Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism after Injury
Robert R. Wolfe,* Farook Jahoor, and Wolfgang H. Hart1
Metabolism Unit, Shriners Burns lnstitute and the Departments of Surgery and Anesthesiology,
University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas 77550
Trauma induces a net loss of lean body mass,
which predisposes the patient to an increased risk
of morbidity and mortality in the acute phase.'
Furthermore, depletion of muscle mass can prolong rehabilitation to normal physiological function following recovery. Understanding the nature
of the protein catabolic response to trauma is thus
important from the therapeutic standpoint. Also,
the response to trauma provides an excellent
model with which to better understand factors
regulating protein synthesis and breakdown in
general. Unfortunately, the nature of changes in
protein and amino acid metabolism after trauma in
human subjects has not been clearly elucidated.
A major problem in piecing together a coherent picture of the overall response to trauma is the
difficulty of comparing studies done in different
groups of patients. For example, most studies of
amino acid metabolism after trauma have been
done in the context of the response to elective
surgery (see Ref. 2). In addition to complications
arising from metabolic effects of preexisting disease, and varying body composition, other problems in data interpretation exist in this group of
patients. The type of anesthesia affects the postoperative proteolysis3 as does the pre- and postoperative nutrition. Most importantly, even major
surgery is not a potent stimulus for the protein
catabolic response for a prolonged period of time.
Amino acid kinetics may return to normal within a
few days after surgery.2 Consequently, the length
of time elapsing between surgery and the study
day is a crucial variable.
The response to traumatic injury is a much
greater catabolic stimulus than is elective surgery.
The extent of injury may vary greatly, however,
and, although methods exist for categorizing patients according to ~ e v e r i t y ,such
systems can be imprecise.
The various problems related to selection and
categorization of patients to be studied can be
overcome to a great extent by studying severely
burned patients. The amount of injury can be
easily quantified by measuring the surface area
burned. Furthermore, the observed metabolic responses in patients appear to be systemic responses to injury. For example, Aulick and Wilmore5found that the rate of release of alanine from
the leg was related to the extent of total body
surface injury but unrelated to the size of limb
burn or the rate of leg blood flow in the leg being
studied. Furthermore, when patients with burns
over more than 50% of the body surface are
studied, differences in burn size do not markedly
affect the observed responses. Finally, burn injury
probably represents the most severe form of
trauma, and recovery may require months. During
recovery, a relatively stable physiological state
exists, but accelerated protein breakdown may
persist throughout. Consequently, the severely
burned patient is an excellent model for understanding the response to trauma.
Loss of as much as 20% of the body protein
may occur in the first 2 weeks following major
burn injury.6 Contrary to expectations, however,
when aggressive nutritional support is provided
the proteolytic response is not maximal immediately after injury but may peak as much as 1month
after injury. We recently completed a longitudinal
study of severely burned children
burn size =
65% of body surface) designed to examine amino
acid and urea dynamics in the various phases of
*To whom correspondence should be addressed at
Shriners Burns Institute, 610 Texas Avenue, Galveston,
Texas 77550.
DiabetedMetabolism Reviews, Vol. 5, No. 2, 149-164 (1989)
0 1989 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CCC 0742-4221/89/020149-16$04.00
response to i n j ~ r y We
. ~ were particularly interested in defining the roles of changes in protein
synthesis and breakdown in mediating the catabolic (flow phase) and then anabolic (convalescent
phase) responses to injury. The absolute rate of
whole-body protein breakdown was assessed from
the plasma flux of the essential amino acids (EAA)
leucine, valine, and lysine, as determined with
stable isotopic tracers. The rate of urea production
(determined with I5N2urea) was used as an index
of net protein catabolism. Protein synthesis was
inferred from the ratio of mean EAA flux to urea
production. Patients were studied in the postabsorptive state in order to eliminate any direct
dietary influence on the underlying changes in
protein kinetics due to the injury.
Compared with values obtained in recovered
children, the plasma fluxes of all 3 EAAs were
increased, indicating an increased rate of protein
breakdown during the acute (2-4 days after injury), flow (2-4 weeks after injury), and convalescent (achievement of full epithelialization of
all burn wounds) phases of injury. The rate of urea
production, however, was only significantly increased during the flow phase, suggesting that
accelerated protein breakdown was counteracted
in the acute and convalescent phases by concomitant elevations in protein synthesis. The increase in net catabolism in the "flow" phase could
therefore be attributed to a relative impairment in
protein synthesis, as compared with the situation
in either the acute or convalescent phase. The
protein kinetic response did not correlate with
changes in the metabolic rate, since resting energy
expenditure was significantly increased above predicted levels during the acute and flow phases (40
and 50%, respectively) and returned to normal in
The dependence of our results on the time
after injury at which the patients were studied may
partially explain the diverse results of other investigations of the changes in whole-body protein
synthesis and breakdown in response to injury.
Also, variations in nutritional intake have probably
contributed to apparently conflicting conclusions,
since protein intake influences the rate of protein
synthesis and breakdown at the whole-body level.
Decreased nutrient intake decreases protein synthesis and breakdown,' and intravenous feeding,
as opposed to enteral feeding, may also decrease
protein turnover.' Thus, the fall in protein synthesis after surgery reported by O'Keefe et al." could
as easily have been due to the fact that the patients
were fed normally during their study before sur-
gery, and were given only glucose and electrolytes
for the 3 days before the data were collected for the
turnover calculations after surgery, as to the effect
of surgery per se. The failure to control protein
intake similarly complicates the interpretation of
the data reported by K e n et al." in burned children. In contrast to the report of O'Keefe et al.,"
Kien et al. used an ['5N]glycine technique and
concluded that both protein synthesis and catabolism were increased after injury and that the increases were related to the size of injury.
However, since their dietary regime involved giving graded doses of protein energy intake based on
the size of the injury, there was also a direct
relationship between protein intake and the rate of
protein synthesis. It is therefore not certain which
of the two variables were responsible for the
increases in synthesis and breakdown.
