Towards Spatial Word Embeddings

2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Leveraging textual and spatial data provided in spatiotextual objects (eg., tweets), has become increasingly important in realworld applications, favoured by the increasing rate of their availability these last decades (eg., through smartphones). In this paper, we propose a spatial retrofitting method of word embeddings that could reveal the localised similarity of word pairs as well as the diversity of their localised meanings. Experiments based on the semantic location prediction task show that our method achieves significant improvement over strong baselines.

Towards Spatial Word Embeddings Paul Mousset, Yoann Pitarch, Lynda Tamine-Lechani To cite this version: Paul Mousset, Yoann Pitarch, Lynda Tamine-Lechani. Towards Spatial Word Embeddings. 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019), Apr 2019, Cologne, Germany. pp.53-61. ฀hal-02494099฀ HAL Id: hal-02494099 Submitted on 28 Feb 2020 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Open Archive Toulouse Archive Ouverte OATAO is an open access repository that collects the work of Toulouse researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible This is an author’s version published in: Official URL DOI : To cite this version: Mousset, Paul and Pitarch, Yoann and Tamine, Lynda Towards Spatial Word Embeddings. (2019) In: 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2019), 14 April 2019 - 18 April 2019 (Cologne, Germany). Any correspondence concerning this service should be sent to the repository administrator: [email protected] Towards Spatial Word Embeddings Paul Mousset1,2(B) , Yoann Pitarch1 , and Lynda Tamine1 1 IRIT, Université de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse, France {paul.mousset,yoann.pitarch,lynda.tamine} 2 Atos Intégration, Toulouse, France Abstract. Leveraging textual and spatial data provided in spatiotextual objects (eg., tweets), has become increasingly important in realworld applications, favoured by the increasing rate of their availability these last decades (eg., through smartphones). In this paper, we propose a spatial retrofitting method of word embeddings that could reveal the localised similarity of word pairs as well as the diversity of their localised meanings. Experiments based on the semantic location prediction task show that our method achieves significant improvement over strong baselines. Keywords: Word embeddings 1 · Retrofitting · Spatial Introduction The last decades have witnessed an impressive increase of geo-tagged content known as spatio-textual data or geo-texts. Spatio-textual data includes Places Of Interest (POI) with textual descriptions, geotagged posts (eg., tweets), geotagged photos with textual tags (eg., Instagram photos) and check-ins from location-based services (eg., Foursquare). The interplay between text and location provides relevant opportunities for a wide range of applications such as crisis management [11] and tourism assistance [5]. This prominence gives also rise to considerable research issues underlying the matching of spatio-textual objects which is the key step in diverse tasks such as querying geo-texts [24], location mention [6,9] and semantic location prediction [3, 25]. Existing solutions for matching spatio-textual objects are mainly based on using a combination of textual and spatial features either for building scalable object representations [24] or for designing effective object-object matching models [3,25]. The goal of our work is to explore the idea of jointly leveraging spatial and textual knowledge to build enhanced representations of textual units (namely words) that could be used at either object representation and matching levels. The central thesis of our work is driven by two main intuitions: (1) co-occurrences of word pairs within spatio-textual objects reveal localised word similarities. For instance dinosaur and museum are semantically related near a natural history museum, but less related near an art museum; (2) As a corollary of intuition 1, distinct 7 meanings of the same word could be conveyed using the spatial word distribution as source of evidence. For instance dinosaur can refer to a prehistoric animal or to a restaurant chain specifically in New York. Thus, we exploit the spatial distribution of words to jointly identify semantically related word pairs as well as localised word meanings. To conceptualise our intuitions, we propose a retrofitting strategy [7,20] as means of refining pre-trained word embeddings using spatial knowledge. We empirically validate our research intuitions and then show the effectiveness of our proposed spatial word embeddings within semantic location prediction as the downstream task. 2 2.1 Preliminaries Definitions and Intuitions