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2019, Ensiklopedia Sosial Review
3 pages
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam membaca pemahaman untuk tahun kedua SMK YPM Zain Pauh Kambar Padang Pariaman pada tahun akademik 2013/2014. Penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 62 siswa yang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan tes membaca pemahaman. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman membaca siswa masih dalam kategori rendah. Didukung oleh data bahwa hanya 16,13% yang mendapat skor tinggi dan 29,03% yang mendapat skor rendah.
-, 2021
This writting entitled “ A STUDY ON READING COMPREHENSION OF THE EIGHTH CLASS STUDENTS OF SMP NEGERI 1 MALAKA BARAT IN THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 2021/2022” was conducted to answer the following question: 1. To what level can the reading comprehension of the eighth class students of SMP NEGERI 1 MALAKA BARAT be classified? 2. What kinds of Problem might be faced by the students? The main of Objective of this research is to find out the level of reading comprehension of the eighth class students in studying English to identify the reading problems faced by the students in learning English. The procedure in the study to describe the result quantitatively and to specify the significant effect of students. The population of this study covered eighth class students of SMP NEGERI 1 MALAKA BARAT in the school year of 2021/2022. There are twenty students by the eighth class students talking examination so the students were twenty in number (20) chosen the respondent have the writer divided into one class as sampling in gathering the data the writer gave a test of reading comprehension. The test comprises 20 items consists of multiple choice (MC) and essay test. The result of the test was conducted and presented in the form of statistic table from the data shows that there the eighth class students have a good ability in reading.
Mengutip ringkasan dan pernyataan atau mencetak ulang gambar atau table dari jurnal ini harus mendapat ijin langsung dari penulis. Produksi ulang dalam bentuk kumpulan cetakan ulang atau untuk kepentingan periklanan atau promosi atau publikasi ulang dalam bentuk apa pun harus seizin salah satu penulis dan mendapat lisensi dari penerbit. Jurnal ini diedarkan sebagai tukaran untuk perguruan tinggi, Lembaga penelitian dan perpustakaan di dalam negeri. Quoting summaries and statements or reprinting images or tables from this journal must get permission directly from the author. Reproduction in the form of a collection of reprints or for the purposes of advertising or promotion or re-replication in any form must be authorized by one of the authors and obtain a license from thepublisher. This journal is circulated as an exchange for universities, research institutions, and libraries in the country. Linguistika, Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang menyajikan artikel orisional tentang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Jurnal ini merupakan sarana publikasi dan ajang berbagi riset dan pengembangannya di bidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Pemuatan artikel di jurnal ini dialamatkan ke kantor editor. Informasi lengkap untuk pemuatan artikel dan petunjuk penulisan artikel tersedia di dalam setiap terbitan. Artikel yang masuk akan masuk proses seleksi editor. Jurnal ini terbit secara berkala sebanyak dua kali dalam setahun (Oktober,April). Pemuatan naskah tidak dipungut biaya. Linguistika, English Education Journal, is a scientific journal publishing original articles on English Education. The journal provides a broad-based forum for the publication and sharing of ongoing research and development in English Education. The paper to be presented in this journal is addressed to the editorial office. The complete information regarding the procedures to send an article is available in each volume. All articles will be subjected to review process by the editors. Starting from 2010, the journal has been periodically twice a year (October, April). CONTENTS AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' DIFFICULTIES IN SPEAKING ENGLISH AT GRADE X OF SMA PERSADA BANDAR LAMPUNG .
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Reading comprehension of texts is a basic competency in the Indonesian Subject Curriculum. The observation results show that reading comprehension is still low, especially reading comprehension of the meaning of the text and the context of a text. From these problems, it is necessary to conduct research on the level of reading comprehension of grade VII students of SMP Negeri 06, Rejang Lebong. This research aimed at describing the level of reading comprehension ability and the causes of students' misunderstanding in grade VII of SMP Negeri 06 Rejang Lebong on reading text material. This research belongs to mixed method design. The subjects of this study were 28 students of class VII from SMP Negeri 06, Rejang Lebong. Data were collected using tests, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Data validity test is done by member checking, which is assisted by language validator and triangulation. The results showed that students were not accustomed to reading texts and there were still those who were not fluent in reading.
Journal of English Language Teaching and Education (JELTE)
Quantitative descriptive research was conducted to determine the students' difficulties in reading comprehension and the factors of students' difficulties at SMPN 05 Tanah Pinoh Barat. The subjects of this study were seventh grade students of SMPN 05 Tanah Pinoh Barat. Son. Samples were selected using purposive sampling. The purpose of this study was to determine the difficulties of students in reading comprehension, and the factors of students' difficulties in class VII SMPN 05 Tanah Pinoh Barat. Researchers used quantitative descriptive methods. The subjects of this study were students of SMPN 05 Tanah Pinoh Barat. Samples were selected using purposive sampling. Data collection techniques in this study using measurement techniques and indirect communication. The instruments used are reading test and closed questionnaire. The researcher gave a test with 20 multiple choice questions. After getting the data from the reading test, the researcher analyzed the data by calcul...
Journal of Tertiary Education and Learning
In the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), the Philippines ranked the lowest among the 79 countries participating in the assessment. This study aimed to determine the proficiency of the grade 10 students at Aloran Trade High School and the difficulty of reading comprehension. The instruments used in this study were adapted reading materials from PISA assessments with questions needing subjective answers, categorized according to the different comprehensions proposed in Barrett’s Taxonomy. The researchers collected data from 40 grade 10 students who were selected randomly using a random sampling technique. Item analysis (item difficulty and item discrimination) and descriptive analysis (mean and standard deviation) were used to analyze the data. After tabulating the data gathered, the researchers determined that the students have low proficiency in reading comprehension. Furthermore, no comprehension has an easy difficulty with the proficiency of grade 10 studen...