We evaluated the influence of nutritional intake on the rates of whole-body protein turnover
in severely burned patients using l-'3C-leucine as
tracer." With appropriate priming doses, this approach allows the calculation of rates of synthesis
and breakdown in a 2-h period. This enables us to
study patients in both the fed (intravenously) state
as well as after 10 h of fasting. Studies were
performed at the end of two 3-day dietary control
periods during which they received 1.5 g protein/
kg day, or 2.5 g protein/kg d with total calories
matched. When the patients were studied in the
fed state, nutrient administration stimulated protein synthesis rather than inhibiting protein
breakdown. When protein intake was increased,
both synthesis and breakdown were stimulated
correspondingly, but net balance was not affected.'*
If variations in protein intake and severity of
injury are accounted for, the results of previous
studies still can be divided into those that indicate
net protein catabolism results from a fall in protein
synthesis below the breakdown
others suggest that it is due to an elevation in
protein breakdown rate.11,14-17
The results of our
longitudinal study confirm that two distinct phenomena are involved, but that they are operative
during different phases of recovery after injury.
More fundamental than the issue of the time
after injury at which a study is performed or the
rate of nutrient intake is the question of whether
the concept of whole-body protein synthesis is a
valid way in which to consider the complicated
picture of protein metabolism in man. Furthermore, if one accepts the general concept of wholebody protein turnover, one must question if there
are any reliable means by which to determine the
true value. The primary problem is that wholebody N flux is an entity that cannot be measured
by any known method. Traditionally, investigators
have utilized the flux of an essential amino acid to
deduce a value for whole-body N flux, based on
the assumption that the percent contribution of the
essential amino acid flux to whole-body N flux is
equal to its percent concentration in mixed wholebody protein.I8This assumption, however, has not
been validated and seems unlikely. The rate of
efflux and influx of an essential amino acid from
and into a particular protein will be a function of
the pool size of that protein, its percent composition of that particular essential amino acid, and the
rate of turnover of the protein.” Since the wholebody is composed of numerous proteins, with
different pool sizes and different turnover rates,
some relatively fast (e.g., liver-soluble proteins),
some very slow (e.g., skeletal muscle proteins),”
and each has its own unique amino acid composition (e.g., lysine content of skeletal muscle, serum
albumin, fibrinogen, and fibronectin is 5.1, 9.0,
7.5, and 3.6%, r e s p e c t i ~ e l y ) , ~it~is- ~highly
unlikely that taken together they will contribute
equally to the whole-body flux of an essential
amino acid. Consequently, although a certain
amount of information can be obtained from
whole-body turnover measurements, the results of
these studies should be considered carefully in
light of the theoretical limitations resulting from
the necessity of making assumptions known to be
Because of the interpretative limitations of
whole-body studies, it is useful to consider the
responses of individual tissues. Most attention has
been focused on skeletal muscle, since clinical and
biochemical evidence suggest that muscle is the
major source of the N loss following severe inFurthermore, it is widely believed that
increased muscle protein breakdown is in large
part responsible for the net loss of skeletal muscle
in trauma. This notion is supported by several
studies that have reported elevated 3-methylhistidine (3-MH) excretion in elective surgical traumaz6
and septic patients29 as a reflection of muscle
protein breakdown. However, since 3-MH excretion also results from the breakdown of skin and of
smooth muscle, the effect of trauma on muscle
protein breakdown cannot be quantified from
3-MH excretion data. This is shown by the results
reported by Rennie et al.30They found that surgery
caused a 40% decrease in the rate of release of
3-MH across the leg but overall a 40% increase in
total 3-MH excretion. Thus, the increase in 3-MH
excretion after trauma may not reflect skeletal
muscle protein breakdown. Rather, Rennie et al.
proposed that injury causes a decreased rate of
muscle protein breakdown, but that muscle protein synthesis is decreased to an even greater
extent.30The concept of decreased muscle synthesis after injury is supported by estimation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle after elective
abdominal surgery using the concentration and
size distribution of ribosomes. Wernerman et al.31
found that the percentage content of polyribosomes, total ribosome concentration, and the
polyribosome concentrations per milligrams of tissue DNA were all decreased 1 and 3 days after
abdominal surgery as compared with the values
before surgery. Furthermore, total parenteral nutrition did not prevent the decrease.
Isotopic uptake estimations of skeletal muscle
protein synthesis studied in vivo in animals have
yielded variable results. Lue3’ found mild, transient depression of mixed muscle protein synthesis
following hysterectomy in rats, whereas Moldawer
et al.33found muscle protein synthesis to be increased in trauma in amino acid-fed rats. Frayn
and M a y ~ o c kshowed
impairment of muscle protein synthesis but no effect on degradation following a 20% dorsum burn in the rat, and in the same
animals they found that neither synthesis nor
degradation was affected in extensor digitorum
longus. Differences in animal models, nutritional
status, and methods of investigation may explain
some of the discrepancies in reported responses,
but close inspection of each paper reveals no
obvious reason for the observed differences.
The study of isolated muscle taken from injured and uninjured limbs has enabled more detailed investigation of the alterations in the regulation of protein metabolism after injury. The
incubated rat soleus muscle preparation taken
from burned and unburned limbs has been used
by both Shangraw and T ~ r i n s k yand
~ ~ Odessey
and Parr.36Both authors found an increased rate of
net protein breakdown in muscle taken from the
injured limb but not from the uninjured limb.
Consistent with the whole-body data,’ leucine
oxidation was stimulated in the muscle from the
burned limb. Odessey and Parr reported that insulin at a concentration of 100 pUlml was effective in
stimulating protein synthesis and inhibiting net
proteolysis, but leucine failed to suppress protein
catabolism in burned muscle.36Both authors found
that muscle from the unburned limb responded
similarly in all respects to muscle from unburned
controls, suggesting that the observed responses
in the muscle from the burned limb were due to
either muscle injury or other local factors resulting
from the wound itself.36This finding leads to the
conclusion that there is not a generalized proteolytic response to injury. However, since in this
experiment only 3% of the total surface of the rat
was burned, a more likely explanation is that the
injury was not severe enough to elicit a systemic
Studies assessing the response of muscle metabolism in man after injury have generally been
limited to the measurement of the arterial-venous
(A-V) balance across a limb. In general, these
studies support the concept of accelerated muscle
protein breakdown, in that net release of amino
acids is accelerated from either the leg or the
f ~ r e a r m . ~Alanine
, ~ ~ - ~and
~ glutamine constitute
more than 60% of the total amino acid efflux from
the periphery. As the severity of the trauma increases, or in sepsis, the net efflux of amino acids
from the periphery is even greater than after
The increased amino acid uptake by the
splanchnic bed serves the processes of gluconeogenesis and the synthesis of acute phase proteins. The relationship between amino acid release, gluconeogenesis, and ureagenesis will be
discussed below in the context of the role of
alanine and glutamine in transferring N from the
periphery to the splanchnic area. The stimulation
of the synthesis of acute-phase proteins, such as
C-reactive protein, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein and
fibrinogen, should not be confused with a generalized stimulation of all hepatic proteins. For example, albumin synthesis appears to be depressed in
injured patients.&
The concept of a transfer of amino acids from
the periphery to the splanchnic area stems from
the observation that the increased release of amino
acids from the periphery is matched by increased
clearance of amino acids from the slanchnic area.