Definition 1 (Spatio-textual object). A spatio-textual object o is a geotagged text (eg., a POI with a descriptive text). The geotag is represented by its coordinates (lat, lon) referring to the geographic location l denoted o.l (eg., the physical location of a POI). We adopt a word-based vectorial representation of object o including all its textual attributes (eg., POI description) (o) (o) (o) o = [w1 , . . . , wm ] where each word wi is drawn from a vocabulary W. Definition 2 (Spatial distance). The spatial distance between spatio-textual objects oi , oj refers to the geographic distance, under a distance metric, between locations oi .l and oj .l. The spatial distance between words wi , wj refers to an aggregated (eg., average) spatial object-object distance over the sets of spatiotextual objects Oi ,Oj they respectively belong to. Intuition 1. Words that occur in close spatio-textual objects tend to have similar meanings. Basically, the spatially closer the words are, regarding the distance between their associated objects, the closer are their meanings (eg., intuitively cup is semantically closer to football in Europe than in the USA). Intuition 2. Let us consider a localised meaning of a word as being represented by the set of spatially similar words with respect to intuition 1. A word could convey different localised meanings depending on the geographical area where it is spatially dense (eg., football in Europe does not refer to the same sport as in the USA). 2.2 Problem Definition Based on intuition 1, we conjecture that spatial signals could contribute to the building of distributed representations of word vectors. As previously suggested [7,20], one relevant way is to inject external knowledge into initial learned word embeddings. However different meanings of the same word are conflated into a single embedding [10,13]. Thus, from intuition 2, we build for each word a set of embedding vectors based on its occurrence statistics over the associated spatio-textual objects. Formally, given a set of word vector representations  = {w  n }, where w  i is the k-dimensional embedding vector built for  1, . . . , w W target word wi ∈ W, using a standard neural language model (eg., Skip-gram model [14]), the problem is how to build for each word wi the set of associated s s s  i,1  i,j  i,n  is = {w ,...,w ,...,w }. Each spatial word spatial word embeddings w i s  i , refers to the localised dis i,j , derived from an initial embedding w vector w tributional representation of word wi over a dense spatial area, and ni is the number of distinct localised meanings of word wi derived from its spatial distribution over the spatio-textual objects Oi it belongs to. 3 Methodology 3.1 Overview Our algorithm for building the spatial word embeddings is described in Algorithm 1. For each word wi , we first identify the spatio-textual objects Oi it belongs to. To identify dense spatial areas of word wi , we perform a K-Means clustering [12]. More formally, for each word wi , we determine ni spatial clusters represented with their respective barycenters Bi = {Bi,1 , · · · , Bi,ni }, where Bi,j is the j-th barycenter of word wi and ni the optimal number of clusters for word wi determined using the silhouette analysis [19]. Each barycenter Bi,j can be seen as a spatial representative of the area that gives rise to a local word s . We detail in the meanings of word wi represented by the distributed vector wi,j s based on following section the key step of building the spatial embedding wi,j  i and considering both spatially a retrofitting process from word embedding w + − neighbour words Wi,j and distant words Wi,j with respect to barycenter Bi,j . Algorithm 1. Algorithm for building spatial word embeddings 1 2 3 4 5  = {w  1, . . . ; w  |W| }; Set of Input: Vocabulary W; Set of word embeddings W spatio-textual objects O s s s , . . . , w1,n , . . . , w|W|,n } Output: Set of spatial word embeddings Ws = {w1,1 1 k for i ∈ {1, .., |W|} do Oi =ExtractObjects(wi , O) SpatialClustering(Oi , Bi , ni ) end repeat for i ∈ {1, .., |W|} do for j ∈ {1, .., ni } do + Wi,j =Neighbours(wi , Bi,j ) − Wi,j =Distant(wi , Bi,j ) − + s ) (see Sect. 4.2) , Wi,j = Retrofit (w i , Wi,j wij end end until Convergence; 3.2 Spatially Constrained Word Embedding Our objective here is to learn the set of spatial word embeddings Ws . We want s (i) to be semantically close (under a distance metthe inferred word vector wi,j  i , (ii) to be semantically close to its sparic) to the associated word embedding w + tial neighbour words Wi,j and (iii) to be semantically unrelated to the spatially − . Thus, the objective function to be minimised is given by: distant words Wi,j Ψ (Ws ) = |W| ni  i=1 j=1   s  i) + β α d(wi,j , w  + wk ∈Wi,j s  k) + γ d(wi,j ,w  − wk ∈Wi,j   s  k ) 1 − d(wi,j ,w where d(wi , wj ) = 1−sim(wi , wj ) is a distance derived from a similarity measure + − (resp. Wi,j ) is the set of words spatially close to (resp. (eg., cosinus), Wi,j distant from) the word wi,j , ie., words within (resp. beyond) a radius r+ (resp. r− ) around its barycenter Bi,j , and α, β, γ ≥ 0 are hyperparameters that control the relative importance of each term. In our experimental setting, r+ and r− are set to 100 and 500 meters and α = β = γ = 1. 