Active metasurfaces

2014, SPIE Proceedings


An innovative method of examining properties of metasurfaces is presented. A pump-probe technique is used to create a metasurface composed of conductive shapes on a silicon surface. A wave-front of intense pulse of 82 fs from Ti:Sa laser with wavelength of 800 nm is shaped by a spatial light modulator and then focused into a preprogrammed array of vshaped features on a high purity float zone silicon substrate. The laser pulse generates electron-hole pairs on the silicon substrate, thus a metasurface consisting of an array of metal-like v-shaped antennas is inscribed on the silicon substrate. The lifetime of v-shaped antennas is in millisecond time range. In the meantime, the second, less intense pulse, also of wavelength 800 nm is converted to a pulse of terahertz radiation with a peak-power at wavelength approximately 800 m and used to probe the metasurface inscribed in the silicon. Tracing the position of the refracted terahertz beam is achieved with a specially designed INO video camera for terahertz radiation.


The field of metamaterials has been gathering increasing attention due to its promise of being able to control light in extraordinary ways that are impossible with conventional optical materials. One important subset of metamaterials is metasurfaces. As the name implies, they are composed of 2D arrays of surface structures which work together to control light. Compared to 3D metamaterial structures, metasurfaces have the benefit of being single layer structures that are easier to fabricate and integrate to advanced photonic systems.

The objective of this project is to explore techniques of dynamic lithography of metasurfaces inscription and applications for control over the terahertz radiation. For this purpose, one can use the so-called pump-probe technique. The 800 nm laser pulse is split into two beams: "pump" and "probe". The pump beam has its wavefront shaped by a spatial light modulator (SLM) and then projected onto a high purity float zone (FZ) silicon substrate. The SLM is programmed to modify the wavefront into the desired pattern, a metasurface composed of v-shaped antennas. In the meantime, the probe pulse is converted into a THz pulse, which interacts with the metasurface constituted of the v-shaped antennas.

Relevant applications of this project can go into a few separate directions. One engineering subject receiving much attention lately has been the applications in terahertz domain. In this realm, the most important applications are the beam forming and beam steering. Some of the more particular applications starting from the general concept of beam steering are: directed energy for remote sensing, remote charging and imagining radars, which can be very valuable for operations such as guided descent or advancing through visually degraded environments.


In 2011, Yu et. al. 1 reported a metasurface structure which allowed for a point-by-point control of the phase shifts which an incident beam accumulates upon transmission through a patterned surface. The metasurface was constructed of an array of micro/nano antennas, similar to the one depicted in Fig.1. The antennas located on the surface are shaped and oriented in particular ways to control light by using a coordinate dependent phase profile Φ=Φ(x). The concept of a generalized law of reflection and refraction was introduced and mathematically described by the Eq. 1 In order to ac model the an presented in would be ins the simulatio

Figure 1


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In this stage of our experiments, the beam steering produced by the v-shaped antenna pattern excited with the terahertz radiation is not demonstrated yet. However, the limitation introduced by the SLM, namely the zeroth order of diffraction, is minimized. Currently, our efforts are concentrated on the generation of the v-shaped antennas on surface of silicon. The most promising feature of this method is dynamic lithography of a metasurface on a semiconductor substrate which will allow for the non-mechanical beam steering of terahertz radiation.