The rate of splanchnic clearance of amino acids
reflects their peripheral rate of release, in that
there is a modest increase in net uptake after
elective s ~ r g e r y , and
~ , ~with
~ more severe injury
(such as burns), the splanchnic uptake increases
to a greater extent. Sepsis generally increases
splanchnic uptake even further,38but in severely ill
patients the ability of the liver to clear amino acids
seems to fa11.43,46
However, it is also possible in
severely ill patients that altered plasma concentrations of certain amino acids reflect altered peripheral release, rather than hepatic dysfunction. For
example, plasma phenylalanine increases in severely injured patients and is particularly elevated
in sepsis.47This has generally been considered to
reflect hepatic insufficiency: specifically, a deficiency in hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase, the
enzyme which converts phenylalanine to tyrosine.
However, this may not always be the case. It has
been shown that when either nonseptic or septic
burn patients, with elevated phenylalanine levels,
were given an oral dose of 100 mg phenylalanine/
kg, the clearance of the absorbed phenylalanine
was actually elevated in the patients, with the
highest clearance rate occurring in the septic patients.47
The general pattern of responses to injury or
sepsis involves accelerated net breakdown of skeletal muscle, with an increased uptake of amino
acids in the splanchnic bed. The amino acids taken
up in the liver at increased rates serve as precursors for accelerated gluconeogenesis, with subsequent urea production, and for the synthesis of
acute phase proteins. Additional urea production
may occur as a direct consequence of the metabolism of some amino acids, particularly glutamine.
The increase in urea production is the end product
of the increase in net protein catabolism induced
by injury.
The relationships of the increased net loss of
body mass to changes in protein synthesis and
breakdown is not entirely clear. The results of
studies have been difficult to collate coherently,
due to differences in nutritional intake, severity
of injury, and the time following injury at which
the various studies have been performed. Our
own studies suggest that accelerated protein
breakdown persists from the time of injury
throughout convalescence, even when this process
is protracted over a period as long as several
months. The phase of maximal net catabolism
results from a relative impairment in protein synthesis, which is apparently refractory to nutritional
support. The transition from the catabolic phase to
the anabolic phase of recovery from injury is
characterized by an increase in protein synthesis
that is sufficient to overcome this accelerated rate
of protein breakdown.
The general scenario outlined above is generally consistent with other reports in the literature,
but there are certainly inconsistencies. In part,
these inconsistencies probably stem from limitations, both conceptual and practical, in dealing
with whole-body protein turnover measurements.
Consequently, it is worthwhile to consider the
response of the metabolism of specific amino
acids, rather than relying entirely on studies focused principally on protein metabolism at the
whole-body or tissue level. Below we will focus on
the metabolism of the three amino acids, leucine,
alanine, and glutamine, that have received the
most attention with regard to their role in the
response to injury or sepsis.
COP Production From Leucine
e zyx
A. Response of Leucine Metabolism to Injury
Studies in humans12 and animals33 have
clearly established that leucine oxidation is increased after trauma. Since an increase in metabolic rate occurs after injury, it is possible that the
increased leucine oxidation simply reflects an overall increase in energy expenditure. However, this
is not the case. We performed the same experimental protocol in burn patients and normal volunteers in whom energy expenditure was increased either by cold exposure49or by modest
exercise.50The results are summarized in Figure 1.
In normal volunteers, increased energy expenditure caused by either exercise or cold exposure
caused a decrease in the relative contribution of
leucine oxidation to total C 0 2 production. This
would be expected teleologically, since it would
not be anticipated that an essential amino acid
would be a preferred energy substrate but rather
that adaptive mechanisms selectively spare essential amino acids in periods of increased energy
expenditure. In contrast, after severe injury the
increase in leucine oxidation is disproportionately
greater than would be expected from the increase
in energy expenditure. Clearly this represents a
response that does not follow the normal pattern
of adaptation to a state of increased energy expenditure.
There are at least two possible explanations
for the high rate of leucine oxidation after injury.
One possibility is that there is an energy fuel deficiency stemming from an impairment of both
glucose and fat oxidation in the muscle, leading to
an energy-deficient state in the muscle which can
only be alleviated by oxidation of branched chain
amino acids. The alternative possibility is that the
stimulation of muscle protein breakdown leads to
an accumulation of free leucine in the muscle, and
since leucine oxidation reflects its availability to at
least some extent, leucine oxidation increases. Sev-
Figure 1. Leucine oxidation in various hypermetabolic states. When expressed in terms of the
percent contribution to overall C 0 2 production,
leucine oxidation decreases in both cold exposure
and exercise in normal man but is increased in
burn patients. Adapted from References 12, 49,
and 50.
era1 lines of evidence argue against the first hypothesis and support the second possibility. First,
we have shown that pyruvate oxidation is elevated, not inhibited in burn patients. Furthermore,
stimulation of pyruvate oxidation with dichloroacetate does not affect leucine oxidation. Secondly, isotopic studies have generally indicated an
enhanced, not impaired, ability to oxidize fat after
injury and in sepsis.51 Finally, the intracellular
concentration of leucine is elevated in the muscle
of injured patient^.^^-^^ If leucine oxidation was
increased because of an energy substrate deficit,
one would expect the intracellular leucine concentration to be depleted and surely not to be increased.
The proposal to infuse branched-chain amino
acids (BCAA) for the nutritional therapy of
critically ill patients is generally based on the thesis
that an increased rate of oxidation of BCAA in
muscle stems from a deficit in oxidizable energy
substrates, thereby creating a state in which these
essential amino acids may fall below the level
necessary to optimally support protein synthesis.
