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2003, Low Temperature Physics
4 pages
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Two-dimensional (2D) excitation-emission spectra of biphenyl doped with free-base chlorin were measured at 5 K under various pressures up to 350 MPa. Besides the features related to zero-phonon lines and their phonon sidebands, a broad spectral band amounting to 80% of the total intensity at 5 K was revealed in the 2D spectra. The obtained inhomogeneous distribution function shows drastic changes with increasing pressure-the triplet structure observable at normal pressure in the incommensurate phase ICIII of biphenyl converges to a singlet in the high-pressure commensurate phase CI. These observations are assumed to reflect specific for incommensurate phases relaxation after an optical excitation of probe molecules and interaction of them with the incommensurate modulation wave.
Chemical Physics, 2003
Low-pressure tuning of spectral holes, burned in the spectra of chlorin molecules doped into polycrystalline biphenyl, was studied for the incommensurate phase III of biphenyl at T ¼ 2 K and P ¼ 0:1 to 2:5 MPa. A blue pressure shift of holes burned in the outermost red line of an inhomogeneous spectral triplet was found, in contrast to the red pressure shifts of the other two lines. Extrapolation of these shifts to higher pressures shows the convergence of that triplet at a pressure above 200 MPa. Such behaviour was confirmed by high-pressure measurements of two-dimensional (2D) excitation-emission spectra, from which the inhomogeneous distribution function (IDF) was extracted. At 5 K the low-pressure triplet shape of IDF converges to a high-pressure singlet at 170 MPa, close to the critical pressure for the incommensurate-commensurate transition. The results support a view that the optical spectra reflect interaction of the impurity molecule with the incommensurate modulation wave in biphenyl host matrix disappearing at transition to the commensurate phase.
Synthetic Metals, 2001
We investigate the in¯uence of intermolecular interactions on the optical and structural properties of oligophenyls in solid ®lms of polycrystalline nature. To this end, we have performed X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) experiments in a pressure range up to 2 kbar yielding the lattice constants of biphenyl (2P) as a function of pressure. The optimized geometry of the 2P molecule Ð including the interring torsion angle Ð is then determined using three-dimensional (3D) band structure calculations within density functional theory (DFT). We ®nd a red shift upon increasing pressure in the computed optical absorption spectra which is due to conformational changes of the 2P molecule. A planarization accompanied by a reduction of the inter-ring bond length increases the conjugation, thereby reducing the band gap. Pressure dependent Raman measurements on 2P, terphenyl, quaterphenyl and sexiphenyl support the calculated conformational changes. Moreover, experimental optical absorption spectra on 2P ®lms under hydrostatic pressure were measured in a pressure range up to 3 kbar. The observed red-shift in the absorption quantitatively agrees with the computed values. #
Changes in the conformations of conjugated molecules affect the optical and electronic properties significantly. Hydrostatic pressure has been used to probe the conformations of biphenyl and deuterated biphenyl at liquid-helium temperatures. Infrared (IR) spectra of these materials have been taken up to a pressure of 2 GPa. A disappearance of certain IR absorption peaks has been found to occur between 0.07 and 0.45 GPa, due to the phase transition from a twisted to a planar conformation.
High Pressure Research, 2006
The photoluminescence spectra of terrylene guest molecules in polycrystalline biphenyl host were measured at various temperatures between 4.7 and 295 K under ambient pressure (1 atm) as well as under various pressures up to 4.4 kbar at 4.7 K and up to 4.9 kbar at 295 K. With increasing pressure, all four spectral peaks studied shift to the red. By elevating the temperature from 4.7 to 295 K at 1 atm, the most intense peak at 17,220 cm −1 first shifts slightly to the red, but at ∼40 K begins to shift to the blue. Comparison of the temperature and pressure shifts for this peak reveals that its temperature shift is mainly determined by the thermal expansion of the host crystal rather than by the change in the electron-phonon coupling with temperature.
Low Temperature Physics, 2010
Our data on the distribution of purely electronic linewidths of single molecules of terrylene in incommensurate biphenyl crystals are compared with the data obtained by other groups for different low-temperature organic solid hosts and with results of numerical simulations. The first two moments of the distributions measured within a narrow temperature interval have been used to calculate a single dimensionless parameter characterizing each of the respective hosts-the variation coefficient. It appears that different amorphous hosts have similar values of this coefficient, but the value obtained for the incommensurate crystal of biphenyl is significantly different. One can conclude that the remarkable single-molecule line broadening in biphenyl at 1.8 K cannot be solely explained by the interaction with two-level systems, which is considered to cause the broadening in amorphous hosts.
Chemical Physics Letters, 1993
The hydrostatic pressure-induced shift of the zero-phonon line of single pentacene molecules in a pterphenyl host crystal was studied at cryogenic temperatures. Five molecules in the inhomogeneously broadened &t-S, absorption band of the O1 site (592.32 nm) were selected. In the low-pressure regime (App6 600 hPa), all molecules showed a linear and reversible frequency shift to the red, varied from -0.74 to -1.0 MHz/hPa.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004
Phosphorescence spectra of phenanthrene and pyrene dopants in biphenyl are recorded at temperatures varied from 5 to 45 K. The spectra show an abrupt change at 17 K characteristic for the first-order phase transition. By further increase of the temperature, a continuous convergence of two Lorentzian spectral components is observed near 40 K. For the pyrene probe, the symmetrical splitting of the spectra exhibits a characteristic critical behavior, yielding a critical exponent of 0.41 and critical temperature 39.6 K for the incommensuratecommensurate phase transition. The phenanthrene probe does not precisely reflect the bulk structure of incommensurate biphenyl due to preferred distribution of phenanthrene guest molecules within domain boundaries.
Europhysics Letters (EPL), 1998
PACS. 61.44Fw -Incommensurate crystals. PACS. 78.40−q -Absorption and reflection spectra: visible and ultraviolet. PACS. 33.70Jg -Line and band widths, shapes, and shifts.
The excitonic effects in crystalline biphenyl under pressure are investigated within an ab-initio framework. The Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) for the two-particle Greens function is solved in order to include the electron-hole interaction in the theoretical description of the absorption process. Therefrom the imaginary part of the dielectric function is derived. We provide exciton binding energies as a function of the applied pressure. A decrease of both, the band gap as well as the binding energy with increasing pressure is observed.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013
In this work we theoretically investigated the characteristics of the structure of biphenyl at zero temperature. The calculations were carried out with density functional theory using periodic boundary conditions. Semiempirical van der Waals (vdW) corrections were applied. We focused on the phenylphenyl dihedral angle and its shift with increasing pressure. We furthermore investigated the bond lengths of different bonds during the compression. The experimental transition pressure of a phase transition could be reproduced with satisfactory accuracy.
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