4 4.1 Evaluation Experimental Setup Evaluation Task and Dataset. We consider the semantic location prediction task [3, 25]. Given the tweet t, the task consists in identifying, if any, the POI p that the tweet t semantically focuses on (ie., reviews about). Formally, semantic location identifies a single POI p which is the topmost p∗ ∈ P of a ranked list of candidate POIs returned by a semantic matching function. We employ a dataset of English geotagged tweets released by Zhao et al. [25]. The dataset, consists of 74K POI-related tweets, collected from 09.2010 to 01.2015 in New York (NY) and Singapore (SG). Using the Foursquare API, we collected 800K POIs located in NY and SG cities including user-published reviews. The entire dataset consists of 238,369 distinct words, on which we applied K-Means clustering (see Sect. 3.1). As result of clustering, we found 630,732 spatial word clusters with around 2.6 s created per word wi . We notice that 166,139 (69.7%) local word meaning wi,j words have only one local meaning. Baselines, Scenarios and Metrics. We compare our approach with a set of stat-of-the-art matching baseline models: (1) Dist [4]: the Haversine distance Tweet-POI; (2) BM25 [18] ; (3) Class [25]: a POI ranking model that combines spatial distance with a text-based language model. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, we inject the embedding into the Class model as follows: (a) Class-Match (CM): we compute the cosine similarity of a pair (t,p) instead of the language model score. (b) Class-Expand (CE): we expand the tweet with the top likely similar words following the approach proposed by Zamani and Croft [23]. For the two above scenarios we consider either the traditional or the spatial word embeddings. Practically, for scenarios using spatial word embed(t) (p) dings, we use the closest local word wi (resp. wi ) by minimising the Haversine distance between tweet (resp. POI) location t.l (resp. p.l) and word barycenters Bi,j . We exploit two well-known evaluation metrics, namely Acc@k [17] and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) [2]. Given the semantic location task description, it is worth to mention that low values of k are particularly considered. 4.2 Analysis of Spatial Driven Word Similarities To validate the intuitions presented in Sect. 2.1, we first build as shown in Fig. 1, the heat-map of the similarity values between the embedding vectors of a sample of insightful words where the darker the cell, the more similar the pair of words. To exhibit the localised meanings of the words, we partition the dataset in two distinct subsets depending on the city the tweets were emitted from (ie., either in NY or SG). For each subset, cosine similarities are then damped by a spatial factor fs (wi , wj ) which conveys how spatially close are the word wi dist(Bi ,Bj )−µ } where and wj . Formally, fs (wi , wj ) is defined as fs (wi , wj ) = exp{− σ dist(Bi , Bj ) is the Haversine distance between the barycenters of wi and wj and µ (resp. σ) is the average distance (resp. standard deviation) between all word pairs that describe the POIs located in the city. For simplicity purposes, we consider one barycenter per word for each subset. The heat-map of these weighted matrices are shown in Figs. 1b and c for NY and SG respectively. We can see for instance, that the cell (restaurants, dinosaur ) is darker in Fig. 1b than in Fig. 1a while the cell is lighter in Fig. 1c than in Fig. 1a for the same word pair. Generally speaking, there is no objective obvious reason about why the words restaurants and dinosaur should be related to each other, as outlined by the similarity of their word embeddings in Fig. 1a. However, some restaurants in NY are named Dinosaur Bar-B-Que leading to an over-representativeness of tweets where these two terms co-occur in NY, leading to a local stronger semantic relation within this word pair in NY as revealed by Fig. 1b. This fits with our intuition 1. Besides, cross-looking at Fig. 1a and its spatial variants Figs. 1b and c provides some clues on why our intuition 2 is well-founded. Indeed, we can see that words dinosaur and museum are similar regardless of the location. By relating this observation with the previous one, we can infer that dinosaur could refer to both museum and restaurant specifically in NY as revealed by the strength of its