However, as discussed above, this proposal is
groundless, since there is neither a demonstrable
impairment of either glucose of fat oxidation in the
muscle of injured humans, nor is there a lack or
decreased availability of BCAA for protein synthesis.
An alternative rationale for providing BCAA
to patients is that leucine can exert a specific
stimulatory effect on protein synthesis. In vitro
studies have shown that leucine concentration can
exert a regulatory effect on the rates of both
synthesis and degradation in rat skeletal musc1e.55,56
Similar findings of a regulatory effect specific to leucine in perfused rat hearts suggested
that the effect was not a simple result of provision
of an oxidizable substrate.57However, studies of in
vivo infusions of BCAA into starving but otherwise unstressed guinea pigs5' and rats59showed
protein sparing compared with starvation but not
compared with glucose infusions of similar caloric
value. Additional protein sparing by BCAA could
not be demonstrated in a well-controlled study in
dogs6' or in fasting man.61
Since the intramuscular concentration of leucine is higher after injury than before, it follows
that any effect of exogenously infused leucine
should be demonstrable in the normal circumstance more readily than after injury. It is therefore
expected that most recent studies of the effectiveness of nutritional support regimens with enriched
RCAA have failed to show a positive benefit in
stressed patients (e.g., Ref. 62).
Rate of
Appearance 5
( rnglkg min 1
(brnolelkg rnin 1
B. Response of Alanine Metabolism to Severe
Trauma and Sepsis
Severe trauma and sepsis are characterized by
a markedly elevated alanine flux, most of which
originates in skeletal m ~ s c l e . ~ , ~ ' ,Th
~ ere
~ , " is a
correspondingly marked increase in the splanchnic
(liver) uptake of alanine.46,64
We have shown that
this increased alanine flux is associated with an
increased hepatic glucose and urea production
rate,63suggesting that alanine fuels a stimulated
gluconeogenic ~ a t h w a y . ~The
~ - contribution
alanine to the accelerated gluconeogenesis of
trauma and sepsis is more than twice its contribution in the normal postabsorptive state.63r65
increased gluconeogenesis, hence ureagenesis
from alanine, is therefore an important component
of the hyperglycemia and net loss of N characteristic of the catabolic phase of severe injury and
Although it has been suggested that the increased gluconeogenesis of severe trauma and
sepsis is a direct consequence of an increased need
for glucose,66we have shown (Figure 2) that infu-
Gluconeogenesis 0.4
From Alanine
(mglkg. rnin 1 o.2
Figure 2. Glucose and alanine kinetics in normal
volunteers and septic patients. In sepsis alanine is
an important gluconeogenic precursor, and gluconeogenesis from alanine is not suppressed by
glucose infusion at 4 mg/kg/min. Data from References 63 and 67.
sions of exogenous glucose do not inhibit the rate
of gluconeogenesis from alanine or urea production rate to the extent seen in normal control^.^^,^'
A more likely mediator of this metabolic abnormality is the altered hormonal profile of severe
trauma and sepsis. For example in severe burn
injury and sepsis, although there may be hyperinsulinemia, glucagon levels are so highly elevated
that the glucagonhnsulin molar ratio may be increased several-fold.68 The elevated plasma glucagon is responsible, at least in part, for the increased gluconeogenesis, hence the increased
~ r e a g e n e s i s During
the simultaneous lowering
of insulin and glucagon by somatostatin infusion
in burned patients, we showed that glucose production decreased despite an increase in alanine
flux. This response accompanied the hyperglycemia resulting from the reduced clearance of glu-
cose due to the insulin deficiency created by the
somatostatin infusion. These results suggested
that glucose production (and gluconeogenesis) is
controlled (hormonally) at the liver and not by
amino acid supply.68This interpretation is further
supported by our observation that the infusion of
alanine at the rate of 2 mg/kg/min did not stimulate glucose prod~ction.~'
Thus, although peripheral net protein breakdown and hepatic gluconeogenesis are related, gluconeogenesis is not
driven by the accelerated rate of amino acid release
from peripheral tissues.
Hyperglycemia, caused either by somatostatin
in burned patients or by exogenous glucose infusion in normal subjects (Figure 2), elicits a 25-30%
increase in alanine f l ~ x . ~This
~ , ~suggests
that the
increased rate of alanine synthesis and efflux from
muscle in severe trauma and sepsis is a direct
consequence of an increased availability of pyruvate from an accelerated glycolysis, reflecting a
higher rate of glucose production and uptake.71
That is, the rate of glycolysis is the limiting factor
for alanine release from muscle in severe trauma
and sepsis. This is supported by the fact that when
dichloroacetate was administered to burned patients to stimulate PDH activity, hence pyruvate
oxidation, there was a concomitant decrease in
alanine flux, clearly suggesting that the availability
of pyruvate was the major determinant of alanine
synthesis and
It is possible that, because of the high rate of
glycolysis in trauma and sepsis, alanine synthesis
acts as an alternative glycolytic end product to
lactate. Diversion of pyruvate to alanine may serve
the useful purpose of preventing an excessive
synthesis of lactate, which can disturb the normal
redox state of the cell via the lactate dehydrogenase reaction and also ultimately lead to
lactic acidosis. In addition, since alanine is a major
gluconeogenic precursor, it is a safe way of transporting "excess" 3-carbon ketoacids, due to a
stimulated glycolysis, from the peripheral tissues
to the liver for g l u c o n e ~ g e n e s i s .In
~ ~doing
, ~ ~ this,
however, it receives amino-N from glutamate,
aspartate, and the BCAAs in peripheral tissues
and transfers it to the liver where it is incorporated
into urea and excreted in the urine, resulting in
negative N balance. It is therefore a possibility that
although the primary role of alanine is to transfer
carbon from the periphery in order to avoid lactic
acidosis, in so doing it leaches N from the skeletal
muscle bed. This is reflected by the lower intramuscular concentrations of several amino acids
but, of most significance, of glutamine, which
represents the largest pool of intracellular labile
a m i n ~ - N . Therefore,
~ ~ - ~ ~ the depletion of intracellular glutamine in trauma and sepsis may be the
result of a general lack of nonessential amino-N,
and more specifically glutamate, the immediate
precursor of both alanine and glutamine, which is
preferentially consumed for alanine synthesis.
