READING COMPREHENSION MAHARANI PUTRI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Sumatera Barat Pariaman [email protected] Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam membaca pemahaman untuk tahun kedua SMK YPM Zain Pauh Kambar Padang Pariaman pada tahun akademik 2013/2014. Penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 62 siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes membaca pemahaman. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman membaca siswa masih dalam kategori rendah. Didukung oleh data bahwa hanya 16,13% yang mendapat skor tinggi dan 29,03% yang mendapat skor rendah. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Siswa dan Pemahaman Membaca Abstract: This research was aimed to find out the students’ ability in reading comprehension for second year of SMK YPM Zain Pauh Kambar Padang Pariaman in 2013/2014 academic year. This research was quantitative approach. The sample of this research was 62 students who were taken by using random sampling technique. The data was collected by reading comprehension test. The research findings show that students’ reading comprehension still in low category. It was supported from the data that only 16.13% who got high score and 29.03% who got low score. Key Words: Students’ Ability and Reading Comprehension A. Introduction Reading as one of the English skills that is taught at school is not an easy thing for students because they should have good vocabulary, grammar,and strategies to understand the texts. Therefore, reading needs comprehension. It is the process of transferring the ideas from texts to readers' mind, or process in which students understand and get the message from the printed words. This idea is supported by Grellet (1998:182), who states that reading comprehension means understanding a written text to extract the required information from it as efficiently as possible. He emphasizes the importance of obtaining the required information in reading comprehension which refers to an active mental process. When one reads something, he actively goes along to comprehend the writer's intended message by predicting, evaluating, selecting significant details, organizing, etc. In other words, reading without comprehension is useless. In reading, students need sufficient vocabulary, knowledge of grammar, and indicators of reading to help them comprehend a text. Moreover, achievement standard requires some competencies that must be fulfilled by the students. The competencies include the ability to determine the main idea, explicit and implicit information, and reference. Therefore, in reading activity, the students need a strong analysis to make them familiar and have the little view that will be related to their prior knowledge before understanding the reading. This idea is supported by Brassel and Rasinski (2008:18). They say reading comprehension is the ability to take the information from the written text and do something with it in a way that demonstrates knowledge or understanding from information. 268 Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia E-ISSN: 2657-0300 P-ISSN: 2657-0319 Vol. 1 No.3 Oktober 2019 Ensiklopedia Social Review In every reading test, each indicator will be presented whether in daily test, mid test, semester test, and even in the national examination. Based on researcher's interview with the English teacher of SMK YPM ZAIN Pauh Kambar at grade XI, students in this school still have problems in English. When the researcher asked about the students' ability in reading, the teacher said that the students had limited vocabulary knowledge and difficulties in reading comprehension. Based on the explanation above, the researcher was interested to investigate students’ ability in reading comprehension at SMK YPM Zain Padang Pariaman kelas XI academic year 2013/2014. B. Research Methode The research used quantitative approached. Samples of this research were selected by using random sampling. Here, table of sampling which is developed from Izaac-Michael (level of significance is 95%) was used to determine number of sample. Based on the table and number of population of this research, there were 62 persons who were chosen as the sample. Meanwhile, the instrument of the research was reading comprehension test. The researcher chose multiple choice test which consisted of 25 items which derived from the texts. The answer of questions were in multiple choice (a, b, c, or d). Arikunto (2006) mentions that there are advantages of multiple choice test: this test can include all of learning material, influence of subjectivity can be avoided in its evaluation, validity and reliability of items in multiple choice test can be analyzed so the quality of the items can be identified. In this research, the indicators of reading comprehension test were developed from Brown (2004:4), they are: identifying topic, main idea, detail (stated and unstated detail), identifying reference of pronoun, figuring out the meaning of vocabulary in context, and identifying explicit and implicit meaning. C. Results and Discussion Reading comprehension data were collected from 62 students by using a test. The test consisted of 25 questions. The distribution of the scores are: mean score was 54.65, median score was 54.00, mode scores was 48.00, standard deviation was 16.09, variance was 259.118, range was 68.00, minimum score was 24.00, maximum score was 92.00, and sum score was 3388. Distribution frequency of reading comprehension was described by using Sturges rule. From 62 respondents, it got interval class was 7 and range of class was 10. Clear description about the score distribution of reading comprehension can be seen from table 1. From table 1, it can be seen that the most frequency is in interval class 3, which is 16 or 25.81% with the score 43.5 - 53.5. Meanwhile, interval class 6 and 7 are the fewest frequency, which is only 4 or 6.45% with the score 73.5 - 83.5 and 83.5 - 93.5. From table and histogram above, students' reading comprehension can be categorized as follow: High = X > (MI + 1.SDi) Fair = (MI + 1.SDi) > X > MI Low = MI > X > (MI-1.SDi) Very low = X < (MI - 1.SDi) Table 2 showed that from 62 students, there were students who got high, fair, low, and very low score in reading comprehension. The detail information as follows; 1) there were 10 students who got high score in reading comprehension with the score E-ISSN: 2657-0300 Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia 269 P-ISSN: 2657-0319 Vol. 1 No.3 Oktober 2019 Ensiklopedia Social Review bigger than 69.33; 2) there were 14 students who got fair score in reading comprehension with the score smaller than 69.33 but bigger than 58; 3) there were 18 students who got low score in reading comprehension with the score smaller than 58 but bigger than 46.67; 4) there were 20 students who got very low score in reading comprehension with the score smaller than 46.7. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that students still got difficulties in comprehending the reading text. Meanwhile, Murcia (2001:213) says that by good comprehension, the students not only get information of the text they read but also know the writer's characteristics in pouring their ideas into written forms and even various situations, such as sadness, happiness, anger, etc. Moreover, Dorn and Carla (2005:14) say comprehension is a complex process regulated by cognitive, emotional, perceptual, and social experiences. It means that if a student is reading, he/she will apply a range of comprehending strategies to monitor and sustain his/her meaning. Comprehending involves interpreting and synthesizing ideas in ways that influence the reader's mind. D. Conclusion Reading comprehension is an essential part of the reading process. It is about much more than answering literal questions at the end of passage, story, or chapter. It is an ongoing process of evolving thinking. Readers must interact with a text for comprehension to occur, and combine its ideas and information with what they already know. References Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praki Edisi Ke-VI. Jakarta : Rineka Cipta. Brassel, Danny and Resinski, Timothy. 2008. Comprehension that Work: Taking Students beyond Ordinary Understanding to Deep Comprehension. Hungtinton Beach: Shell Education. Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. Dhakal, Rebart Kumar. 2010. Making Sense of Sense: Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension. http//www.4shared.Com/ document/mWYSdg2/2 Making Sense of non Sense.Html. Retrieved on September 16th 2011. Dorn, Linda J &Soffos Carla. 2005. Teaching for Deep Comprehension: A Reading Workshop Approach. Portland: Stenhouse. Grellet, Francoise. 1998. Developing Reading Skills: A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Murcia. M. 2001. Teaching English as a Second Language, Third Edition. New York: Thomson Learning Company. 270 Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia E-ISSN: 2657-0300 P-ISSN: 2657-0319