similarity with words such as burger and cheese in Fig. 1b which is clearly less pronounced in Fig. 1c. 4.3 Effectiveness Table 1 summarises the effectiveness results obtained based on the semantic location prediction task. We compute relative changes (R-Chg) using the ratio of the geometric means of the M RR and compute the relative improvements suited for non aggregated measures for Acc@k. Overall, we can see that the scenarios involving matching with spatial embeddings (CM-Ws and CE-Ws ) significantly (a) WE SIM (b) WE D-SIM (NY) (c) WE D-SIM (SG) Fig. 1. Cosine similarities of traditional WE SIM (a), WE SIM damped by word-word barycenter distances in NY dataset (b) and in SG dataset (c) overpass all the compared models. For instance, CE-Ws displays better results in terms of MRR with relative changes ranging between 140.7% and 161.3% compared to Dist, Bm25 and Class models. More precisely, CE-Ws allows a more effective mapping tweet-POI: more than 48% of the tweets are associated with the relevant POI based on the top-1 result, against 43% for Dist. In addition, we can observe that while injecting embeddings (either traditional or spatial) allows to improve the effectiveness of the Class model, the spatial embeddings allow the achievement of significant better performance. For instance, the M RR of the scenario CE significantly increases by 119%. Specifically looking at the two scenarios involving spatial embeddings, we can notice that CE-Ws improves  These results could M RR by 128.2% and Acc@1 by 5.05% compared to CM-W. be explained by the approach used to inject the embeddings. While in CE-Ws , spatial embedding vectors are intrinsically used to expand the tweet descrip to build tion before the matching, they are rather used in the scenario CM-W tweet and POI embeddings using an Idf weighted average of embeddings which might generate biases in their representations. This observation clearly shows the positive impact of the intrinsic use of the spatial embeddings. 5 Related Work A standard approach for improving traditional word embeddings is to inject external knowledge, mainly lexical resource constraints, using either an online or offline approach [14,16]. The online approach exploits external knowledge during the learning step [8,21,22]. For instance, Yu et al. and Xu et al. [21,22] propose the RCM model which extends the skip-gram objective function with semantic relation between word pairs, as provided by a lexical resource, based on the assumption that related words yield similar contexts. The offline approach, also called retrofitting, uses external resources outside the learning step [7,15, 20]. For instance, Faruqui et al. [7] propose a method for refining vector space representations by favouring related words, as provided by a lexical resource (eg., Table 1. Effectiveness evaluation. R-Chg: CE-Ws relative changes. R-Imp: CE-Ws relative improvements. Significant Student’s t-test ∗: p < 0.05. MRR Value R-Chg Dist. based Dist Text based BM25 Text-Dist. based Class  Traditional CM-W  Embeddings CE-W Spatial Embeddings Acc@1 Value R-Imp Acc@5 Value R-Imp 0.514 +140.7 ∗ 0.430 +19.61 ∗ 0.605 +15.45 ∗ 0.423 +161.3 ∗ 0.307 +64.68 ∗ 0.668 +4.49 ∗ 0.507 +159.9 ∗ 0.401 +25.85 ∗ 0.624 +11.79 ∗ 0.521 +128.0 ∗ 0.413 +24.52 ∗ 0.640 0.563 +119.0 ∗ 0.470 +9.41 ∗ 0.659 CM-Ws 0.577 +128.2 ∗ 0.489 − 0.515 CE-Ws 0.604 +5.05 ∗ − 0.675 0.698 +9.06 ∗ +5.94 ∗ +3.36 ∗ − WordNet, FramNet), to have similar vector representations. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt for retrofitting word embeddings using spatial knowledge. To tackle the meaning conflation deficiency issue of word embeddings [1,10, 13], the general approach is to jointly learn the words and their senses. For instance, Iacobacci et al. [10] first disambiguate words using the Babelfy resource, and then revise the continuous bag of words (CBOW) objective function to learn both word and sense embeddings. 6 Conclusion In this paper, we introduced spatial word embeddings as a result of retrofitting traditional word embeddings. The retrofitting method leverages spatial knowledge toward revealing localised semantic similarities of word pairs, as well as localised meanings of words. The experimental evaluation shows that our proposed method successfully refines pre-trained word embeddings and allows achieving significant results over the semantic location prediction task. As future work, we plan to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed spatial word embeddings within other location-sensitive tasks including spatial summarization of streaming objects such as tweets. Acknowledgments. This research was supported by IRIT and ATOS Intégration research program under ANRT CIFRE grant agreement #2016/403. References 1. 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