Thus, the increase in protein breakdown in muscle
may be in response to the need for amino-N to
produce alanine, since only five amino acids can
donate N towards alanine synthesis." If this is
true, then the increased synthesis and efflux of
alanine from skeletal muscle is probably the primary cause for the decrease in protein synthesis
seen in sepsis and trauma, as it has been shown
that there is a close relationship between intramuscular glutamine concentrations and the rate of
protein synthesis.73Furthermore, it has been proposed that the reduced rate of protein synthesis is
due to a lack of nonessential a m i n ~ - N . ~ ~
On the other hand it has been argued that the
increased efflux of alanine and other amino acids
from peripheral tissues and uptake by the central
organs, is an adaptation necessary to furnish
amino acids from the largest protein store in the
body, skeletal muscle, to the central organs for the
synthesis of vital acute phase proteins.45
C. Response of Glutamine Metabolism to Severe
Trauma and Sepsis
Glutamine is synthesized from glutamic acid
and ammonia in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which occurs in most
animal tissues and organ^.^^,^^ It is a precursor of
pyrimidine, the purine ring, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide, glucosamine-6-phosphate, the imidazole ring of histidine and several other N compounds." It also plays a central role in the storage
and transport of ammonia in the body, thereby
acting as a detoxifying agent.7',79Although most
(80-90%) N is excreted as urea, all the enzymes of
the urea cycle are present in significant quantities
only in hepatic cells. The glutamine synthetic
pathway is therefore the mechanism responsible
for maintaining the ammonia level within a nontoxic range in all other organsS7' Unlike urea,
which is primarily an excretory form of N, glutamine is considered a form of N storage, since it can
be transported from one part of the body to
another for reutilization.'0,81Glutamine is released
from peripheral tissues*','' and taken up by kidney" and splanchnic bed.80,'' The role of glutamine as a means of storing N is reflected by its
high concentration in the body. Glutamine is presneogenesis and concomitant ureagenesis. The
ent in high concentrations in all organs and tisanatomical location of the gut makes it an ideal site
for glutamine metabolism, hence ammonia detoxis u e ~ . ~It~ comprises
69% of the free amino acids
of human skeletal muscles5 and about 20% of the
fication, since the portal blood draining the gut
plasma amino-N pool of man.78The reutilization of
passes through the liver before reaching the sysN stored as glutamine is to a large part facilitated
temic circulation.
by the presence of two glutamine hydrolyzing
Why is it necessary for the gut to adapt to the
enzymes, glutaminase 1 (L-glutamine amidouse of glutamine as its primary source of fuel in
hydrolyase) and glutaminase 11 (L-glutamine
severe catabolic illnesses? The answer may reside
transaminase W-amidase) in most organs. 78,79
in the findings of studies in which glucocorticoids
Glutamine is also an important source of
were administered to otherwise normal dogs.87,93
energy for the gut, which has been shown to be a
After dexamethasone treatment there was a 23%
major site for the uptake of circulating glutafall in intracellular amino-N in skeletal muscle,
Up to 66% of dietary glutamine is
glutamine accounting for 80% of this fall. There
metabolized in the intestinal cells,88which have a
was a marked increase in glutamine efflux from
requirement for glutamine as their principal respiskeletal muscle93 and a doubling of glutamine
ratory fuel in both the fed and fasted states.89
uptake by the
At the same time the gut
As discussed above, the response to severe
switched from a net glucose uptake to net glucose
trauma or sepsis is characterized by a net loss of
release, suggesting that the adaptation to an inbody nitrogen, most of which originates from
creased use of glutamine as a source of energy
skeletal muscle pr~tein.'~,'~
There is an increased
leads to the sparing and production of g l ~ c o s e . ~ '
efflux of amino acids from skeletal m ~ s c l e , ~of~ , ~ This
~ , ~may be a means of providing the extra glucose
which glutamine alone accounts for as much as
needed by the body to fuel the metabolism of the
50%.%This is reflected by a marked reduction in
reparative tissues which have a requirement for
the size of the intracellular glutamine pool of
glucose as an energy source.
muscle tissue. 74 Despite this increase in glutamine
A sufficient supply of glutamine to the gut
flux, its plasma concentration is significantly deappears to be essential for gut integrity. When rats
creased, indicating that there is an increased rate
are kept on TPN solutions lacking glutamine, there
of removal by other organs exceeding its rate of
is mucosal atrophy of the small intestine.94The
release from muscle t i s ~ u e .The
~ ~organ
, ~ ~ primarily
addition of glutamine to standard TI" solutions
responsible for this accelerated rate of glutamine
diminishes the mucosal atrophy that occurs during
uptake is the
Postoperatively, in dogs subTI",95 and treatment with intravenous nutrition
jected to a standard laparatomy, there is a 75%
solution containing glutamine diminishes jejunal
increase in the rate of glutamine uptake by the gut,
cell loss and accelerates mucosal recovery after
whereas glutamine renal uptake remains uninjury by 5-fluorouracil. In addition daily urinary
changed.45The increase in gut glutamine uptake
nitrogen excretion showed an improved N bala n ~ e Also
. ~ ~ in rats being fed 200 kcal/kg/day
may be due to glutamine's role as a respiratory
fuel." In the gut about 60% of glutamine carbon is
intravenously, there was a 34% reduction in 3completely oxidized to C02, and the rest appears
methylhistidine excretion in a group receiving 6.57
as lactate (11%)citrate (6%) and several other
mmol/day glutamine compared with another
amino acids. About 38% of its nitrogen is released
group receiving 6.57 mmol/day alanine instead.97
into portal circulation as ammonia, 24%as alanineSince about 50% of 3-methylhistidine is believed to
N, 28% as citrulline-N, and the rest as glutamate,
be of gut origin in the rat, this is further evidence
proline, and ornithine.88The portal ammonia rethat glutamine plays a major role in the preservamoved by the liver is used primarily for the syntion of gut integrity. These findings suggest that
thesis of glutamine and urea and the alanine for
the mucosal atrophy of the small intestine in
gluconeogenesis and ~reagenesis.",~~
severe injury could be due to a deficiency of
there is also an increased release of alanine from
peripheral tissues, gut glutamine-derived alanine
There is uncertainty about the underlying
accounts for about 50% of total hepatic alanine
factor(s) responsible for this increased net efflux
uptake. Thus, in fulfilling its role as a primary
and consequential intracellular depletion of glutasource of energy for the gut following trauma,
mine in peripheral tissues. There is evidence to
glutamine also serves as a major carrier of carbon
suggest that it is mediated by the glucocorticoid
and nitrogen, to fuel the increased hepatic glucohormones which elicit changes in glutamine kinet-
ics identical to those seen in severe trauma and
~ e p s i s .It~has
~ proposed that the increased
rate of net protein breakdown in peripheral tissues
is necessary to supply amino acids as a source of
energy, since there is a deficit in peripheral fuel
supply due to an impaired free fatty acid uptake
and an inability to completely oxidize glucose.98
The increased availability of amino acids is also
needed to fuel an increased rate of gluconeogenesis which is mediated by a decreased insulin/glucagon molar ratio",68 in order to satisfy a greater
demand for glucose by the body.66 This would
adequately explain the intracellular depletion and
increased efflux of glutamine from skeletal muscle
tissue^,",'^ but as mentioned above, the theory of a
deficit in peripheral fuel supply has not been
supported experimentally.