There are four English skills that must be mastered by every student, reading is one of the most important skills to learn and master because through reading activities students can absorb the information the author wants to convey through reading texts. Reading is not just the ability to say words or sentences, but must be able to interpret the essence of the text. But in reality, students are less able to process, understand, and absorb information from what they have read. This research used qualitative data. This research was conducted on students of X PMIA 7 Students of SMA Negeri 4 Pematangsiantar in January 2022. The reason the researcher chose this class as the research subject was because they were detected as having difficulty in reading comprehension. The technique of collecting the data were interviews. The result of the research showed that some difficulties that studet’s faced in reading comprehension were difficult to understand the meaning of word, difficult to unde...
Based on preliminary research, the writer found some of male and female students did not achieve the target of curriculum 2013. They learned in equal condition and acquired knowledge from their teacher prevalently without segregation. However, many previous researchers have noted the evidence of a growing gender gap in educational achievement. Thus, this study aimed at finding out the difference on reading comprehension between male and female students at the eleventh grade of State Senior High School 1 Bangkinang Kota. The research design was comparative method and it used two instruments namely test and questionnaire. From 127 students of the population which consisted of 4 classes, the writer took 60 students which consisted of 30 males and 30 females that was taken by disproportional random sampling. In analyzing the data, inferential analysis namely Independent Sample T-Test technique was used in order to measure the difference of mean score on reading comprehension between mal...
U Jet (Unila Journal of English Teaching), 2019
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan: i) apakah ada perbedaan secara signifikan dari membaca komprehensif siswa dengan gaya belajar yang berbeda dan ii) untuk mengetahui aspek membaca komprehensif yang paling sulit dihadapi murid dalam pemahaman membaca teks bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain ex-post facto. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 30 siswa kelas VIII, SMPN 26 Bandar Lampung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuisioner gaya belajar dan tes membaca komprehensif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan pemahaman membaca siswa yang signifikan dengan gaya belajar yang berbeda. Selain itu, aspek membaca yang paling sulit dihadapi oleh siswa untuk pelajar visual adalah membuat kesimpulan, sedangkan untuk pelajar dengan gaya belajar pendengaran dan kinestetik aspek membaca tersulit adalah memahami kosa kata. Sebagai kesimpulan, setiap siswa memiliki gaya belajar yang berbeda akan menghadapi kesulitan membaca komprehensif yang berbeda.
Stranieri nel Settecento: immagini, relazioni e conflitti, 2024
del progetto "Illuministi meridionali" Prof. ssa Giovanna Scianatico, Coordinatrice del Centro interuniversitario internazionale di studi sul viaggio adriatico (C.I.S.V.A.) MARINA FORMICA, Introduzione ai lavori ore 15:30 Sessioni parallele Sessione A-Identità e differenze ANDRAS NYIRO, Incontro culturale e eredità scientifica: Giovanni Poleni e Sextus Iulius Frontinus ROSARIO PELLEGRINO-VALERIA ANNA VACCARO, Trascrizione e descrizione nei récits de voyage di un francese illustre in Italia nel XVIII secolo MINH HOANG PHAM, Les dieux des étrangers, les étrangers avec leurs dieux. Diderot sur le chemin de la déconstruction religieuse *** ROSANNA LAVOPA, «I Forestieri ci appartengono col diritto di natura». Intorno ad alcune «meditazioni» di Isidoro Bianchi ALESSANDRA MITA FERRARO, Lo 'straniero' per la civiltà giovannita. Riflessioni sul rapporto tra l'Ordine di Malta e la Russia MARIO MARINO, Fenomenologia dello straniero e identità tedesca nel viaggio di Herder in Italia Sessione B-Incontri e scontri MATTEO BORCHIA, Difficoltà e incomprensioni per gli artisti stranieri nell'Italia del Settecento ANDREA GIULIANI, Identificazione e punizione dei forestieri nella Lombardia austriaca (1769-1799) MAURIZIO PIRRO, La condanna della francofilia nella commedia di Luise Gottsched Die H ausfranzösinn, oder die Mammsell (1744)
O artigo consiste no relato feito a partir de uma revisão da literatura. A revisão buscou artigos sobre o uso de jogos e jogos digitais em sala de aula originando um resgate histórico de trabalhos a respeito da utilização de jogos em classe. Esta revisão serviu para mostrar que estudos sobre jogos permeiam as pesquisas desde os anos 1990. Os artigos que citavam diretamente jogos digitais foram utilizados na estruturação de um texto e um hipertexto foi organizado a partir destas informações. Este hipertexto foi publicado em um site (, o qual possui hospedagem gratuita de homepages. O objetivo do texto consistiu em instigar o uso de jogos digitais em sala de aula e ao final do referido hipertexto há um link para um questionário a fim de medir a eficácia do hipertexto junto aos leitores e, também, para aferir o conhecimento sobre o uso de jogos digitais em sala de aula. Jogos ou jogos digitais é um assunto que sempre rende discussão pois há professores abertos ao seu uso e há aqueles que não adquiriram uma visão a respeito do assunto. Um ponto, independente da visão do professor, é que jogos são envolventes por natureza e todas as pessoas gostam de jogar. O maior desafio para um professor é escolher um jogo que se adéque a sua sala de aula, explorá-lo até dominar e a partir disso, adaptá-lo ao seu conteúdo e utilizálo de maneira eficaz e para o aluno o desafio consiste em deixar-se envolver pela atividade e a partir dela, desenvolver a vontade de aprender.
Villanove Law Review 64:5 (2019) 679-685, 2019
Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt , 2024
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International Journal of Enviornment and Climate Change, 2023
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Biological Conservation, 2021
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