Another proposal is that wounded tissues
have a requirement for glutamine. From rat hind
limb perfusion studies it was reported that the
decrease in intracellular glutamine induced by
wounding skeletal muscle with A-carrageenan was
not due to an increased release of the amino acid,
nor to a reduction in the capacity to synthesize it,
but to an increase in glutamine utilization at the
site of injury, most probably by macrophages and
fibroblasts present in the inflammatory infiltrate.99
This would suggest that wounded tissues also
have a requirement for glutamine during healing.
If an imbalance in protein kinetics in peripheral tissues is responsible for the loss of muscle
tissues evident in severe trauma and sepsis, one
would expect an elevation in intracellular amino
acid concentration and not a decrease. This is true
for several amino acids, the BCAAs, the aromatics,
methionine, glycine, and alanine. The concentration of lysine, histidine, arginine, and glutamine,
however, are significantly decreased, resulting in a
markedly lower muscle-to-plasma ratio in the case
of g l ~ t a m i n eThis
. ~ ~ is a clear indication that there
is an enhanced transport of these amino acids out
of the intracellular compartment. In muscle tissue
a special transport system has been identified, in
vitro, for glutamine, whose properties can explain
the abnormal profile of glutamine distribution in
trauma and sepsis."' The response of the glutamine transporter is such that there is an increase in
the net efflux of glutamine and a fall in intramuscular concentration occurring concomitantly
with an increase in intramuscular sodium, after
muscle was exposed in vivo to bacteria or endotoxin, prior to in vitro study, or if plasma insulin
was decreased or epinephrine and glucagon increased in vivo prior to in vitro study."' These
experimental conditions are comparable to the
situation in severe trauma and sepsis.
It is possible that the stimulation of such an
amino acid transport system represents one of the
underlying mechanisms responsible for the
massive loss of protein from muscle following
trauma or sepsis. For example, it has been proposed by several investigators that the unavailability of the essential amino acid lysine intracellularly may be the rate-limiting factor for protein
synthesis.74Also, intracellular glutamine depletion
could mean a lack of sufficient nonessential aminoN to provide all of the nonessential amino acids
needed for protein synthesis.74 Evidence to support the latter hypothesis comes from MacLennan
et al.,73who demonstrated a positive relationship
between protein synthetic rate and intracellular
glutamine concentration in perfused rat skeletal
muscle both in the presence and absence of insulin. They further hypothesized that glutamine may
have a direct stimulatory effect on protein synthesis, based on the observation that methionine
sulfoximine, an inhibitor of glutamine synthetase,
depressed protein synthesis but not glutamine
concentration in muscle perfused without glutamine. Because the inhibitor compound and glutamine are similar in structure, it was hypothesized
that methionine sulfoximine binds to the same site
at which glutamine normally binds to cause a
stimulation of protein synthesis." Although the
exact mechanism by which an adequate intracellular glutamine concentration stimulates protein
synthesis is still uncertain, it is known that maintaining normal glutamine concentrations intramuscularly after a standard laparotomy in dogs by
administering adequate balanced amino acid solutions or glutamine enriched (50%) amino acid
solutions leads to a reduction of amino acid efflux
from hindquarters and conservation of muscle
protein." Thus in severe trauma and sepsis, conditions characterized by massive loss of muscle protein, preservation of normal intramuscular glutamine concentrations may be necessary to conserve
muscle protein.
The mechanism(s) responsible for the protein
catabolic response to trauma remains undefined.
Therefore, discussion of the mediators must be
speculative. This discussion will focus primarily on
results of studies of human subjects in order to at
least eliminate concern about the relevance of a
particular animal model to the human response.
A. Counter-regulatoryHormones
The so-called counter-regulatory hormones
glucagon, catecholamines, and glucocorticoids are
elevated (to varying extents) in stressed patients.
At one time or another, all of these have been
shown to stimulate the catabolism of some component of the body (i.e., glycogen, fat, protein). It
is therefore logical to look to these hormones as
potential mediators of the metabolic response to
B. Glucagon
Results from studies in which glucagon is
given acutely either as a bolus or over several
hours show that small increases in plasma glucagon (up to 300 pg/ml) do not affect plasma amino
acid (AA) concentration."' When pancreatic insulin concentration is blocked simultaneously, a fall
in the concentration of glucogenic AA can be
observed, which is, however, not associated with
an increase of nitrogen excretion above baseline.lo2
A more pronounced, acute rise of the plasma
glucagon concentration results in a decline of almost all plasma AA concentrations. 103r104 Two different mechanisms appear to contribute to this
phenomenon. Since the fall of the BCAAs is not
observed in insulin-deficiency,'05f106 glucagon
seems to decrease BCAA levels indirectly via simultaneous stimulation of pancreatic insulin release and subsequent (insulin-mediated) increased
uptake of BCAA in peripheral tissues. On the
other hand, the fall in gluconeogenic AA may
mainly occur via stimulated hepatic uptake, lo7
since it is less pronounced in patients with reduced
liver function.1o3
In contrast to amino acid (AA) concentration,
information on AA kinetics is limited. Acute hyperglucagonemia (>600 pg/ml) stimulates hepatic
gluconeogenesis from alanine"* but does not affect
peripheral AA release."' However, since leucine
turnover and oxidation in insulin deficiency are
accelerated by high glucagon concentration^,'^^
this may indicate a net loss of splanchnic protein
under these circumstances.
In a few studies, effects of prolonged glucagon
administration (over several days) have been examined. Thus, infusion of moderate amounts of
glucagon (plasma concentration <500 pg/ml) after
prolonged fasting or in the fed state decreases
concentrations of gluconeogenic AA but maintains
or even increases levels of B C A A . ~ ~Si~multaJ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~
neously, urea nitrogen excretion falls, but since
excretion of ammonia and other nitrogen compounds rises, total nitrogen excretion remains unchanged."," Similar effects can be seen in diabetic
patient^."^ The reason for these changes is unclear. It had been speculated that exogenous glucagon infusion reduces pancreatic glucagon secretion via feedback inhibition, which would reduce
hepatic glucagon supply and subsequently decrease hepatic urea production. To explain the
simultaneous decline in alanine concentration together with unchanged or rising BCAA levels, a
reduction in BCAA oxidation was proposed."'
Chronic infusion of large amounts of glucagon (plasma concentrations > 600 pg/ml) depresses concentration of all plasma AA in the fed
state.114-116 Similar changes have been observed in
the fasting state."' However, in the latter condition the concentration of BCAA remains stable,
which points again to a potential role of insulin in
mediating the decline of BCAA during caloric
In contrast to small increases in plasma glucagon, high concentrations of this hormone lead to a
moderately increased nitrogen excretion.110~114-116
Since this is not accompanied by either a simultaneous rise of 3-methylhistidine ex~retion"~,"~
by an elevated net release of nitrogen from peripheral
it is likely that the catabolic action of
glucagon involves the net loss of splanchnic protein and/or the reduction of the free AA pool.
Thus, elevated glucagon resulting from glucagon infusion in normal man seems to exert a dual
effect on protein metabolism. Below 400-500
pg/ml plasma concentration (as measured with
conventional assays), glucagon may slightly increase renal gluconeogenesis but does not necessarily result in a net loss of nitrogen. Above this
threshold, a net catabolic action becomes evident.
However, the relevance to these observations to
the situation in severely injured patients is speculative at best, since there may be an alteration of
the effectiveness of glucagon after injury and sepsis. This is the case with regard to glucagon action
on glucose metabolism. In normal man, glucagon
infusion has a transient effect on glucose production. This would lead to the conclusion that a
chronic elevation in glucagon concentration in
patients (resulting from increased endogenous secretion would have minimal effect on glucose
production). However, reduction of the glucagon/
insulin ratio toward normal by means of somato-
statin infusion markedly lowered glucose production in both severely injured patients68 and in
septic dogs.'I7 This indicates that a change in
responsiveness to glucagon occurs in injured or
septic patients. Alternatively, the simultaneous
elevation of the other counterregulatory hormones
in trauma patients may have a synergistic effect on
the action of glucagon on protein metabolism (see
below). In either case, it will require direct investigation of glucagon effects in injured or septic
patients before a conclusion can be drawn.
C. Glucocorticoids
infusion of epinephrine decreases plasma concentrations of almost all amino a ~ i d s . ' ~ Since
~ - ' ~ the
rate of leucine appearance and oxidation falls simultaneously, catecholamines appear to be able to
reduce proteolysis. 127~128 These effects are not
caused by an increase in plasma insulin concentration (indirectly mediated by catecholamines) but
involve the activation of beta receptors.'26,'28It is
unclear whether beta receptors reduce protein
breakdown directly or indirectly, e.g., via accelerated lipolysis, also, the major site of the action of
catecholamines on protein metabolism is not
known. On the other hand catecholamines also
increase the rate of alanine appearance, reflecting
an increased peripheral nitrogen transfer from
leucine to alanine. 127~12yThis is probably a secondary effect of the stimulation of glycolysis. The
increased flux of alanine could cause an increased
loss of amino acid nitrogen via stimulated urea
synthesis and also a possible depletion of intracellular glutamine, with a reduction in protein synthesis resulting (see above).
In acute experiments, administration of high
doses of glucocorticoids (GC) (>200 mg cortisol on
a daily basis) increases plasma concentrations of
BCAA"8,"y and accelerates leucine and alanine
turnover, thereby increasing nitrogen transfer
from leucine to alanine.'I8 These findings indicate
that GC have an acute proteolytic effect. However,
this effect can be overcome by a modest rise in
plasma insulin concentration.
When moderate doses of GC (<200 mg cortisol or equivalentdday) have been given over
several days, neither a change in plasma AA
concentration nor in total nitrogen excretion has
been observed.'20-'22This could be the result of
simultaneously increased plasma insulin concentrations counteracting the GC effects. In any case,
these results argue against a prominent physiological role for GC as a stimulator of protein catabolism. On the other hand, administration of higher
doses of cortisol or equivalents does raise daily
nitrogen excretion significantly despite a simultaneous increase in plasma i n ~ u l i n . ' ~ The
~ , ' ~ob~
served rise of alanine and glutamine concentrations points to a possible induction of proteolysis
in peripheral tissues. Thus, GC excess can significantly increase nitrogen loss of the body, and GC
must therefore be considered as possible mediators in catabolic states. However, the major site of
the catabolic action of GC in man is still unknown.
Furthermore, it is generally only in the early phase
of response to injury that glucocorticoids are
markedly elevated.'32At the time of greatest catabolic response in burn patients, cortisol secretion
may not be elevated at all.
D. Catecholamines
So far, few papers have addressed the effects
of catecholamines on protein metabolism in man.
Long term studies are not available. Thus, acute
E. Hormone Interactions
It may be that the response to simultaneous
elevations in all three counterregulatory hormones
amplifies the catabolic effect of increases in one
hormone. Bessey et al.'30 showed that infusion of
the three hormones together into normal volunteers for 74 h stimulated protein turnover and
protein breakdown, caused an increase in metabolic rate, and increased nitrogen excretion as
compared with when the same subjects were infused with saline. Gelfand et al. also found that the
triple hormone infusion increases N excretion and
decreases plasma AA concentrations. However,
leucine flux and oxidation were unaffected. 13'
Thus, the triple hormone infusion into normal
volunteers produces responses comparable in
some regards to the catabolic response of patients.
The magnitude of the protein catabolic response,
however, is far less following hormone infusion
than it is in severely stressed patients. Furthermore, the failure of leucine oxidation to increase
during hormone inf~sion'~'
indicates that there
may be fundamental differences in the nature of
the responses in the two circumstances. Thus, it is
possible that these hormones only play a minor
role in mediating the protein catabolic response.
Alternatively, it is also possible that changes in
responsiveness to given levels of hormones occur
in patients. Thus, there is a limitation in the extent
to which results from volunteer experiments can
animal models were published which addressed
the possible role of prostaglandins as mediators of
altered protein metabolism after trauma and in
sepsis. In those studies, in which the experimental
approach (endotoxin or bacteria infusion, severe
abdominal sepsis) lead to a rapid deterioration of
the clinical course, a role of prostaglandins in meIV. TISSUE FACTORS AS MODULATORS
diating the simultaneously accelerated rate of proOF PROTEIN METABOLISM AFTER INJURY
tein breakdown could not be demonstrated.~ 4 - l ~
This corresponds to the finding that in the acute
phase after injury or induction of sepsis, muscle
A. Muscle Tissue
PGE2 production does not i n ~ r e a s e ' ~ ~and
- ' ~ ' sugSince none of the conventional endocrine progests that other factors are responsible for the
teolytic stimuli induces protein wasting in muscle
initiation of protein-wasting processes under these
tissue to the extent seen in patients with trauma or
circumstances. However, in studies in which the
sepsis, other possible mediators have come into
study period was extended to several days, PGE2
prominence. In 1983-1984 Clowes, Dinarello, and
production by muscle started to rise.149,150,151
NoneG ~ l d b e r g ' ~ ~developed
the hypothesis that
theless, in these studies acute inhibition of cypolypeptides from activated monocytes may be the
clooxygenase did not block protein degradation, 15'
trigger of the catabolic response. After stimulation
which corresponds to the results of Turinsky,
by bacteria or endotoxin, leukocytes release lymMcNurlan, and Palmer'52-'54obtained during feedphokines (such as interleukin 1 IL-1), which itself
ing, denervation, or insulin-induced changes in
or whose split products [proteolysis-inducing facprotein metabolism, respectively. Furthermore, in
tor (PIF)] can induce muscular PGE2synthesis and
recent studies the acceleration of protein degradasubsequent protein breakdown. In line with these
tion by PGE;! could not be r e p r o d u ~ e d . 'On
~ ~the
in vitro findings was the observation that infusion
other hand, continuous administration of cyclooxof biologically obtained IL-1 in vivo increased
ygenase inhibitors over several days reduced the
skeletal muscle protein breakdown and oxidasepsis-mediated rise in peripheral protein catabotion.137
lism significantly.149~157 Since cyclooxygenase inIt is now known that not only leukocytes
hibitors may affect other second messenger sysproduce IL-1, but large amounts of leukokines can
tems, such as the cyclo AMP system, the effect on
also arise from wound surfaces and vascular endoprotein degradation may not be PG specific, and
thelial cells, when stimulated with e n d o t o ~ i n . ' ~ ~ , ' ~the
~ exact role of PG in the regulation of protein
Furthermore, recombinant human IL-1 can stimumetabolism remains to be defined.
late muscular PGE2 and PGF20c production,
thereby increasing the PGE2/PGF2,, ratio.'40 The
B. Plasma Proteins
expected antagonistic effects of these prostanoids
on muscular protein metabolism would be a net
It has long been recognized that the concenloss of muscle protein mass, with simultaneously
tration of plasma proteins is altered after trauma
accelerated rates of protein breakdown and synand during infection. The fraction of proteins that
thesis.14' This corresponds well to the pattern of
increases after injury (the so-called acute-phase
protein metabolism observed by other authors in
plasma proteins), includes C-reactive protein, altrauma and sepsis12 and is also in line with the
pha-l-acid glycoprotein, fibrinogen, and others. In
finding that titers of PIF correlate well with the
contrast to those proteins, there are many others
peripheral release of amino acids under such cirwhose concentrations fall after trauma. These inc u m s t a n c e ~ On
. ~ ~ the other hand, under certain
clude albumin, transferrin, prealbumin, and reticonditions the effects of IL-1 on protein metabonol-binding protein. For almost a decade it has
lism may be blunted and artificial.142 Exogenous
been known that substances released from actistimulation of IL-1 synthesis in healthy man to a
vated leucocytes are capable of initiating acutedegree that produces the clinical symptoms of
phase protein synthesis. IL-1, PIF, and another
infection fails to elicit significant catabolic effects
cytokine, hepatocyte-stimulating factor (HSF), are
on muscle. 143
currently considered to be the main factors stimuSubsequent to the hypothesis of Clowes, Dinlating this r e s ~ o n s e . ' ~ ' The
- ~ ~ same factors may
arello, and Goldberg, several studies in different
simultaneously decrease the synthesis of other
be extrapolated to the situation in severely stressed
patients. 132 Experimentation in patients designed
to elucidate the role of the stress hormones is
therefore necessary before it is possible to make a
final conclusion.
export proteins, such as albumin, and further, yet
unidentified, monokines with similar qualities
have been described.16' Those factors may exert
most of their effects on hepatocytes directly, since
inhibition of cyclooxygenase generally does not
alter the acute-phase response.'44,145,162
the increased synthetic rate of fibrinogen does not
result from a direct effect of l y m p h ~ k i n e s 'but
may be mediated by prostaglandins, since it is
sensitive to cyclooxygenase inhibition.lU
Based on in vitro evidence and on results from
animal experiments, it is likely that cytokines and
tissue factors are involved in chronic changes of
protein metabolism after trauma or in sepsis.
However, as far as muscle tissue is concerned,
their exact nature and relative contribution to the
observed overall changes in protein turnover is not
known, nor have any results in man been reported
so far. Furthermore, no study of tissue in man has
been reported. The use of specific antagonist or
inhibitors (e.g., anti IL-1 or anti TNF), which
possess only little side effects, may be useful.
Cyclooxygenaseinhibitors are probably not a practical tool for studying these problems because of
possible interferences from drug- and actionrelated side effects in other organ systems.
With regard to visceral tissues, evidence from
human experiment^^^,'^^ makes it likely that tissue
factors are indeed involved in the initiation of the
acute-phase response in man. Whether they also
mediate the decrease in synthetic rates of other
plasma proteins is not known.
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